headphone sightings?
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Mar 15, 2005 at 3:30 AM Post #572 of 855
I know a guy well at my school with a pair of AKG K171S cans. He also had another good set that got stolen, but I never caught the name. He let me try them once, I was blown away - this was before I got into head-fi. I got into head-fi when I impulse-bought e2c's with my Neuros II (they were only $50 with the unit) and I don't regret it one bit. I love them.

Now, with SR-60's on the way, I can't wait to see what kinds of weird looks I'm going to get. I think I'm going to wear them in public just for fun.

And so people around Wisconsin can finally get a taste of good music. Man, those are OPEN cans.

I also have another friend with Sony something something. Comfy, sure, but sound is merely okay. Cost him $30. I wish I remembered the #.

Maybe one of these days I'll spot another good set of cans. All I seem to see are those sony super-cheap crapphones, streetstyles, and earbuds. Friend of mine got some really really STRANGE earbuds with his philips 2 GB mp3 player. Amazing what kind of crap people will put up with.

Edit: I just realized, I get FAR more comments for my "huge" Neuros II (it's not that big, it just uses 2.5" laptop drives... and it's a nice black color) than for my e2c's. People always seem really interested in the Neuros. Then when I tell them I have 33 GB of music, they freak. Good times. I love to show off the FM transmitter and such. Oh, music addictions are so much fun.

Mar 15, 2005 at 4:33 AM Post #573 of 855
I was goign to look for this thread the other day to post, but I was too lazy. Thanks for bringing it to me.

Out of the 15 people in this computer lab, I see 4 sets of white earbuds. 4 out of the 5 with headphones on. Anyway. I see a couple triports every day, and one guy with some eggos a couple weeks ago. Yesterday a guy sitting at the table next to me pulled out some e3c's and started talking to his friend about getting them at the apple store. He was listening to some full-sized headphones, though I didn't recognize them.

I've also seen some sony v6's and a pair of full-sized sennheiser's (though I don't know which ones, I'm not familiar with their line).

Today, I was sitting in the library with my karma and um2's sitting on the table, and a guy in my class said 'hey, are those the shure e2c's?' I was very surprised he even knew what those were. Right now he is borrowing my e2c's....and if all goes as I plan, he will be have no money very soon...

Oh, and a question. A girl in my class shows up sometimes listening to ipod earbuds connected to her cd player (smart, you get the 'mug me' look without the actual joy of the ipod
). However, she wears the buds Upside down, with the driver facing Forward. What the hell is that??
Things wrong with this situation:
-Crappy earbuds used with unconventional device
-Wearing them in class...honestly, if youre not going to listen, just don't come to class. this isnt high school...
-Wearing them upside down
-Wearing them facing away from your eardrum
Is there something I'm missing? Is that actually a good way to listen to music?
Mar 15, 2005 at 4:40 AM Post #574 of 855

Originally Posted by The Actual
Today I visited UC Berkeley, and while there I saw someone with E2c, and another person with mdrv600s (not quite audiophile quality, but better than v150s). Unfortunately, I also literally saw about forty white ibuds. And I am not even kidding.

I work in a huge tech area here in Southern California (lots of tech-heads), I see hundreds of ipods and ALL of them are using stock buds.. they look at me like I'm crazy when they see my Ety's... I just laugh and think to myself 'if only they knew'.
Mar 15, 2005 at 5:00 AM Post #575 of 855

Originally Posted by combustion
I work in a huge tech area here in Southern California (lots of tech-heads), I see hundreds of ipods and ALL of them are using stock buds.. they look at me like I'm crazy when they see my Ety's... I just laugh and think to myself 'if only they knew'.

It's worse in Norcal up in San Francisco. You see ipods everywhere on people that look non-tech.
Mar 15, 2005 at 7:00 AM Post #576 of 855

Originally Posted by gshan
It's worse in Norcal up in San Francisco. You see ipods everywhere on people that look non-tech.

I'll second that.
Mar 17, 2005 at 10:40 AM Post #577 of 855
There's one other person that uses Senn's on the go . . . quite a bit away from Hilo though

Most people at school use Koss or Sony behind-the head phones, or the ipod buds. One person has the ex51's, as do I, and one dude uses B&O buds that he brought back from HK. They were really expensive - as much as Shure e2's - but they certainly are stylish, and besides my Shure e5's (
) are the nicest phones around.
Head-fiers have a curious reaction when they encounter someone using a non-ipod with non-stock buds. I almost cheered when I saw the TA for my lab with his iHP-120.
Mar 18, 2005 at 1:03 AM Post #578 of 855
At my school, one guy has audio-technica clip-ons, another Senn PXC-250, another Sennheiser HD212, and another Sennheiser HD457.
Mar 18, 2005 at 3:45 AM Post #579 of 855
The only good headphones iv seem someoen wear is a pair of px200 and that person only wore them once. Iv seen alot of triports, and alot of ibuds. I think the reason why i dont see anyone with good headphones is because in my area there is no place to buy good phones other than the internet.
Mar 18, 2005 at 5:01 AM Post #581 of 855

Originally Posted by cellophane
There's one other person that uses Senn's on the go . . . quite a bit away from Hilo though

Most people at school use Koss or Sony behind-the head phones, or the ipod buds. One person has the ex51's, as do I, and one dude uses B&O buds that he brought back from HK. They were really expensive - as much as Shure e2's - but they certainly are stylish, and besides my Shure e5's (
) are the nicest phones around.
Head-fiers have a curious reaction when they encounter someone using a non-ipod with non-stock buds. I almost cheered when I saw the TA for my lab with his iHP-120.

lol, would that be me by any chance?

I go to HCC almost daily for my electronic classes, I carry around a iRiver H140 with a Senn PX100 or MX400, depending on my mood =P. Or if just got done exercising you might find me with a MuVo N200 with a MX400.

In other news, I think I saw someone with Beyerdynamic headphones. But I couldn't tell which one it was (I don't know the brand too well), it was relatively light in color.
Mar 18, 2005 at 5:41 AM Post #582 of 855
It sucks to live 4 blocks down the road from Apple Headquarters here in Cupertino, as everyone has an iPod and the sad part is that they think the stock headphones are good because they look cool.

the only good pair of phones I've seen are my friend's Ety ER-6i's for his iRiver H10.
Mar 19, 2005 at 2:33 AM Post #585 of 855

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
Oh, and a question. A girl in my class shows up sometimes listening to ipod earbuds connected to her cd player (smart, you get the 'mug me' look without the actual joy of the ipod
). However, she wears the buds Upside down, with the driver facing Forward. What the hell is that??
Things wrong with this situation:
-Crappy earbuds used with unconventional device
-Wearing them in class...honestly, if youre not going to listen, just don't come to class. this isnt high school...
-Wearing them upside down
-Wearing them facing away from your eardrum
Is there something I'm missing? Is that actually a good way to listen to music?

Ahahaha, that is hilarious!
I see this guy walking around college everyday wearing a single ipod earphone sticking out of his ear, perpendicular to his ear drums. The worst thing is that he is constantly wearing his single earphone in this fashion, almost all day! I mean, what can he actually hear? music? Amazing.
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