Grado SR80 Impressions thread!
Feb 17, 2009 at 6:09 AM Post #226 of 538
I really didn't get into headphones much, then I decided to grab a pair back in 2004. I read some reviews on the HD650 and then I saw some RS-2's on Ebay and thought wow, wooden headphones? Then I saw the pricetag and was like oh helllll no.

So I grabbed a pair of SR-80's and was blown away! As you can see from my signature, the rest is history.
Feb 19, 2009 at 1:52 PM Post #227 of 538
Currently I own both the PX100 and ESW9, which are both good in their own way (one for general use, the other for running, etc). However, the ESW9 are fairly laid-back, and I listen to a lot of electro-pop and would be happier with something a bit more foreward and punchy (just more fun to listen to with that particular genre).

I know that the SR80s are highly recommended for rock/metal (which I only listen to on occasion) and that some people prefer other phones for electronic-based music, but some of the same qualities are valued in both genres, right? I'm not looking to replace my ESW9s, just want to have a more energetic option to listen to.

Thoughts/opinions/other suggestions? Considering I originally planned to spend $50 on a set of cans and ended up quadrupling my budget, the (relatively) cheap price of these is attractive...
Feb 19, 2009 at 7:57 PM Post #228 of 538
Got my bowls in today, and they're super nice. I love the way they sound. I'm currently toying with the idea of connecting the HD414 pads to the Comfies, because as I write this I'm listening to this combo, and they're very comfortable, and sound awesome.
Feb 21, 2009 at 9:51 PM Post #229 of 538
Love them, got them a few weeks ago used off of ebay for a steal and have racked up about 3 hours average listening time daily. My first real full sized 'phones and i can't praise them enough. I listen to mostly rock and metal and they're just awesome.

These are only paired with a cMoy i bought off of eBay and still sound awesome!

Now i just need a job to afford some 225's or 325's!

16 is just too early to discover the Grado line... :S

Jun 4, 2009 at 11:47 AM Post #230 of 538
I've been spoiled by my SE530, D2000 and HD25-1 for the past few months and I got the SR80 since yesterday.

Haven't used another 'phone since. Hot Daimn! These rock! Gonna outfit them soon with DIY woodies and a genuine leather headband and I'm in heaven!
Jun 13, 2009 at 1:23 AM Post #231 of 538
Just got my SR-80i's the other day.

Oh man, big fan.

I'm rounding out my collection with new sound signatures, and Grado was the first on my list, so I can safely say I'm a fan, and I might move my way up the line in the future, or swap these for some MS-1i's :p

Super happy with these, they're so different, they feel must faster and are of course brighter than my Audio-Technica's, they have tight bass, not prolonged bass like my AT's, but I like it still.

I'm rediscovering my rock albums with these Grado's! And the best part is the price, 95$ shipped on Amazon, amazing.

They also sound great out of my 7th-gen 120GB iPod Classic and even my 16GB iPhone 3G. Out of my Audio-GD Compass though they seem to be less forgiving with lesser than mp3 v2, oh well, I'm in the process of clearing out any less than V0 with well, V0 or ALAC if I like it enough.
Jun 17, 2009 at 12:43 AM Post #232 of 538

I discovered this forum during my search for a good centralized source of information about headphones. I am looking for new headphones because my old, crappy earbuds that I use at work were stolen a short while ago. Since then, I've decided it's time to stop buying cheap headphones that wear out or break every year or so and step up to some better gear. Here's some information about me if it helps...

I've spent a lot of time in the past few years in home theater and home audio, and I have a pretty decent (to me) setup with Revel speakers. I found during my speaker search that I prefer speakers that tend towards neutral or slightly more detailed, not a "tube-like" sound. So I'm trying to find some headphones that might match this.

Forgive me if I say anything confusing or out of place here, but here's what I think I would like in a headphone, and what led me to the Grado thread:
1) I have a large head and large ears that have no comfort issues with supra-aural headphones.
2) My home theater setup is often described as a "neutral" sound, so I like speakers (and maybe headphones) that lean towards neutral and possibly more detailed.
3) In my work environment, sound leakage from my headphones would not be an issue, but I don't need/want any isolation. In fact, I'd prefer no isolation so I can hear my colleagues if they try to talk to me or come into my area. So open headphones are fine by me!
4) Listening scenarios for me would be a) At work using standard headphone jack from PC or MP3 player and b) At home using the headphone jack on my HT receiver. No plans for buying a dedicated headphone amp. My MP3 collection is good quality 320kbps rips from my CDs.
EDIT: 5) My musical tendencies: Primarily rock and metal (311, Rage Against The Machine, Megadeth, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana); Jazz and classical while at work.

This led me to this thread. Sorry for the long intro, but I thought some info about me might help. Obviously before now I have exactly zero experience with headphones priced over $20, so this is my first foray into headphone world. Based on several threads I've read, the SR80i are my #1 for now. However, I keep reading and overanalyzing about some things...

1) In your personal opinion(s), is the SR80i a good start for me? My total budget to get started would be <$150, and the SR80 falls in that range. The SR125 also falls there, but forum threads suggest that it's not worth the premium over the SR80. I was considering saving for the 225, but people seem to think it needs an amp to sound its best and I'd need to buy an adapter for my 1/8" needs. With all that, I would think the 80 would be the best bet unless someone thinks otherwise.

2) Given my typical listening situation, and my desire to not HAVE to have a headphone amp, is the SR80i a good choice?

3) I'm not particularly interested in modifying headphones since I have exactly zero experience in this area, and would be afraid of messing up. However, a website I've visited suggests changing the SR80i pads out for the G-Cush pads from the GS1000. Has anyone tried this? Is it difficult to change out pads? Would it even be worth it?

4) Any recommended stores to buy from? I found, but I also see Grados being sold at several online stores. Any particular recommendations? Are Grados only sold by certain "authorized" online stores?

Thank you in advance for your patience and willingness to answer my questions. It's quite daunting to read all of these threads and make a final decision- I almost feel like I'm entering analysis paralysis mode. Thanks again!
Jun 17, 2009 at 3:24 PM Post #233 of 538

Originally Posted by thrand1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I discovered this forum during my search for a good centralized source of information about headphones. I am looking for new headphones because my old, crappy earbuds that I use at work were stolen a short while ago. Since then, I've decided it's time to stop buying cheap headphones that wear out or break every year or so and step up to some better gear. Here's some information about me if it helps...

I would strongly suggest making a new thread instead of tacking this onto the end of the -80 appreciation thread. You'll get a lot more views.
Jun 17, 2009 at 4:56 PM Post #234 of 538

Originally Posted by tenzip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I would strongly suggest making a new thread instead of tacking this onto the end of the -80 appreciation thread. You'll get a lot more views.

Ah, my apologies then. I basically have my search narrowed down to the Grado line, and had some questions around SR-80 versus other Grados. I thought starting another thread would be improper since many in this thread seem to have experience with several different Grado models. Thanks for the feedback.
Jun 26, 2009 at 3:24 AM Post #235 of 538
Got my SR-80i in about 2 weeks ago and I love them. They are my first hi-fi headphones and I couldn't be more pleased with my purchase. Got them for $85 from headroom so the price was just up my alley since I don't have the deepest pockets.

I would have to suggest these to anyone who listens to rock because that is basically all I listen to and what turned me to these. I'm loving every second of going back through all my music to experience it in a whole new way.
Jul 2, 2009 at 1:33 AM Post #236 of 538
Hey guys !
I had a pair of Porta Pros, which I found sounded awesome. But I wanted an upgrade! So I fell on your forum via Google and it gave me a lot of precious information. I had a tight budjet and according to some threads here, for about 100$, the SR80 was the best! So I listenned to you guys ! And here I am listening to it right now.. And man Thank you!! it sounds ****ing awesome !!

I'm no expert but I can say that the sound is crystal clear perfectly balanced, bass is just perfect, and you feel like the sound really is all around you, kind of an extra depth !

There's only a small shadow to this. Most of my headphone use is in public places, at work, in public transport, etc. And because of their open design the sounds leaks *a lot*. But I guess the people in the subway will just have to enjoy my music

Thanks to other posts here, I am also building a cMoy amp, 1/ Because it sounds fun, 2/ Because DIY is awesome, 3/ From what I read here and elsewhere the improvment is great for the investment! Be sure that i'll post some pics when I'm done !
Dec 26, 2009 at 5:03 PM Post #238 of 538
Out of all my phones, i listen to my SR80 with 414 senn pads the most.
Its usually on my pc with an Alien Dac , and amped by my Millet amp.
Altho i can say on paper that the SR225 is better at this and that etc......It just doesnt excite me as much. I dont foot-tap with any headphone as much as my SR80.
I have about 26 phones, and they get listened to much less than the SR80.
Feb 21, 2010 at 2:41 AM Post #239 of 538
Sorry for reviving an old thread, but I've just been too excited by my recent purchase. My search for a new set of cans led me here a few weeks ago. Being an IEM user, I wanted something a little more rich and full, which led to the full-size headphones forum here. I read up quite a bit on several open and closed headphones, and quickly became fascinated by the Grado's simplicity and price points. I was initially interested in something like an SR225i or SR325i, but figured I'd be better off with something a little cheaper to start out on. So, over the past couple of weeks I've been revamping my music catalog (re-ripping CD's into lossless and purchasing some new tunes) in anticipation of some new cans.

I then found a decent deal on some SR80i's here in the buy and sell forums, and went for them. I've been listening to them for a few days now, and I must say WOW! These really have surpassed my expectations for <$100. The sound quality is such a welcome difference to the IEM's I had previously grown accustomed to. I'd even say they sound a tad better than my floorstanders in the living room. When I first put them on, I thought they were a touch too bright and a bit lacking in the bass. So, I tried out the basshead mod on my bowls, and lowered the highs a bit on the EQ (keeping everything else flat), and have been listening to them ever since. The sound is so much more "fun" than anything else I've tried, and I can't get enough of them. I haven't touched the IEM's or the speakers since I opened the pizza box. Just wanted to add some praise for these modest headphones, and say thanks for all of the information that everybody puts in here.

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