Most overrated headphones?
Jun 15, 2014 at 9:13 PM Post #1,021 of 1,490
To CB: Still looking for a job. 3 choices I have so far.

Take all 3 and work like a Trojan - then you will accumulate cash funds quicker to be the proud owner of your K812's in no time - lol :D OJ

So what are the job options open to you?

Just go for the one which pays the most?

Here's some motivation for you v :wink:

Man, you will be un-shutable if you get the K812's :D lol
Jun 15, 2014 at 9:57 PM Post #1,022 of 1,490
Dang... CB's camera is so nice... Oh, and the headphones yeah. Nice looking. :D I'll take as many jobs as I can... And of course they all pay minimum wage of something like 7.60$ an hour. But working 2 jobs, 8-12 hours a day or something like that, I think I'll get the cash. Just working 8 hours a day 7 days a week, I'll be sitting on 425.60$ a week... (yes Uber full time. I have nothing else to do this summer.)
Jun 15, 2014 at 10:14 PM Post #1,023 of 1,490
Dang... CB's camera is so nice... Oh, and the headphones yeah. Nice looking.
I'll take as many jobs as I can... And of course they all pay minimum wage of something like 7.60$ an hour. But working 2 jobs, 8-12 hours a day or something like that, I think I'll get the cash. Just working 8 hours a day 7 days a week, I'll be sitting on 425.60$ a week... (yes Uber full time. I have nothing else to do this summer.)

Think of it like this, you'll be years ahead of most people your age. My first full-time job didn't happen until college. I did part time crap before that, but that was it. 
Jun 15, 2014 at 10:35 PM Post #1,024 of 1,490
Think of it like this, you'll be years ahead of most people your age. My first full-time job didn't happen until college. I did part time crap before that, but that was it. 
well, the reason for that is most kids my age don't care about sound quality, would rather spend the summer doing fun stuff, and would rather spend the money they do receive on cars, videogame consoles and games, computers, or beats by Dre... Whereas I'm aiming to get as much cash this summer as possible, spend all of it on audio, and be done with buying headphones for quite a while unless its the occasional 100$ headphone. After this summer I think I'll start saving up money for college/whatever else... And it looks like if I get a full time job by next week, I could have like 3,500$ by the end of the summer. What else should I buy with that? I'm thinking objective 2 amp, FiiO X5, two SD cards, JVC SZ1000/2000. Maybe a sennheiser HD 600, or some other mid-fi can.
Jun 15, 2014 at 10:39 PM Post #1,025 of 1,490
well, the reason for that is most kids my age don't care about sound quality, would rather spend the summer doing fun stuff, and would rather spend the money they do receive on cars, videogame consoles and games, computers, or beats by Dre.

I'm not even talking about headphones, I just mean in general haha. Whether you spend the cash you get on headphones or computer parts or car stuff is all good. No hobby is more inherently valuable than another. The cool-ass part is that you didn't decide you wanted something and beg your parents for it. Definitely leg up on a lot of teenagers.
Jun 16, 2014 at 12:51 AM Post #1,026 of 1,490
well, the reason for that is most kids my age don't care about sound quality, would rather spend the summer doing fun stuff, and would rather spend the money they do receive on cars, videogame consoles and games, computers, or beats by Dre... Whereas I'm aiming to get as much cash this summer as possible, spend all of it on audio, and be done with buying headphones for quite a while unless its the occasional 100$ headphone. After this summer I think I'll start saving up money for college/whatever else... And it looks like if I get a full time job by next week, I could have like 3,500$ by the end of the summer. What else should I buy with that? I'm thinking objective 2 amp, FiiO X5, two SD cards, JVC SZ1000/2000. Maybe a sennheiser HD 600, or some other mid-fi can.

Good goals to work for - looks like you've spent your money before you've earned it! :D

Hey, if you get yourself a pair of K812's after working hard you may be the youngest member to have a summit-fi set of cans!

Might even get a Head-Fi knighthood offa Jude himself :D
Jun 16, 2014 at 10:54 AM Post #1,027 of 1,490
Yeah, I've never understood how people buy $1,500 headphone cables. Why not get another flagship headphone for that price? Or upgrade your DAC/Amp? I can't imagine that the improvement in sound quality from a cable change could ever be worth $1,500. 
Jun 16, 2014 at 12:20 PM Post #1,028 of 1,490
Yeah, I've never understood how people buy $1,500 headphone cables. Why not get another flagship headphone for that price? Or upgrade your DAC/Amp? I can't imagine that the improvement in sound quality from a cable change could ever be worth $1,500. 

May be a case of the more spent on a cable, the bigger the placebo effect - just don't do a blind testing session with anyone who's the proud owner of a $1500 uber silver braided wonder cable as you may burst their bliss bubble and get removed from their Christmas card list :D
Jun 16, 2014 at 12:35 PM Post #1,029 of 1,490
I still like the home theater rule that you shouldn't spend more than 5-7% of your equipment cost on a cable. 
Jun 17, 2014 at 6:17 AM Post #1,030 of 1,490
Spending this much money on cables is just absurd. And as cb3723 said, i guess the only "improvement" will be the placebo effect.
Jun 17, 2014 at 7:35 AM Post #1,031 of 1,490
Unless you are looking to buy Sennheiser Orpheus or a few select other cans, I can't see much else ever holding or appreciating in value

What about when they make an orpheus clone/ better sounding/more euphonic version of the orpheus? It's not like the orpheus is an incredible work of art that can never be recreated.
Sennheiser has hinted at making a new version of the orpheus.
Jun 17, 2014 at 8:06 AM Post #1,032 of 1,490
Shure SRH440 and Grado SR60. I don't know why this is happening to me, the high positive reviews i find online sold me to these headphones. But I'm just not experiencing the wow moment when you listen to a supposedly really good pair of headphones. :frowning2: took a gamble on both of them since there were no sample units to listen to. Though i got the grado and a good discounted price so it was worth the price for me.
Jun 17, 2014 at 9:35 AM Post #1,033 of 1,490
What about when they make an orpheus clone/ better sounding/more euphonic version of the orpheus? It's not like the orpheus is an incredible work of art that can never be recreated.
Sennheiser has hinted at making a new version of the orpheus.

If you're gonna sit here and think that the Orpheus is not an incredible work of art or that a Chinese knockoff company can make a better one for 10% the price I think you might want to re-evalulate that statement. Even if you've never heard one, just knowing about the amount of work and engineering that went into every one should tell you that.
It's like, for example, the SE846 I'm wearing. The acoustic chamber that transmits the lowest frequencies is laser-welded by ONE GUY. A company can't make a knockoff, let alone a better one, because literally only one man has the expertise to do it. 
I will say, too, that a LOT of Shure's full-size are overrated. One of the headphones I was most disappointed in was the SRH840. The reviews on that set made it sound like they were the ultimate in music experience, and for a while they were the #1 rated full-size on Amazon. I bought a pair, and could not believe boring all of my music sounded. I almost felt betrayed. The only set they make that I'm a fan of is the SRH1540, but even then it's just "okay this one is good finally". 
Jun 17, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #1,034 of 1,490
It's like, for example, the SE846 I'm wearing. The acoustic chamber that transmits the lowest frequencies is laser-welded by ONE GUY. A company can't make a knockoff, let alone a better one, because literally only one man has the expertise to do it. 

Sorry I don't buy the "one man welding god" theory, many people could make those welds with that expertise if they learned how, you could probably teach some 10 yo chinese boy from a rice paddy how to do it. Its true an incredible amount of engineering went into the DESIGN of the headphones, but once you know how to make something... well.. lets just say you could mass produce orpheus for much much less than 10% of their current price.
All I am saying is, there are a few RIDICULOUSLY expensive headphones, that are apparently so good sounding, that IMO they should be reproduced... But aren't (for some reason).
Probably because the mass market still thinks beats/bose are the best sounding headphone, and the audiophile community is relatively small, thus not enough market. OR it could just be because there are few crazy audiophiles giving these things rave reviews because they view themselves as akin to audiophile gods and need an expensive headphone no one else can have to boost their egos.
I mean, how many people have actually heard the orpheus? I bet if more people heard it, there would still be a considerable amount of individuals saying their beats sound better, and they would mean it.
So there it is folks, I said it, ORPHEUS ARE (quite likely) THE MOST OVERRATED HEADPHONES EVER!
Jun 17, 2014 at 10:39 AM Post #1,035 of 1,490
The thing is, you're just sort of... saying it. You have no evidence or basis to make those claims other than "well I just figure..."
It renders everything you say after that completely moot. You assert with confidence that "some 10yo Chinese boy" could do it, but don't have any reason behind it. Just your own incredulity. How do you know it's not the kind of thing that took this man 50 years of daily work to perfect? How do you know it's not some incredibly finicky work that also requires expertise in the equipment? You're acting like headphones are just a matter of throwing some parts into a bag and gluing them together.
Yet you refuse to accept Occam's Razor when it's staring you straight in the face. The reason no one has reproduced any of those expensive headphones at a fraction of the cost is no one has been able to. You're piling up your suppositions when the simplest explanation is that they really ARE that hard to make. Some of them are in development for 5-10 years. 
I have the SE846. I do not relish in the money I have spent nor do I think it makes me superior. If anything, it bums me out that I spent so much on a headphone. However, what I cannot argue is that they sound better than their $500 brother which was itself stellar. Headphones, to me, are not a club that requires an entry fee. It's a personal relationship between myself and the music. If I could have gotten this sound for $200 I would.
In fact, most reviews of (to use the example again) the SE846 show amazement at the fact that they sound better than MORE expensive products. If your hypothesis of "self-proclaimed audiophile gods" wanting to feel superiority by touting the most expensive headphones as best held water, this would not be the case. So there's that.
Then there's the Orpheus, which was never a mass produced headphone. It was an art exhibit much like the Final Audio Muramasa VIII. I believe they only made 300 of them. That's a big part of the price. No one buys the Orpheus because they were dissatisfied with their HD800s and thought they should upgrade. It's about having an engineering marvel and a handcrafted piece of audio art. Simple as that. 

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