A friend has kindly allowed me to borrow the new Utopia for a few days and I can certainly say this headphone is the real deal and to the point where I'm sad and happy at Focal for ruining my LCD 4 lol. The HEKSE can hang with the Utopia in terms of technical performance but the Utopia has much better vocals and punchy bass in comparison. Soundstage is slightly more narrow than the LCD 4 but it has very good depth so its a very 3 dimensional presentation which makes up for the slightly narrow width. I am running it on the Cayin HA-3A and there is some background hissing when music isn't playing but it goes away once I start listening so not really a big deal as my other headphones are both planars and don't exhibit any hissing. I may sell my LCD 4 but I think I will save up for a few more months to get the Raal SR-1A as I really enjoyed listening to it at Canjam.

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