Getting "called-out" for not wearing the Beats
Sep 2, 2011 at 4:24 PM Post #1,981 of 5,506
So ultimately the argument for beats now has boiled down to: I like beats particular coloration and will accept no other. Therefore the beats are superior or justified for the price, regardless of fidelity.
I think we can all agree that this argument "wins" and "loses" at the same time. It wins in that, people who like the beats sound and don't like equalizers will just have to buy beats. It loses in that, those people sadly must admit that there are better sound quality options out there, they just have to EQ them to get that absurd booming bass they like.
Sep 2, 2011 at 4:43 PM Post #1,982 of 5,506

So ultimately the argument for beats now has boiled down to: I like beats particular coloration and will accept no other. Therefore the beats are superior or justified for the price, regardless of fidelity.
I think we can all agree that this argument "wins" and "loses" at the same time. It wins in that, people who like the beats sound and don't like equalizers will just have to buy beats. It loses in that, those people sadly must admit that there are better sound quality options out there, they just have to EQ them to get that absurd booming bass they like.

What argument? Who's arguing ? I was asking legitimate questions to the board and responding with my opinions on the responses.
But out of curiousity, why do you must belittle heavy bass signature. Why exactly is it absurd? Some people like high treble, some like high vocals and sibilance, some like darker tone and some like accurate neutrality that isn't overly precise, but rather natural sounding.

Sep 2, 2011 at 4:52 PM Post #1,983 of 5,506
"The Argument" is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Argument is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a Beats Pro.)
Morpheus: You take the Beats and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
(A $350 Ultrasone Pro 900 is shown in his other hand, connected to a bass boost EQ) You take the Ultrasones and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
(Long pause; Neo begins to reach for the Ultrasones) Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.
(Neo takes the Ultrasones and puts them on)
Sep 2, 2011 at 4:59 PM Post #1,984 of 5,506
Ok, now on a more serious note :)
> But out of curiousity, why do you must belittle heavy bass signature. Why exactly is it absurd? Some people like high treble, some like high vocals and sibilance, some like darker tone and some like accurate neutrality that isn't overly precise, but rather natural sounding.
I probably used the wrong choice of word. When I said "absurdly strong bass" I meant it as a way to say "really really really strong bass", not that there's anything wrong with it. I actually like absurdly strong bass now and then, myself :)
Anyway your questions seem to have been answered; everywhere I hear people saying to try Ultrasone 900s. And I've read countless stories of bass boosted Ultrasone 900's being shown to beats fans, and blowing their minds as to how much better it is. Obviously there may be more suggestions coming as well.
Sep 2, 2011 at 5:27 PM Post #1,985 of 5,506

"The Argument" is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Argument is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a Beats Pro.)
Morpheus: You take the Beats and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
(A $350 Ultrasone Pro 900 is shown in his other hand, connected to a bass boost EQ) You take the Ultrasones and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
(Long pause; Neo begins to reach for the Ultrasones) Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.
(Neo takes the Ultrasones and puts them on)

Except that Morpheus in this case is a noob that knows very little about anything.

Sep 2, 2011 at 5:37 PM Post #1,986 of 5,506

Ok, now on a more serious note :)
> But out of curiousity, why do you must belittle heavy bass signature. Why exactly is it absurd? Some people like high treble, some like high vocals and sibilance, some like darker tone and some like accurate neutrality that isn't overly precise, but rather natural sounding.
I probably used the wrong choice of word. When I said "absurdly strong bass" I meant it as a way to say "really really really strong bass", not that there's anything wrong with it. I actually like absurdly strong bass now and then, myself :)
Anyway your questions seem to have been answered; everywhere I hear people saying to try Ultrasone 900s. And I've read countless stories of bass boosted Ultrasone 900's being shown to beats fans, and blowing their minds as to how much better it is. Obviously there may be more suggestions coming as well.

A. You said 'Absurd Booming Bass', which constitutes to Poisoning the well. Perhaps you didn't mean so, but from your posting, it appears that you're hinting a negative aspect of that 'really really really strong bass'. However, now that you've been put on the spot, you clarify yourself as being overly descriptive.  So from now on, let's be fair and call the kid by his real name, 'bass heavy', no absurd, no ridiculous and nothing else that's negative.
B. I don't know if the questions have been fully answered. All I got were XB1000's, Utlrasone 580hifi that need to be equed, and Ultrasone 900 that needs to be amped and EQed to a lesser extent, at $450 on amazon, which is $100 more than the Pros' Retail pricetage, while Pros themselve are actually cheaper on Amazon, mind you. Not sure where you got the $350 in your Matrix metaphor.  Also, where is ultrasone 900 shown to beats fans. Is there a link or a source to a video or a description? Even so, I never claimed the Beats to be better? I was asking about High-Quality headphones that provide heavy bass signature with really clear and clean Midrange and His and overall spectrum, without bleeding or compromising the sound, at the same price range as the beats.
C. How would you know anyways, you have almost zero experience in High quality bass-heavy headphones, and you never actually demoed or properly tested the beats.  So why are you commenting on this? 
Sep 2, 2011 at 5:52 PM Post #1,987 of 5,506
I guess it all depends on how well the headphones respond to EQing. Some respond very well, while some don't.
I understand the factor of bringing the potential to form a likable sound in the headphones, and for some to correct it, so to speak. However in my opinion, if you have to do this then it means that the headphones aren't catering properly to your sound needs. Whatever it may be for, classical, jazz, vocal, pod-cast, dance, trance, hip hop, rap, drum and bass and such.. there are headphones that are geared toward those genres of music.
The only time I can think of tweaking or eqing headphones is if I'm using the General listening headphones for specific genres as opposed to mainstream.

Well, if you EQ an open headphone, it certainly won't sound like the Beats and would probably be driving the drivers insane from trying to imitate bass-heavy closed sound. However, even EQing my fairly neutral, midrange-oriented ATH-W11R to be bass heavy resulted in a much better sound than the Beats Pros. I'm positive EQ would work even better for something like Ultrasones if you're trying to achieve a Monster Beats type signature. I did that for Ultrasone HFI-580 and it had far more bass impact and detail than a Monster Beats Studio could dream of.
However, EQ is still something that needs to be learned and practiced. Don't expect to get good results by boosting frequencies (even if you try to compensate by lowering preamp) and not every EQ would sound the way you like. Some EQ sound incredibly natural, detailed, and analog-like. Personally, whether seeking a colored sound or a neutral sound, I would look for a mastering level EQ and a solid state amplifier, and then get the highest resolution headphone that can do what you want. Personally, I'm against tube amps. I haven't heard any tube amp sub-$3000 that could compete with a solid state + mastering EQ in detail reproduction.
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:18 PM Post #1,988 of 5,506
"The Argument" is everywhere, it is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, or when go to church or when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Argument is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a Beats Pro.)
Morpheus: You take the Beats and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
(A $350 Ultrasone Pro 900 is shown in his other hand, connected to a bass boost EQ) You take the Ultrasones and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
(Long pause; Neo begins to reach for the Ultrasones) Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.
(Neo takes the Ultrasones and puts them on)

Hahaha, this just made my day
even if it's mainly about bass and not on how oddly detailed the Pro 900 are, despite their bass presence.
About EQing, this was already discussed on another thread, and EQs can be used for both correcting flaws present on gear (and yes, there are always flaws, no piece of gear is perfect) and to emphasize a certain range of the spectrum for entertainment purposes.
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:40 PM Post #1,989 of 5,506


Well, if you EQ an open headphone, it certainly won't sound like the Beats and would probably be driving the drivers insane from trying to imitate bass-heavy closed sound. However, even EQing my fairly neutral, midrange-oriented ATH-W11R to be bass heavy resulted in a much better sound than the Beats Pros. I'm positive EQ would work even better for something like Ultrasones if you're trying to achieve a Monster Beats type signature. I did that for Ultrasone HFI-580 and it had far more bass impact and detail than a Monster Beats Studio could dream of.
However, EQ is still something that needs to be learned and practiced. Don't expect to get good results by boosting frequencies (even if you try to compensate by lowering preamp) and not every EQ would sound the way you like. Some EQ sound incredibly natural, detailed, and analog-like. Personally, whether seeking a colored sound or a neutral sound, I would look for a mastering level EQ and a solid state amplifier, and then get the highest resolution headphone that can do what you want. Personally, I'm against tube amps. I haven't heard any tube amp sub-$3000 that could compete with a solid state + mastering EQ in detail reproduction.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Though I must clarify this, I wasn't looking for high-quality headphone that will sound like or that I can EQ to sound like the Beats Pro. Rather I'm curious what high quality headphone out there can provide bass-heavy (well, very bass heavy for intended purpose here) signature without compromising the rest of the spectrum, without the need for eqing and amping. I guess I should've added the amping and eqing factor previously, so my apologies for this; but I'm really curious about this. 
Obviously I'm not looking for anything neutral by asking this, I realize that. 
Sep 2, 2011 at 7:17 PM Post #1,990 of 5,506
Roller: Glad I can hopefully make what some people take way too seriously a little lighter topic :)
For the record, Ultrasone Pro 900's cost $350. Yes, Three Hundred Fifty dollars (give or take a few $). I really have no idea where you're getting the $500 figure. Proof:
And just in case there's some sort of weird regional pricing going on, here is what I see:
Sep 2, 2011 at 7:36 PM Post #1,991 of 5,506

A. You said 'Absurd Booming Bass', which constitutes to Poisoning the well. Perhaps you didn't mean so, but from your posting, it appears that you're hinting a negative aspect of that 'really really really strong bass'. However, now that you've been put on the spot, you clarify yourself as being overly descriptive.  So from now on, let's be fair and call the kid by his real name, 'bass heavy', no absurd, no ridiculous and nothing else that's negative.
B. I don't know if the questions have been fully answered. All I got were XB1000's, Utlrasone 580hifi that need to be equed, and Ultrasone 900 that needs to be amped and EQed to a lesser extent, at $450 on amazon, which is $100 more than the Pros' Retail pricetage, while Pros themselve are actually cheaper on Amazon, mind you. Not sure where you got the $350 in your Matrix metaphor.  Also, where is ultrasone 900 shown to beats fans. Is there a link or a source to a video or a description? Even so, I never claimed the Beats to be better? I was asking about High-Quality headphones that provide heavy bass signature with really clear and clean Midrange and His and overall spectrum, without bleeding or compromising the sound, at the same price range as the beats.
C. How would you know anyways, you have almost zero experience in High quality bass-heavy headphones, and you never actually demoed or properly tested the beats.  So why are you commenting on this? 

Edit: I removed the first paragraph because it was written while I was a bit hot-headed. It basically asks that you don't try to re-ignite an argument, since no one else is trying to. Not everyone will agree with you, that's a fundamental Internet rule. Just live and let live. Also, people sometimes say things without thinking much about it, and not everything is supposed to be taken seriously.
When I read that part about the "where is ultrasone 900 shown to beats fans. Is there a link or a source to a video or a description?" I thought you were trolling. Do you think we have nothing else to do in life than to purchase pairs of Pro900 at 350$ each, go out, find Beats wearers, get them to use those pairs and RECORD IT? It was a freaking example! Not every single statement needs irrefutable proof! And nothing 'needs' equalizing, but OF COURSE if you want the Beats Solos sound signature you have to equalize until you can barely hear the mids, because no other headphone manufacturer would be dumb enough to create a headphone that drowns out anything above 200Hz. But if you do, search for threads - or right here on this one - of alternatives to the Pros and see how indeed a lot of people recomend the Pro900, while the HFI580 is recomended as an alternative for the Solos (there's even a thread dedicated to it). And please, just lighten up.
The Matrix comparison was awesome ^^ You got me thinking of more movie ideas including the Beats.
Sep 2, 2011 at 8:18 PM Post #1,992 of 5,506
Anyways, one a separate note, today I tried out some Solo HD's at a Best Buy. For once, they were in actual working condition.
Impressions anyways, considering I'm adjusted to the sound sig of my Pioneers:
There's a mask over anything but the bass, the vocals feel muffled along with mids and highs. Bass is as always, artificially boosted and very distorted, even on songs lacking bass. The Studios weren't nearly as bad as this, but I can kind of understand why that guy on youtube nearly died or something when he tried on the Solos. I had them on for quite literally 5 seconds, and my head started hurting. Dear god. Oh and this is with all sorts of boosts to treble and mids, including loudness compensation, dynamic range compression, and a very unnatural treble boost.
Now I also tried those Skullcandy Aviators (Skullcandy crap you'd think), and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I will admit, the bass was still distorted in comparison to my Pioneers, and probably Ultrasones, but at the minimum, the mids and trebles came through quite well. One can call them recessed, but they're far better than the Solo HD's, both in terms of sound and comfort. I will admit, the leather headband and the earcups are quite comfy to wear, and don't look half bad either. Ran out of time though, before I could get to the XB-500's. Oh well, some other day.
Sep 2, 2011 at 8:34 PM Post #1,993 of 5,506
wanted to listen to the beats at an apple store
they had the fanny wangs on display
they didnt work :|
surprisingly they had some senn headphones on the stand, and some beyerdinmics headphone on display 
Sep 2, 2011 at 9:05 PM Post #1,994 of 5,506

Anyways, one a separate note, today I tried out some Solo HD's at a Best Buy. For once, they were in actual working condition.
Impressions anyways, considering I'm adjusted to the sound sig of my Pioneers:
There's a mask over anything but the bass, the vocals feel muffled along with mids and highs. Bass is as always, artificially boosted and very distorted, even on songs lacking bass. The Studios weren't nearly as bad as this, but I can kind of understand why that guy on youtube nearly died or something when he tried on the Solos. I had them on for quite literally 5 seconds, and my head started hurting. Dear god. Oh and this is with all sorts of boosts to treble and mids, including loudness compensation, dynamic range compression, and a very unnatural treble boost.
Now I also tried those Skullcandy Aviators (Skullcandy crap you'd think), and I was actually pleasantly surprised. I will admit, the bass was still distorted in comparison to my Pioneers, and probably Ultrasones, but at the minimum, the mids and trebles came through quite well. One can call them recessed, but they're far better than the Solo HD's, both in terms of sound and comfort. I will admit, the leather headband and the earcups are quite comfy to wear, and don't look half bad either. Ran out of time though, before I could get to the XB-500's. Oh well, some other day.

Yeah, I tried out the Aviators at my local Best Buy and was quite surprised by their quality--get rid of that silly little skull and you'd have an extremely handsome pair of headphones with good sound, to boot.
Sep 2, 2011 at 10:07 PM Post #1,995 of 5,506
Actually, the logo didn't feel too out of place to me because it was the first time Skullcandy was actual "skullcandy", the looks and sound quality actually felt decent. It just lacked the bass control. Essentially, I'll say this much: They're kinda like Solo HD's in terms of bass, but you get some mid, vocals, and some highs out of them instead of none at all. Plus they're cheaper, and have a nice vintage look. If I could snag them for 60-70, I'd definitely go for it. Lifetime warranty? Makes the purchase have that much more peace of mind.

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