Nov 18, 2012 at 11:18 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 53


New Head-Fier
Nov 18, 2012
Hey head-fi, I am obviously new here and relatively new to high end audio listening.
But it's simple I am going to buy LCD-2's and I know that with a very expensive, highly specialized pair of headphones I will need a relatively expensive and specialized Amp (which i will get one), and someone like me should have no business flaunting a pair of those in public (should anything ever happen to them), but I still want to know what is out there that is pocket sized or somewhat close to it that I can get away with powering the planar magnetic drivers (I listen to all kinds of music mostly rock, drum n bass, electronic, and orchestra/classical.) in public, because I do plan on using them in public.
Sorry if that way too long and confusing sentence got you lost
but thank you for reading and let me know some brands, models, and where to buy if you could please!!!
Nov 19, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #4 of 53
Jump on the Pico Power pre-order thread.
Nov 21, 2012 at 5:05 AM Post #10 of 53
The Intruder is very nice indeed, also offering the option to go balanced with the LCD-2. I've only used mine single-ended with the LCD-2, but even there the sound is very good.
I love the sound of my LCD-2 via my HeadAmp Pico USB DAC/amp also, so could easily recommend that too.
Regarding the Intruders ability to power the HE-6: Single-ended is a NO. It powers them to reasonable volumes on a balanced connection, but I don't think it approaches their potential. Don't think you'll find a better portable solution for driving the HE-6, but don't buy into discussion of it driving them "with ease". It is true of the other well known orthos, but not the HE-6.
I own all the stuff I'm talking about here, and do have a balanced connection for the HE-6 into the Intruder also.
Nov 21, 2012 at 12:59 PM Post #11 of 53
don't forget the Graham Slee Voyager, seems to drive anything.
Nov 21, 2012 at 6:58 PM Post #12 of 53
Try RSA's The Intruder. Powers orthos like LCD2/3's and HE6/500s with ease.

As does the SR71B (or A), the LCD2/3 that is. 
Nov 21, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #13 of 53
C&C x02 (no joke, and it matches the lcd2 very well, even making the lcd2 sounds more "open")
Nov 24, 2012 at 12:52 PM Post #15 of 53
I've tried wearing mine out in public but got too nervous and far too self conscious.
I have an ibasso heron p3 linked up to my imod. It doesn't power the lcd2s enough. The amp distorts badly. Believe it or not, through the earphone out on the ipod they sound absolutely beautiful.
And I can tell you now....everything but everything sounds fantastic through the lcd2s. With the caveat that they have to be powerful enough to drive them.
I am looking at the ALO Continental V2 or the RXm3 .
But having heard so much about the opamp 627, whats really whetting my appetite is the Audiophile 627.
However, I am in the sane boat as you having not heard any of this stuff and being tucked away in SW England.:):o:)

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