L-shaped short cable to connect Nationite S:Flo2 and Leckerton UHA-4
I need a short cable, L-shaped on both ends, to connect my Nationite S:Flo2 and Leckerton UHA-4. Any suggestion? thx in advance- Nando1970
- Thread
- nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum)
Nationite s:flo² or iPhone LOD > E11?
Hey everything, I am thinking of upgrading my portable setup, I am currently running on iPhone HP out for my IEMs, SE215s, DUNU Ares and Hephaes. I am interested to buy the Brainwavz B2, on the website, I came across the s:flo2, the specs are GREAT for the price, I read some about it, the...- throzen0303
- Thread
- fiio-e11 nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Need a new DAP to replace S:FLO2
Been a long time since I been on Head Fi. I 'killed' my previous account to curb my spending :p I basically destroyed my S:FLO2 by dropping it a few hundred times. It still works great for audio playback, but its USB connectivity is giving out. I'll be pairing it with the ATH ES10...- Kanashimu
- Thread
- nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
What is a worthy replacement for the S:Flo2?
My S:Flo2 has always been my favorite player. There's just something about the sound quality that I haven't found in another player. My Fuze sounds good, but has more grating highs. I recently dropped it from about 3 feet, onto a tile floor in my bathroom. The glass screen splintered in 2...- cam94z28
- Thread
- nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Where's the S:flo2?
I remember looking at mp4nation's site a few months ago and seeing a pre-order for the second batch of S:flo2s. I checked back today and it doesn't seem to be listed at all. Where'd it go?- budgetboy
- Thread
- nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Cowon J3 vs. T51/S:flo2 vs. iPod Classic
Hi guys. Which one of these is the best of SQ, battery life, UI? All of them are long time on a market, so are there any successors?- pcia
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Nationite S:Flo2/Teclast T51, Meizu M6 , Cowon J3 Comparison
First time post: I have been looking for a great sounding lossless player for audio only. (Video features are fine but I won’t use them.) After spending a couple hours scrubbing through the reviews and threads here I have narrowed my search to these three players. Here is a rundown of the...- zerodoug
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Best neutral music player under 150$
Hi guys, I am a new member, though I have been reading and digging for a few months at head-fi. Anyway, I would like to ask for a recommendation about a neutral music player under 150$ with a decent storage space (or support SD card) I am using a rockboxed sansa clip zip. But since...- 35mmJack
- Thread
- sandisk-sansa-clip-4-gb-mp3-player cowon-j3-portable-media-player-32gb-white sandisk-sdmx22-004g-a57k-sansa-clip-zip-4-gb-black cowon-s9-8-gb-video-mp3-player-with-touchscreen-titanium-black cowon-c2-16bs-16-gb-video-player-black-with-silver digital-audio-flac-mp3-players nationite-s-flo2 colorfly-c3
- Replies: 23
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Any great portable digital players?Just got SONY EX1000, but also got frustrated.
I just got EX1000 by SONY. It seems the majority that owns EX1000 doesn't use Ipod Classic to pair them. Ipod Classic really can't drive EX1000 very well, maybe only up to 50%? But this pair sounds no good. Singers' voice is awkward in some points; sounds go very awkward when i play some...- Alias Gu
- Thread
- sony-mdr-ex1000 sandisk-sansa-clip-4-gb-mp3-player apple-iphone-4-white-16gb hifiman-602 hm-601-music-players teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players hisoundaudio-studio-v sony-mdr-ex-1000
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
portable rig upgrade itch: next step toward nirvana sound
I've been enjoying my S:flo2 -> Leckerton UHA-4 -> Etymotics ER-4S with custom mold for a couple of years now. I am very happy with this rig. Anyway since these days most of my listening is on the go I am considering to improve the rig... you know that typical upgrade itch... In the...- Nando1970
- Thread
- etymotic-research-er4s-micropro-reference-earphones studio-v-anniversary-edition leckerton-audio-uha-4-slimline-portable-amp brainwavz-b2-dual-balanced-armature-earphones nationite-s-flo2 colorfly-c3
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
sfl:o2/ Teclast t51
Does any1 know where I can buy the Teclast t51/sfl:o2? been searching everywhere and i also read that it was discontinued...- Poetic
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Portable DAP With Digital Output????
I don't listen to music a lot but I have recently spent some time listening to my Triplefi 10s running the optical output from my PC into my iBasso D10. My PC is in the basement and I want this SQ when sitting in the family room (wife watching TV). In the family room I use the triplefis...- chinook9
- Thread
- ultimate-ears-triplefi-10-noise-isolating-earphones logitech-squeezebox-touch ibasso-d10-cobra ibasso-dx100-reference-dap digital-audio-flac-mp3-players nationite-s-flo2 samsung-galaxy-s-iii-4g-android-phone-blue-16gb-at-t iriver-h140-formerly-ihp-140
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Replacing my amazing Sony X Series.... Need plenty of storage and excellent sound quality. Been looking into Cowon for a while now.
Unfortunately my Sony X Series is going to have to be replaced quite soon, because occasionally it crashes and the only way to get it back on is with its usb cord. I used my X series with my ath-m50 headphones. Btw the sound was amazing! Any genre really. I listen to hardcore, classic rock...- XxPinGuiNoOxX
- Thread
- sandisk-sansa-fuze-8-gb-video-mp3-player-silver samsung-galaxy-5-0-android-mp3-player ultrasone-hfi-780 samsung-galaxy-player-4-2-yp-gi1cb-xaa akg-k701-studio-headphones cowon-x9-4-3-inch-32gb-touch-screen-video-mp3-player-white digital-audio-flac-mp3-players nationite-s-flo2 sony-walkman-a867-64gb
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
A good DAP that sounds better than the Zune HD.
Hey everyone im currently using my Zune HD, with my AKGq701, on the Fiio e9. But I realised i Need a much better source, than this Zune HD. I was looking at the Cowon j3 and the Cowon s9. Is there difference in Sound Quality or something? Also would this be a good source for my setup. If any of...- Poetic
- Thread
- hisoundaudio-rocoo-ba hisoundaudio-rocoo-p cowon-j3-portable-media-player-32gb-white cowon-x7-160-gb-mp3-player-black cowon-z2-32bl-3-7-inch-amoled-800-x-480-capacitive-touchscreen-mp3-player sony-walkman-s-760-series-32gb-nw-s766-b-black-japan-model cowon-s9-8-gb-video-mp3-player-with-touchscreen-titanium-black sony-android-walkman-nw-z1070-japan-model zune-hd-32-gb-video-mp3-player-platinum portable-source-components digital-audio-flac-mp3-players nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 30
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Seeking portable FLAC/ALAC player with true line out.
Hey guys. After hours of searching now, I have given up. There is not much information about this topic on the internet. And when I finally find some, I get contradicting results all the time. I am seeking a player, with a true line out for my fiio e17, and at least 60gb space. ...- joshfiveo
- Thread
- hm-601-music-players dacs portable-source-components digital-audio-flac-mp3-players nationite-s-flo2 fiio-e17 hisoundaudio-studio-v
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
RoCoo P DAP - Full Review
I was looking for a new DAP a few months ago when my Cowon S9's power slider stopped working properly. I was considering the HiFiMan 601, HiFiMan 802, S:Flo2, and a few other DAPs. After fixing the power slider problem myself, I stopped looking for a DAP because I was content with my Cowon...- SolidVictory
- Thread
- hisoundaudio-rocoo-p teclast-t51 portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players hisoundaudio-studio-v
- Replies: 504
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
been in denial about being a basshead, please help me embrace it
I always hear basshead and think its a negative term. well after buying ety hf5's, i really miss the bass. 9not that these are bad iem's, just not for me. So after more research, im comin down to atrio's or sm3's. i dont mind spending a lil extra for sm3's if they are worth it. actually...- mikaveli06
- Thread
- hifiman-602 cowon-j3-portable-media-player-32gb-white etymotic-research-hf5-portable-in-ear-earphones hm-601-music-players in-ear nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 21
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
GR07 Owners! What amp do you use? :P
Hi there, I'm still pretty new to the world of audio, and I have never used an amp before.. So I was just curious what amp/portable amp do you use with your GR07, and how does it compare/sound(clarity,bass,soundstage,separation) with the GR07 unamped? Reason why I made this...- WaLaoEh
- Thread
- fiio-e11 vsonic-gr07 fiio-e9-desktop-headphone-amplifier-and-dock-for-e7-usb-dac ray-samuels-p-51-mustang in-ear beyerdynamic-t5p nationite-s-flo2 fiio-e10 vsonic-gr07-mkii
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Looking for some recommendations!
Holla everyone. So right now I have FX-700 and the JH custom (being reshelled). I have only the Arrow amp and as for sources I have Ipod touch, Sflo2, ipod nano etc. My question is, should I upgrade my sources or should I upgrade my earphones? I have been thinking about getting the...- koonhua90
- Thread
- sony-mdr-ex1000 headphone-amplifiers hifiman-602 jvc-victor-fx700 in-ear fiio-e7-usb-dac-and-portable-headphone-amplifier nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
From what impedance and on should you get an amp?
Hi, newbie here. I found that some headphones need an amp to get most of out it cause they have high impedance. Just wondering from what impedance and on would you need an amp? Also is a Fiio E7 enough to drive a pair of headphones at 300 ohms? Would it be a waste of money to spend...- jakeddong
- Thread
- fiio-e11 fiio-e7-usb-dac-and-portable-headphone-amplifier headphone-amplifiers headphones nationite-s-flo2 portable-amps sony-x-series-1060
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Birthday portable DAP recommendation
My b-day is coming up and I'm looking to get a portable DAP. I was thinking Fuze+ but it has no rockbox support and I'm looking for 32gig minimum (since I've been redoing my entire library in flac). Another really nice feature would be digital audio output via USB or some such. I dont need all...- shrimants
- Thread
- shure-srh-940 sandisk-sansa-fuze-2-gb-video-mp3-player-black teclast-t51 portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
thinnest DAP?
Want to pair off something with a Practical Devices XM5, but would like to keep it as pocket-portable as possible. What are the options for a decent SQ? iPod nano 3rd gen? Fuze? GoGear Ariaz? Something by Samsung? Expandable memory would be ideal. Please no responses with that credit card player...- phntmsmshr
- Thread
- sandisk-sansa-clip-1-gb-mp3-player-black archos-2-video-mp3-player-8-gb-white sandisk-sansa-clip-8gb-mp3-player-black sandisk-sansa-clip-4-gb-mp3-player-silver portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2 sony-x-series-1060
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Amp'd Sansa Fuze w/LOD vs S:Flo2 vs HM-601 for DT770 PRO 80 ohms.
Hey guys! Name's Alex. I'm new to Head-fi and the wonderful world of hi-fi! I'm very excited to join a community of fellow audiophiles and looking forward to hearing all of your great opinions! As of this moment, I have a pair of DT770 PRO 80s that I love to death. My "setup" (if you...- IhateBEATS
- Thread
- sandisk-sansa-fuze-4-gb-video-mp3-player-red beyerdynamic-dt-770-pro-80-closed-studio-headphones headphone-amplifiers cowon-j3-portable-media-player-32gb-white hm-601-music-players sandisk-sansa-fuze-2-gb-video-mp3-player-black beyerdynamic-dt-770-stereo-headphones nationite-s-flo2 beyerdynamic-dt-770-32-ohm
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Desperate for a new DAP recommendation
I promised myself I wouldn't do this -- I am the proud owner of a new SRH840. As a newcomer to the audiophile world, I was astonished at the jump in clarity and soundstage from my old Sony MDR-XD200. I also realized how inadequate my old player was. In my search for a new DAP, I have been...- sonos
- Thread
- akg-k-450-premium-foldable-headphone shure-srh840 portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2 sony-mdr-xd200-stereo-headphones
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
best Earphones or IEM for S:flo2 LINE OUT without AMP
Hi all, i've the S:flo2 and i really love it's SQ but i'm using it with HO with crap earphone; i want to invest in a good IEM or Earphones for use only the LINE OUT, but i don't want to have an AMP. My idea is to take a SENNHEISER CX/MX 980 only because they have a volume control ...- n1ente
- Thread
- in-ear nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors