Looking For Headphones, to be paired with ALO Pan-Am and Gateway power supply
Hi there! I'm looking for headphones to be paired with an ALO Pan Am amp and Gateway PSU. The ideal headphones for me would be (in greatest to least priority) 1. Comfort-Similar to the Audio Technica ADH 700. I prefer really soft, gushy pads that cover the whole ear...- shakarock
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am audio-technica-ath-pro700gd audio-technica-earsuit-portable-headphones-ath-es500
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
ALO The Pan Am - The tube rolling thread
Hello Everybody, I am an happy owner of the Pan Am and I wanted to know which tubes you guys are using with this amp. Personally I really enjoy the Siemens 6AK5 W and I am actually burning the Russian Military, so more about these ones later . Both of these tubes are available on the ALO...- vincentc
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am
- Replies: 143
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Alo Audio Pan Am Amplifier/USB DAC
Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me the sound signature of the Alo Audio Pan Am amplifier, is it a dark sounding bassy amp or a thin sounding amp with extended highs? And what kind of headphone is recommended to use with it, a dark, thin or a neutral sounding can? Also, is it...- Sebab
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Alo Audio Pan Am amplifier/USB DAC
Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me the sound signature of the Alo Audio Pan Am amplifier, is it a warm sounding bassy amp or a bright/thin sounding amp with extended highs? And what kind of headphone is recommended to use with it, a warm, thin or a neutral sounding can? ...- Sebab
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am norse-audio-audeze-lcd-2-headphone-cable
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
WM8524G Alternative Drivers
Buddy has ALO Pan Am which uses the WM8524G chip but only supports up to 96khz. According to the WM8524G's datasheet, it supports up to 192khz. After a long talk with ALO, it looks like this is simply a driver issue. Basically, it is using default window USB drivers that only support up to...- Crashem
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Computer Audio
Choosing between 4 amp/dac
So I have been doing a bit of research, and come up with 3 contenders of what I'm looking for. It is pretty much a combined amp/dac solution which doesn't cost more than $1000. I am hoping some of you guys have experience with one or more of these, as I'm looking for an unbiased/uncoloured...- Mamurai
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Choosing between 4 amp/dac
So I have been looking for an amp/dac for a while with a budget of around $1000, although getting more for less is always very welcome. Regardless, I am looking for unbiased/uncoloured opinions, or as much as possible at least, since sound does come down to preference as well. The list is...- Mamurai
- Thread
- wooaudio-wa7-fireflies alo-audio-the-pan-am jds-labs-o2-odac
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Both of them get good reviews. And the difference with the price, I feel is comparable since the Pan-Am has a DAC. Don't really need the DAC. Will use the audio-gd NFB-11.32 or Maverick Audio Tubemagic D2. Since I also have the Maverick Audio A1 that use the same tubes that Pan-Am does that is...- Solitary1
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am hifiman-ef5-hybrid-headphone-amp
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Grado RS1i or PS500 with the Pan Am headphone amp
I am in the market for a higher end pair of Grados and a headphone amp. Currently I have a pair of 225is that I plan to sell. After a couple years with the 225is i have definitely become a fan of Grado's but I would like to upgrade and have something a little less bright. I listen to a lot of...- catcherfly
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am grado-professional-series-ps500-headphones grado-rs1i-reference-series-headphones
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Head Fi's Favourite Amp for the Audeze LCD 2: $200-$1000 [POLL]
Votes for Other Amps - ALO Audio Pan Am: 3 - Bottlehead S.E.X.: 1 - Darkvoice 336SE: 1 - Schiit Asgard 2: 1 - Woo Audio WA7: 1 ----------------------------- I thought it would be fun/informative to see which amps are the most loved among the Head Fi community for driving the...- PTom
- Thread
- alo-audio alo-audio-the-pan-am audeze audeze-brand audeze-lcd1 audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones audio-gd audio-gd-master-9-preamp-headphone-amp audio-gd-nfb-6 audio-gd-sa-31 bottlehead bottlehead-s-e-x-single-ended-experimenters-kit centrance centrance-brand centrance-dacmini darkvoice darkvoice-336se lake-people lake-people-phone-amp-109-s lake-people-phone-amp-g109-p little-dot little-dot-mk-vi little-dot-mk-viii-se meier-audio meier-audio-concerto meier-audio-corda-classic nuforce nuforce-inc schiit audio schiit-audio schiit-lyr schiit-mjolnir violectric violectric-hpa-v200 wooaudio-wa7-fireflies yulong yulong-a18
- Replies: 46
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Small Amp/DAC for HD800
I'm looking for a small-footprint "transportable" Amp/usb-DAC unit that will pair will with HD800s. Budget can extend, but I would love to keep it under the $1000 mark. Currently I am looking at: Woo WA7: Tube amp, very beautiful with a 32/192 - $900 (a little on the pricey side) ALO Pan Am...- Bossatiger
- Thread
- wooaudio-wa7-fireflies meier-audio-daccord sennheiser-hd-800-headphones alo-audio-the-pan-am schiit-magni meier-audio-stagedac meier-audio-corda-jazz burson-audio-ha-160ds-headphone-amp-dac-with-usb-input meier-audio-corda-classic
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Which would/did you buy: ALO Pan AM vs WOO WA3/WA6
Looking to buy one of these asap. Please let me know your thoughts and why. The reason i sway toward Pan Am right now is the reviewed bass response. Looking for something to compliment electronica. Cans are all over 250ohm and up to 600. go to are dt770, and am picking up a few...- mrbigsby
- Thread
- woo-audio-wa3 alo-audio-the-pan-am woo-audio-wa6
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Schiit or Woo Audio for HD-650
Hey guys, I am hoping you can help me spend my money :) I'm using a pair of HD-650 at home, connected to a Audio-GD Compass connected to my desktop. I've been using the Compass for a few years now and even if it wasn't presenting some hardware issues, which it is, I want to try a tube...- Happybottle
- Thread
- little-dot-mk-iii alo-audio-the-pan-am graham-slee-solo-srg-ii schiit-valhalla woo-audio-wa6 sennheiser-hd-650-headphones
- Replies: 45
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Mid - High End DAC/AMP Combos (Please Rate)
All, After hours of research I have found the following 10 DAC/AMP combos to be in the mid - high end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, there are only a few reviews on each, and very few reviews which compare them to each other. Therefore, I am attempting to start a thread where people can...- theque
- Thread
- headamp-pico-usb-dac-amp jds-labs-odac apex-high-fi-audio-glacier-portable-amp-dac alo-audio-the-pan-am centrance-dacport-usb-headphone-amp emmeline-rsa-predator matrix-cube venturecraft-go-dap-x fostex-hp-p1 leckerton-audio-uha-6s-mkii centrance-dacport-lx-ultra-low-noise-portable-usb-dac jds-labs-assembled-objective2-headphone-amplifier portable-amps amp-dacs ibasso-d12
- Replies: 60
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Best choice for portable Amp for LCD-2s??
Hey head-fi, I am obviously new here and relatively new to high end audio listening. But it's simple I am going to buy LCD-2's and I know that with a very expensive, highly specialized pair of headphones I will need a relatively expensive and specialized Amp (which i will get one), and someone...- chickenparm
- Thread
- headamp-pico-usb-dac-amp ray-samuels-emmeline-the-black-bird-sr-71a-portable-headphone-amp alo-audio-the-pan-am graham-slee-voyager ray-samuels-audio-emmeline-sr-71b-balanced-amp leckerton-audio-uha-6s-mkii audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones schiit-gungnir ibasso-d7 alo-audio-rx-mk3-balanced-headphone-amp vorzuge-vorzamppure vorzuge-vorzampduo ray-samuels-the-intruder alo-audio-the-continental-v2-mobile-vacuum-tube-amplifier
- Replies: 52
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Sennheiser HD 650 DAC + Amp Recommendations
I recently upgraded from the Sennheiser HD 598 to the HD 650 and was wondering what people's recommendations for DAC + headphone amps are for the HD 650s. I'm using it for home use only and was looking to spend $200 - $400 range. I heard that the Fiio E09K + E11/E17 was good but wondering if...- dpark
- Thread
- fiio-e11 alo-audio-the-pan-am fiio-e09k sennheiser-hd-650-headphones fiio-e17
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Plz help: Schiit Lyr or AOL Pan Am for my LCD-2 ?
Hi everybody, I planed buying a Schiit Lyr for my LCD2 r2 at Xmas event this year but i found the Pan Am review on Headfonia website: and this seems to be very good for the LCD2s. The reviewer also said that this is better than the...- tamleo
- Thread
- schiit-lyr alo-audio-the-pan-am audeze-lcd2-rev-2-planar-magnetic-headphones
- Replies: 16
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
FujiyaAvic 2012 Autumn Headphone Festival in Tokyo report by Currawong
The highlight of this Autumn's festival came not while I was in Tokyo, but, funnily enough, on the way out. As I looked out the window as we flew out of Tokyo, I noticed we were heading in the direction of Mt Fuji. The plane then banked slightly and I feared that our course would change, for I...- Currawong
- Thread
- ultrasone-signature-pro alo-audio-the-pan-am audio-technica-ath-ad2000 v-moda-crossfade-m-100 sennheiser-ie800
- Replies: 80
- Forum: Head-Fi Meet Impressions, Trade Show Reports, Factory Tours
Receiver or headphone amp
Hello People, I have a Yamaha home theater receiver (RX-V430RDS) and I am planning on buying the Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250 ohm. I've been using the receiver for over a year now (mainly for watching movies). I can drive headphones up to 560 ohm. Will it be good enough for my...- OlivierVDK
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt990-250-ohm alo-audio-the-pan-am headphone-amplifiers
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Amp/Dac for Grado PS500
Hi Guys, I've been researching on Head-Fi for the past couple of weeks. I'm looking to invest in a $500ish portable amp/dac combo for my Grado PS500s. Music I enjoy listening to: Jazz I have my choices down to 1) Alo Pan Am (I heard the amp is amazing, but the DAC...- seraphkz
- Thread
- apex-high-fi-audio-glacier-portable-amp-dac alo-audio-the-pan-am centrance-dacport-usb-headphone-amp grado-professional-series-ps500-headphones matrix-m-stage audio-poutine-odac audio-poutine-objective2-amp centrance-dacport-lx-ultra-low-noise-portable-usb-dac phiaton-ps-500
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Amp for HD650s and LCD-2s?
Head-fi, I have done my research and have settled upon the Bottlehead Crack for the HD650. But once I started thinking about it, I realized I would only upgrade the HD650s to something else, something better, most likely an LCD-2 or LCD-3. And with this new mindset, I set out to find an...- FatmanSize48
- Thread
- schiit-lyr audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones alo-audio-the-pan-am bottlehead-crack-otl sennheiser-hd-650-headphones
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
A crazy (maybe) question or 2 but...
Can one feed a portable (Pan Am and / or Leckerton62mk2) into another amped device i.e. my Arcam rCube? It's just that I would like to be able to use the DACs of the devices. The rCube has a line in. Another mad (maybe) question is if there is a solution (other than contact lenses or...- MrMobius
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am leckerton-audio-uha-6s-mkii arcam-rcube-portable-speaker-system-for-ipod-and-iphone
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Audeze LCD-2 Best Amp
I am considering buying the Audeze LCD-2's however they are very expensive. If I got them, I would only be able to spend $300 on a Desktop Amplifier/DAC. Which Desktop Amplifier/DAC do you think is best for the Audeze LCD-2's for under $300?- BaileyAblaze
- Thread
- schiit-asgard-headphone-amplifier schiit-lyr jds-labs-odac alo-audio-the-pan-am burson-audio-ha-160d headphone-cables burson-audio-ha-160ds-headphone-amp-dac-with-usb-input moon-audio q-cables audeze-lcd2-planar-magnetic-headphones headphone-amplifiers jds-labs-assembled-objective2-headphone-amplifier amp-dacs norse-audio schiit-valhalla schiit-audio-bifrost-dac
- Replies: 37
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
ALO Pan Am desktop/portable headphone amp/DAC: Impressions and Reviews
Full review is up at TouchMyApps now. Full benchmarks for performance will be posted tomorrow. I assume that Pan Am users will start to blossom out of this forum soon enough. I've been using one ahead of schedule (thank you ALO) for about two weeks now and wrote...- shigzeo
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am portable-amps amp-dacs
- Replies: 1,146
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
BREAKING NEWS! ALO audio's new portable tube amplifier + DAC!
just got news 4 hours ago via twitter.That alo is releasing their new amp+ dac called The Pan Am. a little more about The Pan Am: Wherever the Music Takes You (part two) Follow ALO...- LemanRuss9
- Thread
- alo-audio-the-pan-am portable-amps amp-dacs alo-audio
- Replies: 36
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps