Head-Fi Basshead IEM thread (lists page 1)
May 6, 2016 at 1:45 PM Post #7,171 of 12,597
Some are telling me to change the dap, some are telling me to add an amp, some are telling me to change the iem.
I know for sure one thing that I am not happy with volume of the dap and the bass I am getting and when I use clear bass I am not happy as well.
So far I am leaning to a one device solution and no stacking. I am ready to sell my dap and iem and loose money on them, as being a novice usually at first you have to be slapped in the face and swallow bad purchase decisions
I will keep on reading for a while, and then I will just make a purchase of a high end dap and a high end iem and call it a day.

@Mr-Nice That's your best course of action really. I thought you were dead set on selling something that's why I suggested selling your IEMS. Regardless, keep in mind that if and when you do decide, the iem is the item in your audio chain that will change the sound signature the most (besides eq/dsp). Eq can turn an iem into anything really, of course with limitations.

May 6, 2016 at 2:04 PM Post #7,172 of 12,597

+1, Many people on this thread have gone through a lot of IEM's to find their own solution, so it is something that is hard to get right on the first try, especially without demo'ing first, even then...

The suggestion for an amp- well this threadmakes no bones about using amps and EQ/DSP/Boost in order to achieve bass, & pretty much everyone has one. The suggestion for you was simply as an relatively affordable corrective measure in case that is the problem in your particular use of Angie + ZX2, and your complaint of bass and dynamics, which is often attributable to an headphone being underdriven or poorly matched. However your remarks that the Angie is easy to drive and that clearbass did not produce satisfactory results, additionally looking at measuremnts of the Angie with the bass open it appears quite bassy, It may simply be that it is not producing the kind of bass you want. Sources/Amps tend to have their own character of bass, which can make quite a difference too, though the people who have commented on ZX2 seem to think this is not one of its deficiencies- just ts output power is.

Is Angie any better from your phone?

If you don't have access to a store with demo units, since seem to have a budget flexibility, so it might be worthwhile for you to try out a cheaper dynamic IEM's from the unamped list to try with zx2- or to pick up a portable amp and xb90ex just to see what is possible bass-wise and to give you a reference point- at least if you are interested in an IEM on the top 10 lists, pretty much every thread regular owns or at one point used the xb90ex, so is almost a universal comparison point.

hi writer!

May 6, 2016 at 2:34 PM Post #7,173 of 12,597
  After reading so many advises, I am becoming more hesitated about what to do.
Some are telling me to change the dap, some are telling me to add an amp, some are telling me to change the iem.
So I made the decision to do nothing, and read more, until I understand some terminologies used in Head-Fi and understand the logic behind some advises 
I know for sure one thing that I am not happy with volume of the dap and the bass I am getting and when I use clear bass I am not happy as well.
I think sometimes when a person rushes into buying things without knowing the synergy between the source and an iem, that is the point were things collide and fall apart
So far I am leaning to a one device solution and no stacking. I am ready to sell my dap and iem and loose money on them, as being a novice usually at first you have to be slapped in the face and swallow bad purchase decisions
I will keep on reading for a while, and then I will just make a purchase of a high end dap and a high end iem and call it a day.

I have no idea what people outside of this thread has told you, but the objective of this thread is BASS, extreme bass.
Members here have taken non-bassy sets and turned them to basshead levels.  Examples sony 7550/800 and the ex1000.  In stock form those are not basshead by any means, but with modding and eq work they are at the top.
Don't get discouraged man, we have all been there.  Buying items and not being impressed because people that don't know what the **** they are talking about are rec'ing those products.
You two pieces of great gear, you might just need some manipulating of the bass to get it to where you want.  
I really suggest you get an amp.  The e12a or Creative e5 are great for iems if your worried about hissing and floor noise.
@vapman uses a good dap with good amount of power.  If you don't want to stack.
May 6, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #7,176 of 12,597
Relatively pocket money price (at least from the first reseller), LG GS100 has to have a mention, pretty effective dance-club experience :)

May 6, 2016 at 4:15 PM Post #7,180 of 12,597
the quadbeats is a pretty nice sounding iem!
Comparing to the QB2 the GS100 sounds very V shaped, hard hitting bass, crisp clear treble, but mids take a bit of a back seat...

Apart from not having enough power from the Samsung S7 that I'm using right now, listening to Charly Says by the Prodigy is genuinely exciting - reminds me of when I heard it through a crazy Audiolab setup, where the volume / power were so high they were making things fall off of the table sat in front of them :D
May 6, 2016 at 4:17 PM Post #7,182 of 12,597
Comparing to the QB2 the GS100 sounds very V shaped, hard hitting bass, crisp clear treble, but mids take a bit of a back seat...

Apart from not having enough power from the Samsung S7 that I'm using right now, listening to Charly Says by the Prodigy is genuinely exciting - reminds me of when I heard it through a crazy Audiolab setup, where the volume / power were so high they were making things fall off of the table sat in front of them :D
qb3 mate :p

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