Cowon J3 Impressions Thread
Jun 20, 2010 at 6:11 AM Post #257 of 3,200

I don't believe Soozieq has owned the E500s for a long time, and didn't care much for them when she did (but I can't speak for her).

For someone who apparently can't speak for me, you just did. Maybe it's time to come clean and state your original ID (the one that's still banned) so that other people know who they're actually conversing with? It's against Head-Fi policy to create multiple ID's while on a ban, but you already know that, right?

well he's reporting a more recessed midrange (vocals) with the iems he has. Thinking he's used the E500 and you use the SM3, it just seemed hard to think that it was the iem difference, because the e500 have very full mids. Everyone's ears are different thought, so i guess it's just that.

Hey Inks, I'm a she

I don't have the E500 anymore, but a couple of months ago I borrowed mark2410's SE530 (same phone) but I didn't have the J3 at the time. Actually, the UM3X had the most forward midrange of any phone I've owned. I'm pretty sure the J3 couldn't possibly have made the vocals sound recessed with the UM3X

I tried the J3 with my Coppers, FX700 and Denon C710, none of which have a particularly forward midrange. Maybe that was the problem, although, like I said - other people commented on the recessed vocals in comparison with the X. The X doesn't have such a big soundstage as the J3 (with BBE applied) although it sounds more 3D than the J3.
Honestly, features aside, the S9 and J3 sounded too much alike for me to want to keep the J3. But if I was really rich....... I'd have kept the J3 as well as the X, because I change my phones so much, it's possible I'd have found a perfect pair for the J3.
Jun 20, 2010 at 6:53 AM Post #258 of 3,200
Okay, Julie - how's this for a very specific question:  C710 with the iTouch vs the J3?  

I'm mostly teasing here.  I'm sold on the J3 since it really answers to all my particular wants in a PMP.  I tend not to get too caught up in mating particular 'phones with units.  I also never touch EQ.  Guess I'm one of those non-EQ snobs.  

Still rockin' with those FX700, ay?  I'm putting my money towards the Cowon before the JVCs you emphatically told me to get.  Still happy with my Denons no matter what you say! 

Jun 20, 2010 at 7:36 AM Post #259 of 3,200

Okay, Julie - how's this for a very specific question:  C710 with the iTouch vs the J3?  

I'm mostly teasing here.  I'm sold on the J3 since it really answers to all my particular wants in a PMP.  I tend not to get too caught up in mating particular 'phones with units.  I also never touch EQ.  Guess I'm one of those non-EQ snobs.  

Still rockin' with those FX700, ay?  I'm putting my money towards the Cowon before the JVCs you emphatically told me to get.  Still happy with my Denons no matter what you say! 

Yes. Still rockin' with the FX700

As for the J3/Touch with the C710's - I preferred the J3/C710 combo despite the soundstage not being as big as the Touch (with both on a flat setting). I still find the Touch can sound brittle on occasions, and not as lively as the J3. So your choice of the J3 is a good one, gapless, FLAC, playlists etc, plus an expandable memory slot for the final icing on the cake.
Oh, and I really admire your resistance to buying a set of phones every week!! I've been doing good too. I've resisted buying the SM3 for a whole month now

Jun 20, 2010 at 11:53 AM Post #260 of 3,200
Sorry Julie (soozieq) had no idea you were a girl >_<"
Nice to know you haven't tried the UM3X or SE500 on these. I"m thinking of perhaps using the EQ-7 or MDs on these in the future and it seems like things should balance out. But I would be using the Silver Bullets for now and perhaps the MC5s in the near future. I'll see how they fare against my Touch 2g and report back.
This player has so many great features that I think it's worth looking into which phones do well with them. I too don't usually get caught up in mating certain  'phones with sources either, but I think it's worth it in this case.
If only this player had a clean line out and to a lesser extent replay gain, it would've been perfect.
Jun 20, 2010 at 1:23 PM Post #261 of 3,200
I have the MC5s on order, arriving Tuesday. Will PM you with how they match up with the J3. An excellent mid-priced IEM with the J3 is the DBA-02, listening to that combo right now, and they are perfect for each other ... that is, using the machbass BBE or BBE Viva2 setting, not flat.
If you don't want to use EQ, get the Sony.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:48 PM Post #262 of 3,200
No EQ? forget cowon. Go for sony and sansa. the i9 with eq turn off is a big step backwards compared to sansa clip+ flat.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:51 PM Post #263 of 3,200
The problem is the lack of features for the sony, especially considering it's price. And the sansa players have the annoying pitch problem, thought i'm not sure every user is able to detect it. For pure sq thought, yes the sony will do the trick.
Jun 20, 2010 at 11:55 PM Post #264 of 3,200
Yeah the sony is quite over price compared to S9 or the J3. The sony X won my ears over everytime i test it. but the price is a major factor

Jun 21, 2010 at 12:33 PM Post #265 of 3,200
Out of curiosity, I tried find the Sony on and it seems Amazon has stopped selling it direct for some reason (new models coming out?). I searched, and the only sellers are third parties (ABT, J&R, etc., with $368 the lowest price for the 32GB model). Wonder why it's no longer listed as for sale by Amazon, I mean to Amazon Prime customers? It was there a couple of weeks ago.
And as for the pure SQ issue, I would not say that the Sony X is the hands-down winner, as the S:flo2 sounded better to me via HP out, and the J3 is at least on even footing based on my personal preferences, of course.
Jun 25, 2010 at 5:07 PM Post #266 of 3,200
This isn't really an impression, but it is a testament to the ultimate coolness factor of the J3...
I was lucky enough to capture my spacey new J3 during an outer space encounter with the iconic SDF-1. The battle-hardened behemoth was preparing to shoot first and ask questions later, but it scanned the J3 and results showed it was armed to the teeth with tech. 


Jun 25, 2010 at 11:50 PM Post #268 of 3,200
Finally, Cowon America has posted the links for the manual, firmware, and everything else.  :D
Jun 26, 2010 at 1:32 AM Post #269 of 3,200
even after the firmware update the clock STILL is to slow..also when setting it to the view where you just have the horizontal words as a menu item you cant really go to settings because it keeps getting "bounced" up when you scroll all the way down
Jun 26, 2010 at 1:55 PM Post #270 of 3,200
How does the J3 FLAC compared to an ipod with apple lossless with an amp?
I have been waiting patiently for the 32GB J3 for my first venture outside of the Apple Corp, but now its here I'm struggling to justify this purchase to myself!!
I currently have an 120gb classic nearly filled with 320ACC files, and a Sony 16gb NWZ E445 which I can transfer music through to using itunes.  I really fancied the J3 and filling it with FLAC but have also got a pre-order for a Pico Slim #233 which I will use soley with the ipod.  Not sure whether I can justify having both.  Really torn.....


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