Grado Fan Club!
Dec 8, 2011 at 7:08 PM Post #1,411 of 66,259
That would be great Gwarmi, what's teh biggest difference between the E6 and E5? I wasn't even aware the E6 was released until recently
Dec 13, 2011 at 11:10 AM Post #1,412 of 66,259
Long time on again-off again lurker, 1st time poster. But definitely a long time Grado fan.
Over six years with my SR60, and about four with the iGrados. Even though I one day want to step up into a SR125i, or possibly a 225i or 325is, for the time being these work for me. Love the sound.
Anywho, the reason I'm breaking my silence. I use the iGrados at work and travel, but occasionally use them for running (when i don't feel like wearing iems). Because of that, the pads on them are worn out and slightly gross from ear sweat. So I've been searching for some replacements (which actually is how i found this thread), but the only ones I found are the ICush. There's not too much info on them, except they fit Grados. Has anyone used these? or better yet, are there any mods with other pads that can be made to fit on the iGrados? maybe ones that are better for running? or perhaps more comfy? Because truth to tell, while I love them, these cans can become fatiguing on the ears.
Thanks in advance for any input.
Dec 13, 2011 at 7:33 PM Post #1,413 of 66,259
Do any of use any kind of carrying case to go portable with your grado headphones? Maybe one like this here on ebay: I've also seen some padded bags with velcro at the top; they don't look quite as safe though..
I've also done some searching on the portable amp thread. What is your favorite <$100 portable amp? I'm pairing it with the SR225i.
Dec 13, 2011 at 8:31 PM Post #1,414 of 66,259
I have the V-Audio case for mine. imo, the connector retainer isn't terribly necessary, and it's a pain to even use, but the size of the case is pretty good, and being semi-hardshell is nice.

JDSLabs Cmoy or PA2v2
Dec 13, 2011 at 8:54 PM Post #1,415 of 66,259
I have that case and it’s great. the holding helps keep the headphones secure. there’s little mesh pouches with velcro backs to keep DAPs or an amp and some cable adapters.
Oh, and I’d say the cmoy is my favourite portable amp. cheap, long lasting battery and great sound.
Dec 14, 2011 at 6:44 AM Post #1,419 of 66,259

I'm using the Utimate kit on the Magnum lately. Funny that you mention it because I have removed it last night and planning on putting it back on the Ms-Pro.
@ Twinster,
Your MS Pro is back to being its more MS Ultimate?

Dec 14, 2011 at 11:07 AM Post #1,421 of 66,259
guys which grados do you think sounds the most identical to the RS1 but cheaper. I kinda miss mine but can't afford the RS1 agains ahhhh
Dec 14, 2011 at 11:38 AM Post #1,424 of 66,259
ah the magnums, tried it a long time ago, not sure how it sounds with the newer version but if i remember correctly, it was different sound to me. Sounds good but not the smooth mellow sound I wanted.
You can try this and DIY.


Oh yeah, i remember you saying that you went to your local shop to test out the RS1s, what happened in the end? why do you like the sr225i more?
I asked that question a while back and got the RS2 (naturally) and then the SR225i. For now, I'll settle for the SR225i.


Dec 14, 2011 at 12:13 PM Post #1,425 of 66,259

Oh yeah, i remember you saying that you went to your local shop to test out the RS1s, what happened in the end? why do you like the sr225i more?

Oh if money were no problem, I'd definitely own the RS1's. The SR225i is just a substitute. But let's be honest, we do that every day with tons of things we buy from food to clothes: Settle for what we can afford!

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