Head-Fi Basshead IEM thread (lists page 1)
May 6, 2016 at 3:59 AM Post #7,156 of 12,597
Nope. I take mine. I used to take my AK240, intruder, and Ref 1. Great gym stack. Lol.

@Hawaiibadboy insane isn't? 20...best music player app ever.

Didn't people start throwing dumbbells and stuff at you when you carried a stack of stuff with lights, cables and all, that looks like a DIY sophisticated device?
May 6, 2016 at 6:12 AM Post #7,159 of 12,597
Any thoughts on Neutron vs Onkyo HF?
May 6, 2016 at 6:50 AM Post #7,161 of 12,597
After reading so many advises, I am becoming more hesitated about what to do.
Some are telling me to change the dap, some are telling me to add an amp, some are telling me to change the iem.
So I made the decision to do nothing, and read more, until I understand some terminologies used in Head-Fi and understand the logic behind some advises 
I know for sure one thing that I am not happy with volume of the dap and the bass I am getting and when I use clear bass I am not happy as well.
I think sometimes when a person rushes into buying things without knowing the synergy between the source and an iem, that is the point were things collide and fall apart
So far I am leaning to a one device solution and no stacking. I am ready to sell my dap and iem and loose money on them, as being a novice usually at first you have to be slapped in the face and swallow bad purchase decisions
I will keep on reading for a while, and then I will just make a purchase of a high end dap and a high end iem and call it a day.
May 6, 2016 at 8:15 AM Post #7,162 of 12,597
  Any thoughts on Neutron vs Onkyo HF?

 Neutron is the deeper more customizable of the 2.  I used to use Onkyo to up sample stuff or use the eq but I got into a phase like Vapman above. I came from jeteffects and a Cowon which is epic...******* love that BBE/Mach3bass...built most of the bass videos with that but I got fixated with dropping every DSP I could and sticking with my own eq and an amp.
I'm in pure power user mode. If I want a wider stage I ave to find the freq that gives that illusion instead of using a DSP and if i want a good Bass eq i will build it from scratch myself. Classic Rock EQ (for that driver) will play almost any genre but Hip Hop will play almost nothing else besides hip hop. I always build eq off of old classic masters like Floyd or Allman bros. The vocals,drum,bass,guitar,keyboard can be head and manipulated.
I use Onkyo sometimes but Neutron is the best music app I know.
May 6, 2016 at 9:37 AM Post #7,163 of 12,597
  After reading so many advises, I am becoming more hesitated about what to do.
Some are telling me to change the dap, some are telling me to add an amp, some are telling me to change the iem.
So I made the decision to do nothing, and read more, until I understand some terminologies used in Head-Fi and understand the logic behind some advises 
I know for sure one thing that I am not happy with volume of the dap and the bass I am getting and when I use clear bass I am not happy as well.
I think sometimes when a person rushes into buying things without knowing the synergy between the source and an iem, that is the point were things collide and fall apart
So far I am leaning to a one device solution and no stacking. I am ready to sell my dap and iem and loose money on them, as being a novice usually at first you have to be slapped in the face and swallow bad purchase decisions
I will keep on reading for a while, and then I will just make a purchase of a high end dap and a high end iem and call it a day.

Honestly the zx2 is a great all in one dap which WILL satisfy all your needs but it needs 100 hours before it becomes a beast.. see if you can try more iems or just give it some time. Keep all the sound enhancements off and just close your eyes and listen, reaaly listen, ull love it!
May 6, 2016 at 10:00 AM Post #7,164 of 12,597
  Honestly the zx2 is a great all in one dap which WILL satisfy all your needs but it needs 100 hours before it becomes a beast.. see if you can try more iems or just give it some time. Keep all the sound enhancements off and just close your eyes and listen, reaaly listen, ull love it!

People think this thread is about IEM.
It's not.
It's about 20-60Hz
Really 35-55Hz
20 individual Hz in a spectrum of  20Hz to 20Khz....20,20,20
I know what and how to make that region damage ears. I took the smallest and easiest thing on this site to do and ran with it. Puzzles me to no end that it was left there to be debated like some unknown that cannot be touched ,felt or seen. Nah, you can see bass
Your comment about the zx2 is in the wrong thread as it could never be a beast on it's own and nobody is ever sure what another person WILL get.
Unless it's bass.
I love your avatar btw.

May 6, 2016 at 10:09 AM Post #7,165 of 12,597
Mr-Nice That's your best course of action really. I thought you were dead set on selling something that's why I suggested selling your IEMS. Regardless, keep in mind that if and when you do decide, the iem is the item in your audio chain that will change the sound signature the most (besides eq/dsp). Eq can turn an iem into anything really, of course with limitations.
May 6, 2016 at 10:24 AM Post #7,166 of 12,597
everything in this thread needs an amp, so i just bought flair audio r2a that one needs a new dac. whats the best cheap amp people use?
cayin c5 no doubt. With its lush mids, bang for buck amp!
May 6, 2016 at 1:10 PM Post #7,169 of 12,597
Thx all, will get Neutron for my phone. :)

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