Sep 9, 2013 at 8:53 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 33


Member of the Trade: Wabi Sabi Headphones
Jul 8, 2011
Hi All,
Noticed this on eBay yesterday, and have done some digging around but can't seem to find any reviews. Anyone come across one before, and have any impressions?


Sep 11, 2013 at 6:31 AM Post #3 of 33
I am writing a review on it, should be done in new few days.
Sep 11, 2013 at 8:47 AM Post #4 of 33
Brilliant...thanks ClieOS!
Sep 15, 2013 at 3:19 PM Post #6 of 33
As promised:
Sep 15, 2013 at 9:38 PM Post #7 of 33
Did you have a chance to compare this to the BL-2? Given an equal price of about RMB 1,800 here, which would you choose for use with a DX50 and either Beyer DT48e or Sennheiser HD25?

Clearly, the Elekit has a much longer battery life (and the batteries can be swapped). How does the sound compare, though?
Sep 15, 2013 at 11:30 PM Post #8 of 33
Did you have a chance to compare this to the BL-2? Given an equal price of about RMB 1,800 here, which would you choose for use with a DX50 and either Beyer DT48e or Sennheiser HD25?

Clearly, the Elekit has a much longer battery life (and the batteries can be swapped). How does the sound compare, though?

As far as SQ goes, both are about the same level and I won't say one if noticeably better than the other. BL-2 does sound more forwarded and energetic than TU-HP01, which is more laidback and relex. Practically however, BL-2 has much higher gain and more suitable for high impedance headphone while TU-HP01 is more for mid-to-low impedance headphone and better in portability.
Don't own a DX50, or DT48e/HD25 to give any specific comment about them.
Sep 23, 2013 at 11:33 AM Post #9 of 33
I've actually had one for quite a few months now but haven't spent much time with it to be honest. The sensitivity of the tube's "ping" novelty has worn off and started to bug me a lot. I actually didn't use the stock OpAmp nor the supplied one much and immediately plonked in my Muses02 in it. As per ClieOS's review, it's actually not bad of an intro to tube amp. It doesn't have the bass thump as much as I'd like (though I've not tried the stock OpAmp as previously mentioned).
Sep 23, 2013 at 10:54 PM Post #10 of 33
Hello greeting from MA
Any one planing to attend Canjam Audio Fest this year in Denver on Oct 11-13? 
We will bring  ELEKIT Tube amp Along among other japanese amps.
For Canjam info
Please check out the relevant Thread here 
Those not able to come over to Denver,  if you are interested in hearing any of our amps we will bring along  
drop me a PM or post on this thread with request. We would like to possibly send some of the gear on Tour (In USA)
If we can gather few headfiers  who can get the desired unit in for testing for a week or two and sending it to the next headfier in line.
Looking forward to your feedback
Oct 20, 2014 at 5:45 AM Post #12 of 33
Bought one of these on a recent trip to Tokyo.

It really is an excellent match for the DT48E!

Results with the FAD Heaven V (bought on the same trip) are also very promising, save for the background hiss. Would the use of an attenuator (e.g. Ety P to S adapter) help here?
Oct 21, 2014 at 12:48 AM Post #14 of 33
My DT48E is the 25 ohm model, and is a superb match for the amp.

The FAD IEMs also sound fantastic, but pick up hiss because they are very sensitive.

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