Bought HD598, was dissapointed BUT... (updated impression after 5-10h~ish of use)
Sep 16, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #31 of 136
@Graphicism I install foobar, and I download foo out wasapi, but what do you mean with bit-perfect?
Also my sound card have build in amp? :O I didn't know this, so this is kinda nice right? :)

@Nick01 np, they also are very leigthweigth and sit extreme comfy (HD598 is already comfy, but the siberia is even more, if you need more info or pictures let me know :wink:
Sep 16, 2011 at 12:55 PM Post #32 of 136
or you can buy brand new from here job is done

Sep 16, 2011 at 1:05 PM Post #33 of 136
Actually, now I've used them probably arround 10+ hours, they're definately changing in sound, so the "burn-in myth" must be taking place?
It feels much more alive now, in the start it felt flat, stuck, static? now it feels like when I close my eyes the sound is moving/flying arround my head, rather then the siberia which is pumping it into my head.
Sep 16, 2011 at 1:06 PM Post #34 of 136

The HD 598 mid's sound kinda "flat", and lows sound kinda "dull", I was hoping for crisp/clear mids, and deep/in depth lows :frowning2:
The Siberia sounds overall a bit flat, but less flat then the 598 in the mids, and it's not very engaging as I was looking for.

Try the Panasonic HTF600-S...These will blow your mind for less than X6 the price of those Sennheisers.. The HD598 only wish it had the Bass on the Panasonics.
Sep 16, 2011 at 1:12 PM Post #35 of 136
Lol, this is the classic head-fi problem - a million replies, each suggesting something else. Personally, I'd steer you away from the Grados since you listen to trance music. I love Grados, I really do, but they're really not my favourites for trance - they're fine, but not great. I would stick with it Hevan. Stay strong, listen to the 598s for a few more days, and keep us updated on this thread. If you're still not satisfied after that, then it's probably time to look at other headphones. The 598s have a fantastically well focussed soundstage - this is probably what you mean when you say that the sound feels like it's not just being pumped into your head.
Sep 16, 2011 at 1:28 PM Post #37 of 136

Actually, now I've used them probably arround 10+ hours, they're definately changing in sound, so the "burn-in myth" must be taking place?
It feels much more alive now, in the start it felt flat, stuck, static? now it feels like when I close my eyes the sound is moving/flying arround my head, rather then the siberia which is pumping it into my head.

Yeah. You just have to hang in there and "burn-in" those headphones.
To accelerate the burn-in process, set your CD player on repeat and let it pipe music through your cans.
After 2 days straight, have a listen again.

Sep 16, 2011 at 1:31 PM Post #38 of 136

Some (actually many) people believe that audio equipment fresh from the factory haven't warmed up their mechanical and electronic muscles yet. So to sound at their best, you need to to warm them up or some calling it burning in.

At the risk of jumping the gun (haven't read the whole thread yet) but this^! 
How long has the OP had the headphones and listened to them ? It takes me at least a whole day or two of listening before the differences become more apparent, constantly switching headphones doesn't help either.
But there's definitely a period of time where you're like 'i cant tell a difference!'   but given a little more time this subsides and you're like 'ah there it is!'  now debates rumble about if this is placebo talking - personally I don't think so....burn in does make *A* difference but not a whole lot - what makes much more difference is your brain acclimatising to the new sounds and improved quality - it simply won't be most apparent straight away. Especially for the inexperienced.
And no matter what I've bought I've never not had that 'this is no different' moment. Thankfully it's pretty brief, then the real quality shines through like a shining light.
But as has been stated already, if you have a headphone with a sound sig you personally naturally disagree'll always be like 'X or Y just doesn't sound right on these!' and that won't go away with EQ or amping. At that point it's time to switch. But you'll be in no doubt when this happens.
Sep 16, 2011 at 1:32 PM Post #39 of 136

I'll keep persistent with these, every hour I can start feeling a significant difference, this whole "soundstage" phenomenom is something I wasn't experiencing at the start at all, I could never imagine the burn-in process could have such a big impact on the actual sound coming out.
@Lord Soth, does it matter what kind of music I pump through it for the adapt process? Or does the volume matter?
Sep 16, 2011 at 1:37 PM Post #40 of 136
@Graphicism I install foobar, and I download foo out wasapi, but what do you mean with bit-perfect?
Also my sound card have build in amp? :O I didn't know this, so this is kinda nice right? :)

Open Foobar and go to File > Preferences > Playback > Output ~ Select your WASAPI device under the Device tab and hit Apply.
Try playing something in 44.1khz, if it works you have bit-perfect, if it doesn't your soundcard isn't configured correctly.
And regarding the amp, any device that gives your headphones volume has some sort of amp built in, otherwise you wouldn't hear anything!
Sep 16, 2011 at 2:00 PM Post #41 of 136
If you believe in burn in, you should probably download these files and let your headphone build its muscles.
Those noise and frequency swap files will covered a larger frequency should help your phone to flex all muscles. Drums will really help beef up the base session. Some advice to burn in using slightly louder than your normal listening level, while some suggest normal volume, or even extremely loud volume (Personally I would not advise so, since it will risk damaging your headphone).
Download those files and make it a playlist and set continous play on foobar. Lock the headphone in a drawer and let the burn in take place itself. Since HD598 is an open can, and those frequency swap can be really annoying...
Just curious Hevan,
Do you recall if Siberia went through the same burn-in you currently experiencing in 598?
Sep 16, 2011 at 2:13 PM Post #42 of 136
@Graphicism here is picture of my dropdown menu, which one would i need to select?
This wasapi thing I downloaded was just a .dll file, do I need to put this somewhere?

@OneSec thx for the link, gonna try it straigth away, I definately believe in burn in, cus it's really a different sound I'm hearing now, I'm 100% sure it wasn't adjusting to my brain because I had my headphones lieing there for a few hours with music on, then I putted them on again and I noticed a huge diff.
Sep 16, 2011 at 2:26 PM Post #43 of 136
@Graphicism here is picture of my dropdown menu, which one would i need to select?
This wasapi thing I downloaded was just a .dll file, do I need to put this somewhere?

foo_out_wasapi.dll needs to be placed in the components folder within your foobar installation dir which is likely C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\components
Sep 16, 2011 at 2:30 PM Post #44 of 136
Ok, done this, is working normally.
I do notice now that some songs sound better then others, the ones I listened to the most sound the best, is this normal with the burn-in?
Sep 16, 2011 at 2:41 PM Post #45 of 136

Ok, done this, is working normally.
I do notice now that some songs sound better then others, the ones I listened to the most sound the best, is this normal with the burn-in?

Not sure but I think that could just be the headphone's ability to show you proper timbre and soundstage, or in English to take a song you already liked and make you like it twice as much because you can hear the instruments (and everything that went into it) properly. At least I know that's the case for myself personally. 

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