Resistance of cables; pics, comments, and links
Jun 1, 2019 at 1:08 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 408


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 9, 2016
Links to sections:

- cables below 400mΩ measurements, comments, and links, part 1, comments, and links, part 2, comments, and links, part 3, comments, and links, part 4, comments, and links, part 5, comments, and links, part 6
- cables for KZs (below $40, most below $25) measurements, comments, and links, part 1, comments, and links, part 2

- jack adapters (measurements, pics, and links)

I've created this thread because some people suggested that the measurements info should be found easier, rather than buried in posts from different threads, and because updating the info is also easier for me this way.

We can keep discussing in the low end cables thread, or KZ thread in case of cables for KZs.
But feel free to comment or discuss here as well, if you like..
Rules are the usual head-fi rules for threads.

These lists pretend to be a compendium of recent cables, which provide good value (affordable decent quality). Most are chinese ("chicables").
The number preceding each cable is chosen arbitrarily as convenient identification (sorry for the "cryptic" numbers, but after watching the pics at spoiler section twice, you'll get used to the numbers of the cables you are interested of).
You can find pics, comments and links (no banned seller links, nor links when the cable is widely spread) at spoiler sections.

Low resistance is symptom of quality of wires, plugs, and solders (together with total thickness of the conductor, of course).
Low resistance is important to get minimum total output impedance, in order to minimize tonal alterations when using IEM with balanced armatures.
It's also convenient to decrease attenuation and to increase damping factor and efficiency.

1- BA's input impedance curve varies, mainly from upper mids to highs, while dynamic drivers show a flatter curve. Source and cable impedance curve use to be very flat. Due to the BA's impedance curve, the higher total output impedance, the higher tonal alteration. It usually makes the highs harsher, louder, but it depends of the IEM impedance curve (BA's impedance + crossovers), so there are cases where the effect is just the opposite. In general, there is coloration, unpredictable tonal alteration. Total output impedance below 1Ω, and even lower, if possible, is desirable.

2- Also, and this applies to every phones, DD and BA, and speakers, total output impedance higher than 1/8 of the phones resistance (at 1kHz), provokes tonal alteration and higher distortion, specially in lows. This is critical when using very low impedance phones (below 8Ω, for example); in this case (very low impedance phones), you can also reach actual limits of current of your source, provoking high distortion and/or clipping; the source wouldn't like this neither..

3- Also, you get better efficiency with low total output impedance. Louder volume at same voltage. This is good for energy saving, and for longevity of your source. Low output impedance increases electric damping factor, so it helps to drive hard phones.

However, we have to make some considerations about cables.

1- If your source output resistance is 15 times (for instance) higher than the resistance of the cables you are considering, the resistance of the cables becomes insignificant; the culprit of the problem, if any, will reside in your source.

2- The magnitude of the tonal alterations depends of the IEMs mainly. In most cases, the resistance differences between cables won't provoke highly noticeable tonal alteration at human registers; they'll be below 1dB, or even below 0.5dB at audible frequencies, except if we are talking about cables with resistance close or even higher than 1Ω.
It's all about proportions and perfectionism. If we keep our cable resistance lower than 300mΩ (equivalent to 28AWG copper) or 200mΩ (26AWG), most of us shouldn't notice the alterations.

Cables don't sound, they can only degrade sound more or less.
Material and quality of the conductor, plugs, and sleeves, contribute to minimize degradation.
An ideal cable wouldn't degrade sound, so you could reach the limits of your source and phones.

Usual measurements don't reveal significant differences in tonality nor distortion. But when rolling cables while listening music, many of us find differences about background noise and stage, which can affect to thickness, definition, separation, and imaging perception. They are not big differences, but noticeable. All these parameters are not easily measurable, and our brain is very special and tricky when perceiving sound.

When you plan to buy a cable, you should consider all this. If your sources and/or phones have low quality, it's absurd to get a fancy expensive cable: the bottleneck won't be in the cable.
Once you get decent quality gear, you have to remember than in audio every next upgrade is more expensive to get smaller improvement. The limit is your perfectionism grade, and your wallet.
A good idea is to keep proportion, or to pass when you know that the improvement is not worth it compared to the cost.

Link: Other considerations about capacitance, geometry, and isolation of cables

Based on my experience with Chinese cables, although there are good exceptions:

When they say high purity copper, it means simple OFC (oxygen free copper).
There is better quality copper: single crystal, OCC -ohno continuous casting-, and variants (UP-OCC, PC-OCC, ...), freeze treatments, and others. In theory, few boundaries in copper help to better conductivity, more linear resistance.
same with purity grade of copper (4N=99.99%, 5N=99.999%, 6N=99.9999%, 7N=99.99999%). Fewer impurities help to better conductivity, more linear resistance.
Difference of price is usually huge, compared to audible improvement. Chinese manufacturers and sellers lie frequently about the quality of the copper (specially about purity grade) and it's difficult to prove it.
So trying them is the only way to know if it's worth it for you.

When they say silver plated copper, it is usually tin or alloy plated. When they say pure silver wire, it is pure silver plated copper wire frequently.
True silver plating raises the price considerably; and true pure silver wire is around double (or even much more) the price of true silver plated copper.
Silver is only a bit more conductive than copper. Its structure and purity could contribute to better conductivity, more linear resistance, as well.
Again, we are in the same place than before: audible improvement? At what cost?

There is some consensus about copper and silver (true silver, not tin or other alloys): copper preserves lows better, silver preserves highs better. Not demonstrated once again, but some people affirm to be able to distinguish between them.

Measurement of DC resistance of cables

1- Calibrate your multimeter.
a) Set your DMM to measure resistance, mΩ range, if available.
b) Touch the leads one against the other. Read resistance of them and note it. Do it for any leads (point, alligators, etc.) you plan to use. You only have to do this once. Choose the less resistance leads of each type available.
c) If your DMM is able to use a reference for relative measuring (REL button or similar), you can set your lead resistance as reference.

2- Measure resistance.
a) Set your DMM to measure resistance, mΩ range, if available.
b) Measure resistance (details, below).
c) If you used relative measuring, the DMM has already substracted leads resistance; if don't, you'll have to subtract it to your measurement.

To measure 2pins TRS cables.
Tip is left signal, Ring is right signal, Sleeve is common ground. For example, to measure left path, touch or clip (I use low resistance alligator or flat clips for this, easier and more stable) the tip of the jack with one lead, and signal pin of left side with the other.

To measure MMCX TRS cables.
You can measure L/R ground easily. one lead touches sleeve part of the jack, and the other, touches the external circle of the MMCX plug.
To measure L/R signal, you have to touch the inner small pin of the MMCX plug. Depending of the leads type used, this can be complicated. point leads make it easier in this case. I use clips, so i add an MMCX to 2pins adapter of known resistance (tiny) to measure signal more comfortably.

To measure when TRRS balanced jack in the cable (2.5mm, 4.4mm; remember this is different to TRRS single end+mic jacks).
You have to know which is the balance norm used for the cable. the most used is:
tip: R-, ring1: R+, ring2: L+, sleeve: L-. (negative are cold -inverted- signals, positive are hot signals; no ground needed nor available, except a screen braid connecting the mass of the plugs in cables with RF/EMI protection).

10mΩ (two decimal digits) is desired (1mΩ would be superb, but not usual).
Usual cheap DMMs use 100mΩ (one decimal digit) resolution. Too much error in both leads and cable measurements, but can be used to get a gross idea.

For resistance measurements (mΩ), I use Vapcell YR1030 ( UK.html , around $38), because of its resolution (~1mΩ) and because it uses 4 terminal leads (alligator clamps or probes, like showed at UK.html ); this is very comfortable: you don't have to subtract leads resistance, and measurements are more stable.
I use UNI-T UT61E for voltage (mV) and capacitance (pF) measuring.

Anyway, you can use a cheaper DMM as well. Here is an example using a $22 DMM (ZOYI ZT109, 2 decimal points at Ω, 10mΩ resolution), with very low resistance clamp leads (they didn't come with the DMM). You have to wait until reading is stable.

1. Calibration: ~10mΩ (0.01Ω) leads resistance

2. Measurement of $20 cable, 2.5mm balanced, left+ signal:
cables_z_02.jpg cables_z_03.jpg

0.11Ω - 0.01Ω (leads resistance) = 0.10Ω (100mΩ).
Absolute error of this measurement: ~15mΩ

Calculation of resistance of a cable, given conductor material, structure, and length

You can read this tutorial.There are also tools in internet which make the calculations for you.

1. Calculate section of each strand (surface of a circle). StrandSection = pi * Radius * Radius. If your strand diameter is 0.04. radius is half the diameter. So StrandSection = pi * 0.02 * 0.02 = 0.0012566 mm2

2. Calculate section of the the core. CoreSection = NumberOfStrands * StrandSection. so CoreSection = 0.0012566 * 80 = 0.1 mm2 (this is equivalent to a wire of 0.36mm diameter = 27AWG)

3. Calculate section of each signal. SignalSection = NumberOfCoresPerSignal * CoreSection. If your wire is 4 cores, each signal will use 1 core (2 for ground); if your wire is 8 cores, 2 cores are used per signal. Let's imagine this is your case. SignalSection = 2 * 0.1 = 0.2 mm2 (which is equivalent to 0.51mm diameter = 24AWG).

4. Calculate resistance per signal for you length.
Resistance= (MaterialResistivity / SignalSection) * Length
Here are typical resistance of some materials at 20ºC, per area of square millimeter (and conductivity is the inverse of resistivity, 1/resistivity).
..Silver 0.0159
..Copper 0.0168
..Annealed copper 0.0172
..Gold 0.0244
..Aluminum 0.0265
If your wire is copper, and your length is 2m,
Resistance = (0.0168 / 0.2) * 2 = 0.168Ω = 168mΩ.

Add plugs and solders resistance (let's say around 15-30mΩ), and your 8 cores cable of 2m will have a total resistance of around 190mΩ per signal.
Note that the difference when using pure silver is not much (around 180mΩ).
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:11 PM Post #2 of 408

you can find more discussions about these cables at:

resistance, in mΩ: left, right, groundL, groundR, or L+, R+, L-, R- (balanced)
[weight], in g
parallel capacitance, in pF: left/groundL, right/groundR, or L+/L-, R+,R- (balanced)
[total length] (plugs excluded), in cm (take this in account, because resistance and capacitance depends of it)
-ordered by resistance/m (approx.)-

measured with high precision multimeter.
blue color: @BadReligionPunk/@fokta measurements

id number is assigned arbitrarily. it's intended to refer to a cable shortly, quickly, and uniquely.
build method of wire material:
...of=oxygen free; sc=single crystal; occ/upocc=oh-no continuous casting and variants;
...lz=litz; frz=frozen/cryo
wire material:
...c=copper; cu=copper; tpc=tin or alloy plated copper; spc=silver plated copper;; au=gold
<num>c=number of cores
...silver= white/silver; copper= orange/pink; brown= brown/dark copper; gold= yellow
chinese jack style (metallic):
...eid= eidolic; oyde= oyaide; furt=furutech; alo=alo audio; bsp=bispa; scrf=switchcraft
M: mmcx/2pins and 3.5/2.5/4.4mm balanced terminations available
Mx: mmcx and 3.5/2.5/4.4mm balanced terminations available
V: different terminations for headphones, and not standard terminations for earphones

cleanest sound with cables (atm and imo, after listening round up of a few cables):
175, 183, 174/173, 210, 177/169, 171/170, 172/165, 194, 198, 125, 128, 133, 130-132, 140, 151, 160.
my actual favorites, in terms of sound, are cables 234 & 175 (silver + copper), 174/173 (silver), 183 (silver), 230 & 171/170 (copper), 210 (silver & copper), 177/169 (spc & copper), 232 (spc), 172/165 (copper), 194 (silver & copper), followed by 198 (copper), 125 (copper) and 128 (spc).

125. 7n occ 4c (copper,furt,MV)_______________________57/57/bad/55..59/59/bad/57..53/53/54/54..64/62/62/71..[36]..113/124/137..101/121/144..[115/121/117]
128. 7n spc 4c (silver,eid,M)__________________________63..64..58..71..[38]..102..89..[115]
150. isn audio C16 scc 16c (copper,M)__________________78..83..73..86..[52.9]..297..294..[124]
151. isn audio H16 spc 16c (white,M)___________________82..81..77..88..[50.2]..242..263..[124]
065. jcally 5n ofc/tpc 4c (copper,cheap furt,MV)___________88/86..89/89..90/82..92/93..[36]..133..146..[117]
065. jcally 5n tpc 4c (dark blue,cheap furt,MV)____________84..184..80..107..[34.4]
160. acrolink 6n occ 8c (light grey,MV)__________________95..95..91..102..[37]..210..193..[120]
161. acrolink 6n occ spc 8c (purple,MV)_________________90..99..83..95..[38]..214..187..[120]
052. tpc 8c (gold,eid,M)______________________________96..99..91..104..[27.5]
130. hck djy1 7n occ spc 8c (brown+gold,eid,M)__________100..101..98..111..[33.4]..159..164..[118]
163. acrolink spc 6n occ 16c (silver,MV)________________121..109..106..105..[29.8]..154..155..[118] donated by @candlejack
131. 7n occ spc 8c (brown,oyde,M)____________________107..114..106..125..[31.4] defective (see comments section)
053. hck ct1 ofc 8c (brown,bsp,M)_____________________110..avg (115 mmcx)..[27]..many measured
145. zsfs tpc 8c (brown,slim plugs,ath-im02,V)___________117..118..112..132
132. luna 7n occ spc 8c (brown+gold,furt,M)_____________121..121..116..151..[31.5]
183. eac gs AuPlatAg+AgAu 8c (gold+silver,eagle,MV)____122..122..119..131..[33.3]..108..102..[112]
051. tpc 8c (grey,eid,M)_____________________________128..128..126..138..[27.4]
052. tpc 8c (silver,eid)______________________________130..avg..many measured
133. gucraftsman 6n occ spc? 8c (grey,alo,MV)__________135..133..124..128..[27.5]..151..148..[126]
133. gucraftsman 6n occ 8c (brown,alo,MV)_____________136/142..143/143..127/133..130/135..[26.8]..145..173..[126] (mmcx/2.5mmTRS)
115. spc+shield 4c[8c] (grey/white silver,oyde,MV)________137/128..136/126..131/131..139/139..[26.9]..110..92..[118]
175. eac ms upocc AgAu+cu lz frz 8c (silv+blue,eagle,MV)_131/130/138..131/131/137..132/147/153..131/130/143..[32/32/28]..118-120..[113] 2*4.4/2.5mm
175. eac ms upocc AgAu+cu lz frz 8c (silv+cop,eagle,MV)__139/138..142/137..136/134..144/134..[28/32.4]..118/128-119/136..[113] 2.5/4.4mm
175. eac ms upocc AgAu+cu lz frz 8c (silv+cop,eagle,MV)__195/188/166..163/176/167..161/161/166..173/186/163..[35.7/33.7/35]..137/144/160..138/137/145..[137/140/140]
171. eac cs 7n upocc cu lz frz 8c (copper,eagle,MV)_______133..143..132..142..[30.5]..121..111..[117]
171. eac cs 7n upocc cu lz frz 8c (blue,eagle,MV)_________156/133..162/154..145/132..184/152..[31.8/30.5]..134/121..131/111..[136/117] mmcxLongCable/2pin
174. eac gs upocc Ag99Au1 8c (silver,eagle,MV)__________140/151..143/151..142/146..149/158..[34]..114/121..104/113..[113/111] 2p/mmcx
053. hck tdy1 tpc 8c (silver,bsp,M)_____________________134/155..163/150..132/138..148/152
066. jcally 5n tpc 8c (black,cheap furt,MV)_______________249/155/155..130/145/146..126/138/142..126/140/142..[29.2]
168. tw 6n ofc 4c (copper,eid,Mx)______________________164..165..160..179..[24.7]..86..78..[116]
230. ea vogue maestro upocc cu lz 4c (copper,ea,M)_______170..182..178..172..[14.9]..80..79..[118]
232. ea vogue virtuoso upocc spc lz 4c (silver,ea,M)________190..169..169..178..[15.1]..82..81..[118]
234. ea vogue grandioso upocc cu+ag lz 4c (silv+cop,ea,M)__179..202..203..169..[15.4]..81..80..[119]
194. eac ms 5n ag & 7n occ cu frz 2x2c (silver,eagle,MV)___218..220..99..109..[25.1]..170..166..[120]
187. eac gs upocc AuPaPlatCu 8c eag (gold,eagle,MV)____135..157..243..232
177. eac cs 7n upocc spc&cu lz frz 8c (silv&cop,eagle,MV)__209..204..208..210..[29.8]..137..129..[142]
120. bgvp 6n occ+spc? 8c (grey) =DM6 stock____________169..173..277..190
052. tpc+ofc? 8c (silver+copper,eid,M)__________________135/131..131/132..190/184..208/240
110. 7n spc 16c (silver,viablue)________________________165..145..155..155
198. eac xs 7n scc frz lz 4c (copper,eagle,MV)____________167..164..164..174..[23.8]..76..71..[113]
196. eac rx 6n occ+spc lz 4c (silver+copper,eagle,MV)_____167..168..296..288..[22.1]..76..71..[116]
052. tpc 8c (copper,eid,M)____________________________180..avg..[24.7]..many measured
052. tpc 8c (brown,eid,M)____________________________188..188..185..185
090. hck 4n ofc 4c (copper,furt,M)______________________177.. 202..193..190..[24.9]..92..89..[127]
100. impactAudio infinite 5n ofc 4c (custom,MV)___________190..190..182..180
165. tw 7n upocc cu frz 4c (copper+brown,eid,Mx)_________191..191..187..200..[23.5]..74..68..[112]
064. hck ct4 ofc 16c (brown,M)________________________193..208..168..202..[22.6]..[119]
060. hck ct3 ofc 8c (brown,furt,M)______________________206/210..206/204..200/205..486/195..[19]
055. tpc 16c (silver,oyde,M)___________________________221/232..218/236..221/221..232/235
063. hck tdy3 tpc 16c (black,furt,M)_____________________223..226..225..230..[21.9]
062. hck ct2 ofc 16c (brown,furt,M)_____________________402/235..259/243..239/250..244/246..[22.5]
070. tpc 16c (pink,eid,M)_____________________________240..240..237..252..[22.2]
054. lz 6n frozen spc 8c (brown,M)_____________________240..240..240..300..[22.9]..144..137..[123]
155. "silver" spc 8c (silver,eid,MV)______________________256/254..258/249..245/245..260/246..[23.4]
175. eac ms upocc AgAu+cu lz frz 4c (silv+blue,eagle,MV)___242..241..284..283
170. eac cs 7n upocc cu lz frz 4c (copper,eagle,MV)________252..254..268..290..[21.5]..73..71..[120]
173. eac gs upocc Ag99Au1 4c (silver,eagle,MV)__________286..286..282..292..[115]
050. tpc 8c (black,oyde,M)____________________________260..270..260..260
192. eac rs 6n upocc cu lz 4c (copper,eagle,MV)__________360..[23.7/24.3]..98..93..[149]..avg..many measured..2pins/mmcx
059. kz tpc 8c (silver+gold,oyde,M)_____________________281..278..250..255..[17.9]
081. audbos/tenhz p4 pro stock spc/tpc? 4c (silver)________282/282..283/279..275/275..275/275
105. 7n silver 4c (silver,mps)__________________________300..290..280..280
140. hck djt1 6n gc-occ 8c (brown,alo,M)________________293/303..298/306..292/292..302/304..[17]..136..133..[127/131]
057. hck spc 8c (silver,furt,M)__________________________310..303..302..319
169. tw 7n upocc spc&cu lz frz 4c (silv&cop,eid,mmcxM)____316..319..311..327..[19.7]..79..73..[115]
080. tin audio t2 stock spc/tpc? 4c (silver,furt)_____________331..325..318..319
082. toneking t4 stock spc/tpc 8c (blue+black)_____________348..341..358..357
061. hck tdy4 spc 8c (black,furt,M)______________________350..avg..[17.4]..many measured
037. kz mmcx tpc 4c (silver,oyde)_______________________384..384..375..376
210. hck 6n upocc ag&cu lz 4c (light copper,M)____________382..409..386..403..[21.4]..78..73..[129]
058. kz tpc+ofc 8c A(0.75) (silver+copper,oyde,M)__________216..213..479..503
058. kz spc+ofc 8c B(0.78) (silver+copper,oyde,M)_________541..552..222..220
056. trn spc 6n occ 8c (silver+black,cheapBal furt,M)________423/414/249/260..219/216/245/240..289/244/480/475..150/223/145/135
056. trn spc 6n occ 8c (yellow+silver,cheapBal furt,M)_______429..289..265..137
056. trn spc 6n occ 8c (yellow+silver,cheap furt,M)_________454/448..219/218..135/245..267/128
050. tpc 8c (gold,oyde,M)_____________________________346..636..374..443
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:13 PM Post #3 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 1 of 5

. eac ms upocc AgAu+cu lz frz 8c (silver+copper/blue,eagle,MV):
8 cores:
139/138..142/137..136/134..144/134 mΩ..[28/32.4g]..118/128-119/136 pF..[113cm] (2.5/4.4mm, copper color)
131/130/138..131/131/137..132/147/153..131/130/143 mΩ..[32/32/28g]..118-120 pF..[113cm] (2*4.4/2.5mm, blue color)
195/188/166..163/176/167..161/161/166..173/186/163 mΩ..[35.7/33.7/35g]..137/144/160..138/137/145 pF..[137/140/140cm] (2.5mm, extra length, copper color)
4 cores:
242..241..284..283 mΩ (4.4mm, blue color)

mix of cables 170/171 (copper) and 173/174 (silver), from CEMA electro acousti, MS series. please read the comments of these cables to get an idea of characteristics of this cable.
now, 4 cores version is in stock, due to great success of 8 cores version.
in 8 cores version, one core of each material is used in every contact/signal. this way, the attributes are a direct average of cables 171 and 174, and i think it's the best approach for mixing different wires in single-ended cables. in 4 cores version, one wire type is used for positive signals, and the other for negative; the result should be the same than in 8 cores, except of the resistance.
it's the most versatile cable: it can pair well either with dark or bright combos.
not needed to say this is same top quality cable as 174 and 171. mix of one of the purest copper litz and silver wires (up-occ) you can find.
curious thing is how the craftman braided the cores; the result is like a zebra snake, very original indeed. also available with standard braid and blue sleeved copper.
my favorite hybrid cable together with effect audio vogue grandioso (234, see below); pure silver + copper, they are my absolute favorites.
pics: it's a true beauty..





custom cable at electro acousti:

173, 174. eac gs upocc Ag99Au1 8c (silver,eagle,MV).
taiwan oem up-occ pure silver99% + Au1% alloy. 28awg/core, PE sheath, from CEMA electro acousti. GS series.
eagle true rhodium plated plug (over gold plating); superb quality plug, there is a big difference between these components (jack, divider, slider), and those used in any other chi-cable from my list; the plug costs over $14, while others cost $2-3. good strain reliefs.
mmcx, 2pins, QDC, and other terminations, together with 2.5, 3.5, 4.4mm plugs, available. you can also ask for other terminations, like 2.5mm or 3.5mm plugs for headphones, and not ear molded guides (search for desired plugs in their stock).
flexible wire, but not the most flexible; it's supple, considering its thickness.
some microphonics, then, although i don't notice them when music is playing.
like the other up-occ wires, sound is very clean, reference. darker background, deeper soundstage, which helps to better separation and imaging perception. this also leads to better definition and detail.
compared with the other up-occ wires, i do notice the effect of pure silver.
mids (specially upper mids) and highs become more layered than in any other wire. soundstage is bigger, deeper, sounds come from many different places, even at dense passages. you can easier locate and separate them from others. the result is a clearer perception of mids and highs. you can better notice their ringing decay. this is the best wire i've tried for mids and highs.
lows are tight, punchy (great hit hats), and detailed. you can follow the bass line easier, fine texture. but you notice less bass rumble, shorter note size, than with up-occ copper.
so this wire is excellent for taming bass in dark combos, or for mid-treble-heads (like me).
if you miss bolder bass and rumble, you better try up-occ copper.
this is my favorite pure silver cable atm.

wire used:


174. 8 cores version: 140/151..143/151..142/146..149/158 mΩ..[34g]..114/121..104/113 pF..[113/111cm]
outer diameter: 5.3mm. length from splitter: 36/38cm.
structure: 0.10mm*10(ID:0.36mm/OD:1.4mm/28.15awg)*8c [2c/signal:25.16AWG]

173. 4 cores version:
structure: 0.10mm*10(ID:0.36mm/OD:1.4mm/28.15awg)*4c

170, 171. eac 7n upocc cu lz frz (copper/blue,eagle,M).
taiwan oem frozen 7n up-occ copper litz (independent shield/enamel of every thread in each core), 28awg/core, PE sheath; "frozen and strengthened by American cryo parts". from CEMA electro acousti. CS series.
eagle true rhodium plated plug (over gold plating), sandal wood divider and wood/metal chin slider; superb quality plugs, there is a big difference between these components (plug, divider, slider), and those used in any other chi-cable from my list; the plug costs over $14, while others cost $2-3.
strain relief is a bit stiff (soft heat-shrink); this could be improved. edit: this has been improved in cable 171; now it's very good.
mmcx, 2pins, QDC, and other terminations, together with 2.5, 3.5, 4.4mm plugs, can also ask for other terminations, like 2.5mm or 3.5mm plugs for headphones, and not ear molded guides (search for desired plugs in their stock).
flexible wire, but not the most flexible; i expected the 8 cores would be stiffer; it's quite supple for its thickness.
some microphonics, then, although i don't notice them when music is playing.
sound is very clean, reference. darker background, deeper soundstage; definition is so great, that i get the best separation and imaging perception.
litz shielding can give even darker background than wire used in cable 172/165 (no litz); this is confirmed after first listening; difference is subtle (as usual with cables), but noticeable and welcome.
bass keeps its rumble, while detailed. mids and highs perception is clearer than with other copper cables.
this is my favorite copper cable, together with effect audio vogue maestro (230, see below), at this moment.

wire used: (transparent sleeve) and/or (blue accent sleeve, kind of blue/purple, it changes its color depending of the light)


171. 8 cores version
copper color:......133..143..132..142 mΩ..[30.5g]..121..111 pF..[117cm]
blue color 2pin:...133..154..132..152 mΩ..[30.5g]..121..111 pF..[117cm]
blue color mmcx:.156..162..145..184 mΩ..[31.8g]..134..131 pF..[136cm] (extra length)

outer diameter: 5mm. length from splitter: 37cm.
structure: 0.08mm*19(OD:1.08mm/27.3awg)*4c [2c/signal: 24.3AWG]
copper color:

blue/purple color (plus 3.5mm TRS to 2.5mm TRRS adapter, using same wire):

170. 4 cores version: 252..254..268..290 mΩ..[21.46g]..73..71 pF..[120cm]
outer diameter: 4.3mm. length from splitter: 41cm.
structure: 0.08mm*19(OD:1.08mm/27.3AWG)*4c


230, 232, 234. effect audio vogue series.
these are the budget line from a very reputed brand from Singapore.


in these models, they also use up-occ litz wires, my fav, but with a more refined geometry and other innovations: triple size of strands into each core, like famous cardas clear light but adding kevlar fibers in the center to improve durability; golden ratio dispersion, which should help to avoid some undesired harmonics; ultraflexi sleeve; very light and ergonomic (flatten surfaces) plugs (jack, termination plugs, and splitter).

i'm going to compare these cables with the equivalent cema electro acousti cables, to check if these innovations make a noticeable improvement.

it is difficult to notice the subtle sound differences between such high quality cables, so it could be bias, but i think there are higher dynamics and very slightly deeper soundstage, blacker background, which helps with imaging, separation, and microdetails. tried with hifiman ananda and moondrop blessing. the new geometry is a success in my opinion.
about resistance and capacitance, these cables (4 cores) are true 26awg per signal, so their conductivity are closer to 8 cores versions of cema cables than to 4 cores versions (28awg), while their parallel capacitance is closer to 4 cores versions, which is great.
i think that cema eagle plugs are higher quality than the minimal versions sported in this vogue series, but the counterpart is that vogue cables result extremely light (check the weight) and comfortable (thanks to the flat surfaces, frequent un/plugging is easier for me; the plastic chin slider does its job).
the cables are very flexible, and didn't notice microphonics.
considering all this, and comparing the prices (remember effect audio makes discounts from time to time), these cables are now my favorites, in par, if not better, than my favorite cema cables.

234. ea vogue grandioso upocc cu+ag lz 4c (silv+cop,ea,M)
2 cores of up-occ copper litz + 2 cores of up-occ silver litz, triple-size and golden ratio dispersion, 26AWG per core/signal, woven kevlan fibers inside, ultraflexi (kind of PE?) sheath available colors: transparent sleeve (copper and silver colors), black sleeve for copper cores (black and silver colors).
2.5mm jack, 2pins:.179..202..203..169 mΩ..[15.4g]..81..80 pF..[119cm]
outer diameter: 4.2mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
resistance measurements suggest silver cores are used in left- and right+. not an issue in balanced cables.

perception of tonality is extended, balanced and natural, like with 175. copper helps with bass (impactful, good extension and bass rumble while very well textured), and silver helps with treble (good extension and body, airy and sparkling but keeping naturalness). they are the most neutral and balanced cables i've tried (they don't alter the tonal signature), without loosing detail (all the frequencies along the instruments ringing are perceived even, smooth, no holes nor peaks), thanks to the exceptional soundstage and black background.
i think the way both cables achieve highs preservation is different. guess that AuAg (silver) strands in 175 results brighter than silver strands of 234 if same thickness, while 234 gets same brightness due to the thinner inner strands while controlling undesired harmonics between strands thanks to golden ratio dispersion. but these are pure guessings...
voices, both male (low mids) and female (upper mids), keep a good body; they are not located in front, there is some distance thanks to the deep soundstage, but all the details are preserved and noticed.
very difficult to find differences with 175, but maybe 234 has got a bit higher dynamics, blacker background.

this is my actual favorite hybrid cable and favorite absolute cable from all i've tried, together with 175 (cema electro acousti).


wire comparison with 175 (right). 234 has got thinner sleeve, and thicker wire (due to center kevlar fibers, plus overall thicker wire).
about copper wire, outer strands look similar diameter than strands of 175, inner strands will be thinner. silver strands of 175 are thicker than outer strands of 234, and much thicker than inner strands.

230. ea vogue maestro upocc cu lz 4c (copper,ea,M)
4 cores of up-occ copper litz, triple-size and golden ratio dispersion, 26AWG per core/signal, woven kevlan fibers inside, ultraflexi (kind of PE?) sheath available colors: transparent and black.
2.5mm jack, 2pins:.170..182..178..172 mΩ..[14.9g]..80..79 pF..[118cm]
outer diameter: 4.2mm. length from splitter: 38cm.

perception of tonality is balanced and natural, like 171. up-occ wires are more balanced than many other copper cables, because they don't eat the highs. impactful bass, well extended, bass rumble, while well textured and controlled (but not as much as 234). maybe a bit darker, but not much, than 234.
very difficult to find differences with 171. maybe slightly deeper stage and blacker background, but it could be bias..

this is my actual favorite copper cable together with 171 (cema electro acousti).



wire comparison with 171 (right in first pic, left in second pic). 230 has got thinner sleeve, and thicker wire (due to center kevlar fibers, plus overall thicker wire). you can notice some of the thinner inner strands in the second pic.

232. ea vogue virtuoso upocc spc lz 4c (silver,ea,M)
4 cores of up-occ silver plated copper litz, triple-size and golden ratio dispersion, 26AWG per core/signal, woven kevlan fibers inside, ultraflexi (kind of PE?) sheath available colors: transparent and black.
2.5mm jack, 2pins:.190..169..169..178 mΩ..[15.1g]..82..81 pF..[118cm]
outer diameter: 4.2mm. length from splitter: 38cm.

perception of tonality is clearly brighter than 230 and 234, due to tighter bass (less bass rumble and extension, but very well textured) and to airier and sparkler upper mids and treble. it's curious that silver plated up-occ copper is way brighter than up-occ pure silver. the result is not as natural as 234 nor 230. maybe because i tested it using an slightly bright DAC+amplifier (xduoo x20) and slightly bright headphones (hifiman ananda), i much prefer 234 and even 230. but this cable can be used with dark combos which like some more treble energy.
soundstage and background noise are in par with other quality up-occ litz wires. upper mids, female voices, look forwarder than in 234 & 230.
i don't own many silver plated cables (not my cup of tea), and didn't compare this cable with 128 (one of the best spc cables i've tested); will do it when i get some more time, but due to quality up-occ wire (stage and background) and lightness, this is my favorite silver plated copper cable at this moment. very good for dark combos.


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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:14 PM Post #4 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 2 of 6

, 183. eac gs AuPlatAg+AgAu 4c/8c (gold+silver,eagle,MV)
taiwan neotech oem 24k gold plated up-occ silver + up-occ pure silver99% + Au1% alloy. 28awg/core, PE sheath, from electro acousti. GS series.
AuAg: 0.10mm*10(ID:0.36mm/OD:1.4mm/28.15awg). gold plated Ag: 0.15mm?*7 (~26awg).
the result is 27AWG (24AWG in 8 cores version).
eagle true rhodium plated plug (over gold plating); superb quality plug, there is a big difference between these components (jack, divider, slider), and those used in any other chi-cable from my list; the plug costs over $14, while others cost $2-3. good strain reliefs.
mmcx, 2pins, QDC, and other terminations, together with 2.5, 3.5, 4.4mm plugs, available. you can also ask for other terminations, like 2.5mm or 3.5mm plugs for headphones, and not ear molded guides (search for desired plugs in their stock).
flexible wire, but not the most flexible; it's supple, considering its thickness.
some microphonics, then, although i don't notice them when music is playing.
like the other up-occ wires, sound is very clean, reference. darker background, deeper soundstage, which helps to better separation and imaging perception. this also leads to better definition and detail.
compared to cables 173/174 (only AgAu wire), the gold plated silver wire helps to get less bright result. quality of upper mids and highs is the same, but you get bolder bass and low mids, and some more sub-bass rumble.
compared to 175, i think i prefer up-occ copper bass (cleaner) than this gold plated silver bass (fuller). 183 overall tonality is brighter than 175.

wires used: (same than cables 173/174), and


183. 8 cores version: 122..122..119..131 mΩ..[33.3g]..108..102 pF..[112cm]
outer diameter: 5.5mm. length from splitter: 37cm.

182. 4 cores version


187. eac gs AuPa Plated Cu 8c (gold,eagle,MV): 135..157..243..232 mΩ
eac copper plated with gold+palladium(0.2%) alloy, PE sheath.
measurements and photos by @fokta (thanks!)
don't know the structure; manufacturer/seller webpage says 49 strands into each core (guess 7 packs of 7 strands each), so structure could be (0.05mm?*7*7,27.3awg)*8c [2c/signal: 25.3AWG]; although the high difference between measurements puzzled me and could indicate two kinds of cores used.
to get @fokta impressions in this custom cable from CEMA electro acousti, refer to his posts in this thread.

169, 177.
taiwan neotech oem frozen 7n up-occ silver plated copper and copper, mixed strands in each core, litz (independently shielded/enameled). PE sheath.
very good quality conductor material.
not very flexible wire, but ok; some microphonics, then, but i can't hear them when playing music.
sound is very clean, reference. dark background, bigger soundstage; definition is so great, that i feel better separation and imaging than the rest.
litz shielding can give even darker background than wire used in cable 165 (no litz, but thicker); this is confirmed after first listening; difference is subtle (as usual with cables), but noticeable and welcome.
i usually prefer copper to silver plated copper (except for some dark phones). but the difference when quality of wire is so high, gets minimized. in this case, i prefer this mix. mids and highs look a bit closer, thanks to silver plated copper, while lows keep their texture intact, thanks to copper.
this is my favorite spc&copper cable, atm. but i prefer hybrid cable 175 (more expensive); even bigger stage, layering, and even clearer mids and highs.
wire used:

177. eac cs 7n upocc spc&cu lz frz 8c (silv+cop,eagle,MV): 209..204..208..210 mΩ..[29.8]..137..129 pF..[142cm]
structure: 0.08mm?*7(spc)+0.10mm?*5(copper)(OD:1.08mm/28.4awg)*8c [2c/signal: 25.4AWG]
outer diameter: 5mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
custom cable of 1.5m (from 12m of wire), 8 cores (you can ask for 4 cores version as well), from electro acousti. CS series.
eagle true rhodium plated plug (over gold plating) with sandal wood terminated shell, sandal wood divider and metal chin slider; superb quality plugs, there is a big difference between these components (plug, divider, slider), and those used in any other chi-cable from my list.

custom cable at electro acousti:
now in stock:

169. tw 7n upocc spc&cu lz frz 4c (silv+cop,eid,Mx): 316..319..311..327 mΩ..[19.7g]..79..73 pF..[115cm]
structure: 0.08mm?*7(spc)+0.10mm?*5(copper)(OD:1.08mm/28.4AWG)*4c
outer diameter: 4.3mm. length from splitter: 46cm.
only mmcx (with 2.5, 3.5, and 4.4mm jacks) available. these mmcx plugs from Taiwan are wider than average, their quality is superior, preciser mechanized: safe and easier pop in and out. rotate freely.

210. hck 6n upocc ag&cu lz 4c (light copper,M): 382..409..386..403 mΩ..[21.4g]..78..73 pF..[129cm]
outer diameter: 5.5mm. length from splitter: 40cm.
nicehck oalloy 6n up-occ silver & copper alloy litz. PE sheath.
structure: 0.06mm*22*2(OD:1.5mm,26AWG)*4c. advertised as 25awg conductor.
geometry is two groups of 22 twisted strands, both twisted.
it comes into a nicehck flat zip case (one of my fav cases).
the plugs are nice looking. i like the bevel in the 2.5mm plug.
the wire is soft and medium-low flexibility.
as you can see, resistance measurements don't match 25 nor 26awg. it's around 29 or 30awg. the discrepancy could be originated by an improper litz remove before soldering. found a similar issue in cable 192.
despite of the resistance, you can notice the sound stage and black background of up-occ wires here.
the sound you get with this cable is really good. i'm amazed by the bass: it's very detailed (great texture) but it has big presence and sub-bass rumble. i think it's my favorite bass from all up-occ wires i've tried.
sound is balanced, not dark, not bright. about treble, you don't get same detail and clarity than with AgAu wire (cables 173/174, 175, 182/183), but it's there.



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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:16 PM Post #5 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 3 of 6

, 172, 179.
taiwan neotech oem 7n frozen up-occ (no litz), PE sheath.
structure: 0.10mm*16(OD:1.2mm/26AWG)*4c. or 8c (23AWG).
not very thick, but acceptable, because of the great quality of conductor material.
not very flexible wire, guess it's due to the sleeve. some microphonics, then, but i can't hear them when playing music.
sound is very clean, reference. dark background, bigger soundstage; definition is so great, that i feel better separation and imaging than the rest. but litz version of this wire is better.
overall great quality affordable when around $70.
wire used: and/or


179. eac cs 7n upocc cu frz 8c (copper/brown,eagle,MV)
8 cores custom version from electro acousti. CS series.

custom cable at electro acousti:

172. eac cs 7n upocc cu frz 4c (copper/brown,eagle,MV)
from electro acousti. CS series.
various plugs (mini-plugs included), dividers, and 2-pin/mmcx termination available; transparent or brown sleeve (guess you could ask.for mixed colors as well)


165. tw 7n upocc cu frz 4c (copper+brown,eid,Mx): 191..191..187..200 mΩ..[23.5g]..74..68 pF..[112cm]
outer diameter: 5mm. length from splitter: 45cm.
only mmcx (with 2.5, 3.5, and 4.4mm jacks) available. these mmcx plugs from Taiwan are wider than average, their quality is superior, preciser mechanized: safe and easier pop in and out. rotate freely.


125. 7n occ 4c (copper,furt,MV): 57/57/bad/55..59/59/bad/57..53/53/54/54..64/62/62/71 mΩ..[36g]..113/124/137..101/121/144 pF..[115/121/117cm]
outer diameter: 5.8mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
7n occ copper or alloy (let's trust it..), 0.1mm*63-65strands*4cores (equivalent to 20AWG/signal). PU sleeve. shiny copper color, great look.
best conductivity. total clean sound, reference (bold bass while keeping treble detail).
thick and heavy (36g vs 26g average weight). due to thickness, less flexible and stiffer than others, braid work is a bit loose, the solders into the jack get stressed, so take care of the jack. many sellers.
received one (from 4) with bad or broken solders into the jack.

wire used:
or this:

some links of cable:

128. 7n spc 4c (silver,eid,M): 63..64..58..71 mΩ..[38g]..102..89 pF..[115cm]
outer diameter: 6mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
silver plated copper version of cable 125, and eidolic styled jack (way better jack and spliter).
sound is slightly different, but likely clean. no sub-bass rumble loss and rich upper mids details.
as stiff as 125.

194. eac ms 5n ag & 7n occ cu frz 2x2c (silver,eagle,MV): 218..220..99..109 mΩ..[25.1g]..170..166 pF..[120cm]
core OD: 1.65mm. outer diameter: 4mm. length from splitter: 40cm.
5n sterling silver ribbon (65%), 7n occ copper, "double-layer freezing treatment", from the US.
electro acousti shop. MS series.
don't know its structure, but it looks like there is an inner conductor, some kind of insulation, and then a layer of braided ribbon (flat wire) of pure silver. so 2 conductors inside each core.
don't know the sleeve material, but guess it's PVC or even teflon, because the wire is stiff and springy, harder than PE sheath.
this topology is different to any other wire i've seen, and the sound you get when using it is also unique. very interesting.

resistance is amazing, very low, for such thickness (specially the ground/negative conductors).
inner conductor is used for one signal, and the braid silver layer for the other.
i was expecting that highs perception would be improved by using flat silver wire. and they are indeed, but the rumble of lows is also remarkable, unexpected from this frozen silver wire (maybe round copper inside?).
edit: yes, description update confirmed it uses copper as well, which explains the bass rumble.
so extension is huge at both sides.
soundstage is wide, and bigger overall than any other cables, but up-occ. same for background noise.
very good sound overall. i have to listen and do more AB to further compare it with up-occ wires.



198. eac xs 7n scc frz lz (copper,eagle,MV)
frozen 7n single crystal copper litz. PE sheath. from electro acousti. XS series.
structure: 0.06mm*7*7(.139s/.42mm/25.7AWG) per core; 22.7AWG (~90mΩ!) per signal, if 8 cores.
geometry is shown in the pic below. in this case, litz looks properly removed before soldering.
eagle true rhodium plated plug (over gold plating); superb quality plug, there is a big difference between these components (jack, divider, slider), and those used in any other chi-cable from my list; the plug costs over $14, while others cost $2-3. good strain reliefs.
mmcx, 2pins, QDC, and other terminations, together with 2.5, 3.5, 4.4mm plugs, available. you can also ask for other terminations, like 2.5mm or 3.5mm plugs for headphones, and not ear molded guides (search for desired plugs in their stock).
flexible wire, at least the 4 cores version. more flexible than up-occ cables.
my first try in this cable (not burn-in) shows huge bass. lot of rumble. this makes the cable the darkest from the electro acousti cables i've tried. there is good detail in mids and treble, but due to bass presence, the overall result is warm.
i'm in love with up-occ wires, because of their deep sound stage and black background, and tight and detailed bass (personal preference): this wire doesn't reach the high mark up-occ has set, although it is close.
i'd recommend this cable for bassheads, or for trying to get a darker sound from your excessively bright source+phones combo.
i'll update my impressions when i spend more time with this cable.


8 cores version:

4 cores version: 167..164..164..174 mΩ..[23.8g]..76..71 pF..[113cm]
outer diameter: 4mm. length from splitter: 40cm.


133. GUCraftsman 6N OCC cables.
superb conductivity for such a thin wire. material must be true 6n occ, high quality. soft and flexible, although less than (130) due to resistant and durable PVC sleeve.
structure: 0.08mm*19(27awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG].
outer diameter: 4.5mm. length from splitter: 38cm.
many terminations (even custom) for headphones available.
clean sound. reference.
reviewed here:
silver mmcx: pure occ single crystal silver (it could be silver plated 6n occ copper).
GUcraftsman 6n occ spc? 8c (grey,alo,MV): 135..133..124..128 mΩ..[27.5g]..151..148 pF..[126cm]

copper mmcx: 6n occ single crystal copper.
GUcraftsman 6n occ 8c (light brown,alo,mmcx): 136..143..127..130 mΩ..[26.8g]..145..173 pF..[126cm]

copper 2.5mmTRS (for HE400i).
GUcraftsman copper 6n occ 8c (light brown,alo,2.5TRS): 142..143..133..135 mΩ

links of the cables i've purchased and tested:
other distributors:
links of other cables using same wire: (silver cable)
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:18 PM Post #6 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 4 of 6

, 151. ISN audio hi-fi. 16 cores.
structure: 0.08mm*19(27awg,OD:1mm)*16c [4c/signal:21.3AWG].
outer diameter: 7mm. length from splitter: 47cm.
no ear guides, simple heat shrink plastic as strain reliefs (it could be better, but given the rigidity of the cable, there is low risk of break due to big tangling). metallic matte splitter, polished chin slider (it looks like hard plastic, but could be aluminum).
it's like 2 cables in 1. double width, weight, and conductivity (superb). reasonably flexible for its width, but on the stiff side.

150. C16 (single crystal copper): 78..83..73..86 mΩ..[52.9g]..297..294 pF..[124cm]
warm tilt, bold bass. it looses upper mids and treble detail (noticeable with high resolving iem).

151. S16 (silver plated OCC copper): 82..81..77..88 mΩ..[50.2g]..242..263 pF..[124cm]
clean sound. thinner bass than C16. good to preserve upper-mids and treble resolution.


160, 161. acrolink 6n occ 8c
structure: 0.10mm*19(25awg)*8c [2c/signal:~22.3AWG]. 6N pcocc copper. PVC sleeve. acrolink plugs.
outer diameter: 4mm; core diameter: 1.1mm. length: 120cm. length from splitter: 38cm.
thickness of wire and PVC sleeve make the cable stiffer than others (like 130, for example). tight braid, long heat shrink plastic as strain relief (less rigid would be better) and ear guides. no chin slider. they come with a very nice hard plastic box with small magnets.
honest decent quality conductor material, superb conductivity. nice repairable plugs.
clean sound. copper version preserves lows better; spc version, mids and highs. in this case, i prefer sound with copper version (better, same level of best cables in the list), but i love purple color of sleeve in spc version (also available in orange and green).

160. acrolink 6n occ 8c (lightgrey,MV): 95..95..91..102 mΩ..[37g]..210..193 pF..[120cm]
copper (better sound)

161. acrolink 6n occ spc 8c (purple,MV): 90..99..83..95 mΩ..[38g]..214..187 pF..[120cm]
spc (nice colors available)

wire used:


(other plugs and terminations at same shop)

163. acrolink spc 6n occ 16c (silver,MV): 121..109..106..105 mΩ..[29.8g]..154..155 pF..[118cm] [4.4mm plug version]
kindly donated by @candlejack. thank you very much!
structure: 0.10mm*7(29.6awg)*16c [4c/signal:~23.6AWG]. silver plated 6N occ copper. teflon sleeve. acrolink plugs.
total diameter:~3.6mm; length from splitter: 37cm.
long heat shrink plastic as strain relief (less rigid would be better) and ear guides. soft plastic or rubber chin slider. it comes with a very nice hard plastic box with small magnets.
teflon sleeve makes the cable one of the stiffest in the list. guess dielectric capabilities of teflon are higher than PVC and other polymers; this could contribute to darker background, but also to high rigidness and loud microphonics.
honest decent quality conductor material, superb conductivity. nice repairable plugs.
i need to receive the 4.4mm to 2.5mm adapter to check the sound.

wire used:

(you can check the rigidness of the sleeve in this pic)

130, 131, 132. pure silver (and "gold"?) plated 7n occ copper (spc). let's trust it.. 0.05mm*48(27awg,OD:1.2mm)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG]. soft UV-PVC sleeve.
outer diameter: 5mm.
some sellers say it's pure silver wire, golden plated (but it's not). i bet this is one of few chi-cables which are true silver plated (not tin plated).
superb conductivity, very well built (specially 130). very soft and flexible (top one, considering the thickness). another clean sound, reference.
wire used:

130. hck djy1 7n occ spc 8c (brown/gold,eid,M): 100..101..98..111 mΩ..[33.4g]..159..164 pF..[118cm]
length from splitter: 40cm.
eidolic type jack, chin slider; best conductivity from the 3, probably due to jack and solders:


131. 7n occ spc 8c (brown,oyde,M): 107..114..106..125 mΩ..[31.4g] defective
all brown, oyaide styled jack, no chin slider; received wrong cable twice, and then a defective one (one core is connecting R+ and L- -plug mass-; bad soldering; still unable to unscrew the jack, it seems glued :frowning2: ):


132. luna 7n occ spc 8c (brown/gold,furt,M): 121..121..116..151 mΩ..[31.5g]
lunashops, furutech styled jack, no chin slider:
it's curious the different resistance respect cable 130, while using same wire (plugs?).

links (4/8 cores, oyaide/furutech styled jacks): (4/8 cores) (4/8 cores)

other cables using same wire (including terminations for headphones and other iems):

115. pure silver.. plated copper wire. (TPU insulatedLayer 0.05mm*50 + shield 0.05mm*45)*4c. equivalent to 24.5awg when using shield layer (two cores/wire, so equivalent to 8 cores).
TPU sleeve. shiny white or grey available, great look. soft, but not much flexible, even considering the loose braid.
white: spc+shield 4c[8c] (white silver,oyde,MV): 137/128..136/126..131/131..139/139 mΩ..[26.9g]..110..92 pF..[118cm]
outer diameter: 6mm. length from splitter: 40cm.

grey (hck version):

wire used:




140. hck djt1 6n gc-occ 8c (brown,alo,M): 293/303..298/306..292/292..302/304 mΩ..[17g]..136..133 pF..[127/131cm]
outer diameter: 3mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
alo audio styled plugs, with rubber strain reliefs; tiny splitter, chin slider is tight enough to keep in place.
great quality copper. total thickness equivalent to 28awg.
very clean sound, while being very light and ultra flexible.
you notice the better quality of sound (darker background, deeper stage) with this cable compared with cheaper ones. it preserves lows and mids very well.
one of my top recommendations, when at sales, specially if you need a very light and flexible copper cable. wish they had a 16 cores version of this wire, to lower the resistance.


196. eac rx 6n occ+spc litz 4c (silver+copper,eagle,MV): 167..168..296..288 mΩ..[22.1g]..76..71 pF..[116cm]
outer diameter: 4.6mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
6n occ copper and silver plated copper hybrid cable. PE sheath. from electro acousti . RX series.
groups of twisted strands are twisted into each core, litz geometry.
one material is used for positive signals, and the other for negative/ground, resulting in 26AWG for positive, and 28AWG for negative/ground. my unit uses balanced jack, which i prefer for these kind of cables.
eagle gold plated plugs use to have very good quality.
perception of tonality is what expected. full bass and airy treble. balanced. great highs detail.
very good hybrid one, although i miss the deep stage of more expensive up-occ wires.
with these wires, you feel the sound closer to you than with up-occ wires.
it is very soft and ultra flexible wire. one of my affordable hybrid cables favorites.





168. tw 6n ofc 4c (copper,eid,mmcxM): 164..165..160..179 mΩ..[24.7g]..86..78 pF..[116cm]
structure: 0.10mm*30(OD:1.35mm/25AWG) 5n ofhc, PE sleeve.
outer diameter: 5mm. length from splitter: 47cm.
24awg specified of 5N OFHC, but measurements say 25awg. decent conductivity.
only mmcx (with 2.5, 3.5, and 4.4mm jacks) available. these mmcx plugs from Taiwan are wider than average, their quality is superior, preciser mechanized: safe and easier pop in and out. rotate freely. jack and splitter are also very good quality.
not very flexible wire. look is superb, clear shiny copper.
sound is clean enough, although i prefer 165 by far. overall good quality and nice look, great value when around $35, because of the look and plugs.



090. hck 4n ofc 4c (copper,furt,M): 177.. 202..193..190 mΩ..[24.9g]..92..89 pF..[127cm]
structure: 0.075mm*56(OD:1.5mm/23AWG) 4n ofhc. PVC sheath advertised, but it's a very soft PE sheath.
outer diameter: 5.5mm. length from splitter: 40cm.
litz geometry (7/8 packs of 8/7 twisted strands, twisted between them into each core). and maybe litz enameling, because resistance measurements don't match 23awg (26AWG instead). improper litz remove before soldering could explain this discrepancy, like with cables 192 and 210.
nicehck honest but great quality 4n ofhc cable. it's refreshing to find chinese cables with true wire quality advertised.
good amount of bass. the result is warm. typical decent copper cable.
it is very soft and ultra flexible wire.
nice looking affordable quality copper cable.





192. eac rs 6n upocc litz no-frozen 4c (copper,eagle,MV): 360 mΩ (average)..[23.7g 2pin / 24.3g mmcx]..98..93 pF..[149cm, extra length]
outer diameter: 5mm. length from splitter: 42cm.
6n up-occ copper litz, not frozen, 26awg. ultra soft and cheesy sheath (silicone? kind of PE?). from electro acousti. RS series.
thin threads are twisted together creating thicker threads, which are twisted between them.
it's one of the softest and most flexible wire in my list. guess the cause is the sleeve. you have to take care of it. it melts instantaneously with fire, and looks weak and cheesy (noticed it when removing the litz from the naked wire i bought).
resistance measurements of the cable are more proper of a 28awg wire than 26awg, but parallel capacitance measurements are pretty low.
i don't know the material used to enamel the strands, but it's hard to remove before soldering. this could explain the higher resistance than expected, and also the nice capacitance.
i wasn't expecting much from this cheap wire, but it has impressed me. black background and big stage, like other higher quality up-occ wires. it's not as good as 7n frozen litz versions, but i much prefer it to other similar priced chinese wires.
lows are good textured and keep good rumble, highs aren't swallowed like in other cheap copper cables.
together with ultra softness and suppleness and price, this cable becomes very interesting. great value (consider to add components like if it was a custom cable, and check price difference).


wire used: (very affordable)

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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:20 PM Post #7 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 5 of 6

. jcally 5n painted ofc/tpc 4c (various colors,cheap furt,MV)
structure: 0.08mm*63(22AWG)*4c pvc sleeve. 500D fiber yarn, to absorb moisture.
they say copper is plated, and then painted. various colors and combinations available. some versions come with a nice small soft fabric zipper pouch.
superb conductivity, due to thickness of cable. similar structure than cable 125, but strands are 0.08mm instead of 0.10mm.
sound is less clean than cable 125, because of worse quality of copper, paint around copper, and worse plugs and solders (found one unit where some threads of the cores are not well soldered; small space to solder?). but way cheaper and good enough for not very resolving iems.
colors are nice, but i'd prefer to achieve it by coloring sleeves, rather than painting conductor.
zsn termination (c-type) is intended for QDC and BQEYZ: pins are inverted polarity respect KZs, but perfectly usable (no issues).

copper 5n ofc/tpc not painted?: 88/86..89/89..90/82..92/93 mΩ..[36g]..133..146 pF..[117cm]
outer diameter: 5.1mm. length from splitter: 36cm.

dark blue painted 5n tpc: 84..184..80..107 mΩ..[34.4g]

4 colors painted (these are the plugs i got with dark blue cable; cheap look)

gold painted 5n tpc

possible wire used: (not accurate structure, doubtful quality)
or: (more accurate structure, doubtful quality)
(although conductor quality doesn't match; it's probably 4N or 5N ofc, like jc ally claims)

copper (not painted?):
dark blue:
silver+dark blue:
4 colors:

053. great conductivity. some details (strain reliefs, easier repairable plugs) are better in (052). this wire is thicker, softer but less flexible. weight: 27.2g. variants: copper/ mixed copper & silver plated / silver plated (various colors, worse conductivity though).
structure could be: 0.10mm*19(25awg)*8c [2c/signal:22.5AWG]. if true, and wire material/plugs were better quality, it'd measure about 95mΩ (15-20mΩ less).
however, different color versions use different wire.
decent sound and quality and superb conductivity for the price.

hck ct1 ofc 8c (brown,slim plugs,M): 110..avg (115 mmcx)..[27g]..many measured

hck tdy1 tpc 8c (silver,slim plugs,M): 134/155..163/150..132/138..148/152 mΩ

other colors and wires:


145. this wire looks like (053). in fact, same colors available (orange+white, red+white, silver..). but brown color version of this cable says it's spc, while brown (053) is copper. the wire is not identical, when you close look at it.
anyway, superb conductivity for the price as well.
this is audio-technica plug version; other non-standard terminations are available.


052. oem (various re-branded) chinese cable.
good conductivity, very well built, quite long threaded (repairable and trimmable) plugs.
ofc or tin/alloy plated ofc (unsure, each color use different wire).
0.08mm*19(27awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG] or 0.10mm*19(25awg)*8c [2c/signal:22.5AWG].
various terminations, colors: gold, silver, silver+copper, copper, brown, black.
soft and flexible, but in different grades (like conductivity), depending of the wire and color.

oem tpc 8c (gold,eid): 96..99..91..104 mΩ..[27.5g]
BEWARE: version with gold plated jack (instead of nickel/rhodium) is being sent from some shops; different wire, resistance ~235mΩ

oem tpc 8c (silver,eid): 130 mΩ..average..(many measured)

oem tpc+ofc? 8c (silver+copper,eid,M): 135/131..131/132..190/184..208/240 mΩ
one type of conductor used for signal, the other type for ground (negative/cold, in balanced)

oem tpc 8c (copper,eid,M): 180 mΩ..average..[24.7g]..(many measured, the most flexible)

oem tpc 8c (brown,eid,M): 188..188..185..185 mΩ

possible wire used:


links: (last sent was the worst conductivity version) (don't know which version they'll send) (don't know which version they'll send)

(there are other shops and re-brands)

051. tpc 8c (grey,eid,M): 128..128..126..138..[27.4g]
very similar to cables 052. same jacks and strain reliefs, but different termination plugs (2pins version is flush, not protruding; different splitter and chin slider).
wire could be similar quality to the best 052s.


066. jcally 5n painted tpc 8c (black,cheap furt,MV)
structure: 0.07mm*25(27awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG]. 500D nylon. 0.4u plated thickness. anti-oxidation protective paint. pvc sleeve, various colors.
nice conductivity. but i don't like this kind of cheap furutech styled jack (one signal core is not well soldered in one tested unit; small space for solder?).
softer and more flexible than 065.
good enough for not very resolving iems.
zsn termination (c-type) is intended for QDC and BQEYZ: pins are inverted polarity respect KZs, but perfectly usable (no issues).

black (3.5mm,qdc): 249..130..126..126 mΩ..[29.2g]
black (3.5mm,2pin): 155..146..142..142
black (3.5mm,mmcx): 155..145..138..140




155. oem (various re-brands) silver spc 8c (silver,eid,MV): 256/254..258/249..245/245..260/246 mΩ..[23.4g]
advertised as pure silver, it's spc, or even tin/alloy plated copper.
it's funny to see prices going from $80 ("pure silver") to $27 at different shops. the cable is identical.
although less conductive than 051, 052, 053, guess conductor material is better, maybe true silver plated better copper (price wouldn't be justified otherwise). AB listening is pendent.

links: nicehck cy1 nicehck vs audio toneking avckck antcodo (way cheapest!, various terminations, but not 2.5/4.4mm)
(there are other shops and re-brands)
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:21 PM Post #8 of 408
CABLES BELOW 400mΩ. info, pics, comments, links. PART 6 of 6

. 7n spc 16c (silver,viablue): 165..145..155..155 mΩ
16 very thin cores of spc wire.

120. bgvp 6n occ+spc? 8c (grey) =DM6 stock: 169..173..277..190 mΩ
bgvp spc cable, identical to DM6 stock cable (but this has balanced, straight plug). nice looking (grey and silver), ear guides cover part of the mmcx plug. but strain relief of jack is too short and stiff, conductivity could be better, and one of the solders in my unit was not as good as the others. they give extended info of the cable at product's page, but it doesn't seem to match reality, after measuring it. anyway, one of the best stock cables provided.


100. impactAudio infinite 5n ofc 4c (custom,MV): 190..190..182..180 mΩ
impact audio customized cable. this is not my unit. true eidolic plugs, excellent built and look. voluminous and heavy, due to the thick braided textile sleeve. honest 5n copper cable. pity for us he is taking some vacations now.

064. hck ct4 ofc 16c (brown,M): 193..208..168..202 mΩ [22.6g]..[119cm]
outer diameter: 3.6mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
last iteration of budget nicehck cables. best conductivity and build quality in the cheapest segment (<$10).
2pins version uses flush plugs, like previous iteration, good for flush sockets (like in most KZs), even for protruding sockets.
new jack, it doesn't seem to be easily repairable, but like its shape, beveled to provide more grip.
strain relief is a bit rigid.
i much like the new splitter (same as used in cables 133 -Gu's-), small and elegant.
very soft and flexible. sound is decent (good for the price). great value.


060. hck ct3 ofc 8c (brown,furt,M): 206/210..206/204..200/205..486/195 mΩ [19g]
great conductivity and build quality in the cheapest segment (<$10) cables.
very soft and flexible. blue point marks ground/- pin.
sound is acceptable.


063. hck tdy3 tpc 16c (black,furt,M): 223..226..225..230 mΩ..[21.9g]
again, not remarkable conductivity being a 16 cores wire.
very soft and flexible. not ear guides. blue point marks ground/- pin.
decent sound.


055. tpc 16c (silver,oyde,M): 221/232..218/236..221/221..232/235 mΩ
16 cores, but worse conductivity than some cheaper 8 cores. (050) is its 8 cores sibling. very soft and flexible, though. decent sound.

070. tpc 16c (pink,eid,M): 240..240..237..252 mΩ..[22.2g]
ultra soft and flexible. nice color for pink lovers. better jack (my fav) than other 16 cores cables.
decent sound.

054. lz 6n frozen spc 8c (brown,M): 240..240..240..300 mΩ..[22.9g]..144..137 pF..[123cm]
outer diameter: 4.4mm. length from the splitter: 39cm.
6n frozen spc.. maybe, but thin conductor (it could be 0.1mm*7*8c)


062. hck ct2 ofc 16c (brown,furt,M): 402/235..259/243..239/250..244/246 mΩ..[22.5g]
worse conductivity (narrower conductor) than its 8 cores sibling.
very soft and flexible. not ear guides. blue point marks ground/- pin.
decent sound.


050. 2pins version is wrong molded for kz (but good for BQEYZ KC2, for example) in the 2 units i own -watch phase!-. you can remold the ear guides. soft and flexible.
various colors and terminations.

tpc 8c (black,oyde,M): 260..270..260..260 mΩ

tpc 8c (gold,oyde,M): 346..636..374..443 mΩ


059. kz spc 8c (silver+gold,oyde,M): 281..278..250..255 mΩ..[17.9g]
kz upgrade cable.
structure: 0.05mm*25(30awg)*8c, equivalent to 27AWG per signal. silver color alloy plated + gold color alloy plated ofc (of course it's not true silver and gold plated).
terminations available: 2pins type A (0.75mm), type C (zsn, 0.75mm), mmcx.
only 3.5mm jack (single end) found. no chin slider (you could try to insert a rubber/silicone o-ring).
it uses more even spc wires (silver color alloy plated and gold color alloy plated ofc copper) than last kz cable (058), so you don't find so high and random resistance difference.
good conductivity for the price, decent jack, good strain reliefs, it's last and best upgrade cable made by kz now.

081. audbos/tenhz p4 pro stock spc/tpc? 4c (silver): 282/282..283/279..275/275..275/275 mΩ
structure: 0.08mm*14(~28AWG)*4cores.
the cores are twisted and a transparent sleeve covers the whole cable. the result is very thin, but not much flexible.
good conductivity for an stock cable. plugs look cheap, though.

105. 7n silver 4c (silver,mps): 300..290..280..280 mΩ
7n pure silver, bought at nicehck. but it's very thin, so conductivity is not that great

057. nicehck spc 8 cores. very well built, but thin wire, so conductivity is far worse than (052). various colors (and materials?). light and very flexible.
hck spc 8c (silver,furt,M): 310..303..302..319 mΩ




080. tin audio t2 stock spc/tpc? 4c (silver,furt): 331..325..318..319 mΩ
the sleeve has a fabric touch. plastic mmcx plugs.
thin and very flexible.

082. toneking t4 stock spc/tpc 8c (blue+black): 348..341..358..357 mΩ
structure: 0.05(or 0.045)mm*20+400D-nylon(~31awg)*8cores. equivalent to ~28.2AWG. PU soft sleeve.
metal plugs, thin cable. braid is very tight. soft and decent flexibility.

wire used:


061. hck tdy4 spc 8c (black,furt,M): 350 mΩ..average..[17.4g]..(many measured)
quite lower conductivity than copper version (narrower conductor).
very soft and flexible. blue point marks ground/- pin.
sound is acceptable.


058. kz tpc+ofc 8c (silver+copper,oyde,M)
type A(0.75): 216..213..479..503 mΩ
type B(0.78): 541..552..222..220 mΩ
kz upgrade 8 cores cable. two types of wire used (copper and sliver plated copper), which have very different resistance. one type is used for signals (left, right), the other type for ground (cold signals in balanced). the problem is that you can't know which material is used for each (got 2 cables, different configuration; it seems random). dunno why they don't use one core of each type for each signal (that would be real copper+spc mixed), if possible.
in one cable, right plug was molded reversed for kz (had to use a hair dresser to remold it).

037. kz mmcx tpc 4c (silver,oyde): 384..384..375..376 mΩ
kz cheap upgrade cable for mmcx. good conductivity for the price


056. trn spc 6nocc 8c tA (various colors,cheapBal furt).trn 8 cores cable.
advertised structure is: 0.08mm*25(26awg)*8c [2c/signal:.~23AWG], "6N monocrystalline occ copper, plated with 85 microns of extruded silver, kevlar fiber reinforced" (judging by the price, it could be alloy plated ofc copper). PE sleeve.
but it looks more of 0.07mm*25(27.2awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG], given the resistance values.
the wire looks great (very low resistance), the plugs and splitter look cheap (black color hides this better). available in 0.75mm, 0.78mm, mmcx, and 3.5mm, 2.5mm (balanced),
it would be great if they right soldered the cores; only 1 core for some signals, and possibly, many strands of the cores broken while soldering. very poor solder work.
you won't notice the difference between left and right, in volume (<0.2dB imbalance), but i don't like this uneven measures, it spoils the purpose of using a decent wire. left signal could be lost with time (very few strands of only one core have been soldered).

black and silver: 423/414/249/260..219/216/245/240..289/244/480/475..150/223/145/135 mΩ

gold and silver: 429/454/448..289/219/218..265/135/245..137/267/128 mΩ
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:25 PM Post #11 of 408

resistance, in mΩ: left, right, groundL [, groundR] or L+, R+, L-, R- (balanced), and [weight], in g.
measured with high precision multimeter.
blue color: @BadReligionPunk measurements

wire material: spc= silver/tin/alloy plated copper; ofc: oxygen-free-copper; <num>c=number of cores
color: silver= white/silver; copper= orange/pink; brown= brown/dark copper; gold= yellow
chinese jack style (metallic):
eid= eidolic; oyde= oyaide; furt=furutech; alo=alo audio; bsp=bispa; scrf=switchcraft
2pins: curved=angled plug; tA=0.75; tB=0.78; tC=curved for zsn available

"upgrade" (separately sold):
065. jc ally 5n ofc/tpc 4c (copper,cheap furt,tC).........88/86..89/89..90/82..92/93..[36]
065. jc ally 5n spc/ofc 4c (dark blue,cheap furt,tC)....84..184..80..107..[34.4]
066. jcally 5n tpc 8c (black,cheap furt,tC)..................249/155/155..130/145/146..126/138/142..126/140/142..[29.2]
053. hck ct1 ofc 8c (brown,bsp).................................110 average (115 mmcx) many measured
053. hck tdy1 spc 8c (silver,bsp)................................134..163..132..148 (silver plated)
052. spc 8c (gold,eid)..................................................96..99..91..104
051. spc 8c (grey,eid).................................................128..128..126..138..[27.4]
052. spc 8c (silver,eid)................................................134/126..127/126..129/127..129/129
052. spc+ofc 8c (silver+copper,eid)............................135/131..131/132..190/184..208/240
196. eac 6n occ+spc litz 4c (silv+copp,eagle)............167..168..296..288..[22.1]..76..71 pF..[116cm]
090. hck 4n ofc 4c (copper,furt)..................................177.. 202..193..190..[24.9]..92..89 pF..[127cm]
052. spc 8c (copper,eid).............................................180..average (many measured)
052. spc 8c (brown,eid)..............................................188..188..185..185
064. hck ct4 ofc 16c (brown)......................................193..208..168..202..[22.6]
060. hck ct3 ofc 8c (brown,furt)..................................206/210..206/204..200/205..486/195
055. spc 16c (silver,oyde)...........................................221..218..221..232
070. spc 16c (pink,eid)................................................240..240..237..252
063. hck tdy3 tpc 16c (black,furt)................................223..226..225..230
062. hck ct2 ofc 16c (brown,furt)................................402/235..259/243..239/250..244/246..[22.5]
054. lz 6n frozen copper 8c (brown)...........................240..240..240..300
155. "silver" spc 8c (silver,eid)...................................256/254..258/249..245/245..260/246
050. spc 8c (black,oyde)............................................260..270..260..260
059. kz spc 8c (silver+gold,oyde,tC)..........................281..278..250..255..[17.9]
057. hck spc 8c (silver,furt)........................................310..303..302..319
061. hck tdy4 spc 8c (black,furt)................................350..average..(many measured)
056. trn spc 6nocc 8c tA (black+silver,cheapBal furt).423/414/249/260..219/216/245/240..289/244/480/475..150/223/145/135
056. trn spc 6nocc 8c tA (yellow+silver,cheapBal furt).429..289..265..137
056. trn spc 6nocc 8c tA (yellow+silver,cheap furt).....454/448..219/218..135/245..267/128
058. kz spc+ofc 8c tA (silver+copper,oyde)................216..213..479..503 (diff wires)
058. kz spc+ofc 8c tB (silver+copper,oyde)................541..552..222..220 (diff wires)
031. kz curved spc 4c (silver/transp,jack black rings).350/360/400..350/370/390..350/370/400
050. spc 8c (gold,oyde).............................................346..636..374..443
014. kz zsn spc 4c (copper,tC)...................................415/302..425/307..445/307..595/308
038. kzx4197 spc 8c (silver,metal plugs)....................430..avg (many tested, green/blue patina)
042. trn curved spc 4c (silver,thick coat,metal)..........570..520..520
015. kz zsn spc 4c (silver,tC)......................................607..630..653..648
030. kz straight spc 4c (silver)....................................670/700..670/700..670/700
040. kz straight ofc spc 4c (grey,thick coat)................690..700..680
032. kz curved spc 4c (silver,jack white rings)............630/760..600/620..610/830
034. spc (orange,transparent plugs)..........................700..700..700
035. spc (grey,transparent plugs)...............................640..790..660
043. trn curved spc 4c (black,thick coat)..710/720/710..730/750/750..700/730/860..730/740/740

stock curved type:
014. kz zsn stock spc 4c (copper)............................415/302..425/307..445/307..595/308
014. kz zsn stock mic spc 4c (copper).....................395/423..1011/1249..401/494..647/711
006. kz es3 stock mic...............................................660..660..660..680
008. kz zsr stock mic................................................640..640..880
017. kz as06 stock (braided)....................................775..797..784..811
012. kz as10 stock mic (braided) .............................876..876..903..905
002. kz zst stock mic.................................................950..870..870
009. kz zs10 stock mic..............................................850..1220..940..780
011. kz zsa stock mic (braided).................................876..1179..862..764
016. kz zsn stock spc 4c (brown)..............................961/960..701/995..825/790..771/1102
016. kz zsn stock mic spc 4c (brown)........................2260..1161..831..815

stock straight type:
007. kz zs6 stock......................................................700..600..390
004. kz zs5 stock......................................................660..630..380
013. kz zs4 stock mic................................................689..767..686..701
019. cca c10 stock (braided).....................................816..818..831..818
000. kz zs3 stock mic................................................840..840..840
018. kz zs7 stock mic (braided)................................1165..1133..1159..814
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:26 PM Post #12 of 408
CABLES FOR KZs (BELOW $40, MOST BELOW $25). info, pics, comments, links. PART 1 of 2

065. jc ally 5n painted ofc/spc 4c (various colors,cheap furt,tC)
structure: 0.08mm*63(22AWG)*4c pvc sleeve. 500D fiber yarn, to absorb moisture.
they say copper is plated, and then painted. various colors and combinations available. some versions come with a nice small soft fabric zipper pouch.
superb conductivity, due to thickness of cable.
the jack is low quality, though (it's the same than cable 056, trn). this could explain the soldering issues in some units (found one unit where some threads of the cores are not well soldered; small space to solder?).
colors are nice, but i'd prefer to achieve it by coloring sleeves, rather than painting conductor.
zsn termination (c-type) is intended for QDC and BQEYZ: pins are inverted polarity respect KZs, but perfectly usable (no issues).

copper 5n ofc/spc? not painted?: 88/86..89/89..90/82..92/93..[36g]

dark blue painted 5n spc: 84..184..80..107..[34.4g]

4 colors painted (these are the plugs i got with dark blue cable; cheap look)

gold painted 5n spc

possible wire used: (not accurate structure, doubtful quality)
or: (more accurate structure, doubtful quality)
(although conductor quality doesn't match; it's probably 4N or 5N ofc, like jc ally claims)

copper (not painted?):
dark blue:
silver+dark blue:
4 colors:

066. jcally 5n painted tpc 8c (black,cheap furt,tC)
structure: 0.07mm*25(27awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG]. 500D nylon. 0.4u plated thickness. anti-oxidation protective paint. pvc sleeve, various colors.
nice conductivity. but i don't like this kind of cheap furutech styled jack (one signal core is not well soldered in one tested unit; small space for solder?).
softer and more flexible than 065.
good enough for not very resolving iems.
zsn termination (c-type) is intended for QDC and BQEYZ: pins are inverted polarity respect KZs, but perfectly usable (no issues).

black (zsn version): 249..130..126..126..[29.2g]
black (3.5mm,2pin): 155..146..142..142
black (3.5mm,mmcx): 155..145..138..140




great conductivity. some details (strain reliefs, easier repairable plugs) are better in (052). this wire is thicker, softer but less flexible. weight: 27.2g. variants: copper/ mixed copper & silver plated / silver plated (various colors, worse conductivity though).
structure could be: 0.10mm*19(25awg)*8c [2c/signal:22.5AWG]. if true, and wire material/plugs were better quality, it'd measure about 95mΩ (15-20mΩ less).
however, different color versions use different wire.
decent sound and quality and superb conductivity for the price.

hck ct1 ofc 8c (brown,slim plugs,M): 110..avg (115 mmcx)..[27g]..many measured

hck tdy1 tpc 8c (silver,slim plugs,M): 134/155..163/150..132/138..148/152

other colors and wires:


052. oem (various re-branded) chinese cable.
good conductivity, very well built, quite long threaded (repairable and trimmable) plugs.
ofc or tin/alloy plated ofc (unsure, each color use different wire).
0.08mm*19(27awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG] or 0.10mm*19(25awg)*8c [2c/signal:22.5AWG].
various terminations, colors: gold, silver, silver+copper, copper, brown, black.
soft and flexible, but in different grades (like conductivity), depending of the wire and color.

oem spc 8c (gold,eid): 96..99..91..104..[27.5]
BEWARE: version with gold plated jack (instead of nickel/rhodium) is being sent from some shops; different wire, resistance ~235mΩ

oem spc 8c (silver,eid): 130..avg..many measured

oem spc+ofc? 8c (silver+copper,eid): 135/131..131/132..190/184..208/240
one type of conductor used for signal, the other type for ground (cold, in balanced)

oem spc 8c (copper,eid): 180..avg..[24.7]..(many measured, the most flexible)

oem spc 8c (brown,eid): 188..188..185..185

possible wire used:


links: (last sent was the worst conductivity version) (don't know which version they'll send) (don't know which version they'll send)
(there are other shops and re-brands)

051. tpc 8c (grey,eid): 128..128..126..138..[27.4g]
very similar to cables 052. same jacks and strain reliefs, but different termination plugs (2pins plug is flush, not protruding; different splitter and chin slider).
wire could be similar quality to the best 052s.


196. eac 6n occ+spc litz 4c (silver+copper,eagle,MV): 167..168..296..288 mΩ..[22.1g]..76..71 pF..[116cm]
outer diameter: 4.6mm. length from splitter: 39cm.
electro acousti 6n occ copper and silver plated copper hybrid cable. PE sheath.
groups of twisted strands are twisted into each core, litz geometry.
one material is used for positive signals, and the other for negative/ground, resulting in 26AWG for positive, and 28AWG for negative/ground. my unit uses balanced jack, which i prefer for these kind of cables.
eagle gold plated plugs use to have very good quality.
perception of tonality is what expected. full bass and airy treble. balanced. great highs detail.
very good hybrid one, although i miss the deep stage of more expensive up-occ wires.
with these wires, you feel the sound closer to you than with up-occ wires.
it is very soft and ultra flexible wire. one of my affordable hybrid cables favorites.




090. hck 4n ofc 4c (copper,furt,M): 177.. 202..193..190 mΩ..[24.9g]..92..89 pF..[127cm]
structure: 0.075mm*56(OD:1.5mm/23AWG) 4n ofhc. PVC sheath advertised, but it's a very soft PE sheath.
outer diameter: 5.5mm. length from splitter: 40cm.
litz geometry (7/8 packs of 8/7 twisted strands, twisted between them into each core). and maybe litz enameling, because resistance measurements don't match 23awg (26AWG instead). improper litz remove before soldering could explain this discrepancy, like with cables 192 and 210.
nicehck honest but great quality 4n ofhc cable. it's refreshing to find chinese cables with true wire quality advertised.
good amount of bass. the result is warm. typical decent copper cable.
it is very soft and ultra flexible wire. i'd rate this near cables 168 and 192.
nice looking affordable quality copper cable.




155. oem (various re-brands) silver spc 8c (silver,eid): 256/254..258/249..245/245..260/246..[23.4g]
advertised as pure silver, it's spc, or even tin/alloy plated copper.
it's funny to see prices going from $80 ("pure silver") to $27 at different shops. the cable is identical.

links: nicehck cy1 nicehck vs audio toneking avckck antcodo (way cheapest!, various terminations, but not 2.5/4.4mm)
(there are other shops and re-brands)
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Jun 1, 2019 at 1:27 PM Post #13 of 408
CABLES FOR KZs (BELOW $40, MOST BELOW $25). info, pics, comments, links. PART 2 of 2

064. hck ct4 ofc 16c (brown): 193..208..168..202..[22.6g]
outer diameter: 3.6mm. total length: 124cm (39cm from splitter).
last iteration of budget nicehck cables. best conductivity and build quality in the cheapest segment (<$10).
2pins version uses flush plugs, like previous iteration, good for flush sockets (like in most KZs), even for protruding sockets.
new jack, it doesn't seem to be easily repairable, but like its shape, beveled to provide more grip.
strain relief is a bit rigid.
i much like the new splitter, small and elegant.
very soft and flexible. sound is decent (good for the price). great value.


060. hck ct3 ofc 8c (brown,furt): 206/210..206/204..200/205..486/195
best conductivity and build quality in the cheapest segment (<$10) of 8 cores cables.
very soft and flexible. blue point marks ground/- pin.
sound is acceptable.


055. spc 16c (silver,oyde): 221/232..218/236..221/221..232/235
16 cores, but worse conductivity than some cheaper 8 cores. (50) is its 8 cores sibling. very soft and flexible, though.

070. spc 16c (pink,eid): 240..240..237..252..[22.2g]
ultra soft and flexible. nice color for pink lovers. better jack (my fav) than other 16 cores cables.
decent sound.

063. hck tdy3 spc 16c (black,furt): 223..226..225..230
again, not remarkable conductivity being a 16 cores wire.
very soft and flexible. not ear guides. blue point marks ground/- pin.
decent sound.


062. hck ct2 ofc 16c (brown,furt): 402..259..239..244
worse conductivity (narrower conductor) than its 8 cores sibling.
very soft and flexible. not ear guides. blue point marks ground/- pin.
decent sound.


050. 2pins version is wrong molded for kz (but good for BQEYZ, for example) in the 2 units i own -watch phase!-. you can remold the ear guides. soft and flexible.
various colors and terminations.

spc 8c (black,oyde): 260..270..260..260

spc 8c (gold,oyde): 346..636..374..443


059. kz spc 8c (silver+gold,oyde,tC): 281..278..250..255..[17.9g]
kz upgrade cable.
structure: 0.05mm*25(30awg)*8c, equivalent to 27AWG per signal. silver color alloy plated + gold color alloy plated ofc (of course it's not true silver and gold plated).
terminations available: 2pins type A (0.75mm), type C (zsn, 0.75mm), mmcx.
only 3.5mm jack (single end) found. no chin slider (you could try to insert a rubber/silicone o-ring).
it uses more even spc wires (silver color alloy plated and gold color alloy plated ofc copper) than last kz cable (058), so you don't find so high and random resistance difference.
good conductivity for the price, decent jack, good strain reliefs, it's last and best upgrade cable made by kz now.

057. nicehck spc 8 cores. very well built, but thin wire, so conductivity is far worse than (052). various colors (and materials?). light and very flexible.
hck spc 8c (silver,furt): 310..303..302..319




061. hck tdy4 spc 8c (black,furt): 350..average..(many measured)
quite lower conductivity than copper version (narrower conductor).
very soft and flexible. blue point marks ground/- pin.
sound is acceptable.


. trn spc 6nocc 8c tA (various colors,cheapBal furt).
trn 8 cores cable.
advertised structure is: 0.08mm*25(26awg)*8c [2c/signal:.~23AWG], "6N monocrystalline occ copper, plated with 85 microns of extruded silver, kevlar fiber reinforced" (judging by the price, it could be alloy plated ofc copper). PE sleeve.
but it looks more of 0.07mm*25(27.2awg)*8c [2c/signal:24AWG], given the resistance values.
the wire looks great (very low resistance), the plugs and splitter look cheap (black color hides this better). available in 0.75mm, 0.78mm, mmcx, and 3.5mm, 2.5mm (balanced),
it would be great if they right soldered the cores; only 1 core for some signals, and possibly, many strands of the cores broken while soldering. very poor solder work.
you won't notice the difference between left and right, in volume (<0.2dB imbalance), but i don't like this uneven measures, it spoils the purpose of using a decent wire. left signal could be lost with time (very few strands of only one core have been soldered).

black and silver: 423/414/249/260..219/216/245/240..289/244/480/475..150/223/145/135

gold and silver: 429/454/448..289/219/218..265/135/245..137/267/128

058. kz upgrade 8 cores cable. two types of wire used (copper and sliver plated copper), which have very different resistance. one type is used for signals (left, right), the other type for ground (cold signals in balanced). the problem is that you can't know which material is used for each (got 2 cables, different configuration; it seems random). dunno why they don't use one core of each type for each signal (that would be real copper+spc mixed), if possible.
in one cable, right plug was molded reversed for kz (had to use a hair dresser to remold it).

031. great value, difficult to find now (black rings in jack)

014. kz zsn spc 4c (copper,tC), no mic: 415/302..425/307..445/307..595/308
structure could be 0.05mm*2530AWG)*4cores of ofc copper.
stock zsn cable, sold separately, very affordable.
curved A-type (0.75mm) also available.


038. great value, turns green/blue soon (pairs ok with green/blue and cyan KZ models)


015. kz zsn spc 4c (silver,tC)
25 threads of silver plated copper plus kevlar fiber into each core.
structure could be 0.04mm*25(32AWG)*4cores.

030. first classic kz 4 cores upgrade cable (silver color), straight plug.


032. first classic kz 4 cores upgrade cable (silver color), curved plug. white rings in jack.



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