Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Mar 3, 2015 at 9:58 PM Post #5,791 of 13,154
 I have had my lcd2s for awhile but it is only recently since my purchase of the cable pro reverie cable upgrade that I thought any further comment was justified. In fact it was only since I have added the reverie upgrade cable that I can honestly say that I have heard the potential of the lcd2. With the stock cable the sound was pleasant enough but I found listening to the lcd2 was somewhat of a laid back experience. But the reverie has awakened a sleeping giant and is making listening sessions much more enjoyable. In fact the sound is much more vivid and while the top end still rarely sounds harsh or shrill it is much more alive and much clearer than it was before. I no longer feel the sense of being too laid back sounding. The reverie has injected some excitement at the top when  a good recording is being played. The bass and dynamics have also taken a noticeable step forward. The bass is amazingly physical for a headphone actually I am stunned by the physical weight of the bass on the lcd2s.
   Before the reverie cable I honestly preferred my venerable(thousands of hours on them) akg 701s for long term listening sessions. But they have taken a back seat to the lcd2s though I wish the audezes were not so vice like when wearing them for extended listening periods. They do subject the cranium to a tiring clamping sensation after having them on for awhile. They do exert a noticeable clamping force on the head after a cd or two. But listening is much more rewarding these days.
Mar 3, 2015 at 10:42 PM Post #5,792 of 13,154
 I have had my lcd2s for awhile but it is only recently since my purchase of the cable pro reverie cable upgrade that I thought any further comment was justified. In fact it was only since I have added the reverie upgrade cable that I can honestly say that I have heard the potential of the lcd2. With the stock cable the sound was pleasant enough but I found listening to the lcd2 was somewhat of a laid back experience. But the reverie has awakened a sleeping giant and is making listening sessions much more enjoyable. In fact the sound is much more vivid and while the top end still rarely sounds harsh or shrill it is much more alive and much clearer than it was before. I no longer feel the sense of being too laid back sounding. The reverie has injected some excitement at the top when  a good recording is being played. The bass and dynamics have also taken a noticeable step forward. The bass is amazingly physical for a headphone actually I am stunned by the physical weight of the bass on the lcd2s.
   Before the reverie cable I honestly preferred my venerable(thousands of hours on them) akg 701s for long term listening sessions. But they have taken a back seat to the lcd2s though I wish the audezes were not so vice like when wearing them for extended listening periods. They do subject the cranium to a tiring clamping sensation after having them on for awhile. They do exert a noticeable clamping force on the head after a cd or two. But listening is much more rewarding these days.
gently stretch the headband. I can wear mine for a few hours at a time, and pretty much indefinitely if I'm listening in my bed
Mar 3, 2015 at 10:49 PM Post #5,793 of 13,154
I can wear my LCD's for 12 hours straight. Actually had them on for ~16 hours now. Some short breaks. Time to go sleep ->
I bent the headband quite a lot. Also have this
Mar 4, 2015 at 5:20 AM Post #5,795 of 13,154
For you all who have heard the 560, how would you compare the LCD2 with fazor to the 560? Specifically with regards to midrange and treble?

560 has more detailed treble, more sparkly. Mids are more forward too. LCD-2F has better bass, more "mass" or "body" and less bloomy. LCD-2.2 has no bass bloom, LCD-2F with bass bloom and lesser "mass" or "body", 560 even more bloom and even less body.
Mar 4, 2015 at 7:21 AM Post #5,796 of 13,154
For you all who have heard the 560, how would you compare the LCD2 with fazor to the 560? Specifically with regards to midrange and treble?

The HE560 has better detail in the treble, with more air and a larger soundstage. It is rather neutral and pretty linear till you hit the upper-midrange.

The LCD-2f has better, thicker bass, more forward and lush mids, and slightly smoother treble (at the expense of some detail.)

They're kind of the opposite sounds, despite having similar FR curves, planar wise. The HE560 is more neutral and musical, while the LCD 2 is smoother and organic. If that makes any sense.
Mar 4, 2015 at 8:15 AM Post #5,797 of 13,154
In the last month, I've bought both the LCD-2F and HE-560. I wanted to like the HE-560 more: it was a little cheaper and more comfortable, but I prefer smoothness and lushness of the LCD-2F. It just sounds SO good when paired with the Gustard H10 amp. PacoTaco pretty much hits the nail on the head in his comparison. I disagree on one minor point when listening to my system*: I don't know what I would characterize the HE-560 as more "musical" than the LCD-2F. I really do like detail, but the HE-560 just sounds a little lean with my system. Honestly, I'm kind of thinking about upgrading my DAC before I sell it, but we'll see what happens.
*Macbook Pro optical out -> Audio-gd Compass DAC -> Gustard H10 amp
Mar 4, 2015 at 8:26 AM Post #5,798 of 13,154
I should add that the LCD-2F came with Q Audio Silk cable, while the HE-560s still have the stock cable. Not sure how much of a difference that makes to the sound. If had more time and money, I would do the HE-560s jerg mods, upgrade the cable, and buy a new DAC before selling them, but I have a hard time justifying all that just to see if I can make them sound better (to my ears) than the LCDs.
Mar 4, 2015 at 8:33 AM Post #5,799 of 13,154
I'm loving the LCD2.2F, too. I don't consider it boring in any regard. Of course I'm still in the honeymoon phase, but so far I feel like this setup (nfb-28 -> lcd2.2f) will keep the upgraditus away for quite some time. 
Mar 5, 2015 at 9:14 AM Post #5,801 of 13,154
  Folks, how would you read this graph?

Looks like a typical current production LCD-2 with Fazors.  Less deviation at the low end than some.   Should sound wonderful.  How do you like the sound?
Mar 5, 2015 at 11:59 AM Post #5,803 of 13,154
  Looks like a typical current production LCD-2 with Fazors.  Less deviation at the low end than some.   Should sound wonderful.  How do you like the sound?

Ditto. Looks almost exactly like mine.
Mar 5, 2015 at 3:30 PM Post #5,804 of 13,154
Hey guys I just got my vegan pads in, and WOW they feel great! They're super comfortable and I'd definitely recommend to anyone thinking about getting some. Even though they're like... really really expensive, I still love the feeling of them. They are kind of hard to install and I needed some glue to get them on, but they have been working great so far.
Mar 5, 2015 at 4:03 PM Post #5,805 of 13,154
Expecting my new lcd 2F's to arrive tomorrow, EXITED! I thought I was gonna pair it with a Auralic Taurus and a Hegel HD20. Anyone with experience from these sources?

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