Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!
Feb 19, 2014 at 6:35 PM Post #10,546 of 11,346
Was it imbalanced before the mods (a lot of people forget to check this).
The usual culprit for lack of bass would be a loose seal somewhere. Double check (particularly the right side) the pad sealing around the baffle, check for any tears. Try electrical tape around the pad edge to ensure a seal. If it's not that, maybe you accidentally blocked the vents in the right cup?
Feb 19, 2014 at 7:59 PM Post #10,547 of 11,346
The t50rp almost always has issues with this due to the left side having more material due to the jack being on that side.  Its usually not the drivers, though it can be.  Therefore an a-symmetrical design is best to fix channel imbalance.  Also make sure to measure the amount of material you're using on each side.
If you having measuring tools use them to check FR and DB level, if not, do the ol ear to ear test!
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Feb 20, 2014 at 12:21 AM Post #10,549 of 11,346
  Was it imbalanced before the mods (a lot of people forget to check this).
The usual culprit for lack of bass would be a loose seal somewhere. Double check (particularly the right side) the pad sealing around the baffle, check for any tears. Try electrical tape around the pad edge to ensure a seal. If it's not that, maybe you accidentally blocked the vents in the right cup?

IIRC, the imbalance was there before the mods (I've had them for two years before finally finishing the mod last weekend so I could be wrong). I always thought it was the cable and poor quality connectors that would be fixed with deoxit so I kinda brushed it off. But i just got my deoxit today and lubed it up, and it's still the same (the crackling is gone, but the volume problem is the same).
  The t50rp almost always has issues with this due to the left side having more material due to the jack being on that side.  Its usually not the drivers, though it can be.  Therefore an a-symmetrical design is best to fix channel imbalance.  Also make sure to measure the amount of material you're using on each side.
If you having measuring tools use them to check FR and DB level, if not, do the ol ear to ear test!

I actually think I have more material in the left side, which is odd as that is the louder side. I don't have anything but my ears to test, although I'd be interested in a set of tools if they weren't too expensive.
Feb 20, 2014 at 12:30 AM Post #10,550 of 11,346
It is very difficult to even out channel imbalances that exist in stock form with modding/damping since those mods never affect the FR evenly.
You could try using some inline resistors though that will drop your volume obviously. The simplest solution is to adjust the balanced on the amp or at the digital end.
Feb 20, 2014 at 2:35 AM Post #10,551 of 11,346
  It is very difficult to even out channel imbalances that exist in stock form with modding/damping since those mods never affect the FR evenly.
You could try using some inline resistors though that will drop your volume obviously. The simplest solution is to adjust the balanced on the amp or at the digital end.

That's a bit disheartening. I was hoping to give these to a friend after I fixed them up, but I can't let them go as they are :frowning2:
I suppose I can just buy another pair but I'm not sure if it's even worth it anymore...
Also, I get fatigued pretty fast with these in comparison to my HD650s - could this be attributed to the channel imbalance or is there something else to it? I get headaches/discomfort after relatively short periods of use (I can wear my HD650s for ~8 hours no sweat, the t50rp not more than an hour).
Feb 20, 2014 at 3:35 AM Post #10,553 of 11,346
  That's a bit disheartening. I was hoping to give these to a friend after I fixed them up, but I can't let them go as they are :frowning2:
I suppose I can just buy another pair but I'm not sure if it's even worth it anymore...
Also, I get fatigued pretty fast with these in comparison to my HD650s - could this be attributed to the channel imbalance or is there something else to it? I get headaches/discomfort after relatively short periods of use (I can wear my HD650s for ~8 hours no sweat, the t50rp not more than an hour).

Imbalance and mismatched frequency response can absolutely lead to listening fatigue. In many cases this is actually a greater cause of fatigue than treble spikes or decay ridges. When it's just a volume mismatch, the ear/brain interprets it mainly as a lateral displacement (so things sound off-centre). When the frequency response is different on each side though, the brain gets confused and doesn't know how to process it, which can quickly lead to discomfort. It's a little bit like getting seasick* for your ears.
*which is caused by a conflict between your eyes and your inner ear/balance
Mar 10, 2014 at 6:44 AM Post #10,555 of 11,346
  I've never made a single mod. Straight out of the box. Now let me say, I've been tempted, but I get Fostex products all day, so I haven't pulled the trigger tbh. 

Modded they are way, way better. Shure 840 pads and some dampening, the improvement is amazing.
Mar 14, 2014 at 12:48 PM Post #10,557 of 11,346
From the TH600 thread:
  Just chiming in.....
I'm a fairly longtime head-fi'er, but more so in the IEM arena.  I broke down a couple of years ago, bought the Fostex T50RP's, and loved the "modded" sound.  Eventually, my father-in-law helped me make my own "Thunderpants-style" phones, which has been my go-to set at work ever since.  They're pretty snazzy, and sound really good :)

Anyhow, my co-worker (who also has the disease!) showed me his new pair of HE-500's, which sounded great.  Sadly, I'm not enthused about using "open" cans here at work, so I started poking around again.  A couple of years ago, I was at a head-fi meet (here in the Seattle area) and heard some Denon D5000's (or 7000's....I don't actually remember which) and was totally blown away.  I also heard LCD2's, T1's, Grado's, and so on.... but those Denon's were the ones that did it for me.  So, after coming into a bit of "unexpected money" this past week, I started poking around looking for some Denon D5000's that I could buy used.  After some further digging, I stumbled upon the Fostex TH-600 (and 900) family that, to my joy and surprise, is the spiritual successor to the Denon AH-Dxxx line.  I was stoked!
Needless to say, after reading almost 80 pages of this thread along with a bunch of external reviews, I placed an order for some Fostex TH-600's yesterday.  I'm looking forward to joining the conversation in a more meaningful way very soon :)

Mar 22, 2014 at 9:48 PM Post #10,559 of 11,346
DBV3 has been tuned with the Shure pads, every time you use a different pad it changes the tuning slightly or even a fair bit so you won't get what the charts and impressions state..
 BMF might have tried them with the Alpha Pads i bet and hopefully lets you know the difference. As i am sure a few others have also.  Didn't mean to disregard your question...
Apr 18, 2014 at 5:52 AM Post #10,560 of 11,346
Can anyone suggest an OPAMP I can exchange in an 18 volt CMoy as LM4562 too bright and fatiguing...

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