Going to buy 2 phones and return 1 - which 2?
Jun 29, 2010 at 11:44 PM Post #16 of 53
I have only the K701 and I haven't heard the others - but as others have said the K701s excel at more natural instruments.  They wow me the most when I play classical, or some well recorded jazz cds.  If I was going to primarily listen to VNV Nation or Apoptygma Berzerk, they probably wouldn't be my first choice, although as a musician I love how they take the sound apart.
There's something very addicting about well reproduced drums and instruments.  
Anyway, I really can't wait to hear some of the headphones you have listed for myself!    
Jun 30, 2010 at 3:31 AM Post #17 of 53
Don't buy headphones only to demo and return them. Do you know what that costs a retailer? It hurts them and they've done nothing to deserve that. They're offering a product and trying to make a profit so they can stay in business and keep their employees employed. Instead, look for headphones you're interested in at the For Sale Forum. Buy used, listen, then re-sell them for about the same price if you don't like them. Instead of forcing a retailer to take a loss on the sale, you'll help out a Head-Fi'er by buying unused headphones. Then if you don't want them you'll pass them to someone who does. Further, you'll save money buying used. That way, it's good for everyone. Also, I'd go with the HD-650 and DT880. Both are excellent, while I find the K-701/2 artificial sounding, like the difference between a Mexican Coke (cane sugar!) and a fakey Diet Coke that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.
Jun 30, 2010 at 9:26 AM Post #19 of 53
Any company is only going to do what is profitable and beneficial for them. Customers are routinely subjected to the selfish nature of the free market. Companies will take advantage of whatever opportunity is available for them to make money. Likewise, I, the customer, will take advantage of any opportunity a company gives me to ensure my satsifaction with my product. Even if I return a pair of headphones, they will still be able to sell them, and at the very worst will break even. Considering that I am extremely loyal to Amazon (I buy everything from them - books for school, photo equipment, etc.) and am a Prime member, I don't feel like I should worry about whether or not Amazon is making enough profit.
Jun 30, 2010 at 9:55 AM Post #20 of 53
I would definitely keep the HD650 - Senn's HD6xx series really take well to tube amps. Not too keen on the K701 though, I find them to sound really flat. However their soundstage is really something else.
Jun 30, 2010 at 10:26 AM Post #21 of 53
UE beat me to it, and I will not debate this, but purchasing several headphones with the intentions of only keeping one and returning the others is unethical. Period. And I, for one, will not do business with any Head-fi'er who does as such. I know there are many on Head-Fi that feel as I do.

If you want to demo several headphones, man up and do what we all do. Buy them used off the Sales Forums and sell what you don't want or like. If you buy right all you're out is the shipping.
I will not discuss both sides of this issue further as it's a practice that's frowned upon.

Rant over

Ross Feinberg.....


I would like to request that the Mods close this thread. There should also be a sticky/wiki about this topic to deter this practice.
Jun 30, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #22 of 53
You know... These places have return policies for a reason.  There is no way to know how you are going to like something like that without using it for a week or two.  It's no different from buying a shirt in 2 sizes and returning the one that doesn't fit.  That's part of the cost of doing business, and if that raises prices a little bit than so be it.  I'd rather pay a few bucks more to purchase something from a retailer that I can return something to, no questions asked, if it just doesn't work out.
Some people do abuse generous return policies, but buying two things to compare them and returning one, is very, very far from abuse.  A good example of abuse would be buying something to use for a short period of time, and returning it after using it for that purpose.  The standard example is buying a dress or suit for a formal event, and returning it afterwords.  That is an example of abusing a generous return policy.  Buying two things and returning one of them doesn't even come close.
Jun 30, 2010 at 5:13 PM Post #23 of 53
Originally Posted by maverickronin  
" You know... These places have return policies for a reason.  There is no way to know how you are going to like something like that without using it for a week or two.  It's no different from buying a shirt in 2 sizes and returning the one that doesn't fit.  That's part of the cost of doing business, and if that raises prices a little bit than so be it.  I'd rather pay a few bucks more to purchase something from a retailer that I can return something to, no questions asked, if it just doesn't work out.
Some people do abuse generous return policies, but buying two things to compare them and returning one, is very, very far from abuse.  A good example of abuse would be buying something to use for a short period of time, and returning it after using it for that purpose.  The standard example is buying a dress or suit for a formal event, and returning it afterwords.  That is an example of abusing a generous return policy.  Buying two things and returning one of them doesn't even come close."

You're wrong.
Jun 30, 2010 at 5:47 PM Post #26 of 53
I own both the HD650 and AKG701. If I had to choose between he two for every musical genre, I would take the HD650 as the best all-rounder of the two, hands down.  For poor recordings and MP3s - the HD650 again by a wide margin.  The HD650, however, has a somewhat laid back sound that is not for everyone.  The AKG in contrast has a wider soundstage, and a very neutral/analytical sound to my ears, but which for some is too dry a sound. I haven't heard the DT880.  
Jun 30, 2010 at 6:39 PM Post #27 of 53
If returning a headphone you dont like is bad thing to do. Whats the purpose of the return policy anyways?

Jun 30, 2010 at 6:52 PM Post #28 of 53
Originally Posted by miloxo  
" If returning a headphone you dont like is bad thing to
do. Whats the purpose of the return policy anyways?"

Buying two (or more) items with the SOLE intention of returning one is the issue. If someone purchases an item and then later decides it's not suited for them or there is a problem with is, that's another story. Intent is the topic.

There are other alternatives like buying several headphones (or other equpiment) on the Sales Forum and selling the one that you don't like is an easy solution.
Jun 30, 2010 at 6:52 PM Post #29 of 53

Don't buy headphones only to demo and return them. Do you know what that costs a retailer? It hurts them and they've done nothing to deserve that. They're offering a product and trying to make a profit so they can stay in business and keep their employees employed. Instead, look for headphones you're interested in at the For Sale Forum. Buy used, listen, then re-sell them for about the same price if you don't like them. Instead of forcing a retailer to take a loss on the sale, you'll help out a Head-Fi'er by buying unused headphones. Then if you don't want them you'll pass them to someone who does. Further, you'll save money buying used. That way, it's good for everyone. Also, I'd go with the HD-650 and DT880. Both are excellent, while I find the K-701/2 artificial sounding, like the difference between a Mexican Coke (cane sugar!) and a fakey Diet Coke that leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

This. If it's anything, any DT880/600 vs K701/K702 impressions here and all of them are in favour of the DT880/600
vs. K701: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/429371/the-beyerdynamic-dt880-600-ohm-appreciation-discussion-thread+"k701"&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
vs. k702: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/429371/the-beyerdynamic-dt880-600-ohm-appreciation-discussion-thread+"k702"&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
the AKG K701 is overhyped. Great for classical, yes, I'd admit but really it's only that not to mention the other non-music factors that go against getting it.
Conclusion: Get the HD650 / DT880/600.
Jun 30, 2010 at 7:04 PM Post #30 of 53
You're wrong.

I fail to see how someones opinion can be wrong.  I am not arguing that you are wrong, but that you adhere to a standard which is unnecessarily high, because it exceeds that of most retailers you're likely to buy from.  My personal opinion on the matter is that if you've made a good faith effort to buy something from a retailer then you are morally justified in returning something you don't like.  Buying 2 pairs of headphones from the same place and returning one, would count as a good faith effort to purchase something from that retailer, since you plan to keep one.  Buying them from separate retailers to get the absolute lowest price and returning one of them would be a little weaselly since you know one of them will get a return and suffer a loss, and not just a smaller profit as in the other case.
Back on topic...
I'd try the DT880s and the HD650s if were in your situation.  They're both good all-rounders, but with different presentations.  Also to satisfy the whiners, both of them come in simple packaging that doesn't require a trip back to the factory to reseal, so assuming you return them in mint, it won't cost amazon anything to repackage and resell them.  Problem solved!

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