Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes
May 31, 2016 at 11:26 AM Post #3,286 of 3,499
I'd like to give this a go, but the Signalyst site has no explanation about how to set anything up. I haven't even worked out how to remove items from the playlist in HQPlayer! That it started up with the volume at zero, leading me to a massive run-around trying to work out why I didn't have sound doesn't encourage me.

The post from @iamoneagain  is helpful. There is also this post on the Roon Community forum which walks you through setting up HQ Player with Roon:
HQ Player's user experience is a horror-show, so I would recommend only using it with Roon. The link above shows how to set that up (it's pretty straight-forward).
Jun 1, 2016 at 2:05 AM Post #3,288 of 3,499
I've switched back to no DSD upsampling for now. Audirvana now sits at a good 300mb, not what I would call efficient, but way better. Well, it sure is a experimental feature. 

That's part of the way that Audivana works - it loads the entire current track and the following track into RAM. Not only that, but if you have upsampling enabled and/or any AU effects active then Audivana pre-processes that before loading it into RAM. So that 30mb FLAC file can explode into a 500MB monster by the time it hits RAM, depending on your settings.

Doing it this way does mean that Audivana does hog RAM, but it also means that when playing Audivana uses very little processor time, except for when the pre-processing happens.
Jun 1, 2016 at 5:33 AM Post #3,289 of 3,499
Post sounds like DBT territory.
Was meant as learning questions about up-sampling effects on sound quality in A+
Jun 1, 2016 at 7:22 PM Post #3,290 of 3,499
I figured out how to use the HQPlayer network demon. I started it in terminal and it showed up in Roon straight away. I'm not sure I'll bother with it though. Someone who, say, bought one of the new Audio-gd NOS DACs that take 768k input over USB might find benefit from it, as one could choose a filter to taste and run audio through it that way.
Jun 1, 2016 at 7:25 PM Post #3,291 of 3,499
  I figured out how to use the HQPlayer network demon. I started it in terminal and it showed up in Roon straight away. I'm not sure I'll bother with it though. Someone who, say, bought one of the new Audio-gd NOS DACs that take 768k input over USB might find benefit from it, as one could choose a filter to taste and run audio through it that way.

You might be surprised how well it helps less expensive DACs, like a Schiit Audio Modi 2 Uber, up-sampling PCM to 192/24 with various filters.
Jun 1, 2016 at 7:29 PM Post #3,292 of 3,499
  I figured out how to use the HQPlayer network demon. I started it in terminal and it showed up in Roon straight away. I'm not sure I'll bother with it though. Someone who, say, bought one of the new Audio-gd NOS DACs that take 768k input over USB might find benefit from it, as one could choose a filter to taste and run audio through it that way.

You might be surprised how well it helps less expensive DACs, like a Schiit Audio Modi 2 Uber, up-sampling PCM to 192/24 with various filters.

Not surprised at all. I've had a few Sabre-based DACs and numerous DAPs that all sounded better when, at least, iZotope up-sampling was used with them.  The stock DAC filters used in a lot of gear are clearly inferior to other options.
Jul 1, 2016 at 9:02 AM Post #3,293 of 3,499
I've added Eltima player and VLC. The former is interesting as it can be used to view Youtube videos, as well as save them if you buy the pro version.
Jul 10, 2016 at 7:44 AM Post #3,294 of 3,499
I've just discovered VOX - it took a while, I know.

I just love it - it's exactly how I want a music player to be. I don't want library management, and that's what really put me off Audivana 2 - I tried the demo and found it frustrating to say the least as all I want to do is drag and drop what I want without any of the extra library management bull.

I was perfectly happy with Audivana 1.5x, but I've just had to update to 10.11 from 10.9 to be able to use the latest version of Logic X, and Audivana 1.5 started getting cranky - it would take several attempts to get a track to play.

The way you can reduce the size of VOX to just an efficient little miniplayer is great, and honestly I don't hear any difference between it Audivana.
Aug 16, 2016 at 10:54 PM Post #3,295 of 3,499
I finally purchased both Amarra and Amarra for Tidal at a show special price.  I think they sound better, maybe....  Main reason was to get a remote for Tidal.  They both seem painfully slow loading songs into the buffer to play, and I mean painfully, at least to me.  I'll admit to a slow-ish 1.6 GHz mid 2011 processor, but reasonable network speed for Amarra for Tidal, and USB 3 drive into a Thunderbolt hub for Amarra.  That said, I do otherwise like them.  Clunky, but they sound decent.
Supposedly a new product coming that may have solutions for both library files and streaming in one program, and supposedly an upgrade path for existing owners, per the nice gentleman at the show.
Sep 2, 2016 at 2:49 AM Post #3,296 of 3,499
is there an itunes replacement with media management and the possibility to sync a dap like it's possible with itunes and an ipod? i want my music library in one place and i don't want to use apps like dapper/chronisar/syncmate to send my library to an external storage. any ideas?
Sep 2, 2016 at 3:47 AM Post #3,297 of 3,499
  is there an itunes replacement with media management and the possibility to sync a dap like it's possible with itunes and an ipod? i want my music library in one place and i don't want to use apps like dapper/chronisar/syncmate to send my library to an external storage. any ideas?

I haven't used it for many years, but IIRC DoubleTwist used to be able to do this.
It's a really long time since I used it so you'll need to check whether or not it still will do what you want.
Sep 2, 2016 at 9:34 AM Post #3,299 of 3,499
  is there an itunes replacement with media management and the possibility to sync a dap like it's possible with itunes and an ipod? i want my music library in one place and i don't want to use apps like dapper/chronisar/syncmate to send my library to an external storage. any ideas?

What I do with my Sony NWZ-A17 ... I have a Mac and use iTunes for library management with a Doug's Scripts app called M3Unify, which will let you directly export an iTunes playlist, the associated tracks, ensuring the art work is included, even convert on the fly to different formats and then export into a folder with a bunch of options.
Then, I use an app called GoodSync to sync that folder with a microSD card on the Sony.
Sep 2, 2016 at 4:44 PM Post #3,300 of 3,499
I am moving away from iTunes as much as possible.  
Anyone now of a good podcast manager + DAP combination?  Particularly if the DAP will honor playlist ordering as specified in the manager?  iTunes stopped doing that years ago.

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