Oct 30, 2009 at 3:21 AM Post #1,756 of 2,117
Hey you get a lot of stuff with the W3...a T-Shirt, Gold-Plated Keychain, Paper Weight, All-Access pass for the Westone 3 that's been signed by Westone's Music team. AND AND AND THE MOST IMPORTANT, YOU GET A GOLD LOGO RATHER THAN A RED
Oct 31, 2009 at 4:43 AM Post #1,757 of 2,117

Originally Posted by DeTrun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know if this has been posted before, but Westone will release a limited-edition of the W3 on the 3rd of November: Westone 3 Limited Edition - Westone

There are only 333 W3's, so get them while you can

If they really wanted to provide a REAL limited edition the price would be $333 also.
Oct 31, 2009 at 8:53 AM Post #1,759 of 2,117

Originally Posted by Opentoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If they really wanted to provide a REAL limited edition the price would be $333 also.

then they wouldnt have bothered with it, they would be earning less than their normal sets with all the extra accessories. The limited edition thing is a marketing strategy to earn more money and promote their products at the same time.
Oct 31, 2009 at 10:28 AM Post #1,760 of 2,117

Originally Posted by zentenk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
then they wouldnt have bothered with it, they would be earning less than their normal sets with all the extra accessories. The limited edition thing is a marketing strategy to earn more money and promote their products at the same time.

Or, it could be a way of thanking a community that has supported it.
Oct 31, 2009 at 6:46 PM Post #1,762 of 2,117

Originally Posted by A_Dying_Wren /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Or, it could be a way of thanking a community that has supported it.

a marketing strategy to earn more money, promote their products and thank the community at the same time, genius
Oct 31, 2009 at 8:28 PM Post #1,763 of 2,117

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wanted everyone to know this review was out there and started it as a new thread so it wouldn't be missed by those who haven't been following the latest IEM news. The currently most active Westone 3 thread is at the following link, and is required reading for those contemplating buying these IEM. Reviews from head-fi members begin to appear in that thread during the week of Thanksgiving, as they ended up in the hands of various head-fi members. Go to:

Now, be prepared for a long one!

I have posted portions of my Westone 3 (AKA W3) review over the past several days in an effort to answer questions as they come up, and now I round up all my thoughts into one post as I delve deeper into this IEM. If you saw my mini-review of the Shure E500/SE530 vs prototype Westone 3 on 10//3/07 in the big Westone thread, then my review will not not be such a big surprise. These final production Westone 3 are every bit as good as I remembered the prototypes being. Here is what I had to say back then:

Since I picked up the Westone 3 on Tuesday afternoon (Nov 25th) I have put about 50 hours of music on them, and heard minor changes as the cable and cross-over burned-in over the first 24 hours, but few changes since. Westone does not recommend any burn-in as being needed. I did my evaluation of the Westone 3 vs my 1 year old Livewires 2-driver customs and SE530 in custom shell, 6 month old Freq Show 3-driver customs, Denon AH-C700 that I have owned for over 18 months, and Klipsch Image X10 that I got used maybe 4 months ago. I used an iPhone 3G with Apple lossless and 320kbps MP3 files, and my Macbook and iMod with lossless files and a few USB/DAC amps - the Pico, Predator and iBasso D2 Boa. I briefly listened with a 2G Nano and determined that the W3 still sound great, but they are limited by the source which does not sound as good as the 3G Nano or iPhone 3G. The Westone 3 will only be as good as your source - if you find something wrong with the W3 sound then it is likely that you are actually reviewing the source or the recording and not the Westone 3.

Some earphone PRoN 1st - I WILL NEVER CLAIM TO BE A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER - it is obvious there is not an artistic bone in my body:





First I am going to share some of my journey through the world of IEM before I move on to discussing the W3 sound. I started off with Shure E2c as my first IEM in Jan 07, and I loved them and used them for listening to music as I would fall asleep every night. I went through the usual upgrades of E3c, then E4c by the time I joined Head-Fi in August 2007, then came the SE310 and 5 Pro, and then SE500 series earphones by September 07. I also ordered Livewires customs about the same time and when they arrived I was thrilled. At that time (09/07) I rated my Livewires customs as being slightly better than the Shure E500/SE530, but I didn't have them with me for my 1st demo of the Westone 3 on 10/3/07 because they were being re-dipped to make the fit tighter. The Livewires presented a clearer picture into the music with more detail and better frequency balance. With the Livewires there was a degree of transparency and realism that the Shure did not offer, although the SE530 had a big soundstage and could come close to the head-stage of the Livewires.

When I compared the SE530 directly to the Westone 3 that day, the side by side comparison left no question in my mind that the Westone 3 did EVERYthing much better. My reference or "control" at the time was my Senn HD600 and Ultrasone HFI-700, where I felt the SE530 were like an IEM version of the HD600, and the Denon C700 were like an IEM version of the HFI-700. But neither of those full size headphones were just right either, but that is another journey. The thing I loved about the SE530 the most was the rich mids and powerful bass; but with black foam tips I was losing some highs, and with silicone tips I was losing bass in exchange for a plasticky sounding treble. The yellow foam tips sounded great but were itchy and would wear out in only 1-2 weeks of constant use. While the E500/SE530 fit had been good with any of the tips, the Westone UM-56 tips helped the sound the most and I got to enjoy excellent sound in comfort for a whole week. After I fell asleep with the SE530 and UM-56 tips in my ears, and woke up to find that the sound tube snapped off the left earpiece, it convinced me to move the SE530 into a custom acrylic shell for a better frequency response (success, but a one of a kind not to be repeated custom after a 4 month effort). That left me with only the C700 as my only decent universal IEM, and my search continued. I bought Altec Lansing IM716 but that didn't do it for me - bass mode was fun but lacked the detail I wanted, and the HD mode had no bass. I took a trip to San Francisco in December for my dad's funeral and unamped the IM716 were useless on the airplane with my iPod touch.

When the Westone 3 were delayed (and the IM716 didn't win me over) I decided to try some 10 pro around Xmas 07, while the SE530 were still out being converted into customs at the time. I found the to be a more refined version of the Denon C700 or HFI-700, and at first I liked them more than anything. But the more I used the the more I realized the sound was colored and they had problems. Within 2 weeks I was trading the plus cash for some Stax headphones. As far as sound signature was concerned, I felt the SE530 had been less "colored" than the 10 Pro which had a boxy acoustic suspension sound, where I felt like I was listening to a small bookshelf speaker trying to do big bass. The also did not feel as refined as my SE530 or HD600 (although they were very good and killed the 5 Pro) - nor were they as transparent but instead they sounded more like a tiny high quality speaker next to my ear, rather than opening the window to the real instruments or performance. The second thing I hated about the was the fit - only with a Complys T400 (or T500) foam tip could I get any kind of a reasonable fit and isolation with the Triples. Yet, with the Shure I could get a good fit with black olive foam tips, yellow foam tips, single flange or modded triple flange cut into a bi-flange with shorter stalk, or my Westone UM-56 custom tips.

After I got my SE530 customs back in March (tuned for less bass and better treble), they were sounding very similar to my Livewires and became one of my favorites. While the SE530 customs have maybe 1-2 db less bass than the Livewires, they had a wider more enveloping soundstage, but otherwise are very similar. So I believe that the stock sound of the SE530 was simply how Shure decided to "tune" them. In addition to my two custom IEM, I'd had the Denon AH-C700 since May 2007 and liked them un-amped out of a 5.5 iPod video or 2G nano which tend to have a softer rolled off sound. But the C700 were like having a "pre-equalized" earphone that didn't quite sound right once plugged into a proper amplifier or upgraded source, and I wanted at least one universal IEM that sounded as good as my full size headphones (Edition 9 then being what I wanted in an IEM). I've always loved the C700 mids but plugged into a portable amp the C700 would become a little edgy or harsh in the highs, and bass would become a little too much, and sometimes a little sloppy with some amps. The C700's bass and treble boost was one of the reasons why I hated the bright yet punchy RSA Tomahawk amp with them, while I previously loved the Tomahawk with stock SE530. That disappointment in the TH prompted me to pick up a second pair of 5 Pro, with which I quickly re-discovered why I had sold them in the first place - the midrange suckout and grainy treble made them even worse than the C700 to my ears. I then sold the and bought q-JAYS, which at first I was thrilled with because they reminded me a lot of the stock SE530 sound - but over time I came to realize the problem with the q-JAYS was that they "sounded so much like the stock SE530"
The highs would seem rolled off and dark if they were inserted deep into the ear canal, so the frequency balance was a little skewed despite the very refined and detailed sound, unless I barely pushed them into my ears.

Then tnmike1 loaned me his Sleek SA6 and Klispch Image this summer to add to my IEM/Amp synergy review, and while I thought the SA6 were just a little bland I fell in love with the Klipsch. I found they had powerful bass like the SE530 with rich warm mids but a better sparkly treble than the SE530 or q-JAYS, yet with no grain to the treble like the C700 or 5 Pro. This was all while also maintaining a sense of transparency and realism that I only got from my Livewires and SE530 customs, even though the Klipsch X10 are a more forward sounding headphone. This prompted me to sell the q-JAYS right and 5 pro, and buy the Image X10. Over the months I actually used the Klipsch X10 more often than my customs because they could be easily and quickly inserted with one hand, were comfortable, and could be quickly removed when I needed to hear someone talking to me (plus I tend to leave the SE530 customs at home since they cannot be replaced). Another issue I have that makes IEM choices so difficult is living with chronic tinnitus in my right ear, without hearing loss but with a form of "roaring crowd" distortion that plagues me when certain frequencies are enhanced or resonate within my right ear canal. This started after a life-saving course of Vancomycin antibiotic in 2002 for a resistant germ in my lungs, which damaged my otic nerve or inner ear. My Freq Show customs (May 08) cause a big problem for me in this area, but the X10 also have just a slight boost in the lower mids where the bass encroaches on the lower-mids just a little, and then I can experience the distortion in my ear (mostly with piano and female vocals). While it is not as bad with the X10 as it is with the Freq Show, it can still interfere with the enjoyment sometimes. Heck, I even have to wear Ety music earplugs for the church worship band (with me on the back row) because of the right ear distortion problem. So one reason I use IEM a lot is so that I can get isolation and listen to music at normal volume levels and avoid the "roaring crowd" distortion (the need for low volume listening is why the Edition 9, D2000 and O2 Mk2 are so good for me).

So, until now the only universal IEM to come close to my ideal has been these Klipsch Image X10, which I sold within 24 hours after hearing the final production Westone 3 last Tuesday. I can actually turn up the volume with the W3 and have minimal problems with my right ear (like with my Livewires and SE530 customs). While I had planned to keep the Klispch and save my pennies to buy a new pair of W3 later, the Westone 3's auditory pleasures left me no choice but to start selling things to be able to keep the W3. After listening to the Westone 3 for an hour and then switching back to the the Klipsch, I actually felt the Klipsch sounded thin and bodyless vs the Westone 3. Once my ears acclimated to the Image X10 for 30 minutes, the Klipsch sounded very good again and made me wonder if I was out of my mind for thinking that they sounded thin and lacked substance. But switching from the X10 back to the Westone 3 again was simply striking, I dare say stunning. The Westone 3 have such a full body and a weighty presence to the sound that they are the one IEM that I have heard that comes anywhere close to the sense of space and power or authority of a full size headphone. It is the same feeling when listening to a piano on my Edition 9 or woodied re-cabled Denon D2000, O2 Mk2 or even balanced HD600 that gives you the sense that the piano is in the same room with you, and takes up floor space and air space. Yes, the size of the soundstage is smaller with the IEM, but the Westone 3 have such bass control, micro-detail and proper decay that the sense of instruments and singers being present in the room is no less substantial. When I switched from the Image to the W3 the sound opened up to a huge space, the bass and weight of the instruments struck me in full and everything sounded so much fuller and more real. A few IEM can offer some out of head soundstage, and that includes the Westone 3, SE530 (stock and customs), Livewires, NE-7M, depodded IM716 - but only the Westone 3 adds such body and substance to the instruments. This is what I have always imagined a UE11Pro must sound like.

The W3 bass has great texture, and is very detailed and quick. It has good presence and power at the proper or appropriate levels one expects with the particular music that is being played. If the bass is supposed to be loud in the music then it is loud with the W3, and if it is not then it isn't. In electronic music like Infected Mushroom "B.P. Empire" the bass is pervasive and pounding and beats you mercilessly; while in music like Guinea Pig "Kool Cats" the string bass is tight and crisp, and totally believable with sharp attack and realistic decay. Comparing the Denon C700 bass to the Westone 3 makes the Denon C700 sound positively muddy, while the Klipsch Image X10 have very good bass but still lack the weight and punch of the Westone 3. Typically one does not describe bass in an IEM as "tactile" but these offer the illusion of a very "speaker-like bass response". I have made this same description of the Edition 9 bass response, and it is equally fitting for the Westone 3. This is just as helpful with classical music as with jazz, rock, or electronic, since the hall's resonance is a low deep echo that puts you right there in the audience in the front row (fortunately not on stage). Also, these play easily down to 20Hz with test tones, and don't seem to have any bass peaks or anomalies.

The midrange is tonally rich, and a little forward rather than recessed, and therefore more engaging. Nonetheless, it does not make the venue sound smaller like some forward sounding headphones like the Grado RS-2. It is also very smooth in the mids, without grain but with good detail. So acoustic guitars are crisp, and electric guitars are crunchy but not boring into your head. You can easily hear a hand thump against the wood of the guitar along with the true tone of the string, and the sound of the fingers scratching against the string sounds right. Listening to violins presents the full range of sound from the low pitched woodiness to the rough draw of the bow across the string. Saxophones have the right balance of low resonant breathiness and higher frequency reediness, while the clackity sounds of the saxophone keys comes from the exact same location as the rest of the instrument - as opposed to sounding like my Stax Lambdas where the noise from the keys almost seems to came from a different point in space. Piano key strikes have all the resonant frequencies reach me at the same time, and don't seem to come at me from different heights like they used to with my old 5 Pro and 10 Pro. The weight or thump of the piano keys and pedals can be heard behind the main melody being played, rather than going missing like with my C700. And, the pianos do not have an exaggerated low midrange that can cause my right inner ear resonance problem to surface. Vocals are full and believable, without sounding boxy or boomy. There are no exaggerated low mids to make any vocals sound close mic'd when they are not, while with the Klipsch X10 there is a hint of enhanced low-midrange vocals in Shelby Lynn "Just a Little Lovin'" that make her voice seem more like listening to an amplified voice than a natural one.

The highs are smooth and detailed, and crisp with a nice sparkle. On recordings with no sibilance there is none, and it adds nothing. Playing my test CD for sibilance, Diana Krall "Girl in the Other Room", does allow one to tell that the CD is mastered with some sibilance in there, but it doesn't rear it's ugly head and impede the enjoyment of the music like with my Denon C700 or my old HFI-780. The Image X10 also have very nice highs, but with a deep ear canal insertion some of the sparkle can be lost like with the q-JAYS, but the Westone 3 seem to be immune to that effect so far. The Denon C700 highs seem harsh in comparison, and more suited to a soft sounding MP3 player like 1st or 2nd Gen nano or 5.5G iPod video. And, although I don't have stock SE530 anymore, there is no doubt that the Westone 3 have better treble extension which may still be better than my custom tuned SE530 customs. My 46 year old hearing ends at about 16KHz, so take that with a grain of salt. It is my understanding that typical balanced armature drivers have around a 16Khz physical limit anyways.

One thing that struck me about the Westone 3 is how it all comes together in the end to make beautiful music - that the low, mid and high frequency ranges all have a cohesive solitary presentation that makes it sound like one single driver, without apparent overlap of the various drivers or gaps between each driver's covered range. With the 5 Pro I always felt like I was listening to 2 separate drivers that didn't quite reach the other's limits, with the q-JAYS and SE530 I felt like the high-frequency driver didn't quite match the bass driver's higher efficiency, and with the I felt like there was too much overlap between the bass driver and the midrange driver or that something was doubled up near the upper low-end. The most impressive thing is that this results in a great image and headstage. Music doesn't seem to come from the back of my skull like with many IEM, but rather seems to be centered on my forehead and extends in front of and inside my head, and to each side or even to the outside of each ear sometimes (depending on the recording). Instruments and singers all have a place on the stage, and they are not squished together or fuzzy along the edges. I can almost tell which way the piano is angled on the stage or in the studio by how close or far away the high notes are vs the low notes. The soundstage is not as big or even as 3D as some of my full size circum-aural headphones, but the depth is at least as good as my supra-aural ATH-ESW10JPN which do NOT sound like closed headphones at all.

I have tried several different pairs of universal tips with the W3. I had two pair of tips that I previously had tried with the Shure SE530 - the Complys P-series foam tips, and some cut down triple flanges that I took off the smallest flange off the tip and shortened the stalk. I have also tried the stock triple flange and single flange soft grey silicone tips, as well as the T-series Complys and my Westone UM-56 custom fit tips (I don't care for the harder clear plastic tips). The tips do make a little difference in sound, but that is a plus in the sense that you can use the tips to tune the Westone 3 to match your amp or source or music. At this point I have to say my favorite tip with the Westone 3 is my Westone UM-56 custom tips, followed by the medium single flange silicone tips. The longer P-series Complys cut a little more treble than I would like, but the detail remains intact and the sound is euphonic and romantic like a Stax O2 Mk2 (not euphoric). The T-Series Complys are better than the P-series, with less high end loss and are closer to the UM-56 and single flange silicone. The modded triple-flange cut to a bi-flange that I liked with the SE530 are not as good with the Westone 3 and cut some of the bass while boosting the treble slightly, and in the process become less romantic or euphonic sounding. The only tip to give me a problem was the stock triple flange, which make the W3 stick out of my ears too far. So I modded another pair of triple flange, but left them as a triple flange and only gave them a shorter stalk, and those sound about as good as the single flange tips with good frequency balance but are not as comfortable as the bi-flange (while sounding much better than the bi-flange).

So, I can get great sound out of the W3 with most of the tips that they come with, if I shorten the stalk of the triple flange to pull the W3 closer to my ears, and I can get them to sound even better with my Westone UM-56 custom tips. The Westone 3 sit nice and flush in my ears with the UM56, and they tuck-in 100% better than my SE530 did with the same UM-56 tips. The sound and fit/isolation that I am getting with this IEM/tip combo has taken away all desires to try some $1200 UE11pro customs. Mine fit flawlessly - not loose or too tight of a seal, and isolation is tremendous.

When Blutarsky came to my house last Tuesday night to listen to the Westone 3 I was having trouble inserting the UM-56 into my ears. After a year of not using them while waiting for Westone 3 to be released I had forgotten how they go in (since they are not a full shell), and until I looked at my Livewires I didn't realize that I was trying to insert the UM-56 tips upside-down and 180 degrees off.
So all Bluto saw was the W3 hanging down out of my ears like puppy dog ears, and he wasn't impressed. Later I discovered the problem, and will have to let him know about it when he gets back into town this week. However, he did listen to them himself with some universal tips and liked them just a little better than his Westone ES2 customs, mostly due to the improved bass and bass control from what I recall he said. He did leave my house with a new commitment to buy some W3 for himself.

Conclusion: In my case, I can honestly say at this point that the Westone 3 with my Westone UM-56 custom tips are THE BEST universal or custom IEM that I have ever heard. The frequency balance with the UM-56 tips could not be better, and it is like they were made for each other (they were actually). Simply put, the Westone 3 with my UM-56 custom tips vs my Custom IEM or vs any other universal IEM that I have owned, beats them all with a fuller richer and more substantial sound signature that even makes the Image X10 and SE530 seem a little thin by comparison. It's like comparing an O2 Mk2 to a Lambda series Stat; but not dark sounding like an O2, rather I just mean the jump in sound quality and detail and texture and weight. After getting the Stax O2 I sold my Lambda Signature, and likewise after only a few hours with the Westone 3 I sold my Image X10 within a day.

The only thing I can imagine that would be better is if I were to buy some Westone 3 Customs, which I am more likely to do than with UE customs because I haven't been as pleased with any UE IEM as much as I am with these Westone 3. My next favorite universal IEM is still the Klipsch Image X10, which come very close to doing everything right and I feel still beat the SE530,, q-JAYS, 5, Denon C700, IM716, etc - but in the end they just can't match the Westone 3 which is in a whole new league all by itself now. I do prefer the Livewires over the Image X10, but the Westone 3 has taken it's place as my new #1, as Livewires are displaced to the #2 slot.


OTHER HELPFUL REVIEWS, comparisons or impressions:

Vorlon1 Review:

craiglester impressions:


EyeAmEye comparisons: and

Pale Rider impressions:

soozieq impressions:

Cmasten impressions:

SilverB impressions:

Trager impressions (fit problems):

britishbornazn review:

Solid Snake Impressions:

gp_herbert impressions:

rhythmicmoose impressions:

ZephyrSapphire impressions:

SierraHotel01 impressions - mini-review: and update

cn11 impressions vs IE8:

Jensen impressions:

catscratch impressions:, and

CMasten mini-review impressions vs SE530:

Ray Samuels (amp builder) impressions:

Janni impressions:

music_4321 impressions:

Richdel impressions mini-review:

AndrewF impressions:

FeedMeTrance impressions:

qusp impressions: and

ib1dance impressions:

TheMarchingMule impressions:

HiFlight impressions:

WaxMan impressions:

Mecc impressions:

Jogiya impressions:

Spyro impressions: initial review: The "I'm Not Blown Away By Westone 3" Thread - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio Change of heart:

NicktheNorse impressions:

BlooSugar00 impressions:

great review, one of the best ive read so far, it was super helpful that you made so many seperate comparisons, especially liked the interesting headphone to iem comparsion, mentioning the edition 9's, among others...
usually reviews this long, i dont fully read thru, not the case today, i read the entire lengthy review,, good work! def too long yet superb.......
---having said that, at first listen, i was super dissapointed with my w3's, aside the fact thatt hey had a very light weight cheap plastic feel to them, i also found the cord to be cheap and dinky and fragile and aestheticly unpleasing...i couldnt get a good seal with most of the tips, except for the deep triple canal ear hole tips which dramatically inproved sound bass and treble in my opinion, but after a medium period of time became super sweaty uncorfortable...... in addition the w3 left me wanting more bass, and less distoration in the highs while music was loud, the saving grace was the mids,,
---i still have not give them a chance to burn, so my main question to ou would be, exactly how much better did they get after burn in,,, does the high bright distortion go away?, and does the bass tighten up and sound punchier?
u said you preffered them to the triplefi,, how so bass wize,, mids wize(sure),,, and how exactly did the highs commpare?
----when i did my first comparison with them, i used my fav, superfi 5 eb,(yea the mids suck, but the woofer makes up for it , not on everything, but i found this more pleasing than the W3 mids,, the ue eb woofer glossed over its imperfections, while retaining its upper mids clarity)
----- i compared them to many diff bands i listened too, tom waits, the specials, the groovie ghoulies addition i tested them watching a movie the lord of the rings, the 3rd one, and in every scenerio i preferred my ue eb's, i thought the ue 5 eb shinned especially bright while watching, movies, def give u outve the headd experience and could also rattle your brain... the w3 while watching the movie seemed to get very distorted, especially during the high frequencies, and then to top that off the low end of the w3 compared to the ue superfi 5 eb's was simply inadequite..........................
-----back to my question, should i give the w3 a second chance to burn in, and sound that much better to me or am i just better off trying something else, klipsh seams more and more appealing to me......
---I JUST A-B TESTED THE SUPERFI 5 eb to the triple10vi pro, and onccee again i preferred the superfi 5 eb, llisten to rocket from the crypt,, groovie ghoulies, rose tattoo, and chopin from some cassical,,, ad eactime i again preffered the superfi 5 eb,,,, granted tripllefi only had a burn in of 45 hours burn in whil thesuperfi eb were burnt,,, the triplefi did sound as u claimed can sound a bit and did distort a tliitle in the highs,,,, it left me wanting more bass and middle lows,,, triplefi did have a meaty upper mid section, but nowhere near as rich and full bodied as the superfi 5 eb,,,,,,,, everytime i test these damned iem's i have ringin in m y ears for hours(like i do no now) if i keep testin these i will go deaf, as i test loud to pick up any nuance and suttle change in the sq.....
-------how do u think the bass of the w3 compares to monster turbine, which has more,also have u tried tte um3x,, which one has more bass?
thans aagain forr thhe detailed review.
--for the price of all three i couldve got some dx1000's

--but i will never sell my ue superfi 5 eb--

p.s. which has more bass and punch the jvc dx1000, or the edition 9's, 9's are oopen right?

gear-Koss Pro4AAA, Denon 7000, audio technica ha25d amp/dac
superfi 5eb, triplefi 10vi, westone 3 rsa preddator amp/dac

"don't get sand in your ear canal!"
Oct 31, 2009 at 8:57 PM Post #1,764 of 2,117

Originally Posted by techenvy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
great review, one of the best ive read so far, it was super helpful that you made so many seperate comparisons, especially liked the interesting headphone to iem comparsion, mentioning the edition 9's, among others...
usually reviews this long, i dont fully read thru, not the case today, i read the entire lengthy review,, good work! def too long yet superb.......
---having said that, at first listen, i was super dissapointed with my w3's, aside the fact thatt hey had a very light weight cheap plastic feel to them, i also found the cord to be cheap and dinky and fragile and aestheticly unpleasing...i couldnt get a good seal with most of the tips, except for the deep triple canal ear hole tips which dramatically inproved sound bass and treble in my opinion, but after a medium period of time became super sweaty uncorfortable...... in addition the w3 left me wanting more bass, and less distoration in the highs while music was loud, the saving grace was the mids,,
---i still have not give them a chance to burn, so my main question to ou would be, exactly how much better did they get after burn in,,, does the high bright distortion go away?, and does the bass tighten up and sound punchier?

They change much more with (1) trying different tips and (2) adjusting how deep or shallow you insert them, than they change with burn-in.

u said you preffered them to the triplefi,, how so bass wize,, mids wize(sure),,, and how exactly did the highs commpare? bass was nice and deep and punchy, but the midbass sounded a little boxy to me and was a little colored sounding by that. mids were maybe a little more present and louder, but I felt the highs between the two were similar.

----when i did my first comparison with them, i used my fav, superfi 5 eb,(yea the mids suck, but the woofer makes up for it , not on everything, but i found this more pleasing than the W3 mids,, the ue eb woofer glossed over its imperfections, while retaining its upper mids clarity)
----- i compared them to many diff bands i listened too, tom waits, the specials, the groovie ghoulies addition i tested them watching a movie the lord of the rings, the 3rd one, and in every scenerio i preferred my ue eb's, i thought the ue 5 eb shinned especially bright while watching, movies, def give u outve the headd experience and could also rattle your brain... the w3 while watching the movie seemed to get very distorted, especially during the high frequencies, and then to top that off the low end of the w3 compared to the ue superfi 5 eb's was simply inadequite..........................
-----back to my question, should i give the w3 a second chance to burn in, and sound that much better to me or am i just better off trying something else, klipsh seams more and more appealing to me......

See answer number 1 - you must experiment with the type of tips and how they are inserted. If you were able to read this whole thread you will find that is a recurring discussion over and over people who didn't like them learned to like them when they found the right tip and how deep to insert them with that tip. You may need to trim the triple flange tips shorter, or convert them to a bi-flange tip, or both. Or, you might want to try the Shure black foam tips.

Based on what you like about the, I think you might might especially like the grey silicon tip with the W3 inserted only deep enough into the ear to grab the ear canal wall and get a seal, instead of inserting them as deep as they can go. Forget burn-in after 24 hours.

---I JUST A-B TESTED THE SUPERFI 5 eb to the triple10vi pro, and onccee again i preferred the superfi 5 eb, llisten to rocket from the crypt,, groovie ghoulies, rose tattoo, and chopin from some cassical,,, ad eactime i again preffered the superfi 5 eb,,,, granted tripllefi only had a burn in of 45 hours burn in whil thesuperfi eb were burnt,,, the triplefi did sound as u claimed can sound a bit and did distort a tliitle in the highs,,,, it left me wanting more bass and middle lows,,, triplefi did have a meaty upper mid section, but nowhere near as rich and full bodied as the superfi 5 eb,,,,,,,, everytime i test these damned iem's i have ringin in m y ears for hours(like i do no now) if i keep testin these i will go deaf, as i test loud to pick up any nuance and suttle change in the sq.....
-------how do u think the bass of the w3 compares to monster turbine, which has more,also have u tried tte um3x,, which one has more bass?
thans aagain forr thhe detailed review.
--for the price of all three i couldve got some dx1000's

--but i will never sell my ue superfi 5 eb--

I heard the Monster Turbine for 60 seconds at CanJam and was not impressed, so I didn't spend any time studying their sound. UM3X has good bass, but it doesn't have the small midnbass peak of the W3, and the UM3X bass is not stronger. The Senn IE8 bass is stronger, and the UE11pro bass is stronger - but for me sometimes both of those are too much bass with the wrong amp.

p.s. which has more bass and punch the jvc dx1000, or the edition 9's, 9's are oopen right?

Haven't heard the DX1000, but the Edition 9 (closed) have massive bass like the UE11Pro or IE8, and sometimes it's too much, like the stock D5000 (D7000 bass is much better balanced)

gear-Koss Pro4AAA, Denon 7000, audio technica ha25d amp/dac
superfi 5eb, triplefi 10vi, westone 3 rsa preddator amp/dac

"don't get sand in your ear canal!"

See my answers in Red letters.
Oct 31, 2009 at 8:58 PM Post #1,765 of 2,117

There is definitely a "wow" factor with W3 but I certainly don't find it hands down superior to SE530. I find them about even or a personal preference issue.

Bass: I find SE530 superior. More realistic mainly in terms of "how much". W3 bass crowds the whole presentation.

Midrange: SE530 no question.

Treble: W3 certainly reveals more but it can be fatiguing and a bit harsh. I will still give the edge to W3.

Soundstage: W3 no question. It's huge!

Overall: W3 is more transparent but I would take SE530 for extended listening periods any day. The V-shaped frequency response of W3 is too aggressive and muscular. Some find SE530 boring but I think it does everything very well and is quite forgiving. It allows you to focus on the music. To me SE530 is like that favorite pair of old bluejeans you like to put on.
Oct 31, 2009 at 9:46 PM Post #1,766 of 2,117

Originally Posted by Spyro /img/forum/go_quote.gif

There is definitely a "wow" factor with W3 but I certainly don't find it hands down superior to SE530. I find them about even or a personal preference issue.

Bass: I find SE530 superior. More realistic mainly in terms of "how much". W3 bass crowds the whole presentation.

Midrange: SE530 no question.

Treble: W3 certainly reveals more but it can be fatiguing and a bit harsh. I will still give the edge to W3.

Soundstage: W3 no question. It's huge!

Overall: W3 is more transparent but I would take SE530 for extended listening periods any day. The V-shaped frequency response of W3 is too aggressive and muscular. Some find SE530 boring but I think it does everything very well and is quite forgiving. It allows you to focus on the music. To me SE530 is like that favorite pair of old bluejeans you like to put on.

Am quite in agreement with your thoughts as well but I don't think the SE530 bass can touch the W3s. Texture, definition and visceral impact the W3 has in spades. The SE530 bass though yielding the adequate amount sounds perfunctory and incoherent in comparison to the W3 to my ears.
Nov 1, 2009 at 8:21 PM Post #1,770 of 2,117

Originally Posted by 3X0 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Assembled in China.

Are you sure? I took a tour of Westone Labs here in Colorado Springs and they were assembling two different universal IEM, and putting together driver/xover packages for the ES3X too (or UM3X, I forget which one).

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