looking for 1000$ price range headphone recommendations
Mar 24, 2011 at 10:06 AM Post #46 of 66
I use Ed8 + pico slim for portable. It's the best portable solution in my experience. Not yet tried any custome IEMs, but I do love the S-Logic sound signature of Ed8.
The OP should try some phones out by yourself. Price and number of drivers are not necessarily significantly correlated with sound quality.
Mar 26, 2011 at 1:37 PM Post #48 of 66
Words of wisdom I have spent 4 years on this site and still havent bought anything more than the HD650's not because of money just because Im still not sure what the next step I want to jump into is.
Mar 26, 2011 at 1:50 PM Post #49 of 66

Words of wisdom I have spent 4 years on this site and still havent bought anything more than the HD650's not because of money just because Im still not sure what the next step I want to jump into is.

The HD800 or the HE-6.
Mar 26, 2011 at 3:30 PM Post #52 of 66
Yeah I have been thinking about the HE6's thanx

WOW! After 4 years and that all that was needed to persuade you? hehe
Seriously, I won't recommend anything though. At $1000+ prices, the only good suggestion is to go to a meet. Value plummets and preferences rule after mid prices of $400
Mar 26, 2011 at 3:32 PM Post #53 of 66
I would imagine going up the Senn line, or going from the HD650s to the HE-6s is a good step.

WOW! After 4 years and that all that was needed to persuade you? hehe
Seriously, I won't recommend anything though. At $1000+ prices, the only good suggestion is to go to a meet. Value plummets and preferences rule after mid prices of $400

Mar 26, 2011 at 5:41 PM Post #54 of 66
Picking audio gear is the toughest mission on earth.
so frustrating. :O

I agree! LOL!
I don't know when I joined here, but it must be over two years now. As all the recommendations suggested, my first pairs were HFI-780. I still have them, but somebody will probably pick them up next week.
I've been searching for a worthy upgrade ever since. I'm not too happy with the HFI-780 anymore. But HD 600, K701, D2000, Grado in general, Ultrasone Pro 750 all didn't fit the bill, though.
I want something with the sound of the HJE900, but more spacious, higher resolution and open. I gave up for now, so I'm concentrating on portables for the moment. Something that will wow me like the US used to. I'm checking out the DT1350 next.
Mar 26, 2011 at 5:57 PM Post #55 of 66

You can't win here, it's a lose-lose situation. most of the chances you'll get disappointed with either choice. honestly now,
If you pick a high end and get a lil bit disappointed you and your wallet suffers, if you pick a lesser product you  sub-consciously think that you should have picked the better product and start planning your next purchase..
it's a no ending journey but it's a fun one :)
I agree! LOL!
I don't know when I joined here, but it must be over two years now. As all the recommendations suggested, my first pairs were HFI-780. I still have them, but somebody will probably pick them up next week.
I've been searching for a worthy upgrade ever since. I'm not too happy with the HFI-780 anymore. But HD 600, K701, D2000, Grado in general, Ultrasone Pro 750 all didn't fit the bill, though.
I want something with the sound of the HJE900, but more spacious, higher resolution and open. I gave up for now, so I'm concentrating on portables for the moment. Something that will wow me like the US used to. I'm checking out the DT1350 next.

Mar 26, 2011 at 6:25 PM Post #56 of 66
Personally not a pro 900 fan, sold em didn't like the sound signature and the bass was not strong enough for my liking. I see noone pusing any Fischer Audio. I'm starting to really love my FA-003, can't wait for my FA-011s to come in and I'm getting some Thunderpants too! Thunderpants should certainly make the short list.
Mar 27, 2011 at 12:25 PM Post #60 of 66
Yeah Im a bit scared of the HE-6's I was reading threads where people were using their speaker outs on their receivers to drive them I mean I like my onkyo receiver but I dont want to be running my headphones off of my receiver dear god help us..
I would imagine going up the Senn line, or going from the HD650s to the HE-6s is a good step.



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