Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread
Jan 6, 2018 at 4:39 PM Post #4,712 of 6,406
Jan 6, 2018 at 5:01 PM Post #4,714 of 6,406
How are your LCD-3 holding up? Do you see any glue coming off?

The LCD-3 is assembled with screws, the only glue is used to hold the ear pads on. That glue is amazingly sticky, believe me because I replaced my ear pads after they got ruined by my omega headphone holder. What a chore that was, after that I bought the Woo Audio holder and no more problems.

Edit: To answer your question, you are more likely to damage the ear pads by removing a layer of leather and if that happens you will need new pads. But my glue has never come off.
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Jan 6, 2018 at 5:39 PM Post #4,715 of 6,406
The LCD-3 is assembled with screws, the only glue is used to hold the ear pads on. That glue is amazingly sticky, believe me because I replaced my ear pads after they got ruined by my omega headphone holder. What a chore that was, after that I bought the Woo Audio holder and no more problems.

I will never use those "head-shaped" headphone stands just because they're just begging for problems with earpads.
Jan 6, 2018 at 6:10 PM Post #4,716 of 6,406
Trying to understand why not just use some sort of snap in mechanism like on the Utopia .. why glue, especially on the ear pads.
Jan 6, 2018 at 6:13 PM Post #4,717 of 6,406
Hard to say. Audeze certainly makes an occasional questionable decision.

BTW, I got to hear the 3 out of the Questyle CMA400i and that may be the best thing I've ever heard. It's on my shopping list now.
Jan 6, 2018 at 6:42 PM Post #4,718 of 6,406
I got to hear the 3 out of the Questyle CMA400i and that may be the best thing I've ever heard. It's on my shopping list now.

Yes the 3 demands a much better headphone amp than your X, I believe Audeze recommends at least 4W but the X seems to do just fine with 1W or even less. Also my 3 seems to love the oversampling DACs which can be a little gritty on an X.
Jan 6, 2018 at 6:44 PM Post #4,719 of 6,406
Yes the 3 demands a much better headphone amp than your X, I believe Audeze recommends at least 4W but the X seems to do just fine with 1W or even less. Also my 3 seems to love the oversampling DACs which can be a little gritty on an X.

I've got a Deckard atm which does sound fantastic but the 3 could use a little more oomph.
Jan 6, 2018 at 7:49 PM Post #4,721 of 6,406
@SomeGuyDude , How are you liking the LCD-3 with metal? I haven't used them for heavy stuff for some reason, every time I put them on I end up spinning some more progressive rock album. Gotta put on some Obituary, lol.

Phenomenal. I'm firing up a lot of noise-ass black/death metal. I think the Deckard doesn't have the oomph for it I want.
Jan 6, 2018 at 9:03 PM Post #4,723 of 6,406
Really? I thought the Deckard was suited for the LCD line. Maybe a Violectric or iFi iCan Pro? Or do you prefer the amp/DAC combo?

The CMA400i is sooooo good. I gotta do some more listening though.

I don't understand the wattage thing though. That really confuses me.
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Jan 6, 2018 at 10:16 PM Post #4,724 of 6,406
The LCD-3 is assembled with screws, the only glue is used to hold the ear pads on. That glue is amazingly sticky, believe me because I replaced my ear pads after they got ruined by my omega headphone holder. What a chore that was, after that I bought the Woo Audio holder and no more problems.

Edit: To answer your question, you are more likely to damage the ear pads by removing a layer of leather and if that happens you will need new pads. But my glue has never come off.

It’s not glue. It’s double stick tape. Completely different than ordinary glue.
Jan 6, 2018 at 10:50 PM Post #4,725 of 6,406
I don't understand the wattage thing though. That really confuses me.

Power is inversely proportional to resistance, LCD-X is 21 ohms and LCD-3 is 115 ohms. LCD-3 resistance is higher because it reduces moving mass by using smaller wires with higher resistance. Therefore with equal efficiency, you will need about 5x more amplifier voltage to get the same volume level from the LCD-3.

It’s not glue. It’s double stick tape. Completely different than ordinary glue.

What do you think they put on tape to make it sticky? It's GLUE! And it ain't ordinary that stuff sticks like crazy.

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