crinacle's IEM Ranking List
Oct 3, 2020 at 11:39 AM Post #3,016 of 3,338
I actually think the MEST has neutral to slightly recessed upper mids compared to a lot of other IEMs. I happen to really like it though.

Over 200 posts over the past day, I think that may be some kind of record.
My hands are free while I have very long listening session today lol

Usually I play poker on pokerstars On my iPad but not in the mood today lol
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Oct 3, 2020 at 11:42 AM Post #3,018 of 3,338
Im interested to listen to new Andro. Hating old andros due to its mids. New one seems better mids.
One of my friend own the OG and he had it for 3 years. Once he got the 2020 version he couldn’t adapt to the new sound reduce treble. But he did like the 2020 mids more. He tried super litz cable , spiral dot on the 2020 but end up selling the 2020 to me. lol

Yes very true because I also use forward iem for only certain songs but find them not suitable for wider range of genre
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Oct 3, 2020 at 11:47 AM Post #3,021 of 3,338
You really should be combining all these posts into one man :sweat_smile: If a mod saw them they would do it for you.
Ok will do it sir ^^

I conbined some of them together but don’t know how to delete the post lol
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Oct 3, 2020 at 1:40 PM Post #3,023 of 3,338
VX is a no-soul iem. Seriously that's the first thing came in mind
In my opinion Vx works well with almost each source and more entertaining when paired with warmer sources and might feel boring with neutral or brighter sources. But it is an iem you can take anywhere and pair with anything, there is almost no bad synergy as far as my sources go.
Oct 3, 2020 at 1:43 PM Post #3,024 of 3,338
I disliked the treble on the VX, boosted treble. The treble resolution sucked. Bass was alright. I agree on the boring as well.

When I first listened to it, I was like is this it? This can't be just it? It's like $2k? I'm sick and tired of expensive iems due to this. It's just a waste of money.

I wouldn't mind a lending or renting service. I'm not buying iems at those prices. This industry moves on to new stuff all the time. I'm sick and tired of $2-3k flavor of the months.
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Oct 3, 2020 at 4:06 PM Post #3,025 of 3,338
I wonder why the Shuoer EJ07 is not in the ranking list? It has nearly the same soundsignature as the ER4XR, but with more subbass. And it is technically much better. The EJ07 should as good as the Thieaudio Monarch or Clairvoyance. Which ranking could it have, what do you think?
Oct 3, 2020 at 4:33 PM Post #3,026 of 3,338
I wonder why the Shuoer EJ07 is not in the ranking list? It has nearly the same soundsignature as the ER4XR, but with more subbass. And it is technically much better. The EJ07 should as good as the Thieaudio Monarch or Clairvoyance. Which ranking could it have, what do you think?

someone else but he ranked the Monarch and Clair in relation to the EJ07 Here
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Oct 3, 2020 at 5:02 PM Post #3,028 of 3,338
But why the EJ07 is so bad? Its technically and soundwise on par with Monarch and Clairvoyance.
Don't worry about it. If you love the EJ, just let these folks hate it. Its ok!

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