Grado Fan Club!
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:31 PM Post #5,777 of 66,218
I went from owning SR80i's to purchasing alessandro MS2i's about 5 weeks ago, wich are the equivelent to the 325is, just a bit laid back a touch. Awesome headphones!!! Just do it!!!

The thing that is holding me back is that people are saying that the 325i's sound to harsh without a tube amp. Therefore, I wasn't sure because all I have is a fiio e11 and I pretty sure that won't help the 325i's highs. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the alessandros are more refind than grados. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #5,778 of 66,218
i downloaded skyfall the other day and after i saw this comment i decided to listen to it, and i agree, the quality is really bad. compressed and lacks any soundstage or any feeling of a live recording.
if you do a spectral analysis (yes, this is the lossless version as well), you can see the loudness/distortion, as well as the better sounding intro which due to the lower volume, has more dynamic range. most new recordings are like that unfortunately, especially mainstream stuff.

I don`t know but I find this version a bit better than Tom Coyne's CD mastering of Adele`s Skyfall.   =)   The Original CD went downhill when the chorus start..... =(
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:49 PM Post #5,779 of 66,218
The thing that is holding me back is that people are saying that the 325i's sound to harsh without a tube amp. Therefore, I wasn't sure because all I have is a fiio e11 and I pretty sure that won't help the 325i's highs. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the alessandros are more refind than grados. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I wish I could give a definitive answer, but I had a copy that sounded like it had no highs... it was strange so I had it serviced and it came back sounding much better - but still not as nearly has harsh as I was led to believe ( I did briefly audition them at a store). With good recordings, they are my favorites. The only genre they aren't suited for are ones with sub-bass. They're even pretty damn good for movies.
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:52 PM Post #5,780 of 66,218
The thing that is holding me back is that people are saying that the 325i's sound to harsh without a tube amp. Therefore, I wasn't sure because all I have is a fiio e11 and I pretty sure that won't help the 325i's highs. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but I think the alessandros are more refind than grados. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

I had a pair of SR325is's on loan from a local stereo store for one week while owning my SR80i's, I burned them in for 72+ hours they are awesome. I personnaly did'nt mind the high's but on some recording they can hurt at a moderate to high volume (I only listen to cd's) out of sony cdp-c701es to a meridian 203 dac through a adcom gtp400 pre-amp/tuner. The reason I went with the alessandro was they were supposed to be a little more laid back in the highs and a better balanced headphone, wich they are in my opinion, this made it easier to listen to for longer periods of time for me. By all means this does not make one better than the other just different. With that being said they are both awesome headphones. My alessandro's sound beutiful to my ears, and they are definitly a touch warmer in the highs.
Dec 19, 2012 at 7:55 PM Post #5,781 of 66,218
I wish I could give a definitive answer, but I had a copy that sounded like it had no highs... it was strange so I had it serviced and it came back sounding much better - but still not as nearly has harsh as I was led to believe ( I did briefly audition them at a store). With good recordings, they are my favorites. The only genre they aren't suited for are ones with sub-bass. They're even pretty damn good for movies.

Thanks, I had the assumption that the highs really aren't as bad as people are saying. I'll probably end up gettting them after the christmas season.
Dec 19, 2012 at 10:24 PM Post #5,782 of 66,218
I had a 325is for a week and exchanged it to ps500s and never looked back. I would try the RS2i first before getting a 325is. 325 is good for acoustic or any string instruments and vocals, but it lacks a bit of bass which RS2i has with smoother highs/mids but the PS500 bass is what i prefer. :wink:
Dec 19, 2012 at 10:56 PM Post #5,783 of 66,218
I had a 325is for a week and exchanged it to ps500s and never looked back. I would try the RS2i first before getting a 325is. 325 is good for acoustic or any string instruments and vocals, but it lacks a bit of bass which RS2i has with smoother highs/mids but the PS500 bass is what i prefer. :wink:

And I did just the opposite, but it took me ten months to decide. 
  The 500 bass was just a little too much for me and I don't mind the highs of the 325is.  Our mileage did vary.
Dec 19, 2012 at 11:17 PM Post #5,784 of 66,218
I've been happily using my SR80's for a few years, trying to justify (to myself) purchasing a higher end model after lustfully auditioning them a few times a year, every year.
My wife just shocked me with an early Christmas present, PS-500's, so I'm feeling pretty fantastic at the moment! 
Dec 19, 2012 at 11:40 PM Post #5,785 of 66,218
I've been happily using my SR80's for a few years, trying to justify (to myself) purchasing a higher end model after lustfully auditioning them a few times a year, every year.
My wife just shocked me with an early Christmas present, PS-500's, so I'm feeling pretty fantastic at the moment! 

In my opinion, the SR80s and the PS500s have very different sound signature, therefore they complement each other very well, your wife is definately a keeper,
Dec 19, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #5,786 of 66,218
Awesome!!! Enjoy. You married the right women!                                                                                                                                                                                     
Dec 19, 2012 at 11:55 PM Post #5,787 of 66,218
In my opinion, the SR80s and the PS500s have very different sound signature, therefore they complement each other very well, your wife is definately a keeper,

I think "wife is a keeper" is the take-away here. Seriously, PS-500s for Christmas? That's almost as nuts as Reese's for breakfast!
Dec 20, 2012 at 9:48 PM Post #5,788 of 66,218
My wife just shocked me with an early Christmas present, PS-500's, so I'm feeling pretty fantastic at the moment! 

Dude..that is honestly the coolest thing I've ever heard
Dec 21, 2012 at 12:08 AM Post #5,789 of 66,218
I've been happily using my SR80's for a few years, trying to justify (to myself) purchasing a higher end model after lustfully auditioning them a few times a year, every year.
My wife just shocked me with an early Christmas present, PS-500's, so I'm feeling pretty fantastic at the moment! 

WOW! and I thought I was special because my wife let me go to the theater by myself today to watch a movie!!!
(the Hobbit - an unexpected journey) ...I must say, your wife is looking pretty cool right now.

Dec 21, 2012 at 6:48 AM Post #5,790 of 66,218
I had a 325is for a week and exchanged it to ps500s and never looked back. I would try the RS2i first before getting a 325is. 325 is good for acoustic or any string instruments and vocals, but it lacks a bit of bass which RS2i has with smoother highs/mids but the PS500 bass is what i prefer. :wink:

the 325is are amazing for acoustic and strings as well as vocals.
its incredibly detailed and open when it comes to this,  the 325is are extremely transparant, especially for a 300 dollar headphone. though they do lack bass and can be too bright at times.

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