Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Feb 1, 2014 at 12:18 AM Post #16,891 of 41,888
  There was a recent price drop. They used to be $400ish and now just a shade under $300. I'm not sure if that was a "clearing inventory" price drop or just lowering prices to boost sales. It's a relatively new product though, so I'd assume the latter, but who knows. I've read the company is focusing more on AVB streaming gear these days.
Years ago I used to have the Echo Indigo DJ, which was a pcmcia audio card for laptops (who remembers that format?). By far that was one of my favourite interfaces, but sadly my newer laptops no longer supported the card. I was very tempted to pick up the DJx later on, but I had too many other toys at the time. Just before picking up the Echo2, the Traktor Audio 2 has been my DJ card.

I remember it well. I was using the Ego sys Wami Box in pcmcia at that time:)
Feb 1, 2014 at 12:40 AM Post #16,892 of 41,888
I miss the pcmcia stuff (granted, my only experience with them were with the IndigoDJ and a wireless adapter), but I never had any issues with them. The usb sound cards and wireless adapters I was using at the time always had the occasional hiccups, and with audio there was always the interference with other devices and latency blips. Hmm, I don't even remember if we were up to usb2 back then... seems so long ago.
Feb 1, 2014 at 1:49 AM Post #16,894 of 41,888
  I miss the pcmcia stuff (granted, my only experience with them were with the IndigoDJ and a wireless adapter), but I never had any issues with them. The usb sound cards and wireless adapters I was using at the time always had the occasional hiccups, and with audio there was always the interference with other devices and latency blips. Hmm, I don't even remember if we were up to usb2 back then... seems so long ago.

PCMCIA was just breathing it's last gasp as USB 2.0 was gaining ground. It was my first mobile media platform with CF cards in a PCMCIA adapter. Back when megabytes were king:)
Feb 1, 2014 at 2:33 AM Post #16,895 of 41,888
Just having an audio device that could operate without sharing a usb bus with other devices (like mice) was a big plus.
But alas, sometimes marching forward with technology feels a bit backwards sometimes.
And hey, I used to pay $4/megabyte back in the day (well, it was more like $2 per 720kb... the high density 3.5" disks weren't out yet 
). I can't remember what I used to pay for the 5.25" disks. Then again, my first computer was an ADAM that hooked up to my Coleco to play games, and that thing used cassette tapes for storage!
Feb 1, 2014 at 8:16 AM Post #16,897 of 41,888


Feb 1, 2014 at 2:43 PM Post #16,904 of 41,888
  Here is mine.  Headphones (not shown as they were on my head) are Grado HF-2.  The Mcintosh integrated really does have a good headphone section at least for Grados.

I am very much jealous of that amp. Very much. 

Feb 1, 2014 at 2:46 PM Post #16,905 of 41,888
Lookin' Good Jay!!
Here is me today. In a transition state..

Ooooh Bottleneck! (head I mean!!)
Nice one Matt 

Any notes of comparison with your Pioneer yet?

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