Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:24 PM Post #9,361 of 19,145
Don't try to say -"soccer" in Scotland they will think you are a snob. Only the upper class that want to conform to what the US wants and by that I mean --There cant  be 2 types sport called the same name so they are trying to "brainwash" people in this country to say soccer- Don't you know that when   Scotland had its own Kings and Queens that in the middle ages a law went out to say to Scottish men that "playing-- Fitba"  was banned because it  interfered with the practice of sword manship and archery and that was Loooong  before the US existed. So Scotland at least holds previous rights to the word  Football--and that's a historical Fact.What England was doing for sport at that time I do not know but I don't think they were playing football in the Middle Ages --unless somebody can quote me from English history.And if visiting Glasgow dont go into a pub and start talking about soccer you might walk in but you could be carried out . Glaswegians dont like snobs. 
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:29 PM Post #9,362 of 19,145
So here is the question I have been asking myself lately: Am I into vintage because it is truly the best sound I can get for my money, or is it because it looks cool and is just fun to collect?
I am beginning to think it is that later because none of them stay very long as I become dissatisfied with the sound fairly quickly (especially when I compare it to my main system which can't be helped).  So I began to wonder would investing in vintage high end equipment for a second system be a better value.  Surely some of the old Levinson, Threshold, Krell, Proceed, and Mcintosh equipment would easily outdo any of the vintage receivers (excepting maybe Pioneer SX1980, Fisher 500C, and few others).  But, for the price of a 1980 I could put together a vintage high end system that would probably better it.
Some that I have looked at that are fetching reasonable prices are Levinson 27.5 or 23.5, Mcintosh 2105, Krell KSA 80, Proceed AMP5, and Threshold 400A.  Outstanding sound from all of these.  Of course I may just be kidding myself in thinking that I would stop searching if I picked up one of these units because we know audiophiles are never satisfied.  And yes, I realize there would be the additional work of fitting HPs to the speaker taps of these amplifiers - but still think they may be a better value.
Not saying there is a right or wrong here - this is just my current thinking on the subject.
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:30 PM Post #9,363 of 19,145
Well,thats defintely not the kind of help Im looking for.  Now if you said the "Kate Upton Vintage Electronic Moving Company" ................ definitely!

Maybe if you let her listen to your HE-500s, she would be so impressed by the difference over her headphones...

Aug 24, 2013 at 4:33 PM Post #9,364 of 19,145
Don't try to say -"soccer" in Scotland they will think you are a snob. Only the upper class that want to conform to what the US wants and by that I mean --There cant  be 2 types sport called the same name so they are trying to "brainwash" people in this country to say soccer- Don't you know that when   Scotland had its own Kings and Queens that in the middle ages a law went out to say to Scottish men that "playing-- Fitba"  was banned because it  interfered with the practice of sword manship and archery and that was Loooong  before the US existed. So Scotland at least holds previous rights to the word  Football--and that's a historical Fact.What England was doing for sport at that time I do not know but I don't think they were playing football in the Middle Ages --unless somebody can quote me from English history.And if visiting Glasgow dont go into a pub and start talking about soccer you might walk in but you could be carried out . Glaswegians dont like snobs.

Glaswegians don't like anybody! 

Aug 24, 2013 at 4:41 PM Post #9,365 of 19,145
i have my SX750 plugged into my Burson Conductor's Dac and the Pioneer sounded great so i decide to compare the two with my go to tune and my Senns hd800 just to see the difference in sound between the two Well to my horror they sound very similar am i losing it tell me im imagining things !
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:43 PM Post #9,366 of 19,145
So here is the question I have been asking myself lately: Am I into vintage because it is truly the best sound I can get for my money, or is it because it looks cool and is just fun to collect?
I am beginning to think it is that later because none of them stay very long as I become dissatisfied with the sound fairly quickly (especially when I compare it to my main system which can't be helped).  So I began to wonder would investing in vintage high end equipment for a second system be a better value.  Surely some of the old Levinson, Threshold, Krell, Proceed, and Mcintosh equipment would easily outdo any of the vintage receivers (excepting maybe Pioneer SX1980, Fisher 500C, and few others).  But, for the price of a 1980 I could put together a vintage high end system that would probably better it.
Some that I have looked at that are fetching reasonable prices are Levinson 27.5 or 23.5, Mcintosh 2105, Krell KSA 80, Proceed AMP5, and Threshold 400A.  Outstanding sound from all of these.  Of course I may just be kidding myself in thinking that I would stop searching if I picked up one of these units because we know audiophiles are never satisfied.  And yes, I realize there would be the additional work of fitting HPs to the speaker taps of these amplifiers - but still think they may be a better value.
Not saying there is a right or wrong here - this is just my current thinking on the subject.

If you are anything like me, It's the change that's fun. Not necessarily aiming for better each time, just different. So if you pay all out on a high ender, it may not halt the urge for change later down the line... It's never ending 

The problem with using a second system, you are always going to look down at it, if it isn't up to scratch with your main. So in that sense yeah, I'd say go for it. 
I have two systems but I'm constantly changing them around so there's not really a better one.
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:46 PM Post #9,367 of 19,145
Glaswegians are the most friendliest people in Scotland far more than Edinburgh. They will help you in nearly any situation . But they cant stand people putting on an act or being big headed or worse arrogant if you are that way inclined dont visit Glasgow. go East . I have seen too many big headed people end up in hospital or killed just for opening their  mouth. Witnessed it. and that includes any other Scots. so they are not biased. jut down to earth. In the 30s there used to be razor gangs in Glasgow large gangs fighting and killing with open razors. It got so bad the authorities had to clamp down and several ringleaders went to the US. One well known Scotsman got a job protecting Al Capone and he was the only one Capone trusted --look up your history in that direction. But after some years the US Government deported him. And for those criticising Glasgow --remember there was-is a large Southern Irish  population in Glasgow at least half the population so you will be criticising Eire as well. 
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:47 PM Post #9,368 of 19,145
I like BOTH the sound and looks of my vintage gear, for sure...but that's always been the case for me, with modern gear as well. I like my gear to look good while its sounding good :D
Aug 24, 2013 at 4:51 PM Post #9,369 of 19,145
Yes, the looks are important - but I am willing to tolerate a little less in the appearance if the sound is good enough.  Some of the Proceed gear falls into that category.
Aug 24, 2013 at 6:58 PM Post #9,372 of 19,145
When I turn my Marantz 4400 on, the transformer makes a big transformer buzz for a second. is this normal? 

Did you see my post above? You have capacitors that have leaked. I wouldn't use that 4400 until its restored.
Aug 24, 2013 at 7:24 PM Post #9,373 of 19,145
LugBug nice Pio!  Glad you like both.  once again comes down to horses for courses, however if you do decide to get rid of the sui you can always send it to this poor yankee and ill take a sixer of newcastle with it 

Aug 24, 2013 at 8:00 PM Post #9,375 of 19,145
Now were talkin!
I'll let her carry the Luxman, Ill carry the sui. The sui has a more awkward weight distribution.  wouldn't want her to hurt her back. And yes she can use the he-500s..... for 7 or 8 minutes or so.

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