Koss Pro DJ 100 - The Budget King
Oct 26, 2011 at 7:14 PM Post #106 of 2,344
No, I actually like the E9 for the DJ100. It's just that for ME, adding the E7 to it was like a double whammy and made my DJ100 to be too fatiguing. I'm not quite sure why.
Here's where your comment on the differing  opinions is spot on...Using the E7 for my headphones made them too bright(!). Weird huh? This was with the DJ100, HD-598 and K501. Some people believe in burn in for amps/dacs and I did not do that. I don't even want to go there! I'll admit though that the E7 sounded fairly clear and did not seem to change the mids of the DJ100 at all, which is a positive for me sometimes. The E7 is supposed to be fairly neutral sounding too. I don't know what the heck was going on with my E7, but based on reviews, people can't agree on how it's treble sounds!
The Icon Mobile sure isn't built that well. The cover alone seems to fall off every time I drop it from 5". Luckily it's held up fairly well despite that. I do like how small it is. I had an Ipod Touch leather case and would always attach it to the back of the cover flap. Seemed like the perfect combination. Doesn't have enough power to drive an HD-650 though. E11 probably could

One of my favorite matches for the D2/5/7 is the E9, so we obviously have different opinions lol. 
I will get on board with the E7 feelings though. I didn't like the E7 much at all when I had it as it just made everything sound dark. I liked the sound of the Icon Mobile more, but returned that one because the build quality was awful. 
I do really need to get some M50 pads for mine though as the stock ones are pretty terrible. 
Oh, and I agree with you iPod touch comment as well. Seems that from my netbook or iPhone directly they're more bassy than when properly amped.


Oct 27, 2011 at 1:52 AM Post #107 of 2,344

Finally got a pair of these after wanting them for awhile. Couldn't pass up getting them for 48 USD shipped.
I'd heard them before and they're probably my favorite cans under 150.

where did you get themfor $48?
I can only find them at $80 :p
Oct 27, 2011 at 2:24 AM Post #109 of 2,344

Electronics Expo had them around $40 with coupon code "MROCTOBER" but unfortunately they're out of stock.

ah.. ok :)
thanks for sharing :)
Oct 27, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #111 of 2,344
Can any1 recommend a carring case / bag for DJ100? :)
Oct 27, 2011 at 7:49 PM Post #113 of 2,344

I use a camera bag but that holds my netbook too... 
A large Crown bag you work well too as it folds up.


Crown bag?
Like..for crowns?
hohoho :p
or mean this?
any specific model/link?
Oct 28, 2011 at 10:27 AM Post #116 of 2,344
Just got my V6 pads, god they were a pain to get on. The sound is much clearer, if slightly more mid-centric. Vocals stand out perfectly clear as crystal. Most importantly, I can wear them for much longer periods now
My current setup is now: Rockbox'd Fuze -> Fiio L6 LOD (Doesn't work, I have to manually patch the rockbox code to get it to support line-out :frowning2: ) -> JDS CMoy (Gain 6, going to lower it to 4) -> DJ100 with V6 pads. I'm lovin' it!
Oct 28, 2011 at 1:44 PM Post #117 of 2,344

Just got my V6 pads, god they were a pain to get on. The sound is much clearer, if slightly more mid-centric. Vocals stand out perfectly clear as crystal. Most importantly, I can wear them for much longer periods now
My current setup is now: Rockbox'd Fuze -> Fiio L6 LOD (Doesn't work, I have to manually patch the rockbox code to get it to support line-out :frowning2: ) -> JDS CMoy (Gain 6, going to lower it to 4) -> DJ100 with V6 pads. I'm lovin' it!

I use nearly the same setup, but with a different amp and the M50 pads. Sounds extremely good. Even use the Fiio LOD. Fuze is the perfect source for the DJ100 and I never realized Rockbox works for it! It's nice to hear that others found vocals crystal clear too. That's my favorite thing about the DJ100. Seems to be extremely good for female vocals, especially any kind of asian pop music. Utada Hikaru sounds really good on these...just not her US releases

I think some people may prefer V6 pads to the M50 pads. Depends really on if you want slightly more forward mids or more treble. The Pearstone Velour V6 pads also fit, but they get hot after a few hours. They're not as good as Beyerdynamic Velour pads though.
Oct 28, 2011 at 3:25 PM Post #118 of 2,344
Anyone really bored and want to see some old notes I took of when I compared the KRK KNS-6400, M50, DJ100 and the SRH-940? I had no real intention of posting them, but I'll post them here. Feel free to just skip over this stupid text.
Chara - Duca (live)

DJ100 -
Guitar sounds very upfront and like they're right next to you. Details and sounds in the audience are less present, but still there. Female vocals are clear and forward sounding.

SRH-940 -
Guitars sound less upfront and there's better separation between them. Easier to pinpoint where they are. Background detail near the audience is more present, including what sounds like some recording hiss/noise. Female vocals for this song were kind of fatiguing and a bit harsh. Felt like the sounds from the audience and all the background detail was shoved in my face. I kind like that..sometimes.

Same background details are heard. Guitars are less forward than on the SRH-940 and sound a bit thinner sounding. Vocals just OK. The most distant sounding out of all of them.

KRK KNS-6400

All the detail of the SRH-940, but guitars are even thinner sounding than on the M50. Vocals are the least upfront and I think the KRK presents this song more true to the recording. Easier to pick apart where the guitars were on the SRH-940. No frequency jumps out to me on the KRK for this song.

Result: KRK sounded best and the most natural to my ears, but the SRH-940 offered the best soundstage performance.

Guitars and vocals sounded best on the DJ100. Dj100 definitely had a more aggressive sound, but still fairly natural.

SRH-940 had the most fatiguing sound for me with this song.

KRK KNS-6400 > DJ100 > M50 > SRH-940

Aiya - Yoshida Brothers


Loss of some detail I always remember hearing in this song. Most of this song during parts is very fatiguing.


Real shock here, but there's some detail that's not heard on the SRH-940. When the drums are struck in this song you can almost feel them and there's a very faint rattle like sound afterwords. It's very clear here and missing on the SRH-940. Sounds noticeably more clear on the DJ100 over the 940.


During the drums, some of the subtle detail is made almost impossible to hear. I kind  of hear it, but it's tough. Drums have the most presence on this song, but sounds less clear.


Drums sound absolutely pathetic here. No impact at all it sounds like. That rattle is gone and is only heard on the DJ100. It's definitely there, but sooo hard to hear. This song is totally non-fatiguing on the KRK. I love how it sounds on this headphone despite the drums.

DJ100 > 6400 > SRH-940 > M50

Chara- Beatiful Scarlet (female vocal test)

This is just singing along with a guitar.


Sounds good and vocals very up-front. Sounds very slightly almost muffled. What's funny is that at the end of the song it sounds like someone saying "Take five!". Never heard that before in this song.


Sounds much more clear on the Dj100. Crystal clear more like it.

Sounds OK. Nothing special. Vocals actually seem very forward?!


Sounds completely smooth here. Vocals not too forward to be annoying. Pretty clear too, but not as clear as how they were on the DJ100.

DJ100 > 6400 > SRH-940 > M50

SRH-940 has vocals that were not so clear. Not compared to the others. Reminded me of vocals on the HD-600.

Nine Inch Nails - Closer


Feel as if all the background static and pops are being shoved in my face again. Overall sound is slightly fatiguing.


Male vocals not as forward. All the static and pops are still there. DJ100 for this song is noticeably more smooth sounding. The DJ100..huh?!


The extra bass of the m50 definitely helps here. Surprised that these had as much detail as the SRH-940 for this song.


The lighter bass hurts this song, but it's still fun to listen to. This one offered the most detail and 2nd smoothest sound.

M50 > SRH-940 |DJ100 > 6400

Utada Hikaru - First Love


This song is really simple and mostly just vocals. At the start they sound very good, but then they sound kind of harsh and fatigue my ears FAST. Just give my ears a fit. Unlistenable mostly. Vocals seems to have a lot of texture to them. Not thin sounding in any way.


Crystal clear and when her voice gets louder it's never harsh or fatiguing. Smooth through the entire song.

Horrible with this song. Everything sounds bad. There's even some bloated mid-bass in here.


You definitely notice the extra treble of the 6400 over the DJ100 with this song. Vocals are clear, but thinner than the SRH-940, but I don't care about that, since they're a lot more clear sounding. Slightly fatiguing somehow, but not too badly.

DJ100 > 6400 > SRH-940 > M50

Lasidan - Ry Cooder


Sounds not very clear at all. Details that should be on the left and very faint are too hard to hear. It's a bunch of metallic sounds. How it sounds on the SRH-940 is how it sounded on the HD-600?! Sounds pretty terrible on the SRH-940.


Sounds a little more clear, but instruments are a lot thinner sounding. Some of detail is a bit more forward sounding.

Somehow this had the most detail and best soundstage between the above two. Don't ask me how!


Sounds pretty good, but with the reduced bass, it feels like there's a little something missing. Soundstage is very good here. Tons of detail.

M50 > 6400 > DJ100 > SRH-940

Dragonfly across and ancient Sky - Helios


TONS of detail here. Feel like I'm not going to be missing out on anything.


I keep getting the impression that all the recording flaws and mids are being shoved in my face and it's kind of annoying. This songs just doesn't sound right on the SRH-940 due to the forwardness of the mids.


Somehow the mids are less forward here than any of the others. All the detail is there though, but not as forward sounding.

Kelly Chen - Bollywood Love


Vocals sounds very, very good and have lots of texture. Remind me of female vocals on the HD-598 or HD-650.


For this song, vocals are just not as good. So far, it has really varied. The overall sound feel a bit more "laid-back". Don't ask me how. Much more in your face with the SRH-940.

The sound quality of this track is not good and the DJ100 "seems" more revealing of this. I'll put my KRK on and see..it sounded perfectly fine on the SRH-940!


Wow, the overall sound of this song is closer to how it is on the DJ100. Seems to have that more laid back sound. Vocals sound a bit distant and I think this is how the recording is supposed to be. On the SRH-940 it feels more up-front.

Vocals were best on the SRH-940, but made the song more up-front and more fatiguing than it should be.

This song was about as fatiguing as it was on the SRH-940. The extra treble on both was a bit bothersome. Didn't sound good on the M50.

Radiohead - The REckoner


At the start of this song if you listen closely it sounds as if the song is already being played. On the SRH-940 it's almost impossible to hear! On the SRH-940 it's very easy to pinpoint the instruments here. Fairly fatiguing here and kind of a pain to listen to. Feels like the SRH-940 butchered this song. Oh well.


Instruments sound a lot more clear on the DJ100. No contest here. The whole song sounds about perfect. No frequency jumping out at me.


Sounds about as clear as the DJ100, but more of the VERY subtle details are heard. Like the one I described in the 940 section.

DJ100 > 6400 > SRH-940

Imogen Heap - Clear the Area

6400 -

Soundstage is very good and quite large here. Vocals and everything in this song are very clear. I think their music must be well mastered. It sounds great on most every headphone!


Still seems a little less clear than the 6400. Soundstage seems about the same. Mids are too forward on the 940 for this song and makes it fatiguing.

Utada Hikaru - Dirty Desire

Hate this stupid song, but it sounds OK on headphones.


Sounds pretty good here. No frequency jumping out at me.  Has more bass than any of the other headphones.


The forward mids and treble of the SRH-940 kill this song..completely. Sorry, but it's true. Totally ear piercing and not how it's supposed to sound.


You can definitely notice the larger soundstage of the 6400 over the DJ100.  The sound of the 6400 is almost as fatiguing as the sRH-940, but actually listenable. I think this is really just a very bright and harsh recording.

DJ100 > 6400 > SRH-940

Tanya Chua - It's so good

KRK KNS-6400

First thing that jumps out at me is how crystal clear the vocals of this song are.


OK, the vocals are more textured and upfront, but at the same time it seems like the entire song is ruined. Sound clarity also took a step down.


Wow, now this is strange. This song on the DJ100 sounds more similar to the SRH-940 than the KRK! Definitely notice the extra mid-bass on this headphone over the rest. Vocals aren't as clear as on the KRK.

6400 > SRH-940 > DJ100

Slumdog Millionaire - Liquid Dance

I always liked how this sounded on my DJ100.

DJ100 -

Sounds just as it should and the extra bass helps this songs. Feels like while I'm listening to it someone is trying to break down my door.


The bass took a vacation and now this song is giving me a headache.


If I thought the bass was bad on the SRH-940 it's even MORE absent on the 6400 here. The song is just not the same without it.

The bass on this makes the DJ100 even look bass light in comparison! Too bad it doesn't sound as good. Mids sound a bit distant.

Buddha Bar IV - Dancing With the Muse

This was just some random track that came up and it sounded pretty good with the SRH-940!


Sounds so good with the SRH-940 that I thought none of the other headphones could compare.


The overall sound is fuller on the SRH-940, but on the DJ100 is quite good. I definitely noticed the extra bass at the start.

Sounds quite good, but the missing bass kind of hurts. Seems like it's easier to pick out all the instruments and where they're coming from. Sounds just as clear as it is on the DJ100.

SRH-940 | DJ100 > KNS-6400

Primus - Jerry was a Race Car Driver


Sounds ok, but kind of fatiguing, which is rare on the 6400 for most music. Not very engaging at all. Mids a bit distant, but I think that's how they are for this song.


Treble is much more forward and the little extra bass helps. This has the most fatiguing sound.  Everything sounds a LOT thinner on the 6400.  A lot more fun to listen to than the KRK. No surprise there. Love the treble on the SRH-940 for this song.


I felt that this would be awful compared to the SRH-940, but it's actually just as good! Less treble and slightly less fatiguing. And they say this genre of music is bad on the DJ100! The overall sound seems more clear.

DJ100 | SRH-940 > 6400 (6400 was just no good at all here for this song).

The Fray - Never Say Never

Surprised that this actually has some fatiguing treble for this song. Overall it sounds good.

At the start the mids feel as if they're pushed too far forward so that the sound almost seems abnormal?! During the song the sounds is too fatiguing and yet often seems very muffled. Maybe there's some sort of congestion? Basically this song turned into a mess.


Very fatiguing here, but less so than the SRH-940. None of them can even come close to the DJ100 for this song.

DJ100 > SRH-940 | 6400

Ali Farka Toure - Monsieur Le Maire De Niafunke


Sounds about perfect in every area. Can't even imagine it sounding better on the others, but I may be surprised! It almost reminds me of how this song sounded on the ATH-AD2000!!


Sadly everything is so shoved into my face that the song is now ruined. Instruments carry more weight, but that's even a negative for this song. Don't ask me how. It's similar to how it sounded on the HD-650, but not that bad (I liked the HD-650!).

There's some bass that went missing on the 6400 and it's here now. Sounds very, very good on the DJ100, but the 6400 just might have the best soundstage for this song. Definitely fuller sounding than the KRK, but not like the SRH-940.

Shikasta (Minstrel's Song) - Yo-Yo Ma

Soundstage for this song is very good. The vocals on this song are ear piercing on almost any headphone, but on the DJ100 it's not too bad. So easy to pinpoint where all the instruments are. Almost feels like an open headphone for this song!


I don't know why, but the tonality of the SRH-940 seems a bit off and goofy. I noticed this more than once. Some instruments and sounds don't seem too accurate?!

Sounds horrible here and it feels like something has killed the soundstage. Definitely less clear sounding. Feels like just one huge wall of sound.


Sounds good here, but less forward sounding than the DJ100. Soundstage is nearly as good and very similar to how it was on the DJ100. The sound is definitely more laid-back on this headphone.

DJ100 (no contest) > 6400 > SRH-940 (unlistenable)

Imogen Heap - The Moment I Said It

This is a good song to show that the 6400 can have great female vocals. Crystal clear sounding. I overused that word, but that's how they are! This is the kind of song that can have the KRKs "Wow" me.

Switching from the KRK I feel as if I got a downgrade in sound. No kidding. Less clear and the vocals somehow aren't as good. Soundstage is also noticeably worse. The sound feels as if it's very slightly muffled.

Sounds unbelievably good. A $80 headphone shouldn't sound this good and this clear. Vocals are also quite forward. Soundstage is good too.

6400 | DJ100 > SRH-940
Oct 28, 2011 at 4:29 PM Post #119 of 2,344
Utada is fantatic on these. I was listening to some of her stuff yesterday.
Sakura Drops <3

I use nearly the same setup, but with a different amp and the M50 pads. Sounds extremely good. Even use the Fiio LOD. Fuze is the perfect source for the DJ100 and I never realized Rockbox works for it! It's nice to hear that others found vocals crystal clear too. That's my favorite thing about the DJ100. Seems to be extremely good for female vocals, especially any kind of asian pop music. Utada Hikaru sounds really good on these...just not her US releases

I think some people may prefer V6 pads to the M50 pads. Depends really on if you want slightly more forward mids or more treble. The Pearstone Velour V6 pads also fit, but they get hot after a few hours. They're not as good as Beyerdynamic Velour pads though.

Oct 29, 2011 at 3:53 PM Post #120 of 2,344

I use nearly the same setup, but with a different amp and the M50 pads. Sounds extremely good. Even use the Fiio LOD. Fuze is the perfect source for the DJ100 and I never realized Rockbox works for it!

Warning, you'll need to do some manual patching in the C++ via the compiler to get the LOD to work with Rockbox if you have software version V2. And even then you have to manually turn the LOD on and off. I haven't had the stones to do it, since it's been a few years since I've coded anything. Might try to get a comp-sci friend to do it for me.

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