Official Ipod Video / Classic 5g+5.5g+6g+6.5g+7g SSD Mod thread
Apr 21, 2016 at 6:48 PM Post #7,681 of 10,670
  I'm having a problem with my 5.5 dual sdxc ipod. I'm in the process of loading it up. After transferring a batch of files, rockbox would no longer load. I get the error screen below. I can still dual boot into OF. Also, I can play the transferred files on my computer from the ipod. My first thought is to reinstall rockbox & see what happens. Any ideas on how to fix this?  

Yeah, reinstall, if OF is ok then it should me rockbox
Apr 21, 2016 at 6:50 PM Post #7,682 of 10,670
I try to initialize the drive format it and everything goes through correctly however when i unplug the drive all of the data i write to it, the format, and even the intialization of the disk is gone. Does this sound like a hard drive error or am i missing something?


What do you mean the initialisation is gone? Are you trying to load the songs on the disk because then the iPod won't recognise them? 
The normal procedure should be formatting the drive, putting the iPod in recovery mode, recover the iPod, load your songs on the iPod. if you want you can format the drive using an adapter but you need to plug the drive back into the iPod to restore it, which means installing the iPod firmware on it.
  I'm having a problem with my 5.5 dual sdxc ipod. I'm in the process of loading it up. After transferring a batch of files, rockbox would no longer load. I get the error screen below. I can still dual boot into OF. Also, I can play the transferred files on my computer from the ipod. My first thought is to reinstall rockbox & see what happens. Any ideas on how to fix this?  

A few questions that pop in my mind:
Is the .rockbox folder still on the drive? Maybe you deleted it by accident.
Can you also play songs using the OF, and can you load songs through the OF? I don't know it the adapter has implemented it but maybe the switch is in the locked position.
Did it work without problems before, is the card on the compatibility list here:
Apr 21, 2016 at 8:41 PM Post #7,683 of 10,670
Hi guys. Im about to get a iPod classic 7th gen (160gb slim) from a friend. I am thinking about changing the hdd to a sd card (64gb). I was also thinking about putting a 2000 mah battery into it. However Im not sure about the battery part. Has anyone else done this before? Is the thicker case worth having a larger battery in the ipod? Any problems with the battery and charging, etc? Also for those that do have an sd card in their ipod classic; do you notice a improvement in performance running the operating system? oh btw im not installing rockbox because I like having my ipod on official firmware. Can anyone give me a step-by-step instructions/tips on what I should do. 
anything else? btw did anyone buy from the ebay seller about the battery?
Apr 21, 2016 at 10:03 PM Post #7,684 of 10,670
Sweex i have had my ipod for over 10 years and used to create my own mods with ipod wizard. Im almost positive i know what im doing when it comes to restoring the device properly. Long story short the SSD i bought loses the partition table every time its unplugged from power and it is faulty. Honestly first for me as ive never seen any hd do this. Im returning the drive and purchased the iflash to sdxc adapter. I also purchased a 128gb card which should fit nice in the device. All in all turned out to be a couple extra bucks but im sure when it gets here it will work. Theres no way to tell if the drive would have worked with the ipod or not as it ended up being faulty but i figured id rather not take the chance and so i bought the adapter. Take it from me just purchase an iflash component if your planning on putting a ssd in your ipod.

Also to answer your question regarding the intialization of the disk. In windows when you open disk managment you can see all of your disks and typically when you get a new drive you have to bring it online or make it active by initializing it. I was stating if you were to intialize the drive and then unplug/plugin it would wipe that configuration as well and the drive would show as a fresh drive offline in the system.

Ken B
Apr 22, 2016 at 12:45 PM Post #7,685 of 10,670
  Yeah, reinstall, if OF is ok then it should me rockbox

  What do you mean the initialisation is gone? Are you trying to load the songs on the disk because then the iPod won't recognise them? 
The normal procedure should be formatting the drive, putting the iPod in recovery mode, recover the iPod, load your songs on the iPod. if you want you can format the drive using an adapter but you need to plug the drive back into the iPod to restore it, which means installing the iPod firmware on it.
A few questions that pop in my mind:
Is the .rockbox folder still on the drive? Maybe you deleted it by accident.
Can you also play songs using the OF, and can you load songs through the OF? I don't know it the adapter has implemented it but maybe the switch is in the locked position.
Did it work without problems before, is the card on the compatibility list here:

So I reinstalled rockbox, but the ipod is still doing the the same thing.
Sweex, the rockbox folder was intact. I don't dare play the music in OF. I know I'm over the track limit & the last time I tried to use OF while over the track limit, the ipod froze. The ipod had been working fine until my last upload of music. I'm using the PNY cards.
Any other ideas? Has anyone else used rockbox with a ton of tracks (80,000ish)? My concern is rockbox also has a track limit. I used the last stable release (3.13). I guess I could try the Development Build...
Apr 22, 2016 at 4:55 PM Post #7,686 of 10,670
So I reinstalled rockbox, but the ipod is still doing the the same thing.
Sweex, the rockbox folder was intact. I don't dare play the music in OF. I know I'm over the track limit & the last time I tried to use OF while over the track limit, the ipod froze. The ipod had been working fine until my last upload of music. I'm using the PNY cards.
Any other ideas? Has anyone else used rockbox with a ton of tracks (80,000ish)? My concern is rockbox also has a track limit. I used the last stable release (3.13). I guess I could try the Development Build...

Which adapter are you using?  Tarkans or an other?
Try restoring the ipod to normal firmware using itunes and then reinstalling rockbox over that.
I've had to resort to using media monkey to transfer songs over onto the ipod as rockbox would just give errors half way through on random files.  Annoying.
Apr 22, 2016 at 5:57 PM Post #7,687 of 10,670
Which adapter are you using?  Tarkans or an other?
Try restoring the ipod to normal firmware using itunes and then reinstalling rockbox over that.
I've had to resort to using media monkey to transfer songs over onto the ipod as rockbox would just give errors half way through on random files.  Annoying.

I'm using Tarkans. I have the 5.5 so I can dual boot. I've loaded all the songs with the ipod booted into apple's firmware. All the files were corrupted when I tried loading with the ipod booted into rockbox. I was hoping to avoid restoring. I've got hundreds of gigs of music already loaded. I may try the developmental rockbox build first unless there are any other suggestions???
Apr 22, 2016 at 6:35 PM Post #7,688 of 10,670
Sweex i have had my ipod for over 10 years and used to create my own mods with ipod wizard. Im almost positive i know what im doing when it comes to restoring the device properly. Long story short the SSD i bought loses the partition table every time its unplugged from power and it is faulty. Honestly first for me as ive never seen any hd do this. Im returning the drive and purchased the iflash to sdxc adapter. I also purchased a 128gb card which should fit nice in the device. All in all turned out to be a couple extra bucks but im sure when it gets here it will work. Theres no way to tell if the drive would have worked with the ipod or not as it ended up being faulty but i figured id rather not take the chance and so i bought the adapter. Take it from me just purchase an iflash component if your planning on putting a ssd in your ipod.

Also to answer your question regarding the intialization of the disk. In windows when you open disk managment you can see all of your disks and typically when you get a new drive you have to bring it online or make it active by initializing it. I was stating if you were to intialize the drive and then unplug/plugin it would wipe that configuration as well and the drive would show as a fresh drive offline in the system.

Ken B

I didn't mean to sound condescening, I was just thinking out loud trying to understand what you meant with losing the initialization and trying to help. But indeed if it loses the partioning table it sounds like a faulty drive. I have an ssd with a generic msata to sir adapter in my iPod because it was the cheapest option at that moment. If I had to start over today I would probably go for a dual sd adapter.

I'm using Tarkans. I have the 5.5 so I can dual boot. I've loaded all the songs with the ipod booted into apple's firmware. All the files were corrupted when I tried loading with the ipod booted into rockbox. I was hoping to avoid restoring. I've got hundreds of gigs of music already loaded. I may try the developmental rockbox build first unless there are any other suggestions???
Doesn't Rockbox have some kind of safe mode? But I guess it must be broken if it doesn't boot into that. Maybe you can check the smart data of your drive in the diagnostic mode, if there are a lot of reallocations your drive might be starting to fail.
Apr 23, 2016 at 6:48 AM Post #7,689 of 10,670
  I'm using Tarkans. I have the 5.5 so I can dual boot. I've loaded all the songs with the ipod booted into apple's firmware. All the files were corrupted when I tried loading with the ipod booted into rockbox. I was hoping to avoid restoring. I've got hundreds of gigs of music already loaded. I may try the developmental rockbox build first unless there are any other suggestions???

The 3.13 release is very old now, and as I understand it, most people just use the latest developmental build.  The distinction between 'proper release' and 'developmental build' doesn't really mean what it once used to, they just can't be arsed with making an official 3.14 release. 
(I'm no Rockbox expert, I'm just going on the basis of what I've understood in years of lurking on rockbox forums and IRC!)
What sd card brand are you using? [edit - nevermind, just noticed the post where you mention PNY]
Mine works fine with 59,000 audio tracks.  Though the issue I have found is that the 5th gen (64mb ram version) really struggles to build the database with that many tracks (in the end had to exclude podcasts and audiobooks from the database to get it to work), while the 7.5gen is OK with it, even though they both should have the same on-board memory.
Apr 23, 2016 at 12:55 PM Post #7,690 of 10,670
Just wanted to update in case anyone else runs into the same problem I encountered with Rockbox. I installed the latest developemental build and everything seems fine. I do have more tracks to upload. Hopefully, everything will remain fine.
Apr 23, 2016 at 2:41 PM Post #7,691 of 10,670
So I reinstalled rockbox, but the ipod is still doing the the same thing.
Sweex, the rockbox folder was intact. I don't dare play the music in OF. I know I'm over the track limit & the last time I tried to use OF while over the track limit, the ipod froze. The ipod had been working fine until my last upload of music. I'm using the PNY cards.
Any other ideas? Has anyone else used rockbox with a ton of tracks (80,000ish)? My concern is rockbox also has a track limit. I used the last stable release (3.13). I guess I could try the Development Build...

Use Dev builds, i was told that those can be more stable than the "stable" releases
Apr 25, 2016 at 1:41 PM Post #7,692 of 10,670
Yesterday, I finished loading my rockboxed 5.5 768gb ipod (PNY - 722gb usable space) with Tarkan’s dual sdxc & Alex Cheung’s 2000mAh battery. What a beautiful machine. Way back in 2004, I bought a small lap top & replaced the hard drive so I could have my entire music collection with me if I wanted. Obviously, I wasn’t able to walk around with that setup easily. Two years ago today, I joined headfi after stumbling on this thread. Now I have what is the best thing I’ve ever owned – months of music with a battery that lasts for days. I can’t thank all the contributors of this thread enough.
This is my first rockboxed ipod. After playing with my new toy for a few hours last night, I realized I need to get to know rockbox better. What websites do you guys use to discuss the program?
Apr 26, 2016 at 4:13 AM Post #7,693 of 10,670
  Hi guys. Im about to get a iPod classic 7th gen (160gb slim) from a friend. I am thinking about changing the hdd to a sd card (64gb). I was also thinking about putting a 2000 mah battery into it. However Im not sure about the battery part. Has anyone else done this before? Is the thicker case worth having a larger battery in the ipod? Any problems with the battery and charging, etc? Also for those that do have an sd card in their ipod classic; do you notice a improvement in performance running the operating system? oh btw im not installing rockbox because I like having my ipod on official firmware. Can anyone give me a step-by-step instructions/tips on what I should do. 
anything else? btw did anyone buy from the ebay seller about the battery?

I haven´t bought from that batteries seller  because he won´t ship to my country but have read good references.   My choice was this 1900 mAh battery and , yeah , the thick case+ larger battery  worths it. Mine lasts forever, it´s a fine upgrade. No problem at all. 
Regarding to the iFlash, I got me a Tarkan thin iFlash plus 128 GB Qumox SDXC and the iPod is much  lighter and noticed a faster boot, any hiccups.   You got instructions from iFixit and Tarkan´s site, I think, it´s not a big deal: open it change it all, connect to iTunes then restore. I don´t remember if I had to format before.
If I were you I would get a dual card iFlash, by the way.
Apr 28, 2016 at 11:30 AM Post #7,695 of 10,670
Hi friends,
I was wondering if someone might be able to help me discern if the circuit board is dead or if something else may be the culprit.
So I went to completely change out the guts of an ipod (except for the circuit board and LCD) and all worked well, booted up, but soon, I got the ipod logo with the apple website underneath. I detached and reattached everything, tried reconnecting the original hard drive, tried 2 different batteries, still the same result.
But there are some interesting things that have me convinced I didn't brick my ipod.
1. I can still put my ipod in Disk Mode and charge it using an outlet charger
2. I can put my ipod into DFU Mode (where it says you must reformat this with itunes), but as soon as I plug in a USB computer plugged to my computer, the letters begin to fade, the ipod reboots and I get the apple website logo
3. At times, it gets stuck in the battery recharge loop
4. I hear the hard drive spinning when I turn it on
Am I in denial here, or is there a way I can salvage the situation? 

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