Smyth Research Realiser A16
Mar 7, 2020 at 1:55 PM Post #8,236 of 16,274
I have a question , as all the inputs hdmi 2.0?
I saw the faq on Smyth page which says only one input is hdmi spec 2.0 , while a release by Smyth on Kickstarter in 2017 they said that all ports will ship with 2.0.
Somewhere in 2017 Smyth decided to use another HDMI board (HDMI 2.0b ) for the final design.
(That unfortunately has some limittions regarding multichannel LPCM out.)
A lot of info in the FAQ is outdated.
Mar 7, 2020 at 3:57 PM Post #8,237 of 16,274
I have a question , as all the inputs hdmi 2.0?
I saw the faq on Smyth page which says only one input is hdmi spec 2.0 , while a release by Smyth on Kickstarter in 2017 they said that all ports will ship with 2.0.

On earlier firmware only two of the four ports were operating as 2.0 ports and the other two were 1.4. This has been fixed in one of the newer firmwares and now they all operate as 2.0 ports.
Mar 7, 2020 at 7:09 PM Post #8,239 of 16,274
Thanks is this based on your use of the software? Or your opinion?
Yeah, gee, it's my little opinion, based on years of using headphones including using virtualization software like Out of Your Head, HeaDSPeaker, and TB Isone that other companies might do well to follow Genelec's model (or use their technology) to capture individual HRFT. Smyth obviously went another way, and it works well, but no reason why Genelec's can't work every bit as well, if not better, and be far easiers for users to employ. BTW, I do own an A16.
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Mar 7, 2020 at 11:57 PM Post #8,241 of 16,274
My apologies upfront for the long post. There's probably little if anything here that's not already known to people to have had an A16 in their possession already for weeks to months. Some people will also disagree with me on various points, which is cool with me, and I want to clearly state that this is based totally on my subjective experience(most assuredly,YMMV!). My goal here is to help those of you on this forum who are still waiting for their A16s to arrive and also those who are just at the point of getting started with their new piece of kit. You are, of course, totally free to disagree with/discard any bit of well intended advice that doesn't work for you.

*This post is a work in progress. I will update it(as I already have) whenever people post corrections on the forum or by PM.

Lessons I’ve Learned In A Month With The A16

Preparation before receipt of your A16

1)Download or otherwise access all of the Smyth Research Basic and Advanced instructional youtube videos and watch them all, more than once if you can stand it and have the time. It may seem very confusing at first but, once you receive your A16 and start using it, all will eventually become clear.

2)Download and read the latest version of the manual, downloadable from the Smyth website

3)Obtain a 16 or 32 Gb microSD card for storaging PRIRs and HPEQs. You can also get a headstart by

a)making sure that the card is formatted for FAT32

b)making a new folder named REALISER

c)making a pair of subfolders named PRIRS and HPEQS, respectively

4)Consider obtaining a handheld mirror so that you can double check placement of the ear microphones when working alone.

5)Obtain cables for making your PRIRs. One Y cable terminating in an 3.5 mm plug on one end and a pair of L and R RCA plugs on the other end will suffice if you are going to be limited to working with just one or two speakers(or two speakers and a subwoofer). Such cables are available on Amazon or from other vendor sites for under 15 dollars a pair.

6)Strongly consider downloading PRIRs uploaded by others and then going through the folders.

Here is what works for me:

a)Select one PRIR from each individual person’s folder and then store those PRIRs in your previously mentioned PRIRS folder. The PRIRs chosen should all be ones either made using the A16 or those already converted from A8 to A16 format. It doesn’t matter which specific PRIRs you choose from the individual folders as you are just trying to determine if a particular user’s PRIR will work for you. Later on, if you discover that one or more of the users have a profile compatible with your anatomy then you can mine the appropriate individual(s) folder(s) for further listening enjoyment.

7)Consider what headphones you want to use with the A16. Obviously, you are not limited to any specific pair. You may, however, have a preference between the various headphones you may have on hand(this is HeadFi, after all). For example, I’ve settled on the Sennheiser HD800 as my first choice because it is extremely comfortable for long listening sessions and it excels at soundstage. My second choice is the Hifiman HE1000 v2, which still sounds great, and is especially preferred for bass performance over the HD800.

8)If you are using a PC or Mac with third party software such as J River Media Center or Foobar, then you may want to spend a little time reviewing software settings in advance.

a)Download and install the driver needed for your computer from the Smyth Research website's Download Page. Once you have it installed, you will be a step closer to being ready to go when you receive your A16.

Getting started after having your A16 in hand

1)Again, review the manual and youtube videos, and practice navigating the various menus. It may take some time to become comfortable with navigation and nothing helps you succeed faster than simply rolling up your sleeves and diving in.

2)Make your first HPEQ with your chosen set of headphones. Hard to drive headphones will require a high gain setting on the A16. Easy to drive headphones will require a low gain setting. Regarding medium gain headphones, you know the drill. This is your Goldilocks and the Three Bears moment.

By the way, if you need even more volume you can increase your amplifier volume and/or increase the output in headphone measurement menu.

3)Load the previously produced microSD card into your A16 and make PCM rooms for each. Do not bother with making Dolby Atmos or DTS-X rooms for now, as you are just trying them out per item 6a above.

4)Try out the various PRIRS from your microSD card(along with the BBC Surrey rooms, of course). Remember that after switching to another preset you also have to then load that preset before listening to it. Otherwise, you are still listening to the previous preset.

Have fun listening. A number will probably sound great but it’s the rare one that will really give you the full out of your head experience.

*TIP: If you are using a computer as a music source then you may prefer using HDMI as opposed to USB. HDMI just simply works whereas USB has yet to be fully firmware optimized for use with the A16. Yes, you're welcome to disagree with me but that's been my admittedly subjective experience.

Also, if you are using Windows then please be sure to go into the Control Panel, be sure that the Smyth Realiser is the chosen device, and then configure it for your application(2.0, 5.1, 7.1, etc.).

*TIP: The A16 will not access your uploaded PRIRs directly. Rather, you have to first set them up as listening rooms, such as PCM, DTS-X, and Dolby Atmos and then select them within one of your 16 presets. Do not use them for presets1-4 as those should be reserved for the BBC and Surrey listening rooms. By the way, you will need to select the appropriate configuration(2.0, 7.1, etc.) of the BBC presets and then choose listening room #2 to get access to the Surrey room.

*For J River Media Center users only:
If you are using J River then go into the Options menu and select Realiser A16 WAPASI. Further, under Settings, select "Disable display from turning off(useful for HDMI audio)." If you plan to listen to DSD files, remember that the A16 does not contain a DSD DAC. Instead, you will need to select under Settings: "Bitstreaming: None" and then under Settings, DSP&output format set any high resolution above 176,400 to 96,000. Technically, the A16 can read 24 96 files and also 24 192 files, which it downsamples to 24 96. I have experienced problems getting DSD corresponding to 24 88.2 files to play on J River so, for now, I set 88,200 to 44,100.

*SPECIAL TIP: Do your listening with the head tracker and set top units installed. The experience will be substantially different(and better) than you might have without them. Parenthetically, I do ALL of my listening with those units in play. Maybe it’s just me, but I find that it makes a HUGE difference. Of course, YMMV.

5)Find a good and patient friend with an afternoon to spare and start on making your first PRIR. Your chosen friend, if possible, should ideally not be a complete newbie regarding setting up audio equipment. Whether you work with a friend or work alone, this process will take more time the very first time you do it but it will become substantially faster with each session. Having a friend present, nonetheless, would be incredibly helpful.

6)How you make a PRIR depends on what system(s) you have available. You’re always better off learning with your home system and then taking your hard earned expertise with you to sample someone else’s system. You will by then be more expert and more efficient at making a PRIR.

7)Strongly consider dismantling your system and then setting it up in an ideal configuration for making your PRIR. You may have had to make domestic compromises in setting up your system for home use, however, you can temporarily set things up differently so as to optimize your virtual room.

NOTE: At their show demonstrations the Smyths use Yamaha HS8 powered speakers on stands. If you have such a setup then that’s great for you. For the rest of us, we will be using a stereo or surround amplifier for measuring our PRIRs. I have small floor standing Gallo Strada speakers on Mapleshade stands in my listening room. I temporarily place the speaker and stands together on chairs to increase speaker height when making my measurements. Do whatever works for you given what you have.

*TIP: Planning out your room configuration(or even which room you want to use if you have other options) in advance will go a long way.

**TIP: When making rear speaker measurements from a pair of speakers be sure to

a)change the output jack used on your A16

b)reverse the L and R RCA plugs into your stereo, and

c)either move the set top device 180 degrees so that you are facing it when speakers are either behind you or, alternatively, turn the head tracker around in the headband slot.

*TIP: I am lucky to live a tri-level home with a second floor railing from which I can look down into the living room. While my room is better suited to near field listening on a day to day basis, I have discovered that the second floor railing allows me to place speakers temporarily above my living room, resulting in a very acceptable method for measuring ATMOS front L and R height speakers for a PRIR. If you have access to a similar type of room, e.g., one with a balcony, then you are probably also good to go with making a virtual ATMOS room. Also remember that you can turn yourself around, reconnect the measurement cable to the amplifier as appropriate and also again follow the instructions in 7c for making rear height measurements.

8)I’ve received questions as to why I set up a 2.0 room using my subwoofer as part of my 2.0 measurement. I admit that I can be a bit lazy, however, in truth, I found that measuring my subwoofer separately from the front L and R speakers resulted in an overpowering(not well balanced) bass. Obviously, tweaking bass settings would be a fix for my problem but I was not interested at the time in doing the necessary due diligence. If you are making your PRIR with all 4 to 12 speakers being measured in one sitting then this may not be an issue for you. Anyway, you should obviously do what works best for you.

9)Remember that you can always mix and match different measurements in arriving at your ideal PRIR. You may, for instance, have used different speakers or different room arrangements in measuring your front L and R speakers. You can choose the front L and R speaker measurements that you prefer in putting together your preferred PRIR at any subsequent point in time.

*TIP: Have fun making PRIRs with different setups. You will get better and faster at the process and you will also potentially end up with a number of enjoyable PRIRs(though there will probably still be one that is your favorite go to).
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Mar 8, 2020 at 12:14 AM Post #8,242 of 16,274
"..reverse the L and R RCA plugs into your stereo, and ..move the set top device 180 degrees so that you are facing it when speakers are either behind you or on the side of you"

I was thinking about this last night in my plans to do a PRIR with my LS 50s. Couldn't you also just reverse the headtracker in the headband when capuring the rears? Or else use magnetic stabilization? Also I can see where you would need to reverse the RCA plugs when you turn your back on your speakers to capture the rears, but why the sides? As long as you don't turn your back on the speakers, I'm thinking the L and R plugs should be left alone.
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Mar 8, 2020 at 1:06 AM Post #8,243 of 16,274
"..reverse the L and R RCA plugs into your stereo, and ..move the set top device 180 degrees so that you are facing it when speakers are either behind you or on the side of you"

I was thinking about this last night in my plans to do a PRIR with my LS 50s. Couldn't you also just reverse the headtracker in the headband when capuring the rears? Or else use magnetic stabilization? Also I can see where you would need to reverse the RCA plugs when you turn your back on your speakers to capture the rears, but why the sides? As long as you don't turn your back on the speakers, I'm thinking the L and R plugs should be left alone.
As I think about it, you CAN reverse the head tracker in the head band. Thanks for suggesting that(as I’ve never done it that way). Just remember to change the RCA plugs to switch L and R. You’re also correct that you don’t need to turn your back or reverse the plugs on on the sides. In truth, I don’t use side speakers for my listening(I use the A16 for music listening only) so I’ve never actually done side measurements. Anyway, good pickup. I’ll edit my post.
Mar 8, 2020 at 10:36 AM Post #8,244 of 16,274
A few more little things you may wanna edit because they could confuse the readers:
8 mm plug on one end and a pair of L and R RCA plugs on the other end
3.5 mm stereo jack plug on one end ...
and make PCM files for each. Do not bother with making Dolby Atmos or DTS-X files for now,
PCM rooms ... Dolby Atmos or DTS-X rooms
Mar 8, 2020 at 10:44 AM Post #8,245 of 16,274
Just to let you know, the French importer posted the following on his web site (translated into English) :


Personalized listening room 7.1.4 for Smyth Realiser A16 at EUR 150
  • By appointment in Paris *, in our premises, you have the possibility of coming to make a personalized acoustic capture, in order to enjoy a virtual Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 room perfectly adjusted to your ears, on your Smyth Realiser A16.
  • The PRIR (Personal Room Impulse Response) capture file obtained is handed over to you on a SD card.
  • It also includes a personal headphone measurement, if needed.
  • This service also gives you access to the Club Realiser for downloading PRIR files for 1 year:
  • *: use the "contact us" tab at the bottom right. More information on request.
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Mar 8, 2020 at 11:35 AM Post #8,246 of 16,274
A few more little things you may wanna edit because they could confuse the readers:

3.5 mm stereo jack plug on one end ...

PCM rooms ... Dolby Atmos or DTS-X rooms
Thanks. Edits made. Folks, please feel free to continue pointing out any issues found with my post as it is my goal to make it as helpful to people as possible.
Mar 8, 2020 at 11:46 AM Post #8,248 of 16,274
Just to let you know, the French importer posted the following on his web site (translated into English) :


Personalized listening room 7.1.4 for Smyth Realiser A16 at EUR 150
  • By appointment in Paris *, in our premises, you have the possibility of coming to make a personalized acoustic capture, in order to enjoy a virtual Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 room perfectly adjusted to your ears, on your Smyth Realiser A16.
  • The PRIR (Personal Room Impulse Response) capture file obtained is sent to you on a SD card.
  • It also includes a personal headphone measurement, if needed.
  • This service also gives you access to the Club Realiser for downloading PRIR files for 1 year:
  • *: use the "contact us" tab at the bottom right. More information on request.
If you're going to go to the expense and possible inconvenience to go for an appointment then it is certainly worthwhile for you to bring your favorite headphones along. As the Smyths have pointed out, your PRIR and HPEQ are best matched if they are both made during the same session.

When they say that they will send you a capture file on an SD card are they saying that a some point after the session you will be receiving the SD card in the mail? I wonder why they couldn't just email the PRIR and HPEQ to you the same day that the measurements are taken, Also, does your participation give them the rights to your PRIR for their use (and profit) on Club Realiser?
Mar 8, 2020 at 11:53 AM Post #8,249 of 16,274
If you're going to go to the expense and possible inconvenience to go for an appointment then it is certainly worthwhile for you to bring your favorite headphones along. As the Smyths have pointed out, your PRIR and HPEQ are best matched if they are both made during the same session.

When they say that they will send you a capture file on an SD card are they saying that a some point after the session you will be receiving the SD card in the mail? I wonder why they couldn't just email the PRIR and HPEQ to you the same day that the measurements are taken, Also, does your participation give them the rights to your PRIR for their use (and profit) on Club Realiser?

Usually Gilles (the French importer) sends us monthly a sort of "editorial" of what is going on. I will wait for further information on his side + all the back & forth queries that are going to be made once this info spreads around HCFR. There a going to be lots of questions. I will try to pass them on.
Mar 8, 2020 at 12:06 PM Post #8,250 of 16,274
Usually Gilles (the French importer) sends us monthly a sort of "editorial" of what is going on. I will wait for further information on his side + all the back & forth queries that are going to be made once this info spreads around HCFR. There a going to be lots of questions. I will try to pass them on.
Thanks @You Gene. It would be really great for Gilles to post A16 info online with the option to choose French, English or German. Just my two cents.

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