Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Sep 4, 2020 at 12:25 PM Post #32,822 of 36,129
The Savant II is strictly a 2 way BA design, the Zephry is a hybrid 3 way design. That's a pretty far separation from a tech point of view. Sound wise, both are great but the 10mm dynamic driver of the Zephyr.... just makes everything soooo right.

The fit in the product line.... the sound quality...

Well, let's just say, "We are not in Kansas anymore." We currently have head fi members that have both the Sultan and the Zephyr... they z
can chime in when they want.

But I will say, I feel confident enough to say.... the Zephry is in the ranks of a flagship based on sound quality.

That said, it will not have housing as complicated as the Sultan, nor does it have 3+ levels of tech placed inside it.

What John said. I'll also refer to those head-fi members who have both.

I am getting my own custom Zephyr in time as well if that says anything.

The many reasons include the sound being a step up from everything I have in my current lineup, one of John's designs that I'll let him go crazy on (my current is a reprint of an equally fabulous creation), and the signature being overall right up my alley.

The excitement around a new custom coming along never gets old!
Sep 4, 2020 at 12:31 PM Post #32,823 of 36,129
Well, I was too busy listening to the Zephyr over the last few weeks that I didn't even realize it finally dropped! Just posted my review, which I have to say was so fun to write and explore. Huge thanks to @FullCircle and the Noble team for making the Prestige dream come true for me. What started out as an inquiry about converting my Khan to a Prestige resulted in one of the funnest IEM journeys I have had the pleasure of embarking on.

Here's mine, by the way:




Sep 4, 2020 at 12:31 PM Post #32,824 of 36,129
wonder which has richer fuller mids the Zephyr or sultan

and is the regular universal zephyr exactly sounding as the prestige line
Sep 4, 2020 at 1:26 PM Post #32,825 of 36,129
@SeeSax that is an extremely well written and enjoyable review to read.

Collin sent me his Zephyr IEM to play with (he had no choice since I sent him my Sultan). I had no intentions to purchase the Zephyr but after a day of spending time with it I contacted Noble without knowing anything about cost and just said that I would like to order a Zephyr. I asked to please send me pictures of any that are available and please send me an invoice.

That is how impressed I was with the sound of the Zephyr. I think Collin was spot on in his review impressions. He has spent a good 6 months I believe with the Zephyr so no one can fault his lack of experience with it.

So these are my impressions of the Zephyr slapped down in a rapid consciousness or unconsciousness of thought. I also included pictures at the end. I also included pictures of the packaging which has changed since Collin received his. Sorry about that Collin but my packaging is your packaging. That does not sound correct. But anyway you can have my Zephyr packaging. It is really cool!

Upon first listen I do hear how smooth and neutral it is. I thought "oh boy is this another retirement IEM like the Earsonics S-EM6-V2?" That quickly changed. Very quickly. The reason being that the notes coming from the Zephyr have emotion attached to them. Like the Elysium mids. Also the soundstage is wide from left to right (very unexpected with the driver count). The instruments are well separated. The timbre is among the best. The sound is slightly warm but very detailed. That is the oxymoron of the day.

The bass is deep and thick. The mids are the star IMHO. They are so alive! The vocals are right where they should be with excellent timbre. The treble for me is forward (not Collin treble forward) but not sparkly annoying. and not too relaxed like the LX. Of course I still love the LX!

Another amazing thing about these is that the upper mids flow into the bass so extremely well. The coherence of it is really good. It is obvious time was spent getting that part right.

I would compare these to a Luna but with every note being thicker and the bass being deeper. Much deeper in fact. More meat. I find the Luna to be excellent with the slow Jazz I listen to. The Luna to me is very good. The Zephyr does all genres of music that I listen to. The Luna poops out IMHO as the music gets livelier.

It is hard to compare the Zephyr to the Sultan. They are massively different beasts. A palate cleanser is needed when I go from Sultan to anything else. The Sultan is so alive and so 3D. The music is surrounding you. I smoke a cigar and take a shower after every 30 minutes with the Sultan.

The Zephyr reminds me from memory of what I wanted the Solaris 2020 to be. For me the emotions were lacking in the Sultan 2020 and the mids were too thin for me.

The Zephyr reminds me from memory of the Tia Trio but once again with more emotion and more detail of the notes and with more separation of instruments.

The Universal Aluminum shell ($1450) seems like an excellent price to quality deal! The Prestige is for those that want the extra artisanal touch of the shell! I am unable to handle custom shells but the custom price $1650 seems like a very good price. All of this being relative to current IEM prices on the market.

Like Collin I only review what I want to review and I only review what I get excited about. I could review Zephyr in a heartbeat. It would not be about pole dancers like the Sultan review but would be about the plains of North Dakota and all the visual memories of it I could attach to the sound of the Zephyr :)

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Sep 4, 2020 at 1:42 PM Post #32,826 of 36,129
so how does the regular zephyr look

also I still can not figure from comparisons with sultan which has richer fuller mids ( vocals )
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Sep 4, 2020 at 2:10 PM Post #32,827 of 36,129
so how does the regular zephyr look

also I still can not figure from comparisons with sultan which has richer fuller mids ( vocals )
My understanding is that the look of the Universal Zephyr is still in the process of being finalized. All I know is that is aluminum.

I would say the mids of the Zephyr are more full in comparison to the Sultan. But each of them present their mids according to how the bass and treble around it are tuned. The Sultan mids IMHO come across less rich because the signature is so W in nature. The Zephyr mids flow effortlessly into its rich bass. The zephyr is overall about richness. The Sultan to me is more about the music coming to you and asking for attention. That to me can come across as not as rich.
Sep 4, 2020 at 2:16 PM Post #32,828 of 36,129
so how does the regular zephyr look

also I still can not figure from comparisons with sultan which has richer fuller mids ( vocals )

That is a good question
We are getting closer to having the standard version ready, the final sample is scheduled to be released within this month. If it is approved, then production will be the next step.

That said, a touch of "Wizard art" is planned into the design (fingers crossed it all goes well).
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 4, 2020 at 3:28 PM Post #32,834 of 36,129
Are these Prestige Zephyrs On the site universal or CIEM only?

Zephyr Pro (CIEMs) made with traditional hand poured resin has a starting price at $1600.

What is currently available (inventory ready to click and go) is Prestige Zephyr Universals
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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