Focal Utopia General Discussion

Apr 15, 2024 at 3:25 PM Post #20,506 of 21,114
will have a look thank you, and yes its overpriced haha but for now idk how they sound, maybe would a M-Scaler be a better upgrade
I think the order of how you should spend your money (in terms of greatest impact to SQ → least impact to SQ) is:
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Headphone cable
  4. Interconnect cable
  5. Power converters/etc
  6. Mounts/EF shield/etc.
If I were you — yes, the M Scaler will have a much bigger impact on the SQ than the cable.
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Apr 15, 2024 at 3:33 PM Post #20,507 of 21,114
is this the Lazuli Ref+ cable? would you say its way better SQ wise over the stock cable?
Yes this is the Ref+ and the 1/4 adapter.

Despite what @tjkohli thinks about the price, yes it costs quite a bit. Price is irrelevant if what one values is the motivation. In terms of better

SQ over stock cable, that’s a loaded question. Find me someone who would buy any aftermarket cable and admit it doesn’t sound any better than stock.

Your paying for premium parts, build, outstanding customer service, and yes a cable worthy of using with either Utopia or if you get some short adapters, other headphones in your collection.
Apr 15, 2024 at 3:35 PM Post #20,508 of 21,114
I think the order of how you should spend your money (in terms of greatest impact to SQ → least impact to SQ) is:
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Headphone cable
  4. Interconnect cable
  5. Power converters/etc
  6. Mounts/EF shield/etc.
If I were you — yes, the M Scaler will have a much bigger impact on the SQ than the cable.
nice thank you for the list! did you ever try the TT2 paired with M-Scaler? is this a big SQ upgrade?
Apr 15, 2024 at 3:43 PM Post #20,509 of 21,114
I think the order of how you should spend your money (in terms of greatest impact to SQ → least impact to SQ) is:
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Headphone cable
  4. Interconnect cable
  5. Power converters/etc
  6. Mounts/EF shield/etc.
If I were you — yes, the M Scaler will have a much bigger impact on the SQ than the cable.
This is completely subjective, so many different arguments can be made for what should be spending money on. The best system is the one we listen to the most, that’s my subjective opinion.

I’ve owned the TT2/M-scaler stack for three years, in case anyone thinks I have bias against the Chord stack.

If any dac/amp combo can reveal the difference in headphone cable, the TT2 would be able to demonstrate it given how revealing it can be. Also the headphone cable is the link between the amp and transducer, just as a speaker cable is. You don’t want that to he your weakest link. Luckily the TT2 uses supercaps and has its own filters to negate the need for any PSU upgrades. Depending on how you connect via digital will dictate emi/rfi disturbances.

There, one subjective viewpoint. There are many examples of what we all feel there is value, not all of them line up exactly the same. I say this as many tend to speak in absolutes, whether intentional or unintentional, therefore never assume they are being objective.
Apr 15, 2024 at 3:58 PM Post #20,510 of 21,114
nice thank you for the list! did you ever try the TT2 paired with M-Scaler? is this a big SQ upgrade?
I tried the M Scaler in front of a TT2 and immediately after listened to the TT2 directly. The TT2 sounded more direct and "clear" while the M Scaler had a larger soundstage and sounded deeper and the details were rounded more beautifully. Overall I'd say the TT2 directly sounded a bit clinical while the M Scaler sounded more "beautiful," deeper, or more musical.

This is completely subjective, so many different arguments can be made for what should be spending money on. The best system is the one we listen to the most, that’s my subjective opinion.
I agree that cables are important, but I don't think any sane person you meet will ever tell you that the difference between a $500 and a $2,000 cable is greater than a difference between a $500 and a $2,000 headphone.

If what you're implying was true, people would simply put a $2,000 cable on an HD600 and call it "endgame."
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Apr 15, 2024 at 4:03 PM Post #20,511 of 21,114
If what you're implying was true, people would simply put a $2,000 cable on an HD600 and call it "endgame."
There are people who do that, endgame is a construct self-created. In my opinion end-game does not exist, or it’s down to what the person values the most.

Referring back to my statement: the best system is the one you use the most. Applying end-game to this, then the AirPods Pro are end-game as I use those more often than my Utopia. Too many variables, opinions, and circumstances which can’t declare end-game.
Apr 15, 2024 at 4:59 PM Post #20,512 of 21,114
Yes. Quite possibly.

4-pin XLR over 3 pin-XLRx2. It is easier to get a balanced cable and order the relevant interconnect adapter at the same time.

To be honest, cable is fine tuning the sound. Value is subjective. I would suggest
Norne and have heard great things about the Silvergarde s4. The Danacable Reference plus adds weight and a slight warmth which worked well with OG utopia tuning. But may not synergies as well with 2022.

Suppose there is the money back satisfaction guarantee. I would suggest trying some more affordable cables at your dealer and seeing if you’re cable sensitive first. Eg. Moon Silver Dragon. And working out what your preferred sound tuning / music genre is… and if you can hear the change (which you should with that chain) before blindly buying a cable.

I own the Danacable LR+ but use it with my LCD5 and utopia OG
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Apr 15, 2024 at 7:07 PM Post #20,513 of 21,114
I think the order of how you should spend your money (in terms of greatest impact to SQ → least impact to SQ) is:
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Headphone cable
  4. Interconnect cable
  5. Power converters/etc
  6. Mounts/EF shield/etc.
If I were you — yes, the M Scaler will have a much bigger impact on the SQ than the cable.
At the risk of continuing this slightly off topic conversation, I would suggest it's actually:
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Power sources/converters/conditioners
  4. Cables
  5. Everything else
Power delivery is objectively more important than any cable or interconnect, if only for surge protection & impedance matching. Cables are highly subjective and hotly contested - personally I suggest ignoring all the noise and simply acknowledging that it is worthwhile to buy high quality cables if only to eliminate ANY weakness in your hifi investment. Also, expensive cables are often pretty and everyone likes pretty things. Everything else is gravy. :wink:
Apr 15, 2024 at 7:22 PM Post #20,514 of 21,114
@Jxnkz another quality cable to consider which competes with the Ref+ is the Euphoria from Arctic Cables, I felt it gave the U22 a bit more meat on the bones compared to the Ref+:
These start at $2,500 and go up to $3,000+ based on connector, length, etc.

That’s how much a Utopia costs. Is a cable that costs as much as the headphone truly justified?

Again, I’m all for high quality cables. For example, a $500 Lavricable is an amazing upgrade from the stock cable, but does this really sound 5x better?
Apr 15, 2024 at 8:18 PM Post #20,515 of 21,114
  1. Headphones
  2. DAC/Amp
  3. Power sources/converters/conditioners
  4. Cables
  5. Everything else
To me I would rank quality music source on par with headphones, a 50k system would just make poor quality / badly record music sound worse.
But yea, back on topic. Has anyone heard the Utopia out of the Mass Kobo 433? Trying to find a good quality amp thats also compact in size.
Apr 15, 2024 at 11:21 PM Post #20,516 of 21,114
To me I would rank quality music source on par with headphones, a 50k system would just make poor quality / badly record music sound worse.
But yea, back on topic. Has anyone heard the Utopia out of the Mass Kobo 433? Trying to find a good quality amp thats also compact in size.
You can get an excellent source today for not allot of $. A good laptop, usb cable ( a USB isolator would also be a good idea ), or even just an Ethernet connection can send high quality streamed or saved music. So for me I would spend the money on:

1.- Amp. - one that can drive just about anything to allow for future HPs will not necessarily be inexpensive.
2.- DAC
3.- HPs ( I place them 3rd as they can individually cost mush less than an amp or DAC, cumulatively though they can easily become the most of your spend). I do also feel they affect sound quality the most.
4.- Source
5.- Power conditioning and power cables
6.- Cables.

And as usual, over time anyone from head-fi reading this will probably spend on each item.
Apr 16, 2024 at 12:47 AM Post #20,517 of 21,114
These start at $2,500 and go up to $3,000+ based on connector, length, etc.

That’s how much a Utopia costs. Is a cable that costs as much as the headphone truly justified?

Again, I’m all for high quality cables. For example, a $500 Lavricable is an amazing upgrade from the stock cable, but does this really sound 5x better?
Maybe it depends on whether you’re trying to optimise a single system or have more than one system?

If you’re optimising the Utopia, and you’re happy with the rest of your gear, then the price of a cable or cable loom might present you personally with really good value.

However, if you want your gear to present different perspectives then maybe you’re better off spending that $3k on a different headphone, or DAC/amp set up.

Some people want to know they’re getting everything out of what they have, some want more than one system for when their mood is different, or they want to listen to different genres, or even just to have variety.
Apr 16, 2024 at 4:30 AM Post #20,518 of 21,114
I am personally using ceyo-treated silver Grand from Lavricables
Apr 16, 2024 at 10:19 AM Post #20,520 of 21,114
My portable with utopia OG.


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