Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Sep 4, 2014 at 7:00 AM Post #3,961 of 13,154
I don't notice the weight even after 12+ hours of use, usually forget I'm even wearing them haha. Maybe I have a really strong neck or something? I duno

its possible, I dont see why not right? I have a smaller body size and head size, not really small, but like compact, if that makes any actual sense lol. I'm very average in height and proportions, and I mean like I fall into the exact average size for a human male lol, by scientific data. So my neck and head cant handle the extra weight as easily, but they are definitely by no means heavy either, like I still wear them for 8+ hours easily, but in comparison to a headphone slightly lighter like in 350 gram area, the lcd 2 is a bit more tough on my neck. I think I can handle 400 grams before it starts to affect my neck in any way. Otherwise the weight just causes them to slide around a bit more with every minor tilt of my head, which can get annoying for long 8+ hour sessions where you need to change the position of your head constantly and it affects the position of the headphones (totally minor annoyances, I should probably say the context of what I'm saying is just a statement of this happens, but they are still freaking awesome headphones regardless lol).
I'm currently testing out some other current 1500 and bellow flagships for a couple weeks at a time, so thats why I'm noticing comparisons. Right now I have the hd 800 for a week or so, then gonna try the he-560. I'm slowly learning I fall into the minority of sound preferences somehow. like a great example, SO FAR, with the hd 800 is that I actually feel it has harder hitting and more noticeable bass than the lcd 2 (and I am using a good amp, the new Violectric V281). Yes the lcd 2 has more bass, and goes audibly down to the 20hz and below mark, where the hd 800 only goes down to 30hz (as in the volume you hear at 20hz on the lcd 2 is only reached when it gets to 30hz on the hd 800), and in general the hd 800 is less linear in the bass region, and has less boom( like reverberation, as in the sound you get playing a bass tone, versus the punch of a bass kick), BUT the hd 800 hits harder, and the bass stands out more in the mix. I realized the lcd 2 is so linear that the bass can sometimes fall into place too well, and as a result does not stand out as much. but since the hd 800 has all that treble and air, you end up noticing the bass much more, as it is such a contrast to everything else you hear. (but I still would not keep the hd 800, too much treble, a bit too hot, and a tad too bright in tone, plus the bass needs a bit more reverberation), but it made the lcd 2 bass seem soft and hidden. unless you played straight bass tones. So I'll see how the he-560 holds up in a week or two, lots of people say its like in between the lcd 2 and hd 800, so taking my pretty unusual impression of the hd 800, I'll see how those claims hold up.
also curious if anyone else has experienced a similar impression with the lcd 2 bass in comparison to other headphones near it's price range like I have. All I ever heard was that the lcd 2 was the bass king (I'm not talking basshead stuff, I know the context for these bad boys), and the hd 800 were bass light and thin, yet thats simply not at all what I hear. in some ways its almost the reverse for me.
Sep 4, 2014 at 7:31 AM Post #3,962 of 13,154
I had the same impression my first time listening to the 800s. I felt the bass was superb on any given track and wondered what all the fuss was about. I also didn't find them all that bright, as they are reputed to be. Just my two cents.
Sep 4, 2014 at 7:59 AM Post #3,963 of 13,154
  Could it be because you have a really snug fit and your ears are pressed up against the inner grills?  I don't find it to be too much of a problem, but I am using custom cables with mine and don't tend to move around a lot with them on.  
I do have this occasional flex and click sound if I'm lying my head on my pillow and leaning to one side of an ear cup.  Doesn't seem to affect SQ though.

That is actually a very interesting thought, with the new fazor thing they got going, I barely have any room left for my ears. 
I'll try the usual "stretch the headband a lot" routine to see if it helps. That actually might be it 

Sep 4, 2014 at 8:44 AM Post #3,964 of 13,154
I had the same impression my first time listening to the 800s. I felt the bass was superb on any given track and wondered what all the fuss was about. I also didn't find them all that bright, as they are reputed to be. Just my two cents.

Yea thats what my first thought was when trying them on, after all that hype for this thin, light, analytical, bright, bass light sound. Yea sure its a bit bright in tone, and it can be a bit sibilant sometimes (I only had them for a day so far, so I wont pass judgement until a week goes by, but even then its still kinda sharp, as in on point vs. dulled). but otherwise I think the contrast in sound makes the bass better. the lcd 2 is very linear and has that overall smooth tone, so the bass evn though it is better and more of it, gets dulled out slightly or overshadowed by everything else, it doesn't get a chance to stick out as much. plus its a slower headphone (curious how much speed impacts sound, aside from PRaT? which is what I used to think it affected).
I find knowing the context any impression/review is givin in, is SUPER important  to know how much weight each statement holds, and to know how you percieve things. I'm basically just using amazon's return policy, and a spare 1000 or so dollars to try out different headphones without committing, since there aren't any other ways for me to try them out easily.
Sep 4, 2014 at 11:06 AM Post #3,965 of 13,154
You have a spare thousand or so dollars? Over here, over here! 

Seriously though, I notice you have both the LCD-2 and Denon 5000. I wonder how you'd rate the latter against the former. The 5000 shows such a linear FR, unlike so many top phones, that I'm curious how well it matches up subjectively.

Sep 4, 2014 at 11:24 AM Post #3,966 of 13,154
Yea thats what my first thought was when trying them on, after all that hype for this thin, light, analytical, bright, bass light sound. Yea sure its a bit bright in tone, and it can be a bit sibilant sometimes (I only had them for a day so far, so I wont pass judgement until a week goes by, but even then its still kinda sharp, as in on point vs. dulled). but otherwise I think the contrast in sound makes the bass better. the lcd 2 is very linear and has that overall smooth tone, so the bass evn though it is better and more of it, gets dulled out slightly or overshadowed by everything else, it doesn't get a chance to stick out as much. plus its a slower headphone (curious how much speed impacts sound, aside from PRaT? which is what I used to think it affected).

I find knowing the context any impression/review is givin in, is SUPER important  to know how much weight each statement holds, and to know how you percieve things. I'm basically just using amazon's return policy, and a spare 1000 or so dollars to try out different headphones without committing, since there aren't any other ways for me to try them out easily.

I personally think of the lcd-2f as being more of a mid-centric, rather than bass-centric headphone
Sep 4, 2014 at 5:07 PM Post #3,967 of 13,154
I got my LCD-2s at the right time...right when the LCD-3 was coming out, so people were ready to unload them really cheap.  I see the prices have gone up again..
Sep 4, 2014 at 6:26 PM Post #3,968 of 13,154
I really want to spend time with the HD800, because I actually had AD900X before, that were quite heavy on treble if I remember right, and it actually didn't bug me much (But for some reason sometimes I got fatigue from my HE-500, which I actually found somewhat bright on the o2 + odac)
I only got to spend ~1minute with HD800 at "Echo HiFi" in Portland, Oregon before I had to leave (we had other stuff to do that day) so I didn't get much of a feel for them.
I love my LCD-2 but I really want to try other things + other amps to.
Unfortunately the only way I'd be able to try them out would be to sell my LCD-2's + use my money for watercooling my PC + money from my LCD-2's to buy the HD800.
Sep 4, 2014 at 6:59 PM Post #3,969 of 13,154
  I really want to spend time with the HD800, because I actually had AD900X before, that were quite heavy on treble if I remember right, and it actually didn't bug me much (But for some reason sometimes I got fatigue from my HE-500, which I actually found somewhat bright on the o2 + odac)
I only got to spend ~1minute with HD800 at "Echo HiFi" in Portland, Oregon before I had to leave (we had other stuff to do that day) so I didn't get much of a feel for them.
I love my LCD-2 but I really want to try other things + other amps to.
Unfortunately the only way I'd be able to try them out would be to sell my LCD-2's + use my money for watercooling my PC + money from my LCD-2's to buy the HD800.

I keep wanting to like the HD800s, but every time I spend some time with them at meets I just can't warm to them. Maybe they're a creeper that grows on you more slowly... I just love the warmth and note weight of the LCD 2s and find the T1s are my ideal alternative for a more revealing, faster sound.
Sep 4, 2014 at 7:13 PM Post #3,970 of 13,154
I keep wanting to like the HD800s, but every time I spend some time with them at meets I just can't warm to them. Maybe they're a creeper that grows on you more slowly... I just love the warmth and note weight of the LCD 2s and find the T1s are my ideal alternative for a more revealing, faster sound.

I really want to spend more time with them, but the only place I can go near me that has them was Echo Hi-Fi (which is like a 1 hour drive to and from), and I REALLY was disappointed in the customer service there.  Maybe it was the way I looked, not rich enough or something so they didn't pay me any attention.
I even tried talking to the one guy that "sort-of" helped me, and he didn't really seem to pay attention to anything I was talking about.  (Mentioned HE-500 and said that's what I was looking at buying, but I wanted to look at other options first)
Next thing I knew I turned around and he was gone lol..
Sep 4, 2014 at 8:48 PM Post #3,971 of 13,154
  You have a spare thousand or so dollars? Over here, over here! 

Seriously though, I notice you have both the LCD-2 and Denon 5000. I wonder how you'd rate the latter against the former. The 5000 shows such a linear FR, unlike so many top phones, that I'm curious how well it matches up subjectively.

lol well I mean I can use a grand like a deposit sort of, since I'm returning what I buy and get my money back, if I actually choose to stick with something I try, then I'll be selling the lcd 2 to help pay for it.
You know I never really looked at the graph for the d5000 before (got them a couple years ago before I did as much research as I do now), and I am surprised by how the small changes at certain frequencies have a pretty huge change in the sound. for example if you notice the bass is a bit louder than the rest of the range, well thats a pretty big aspect of them, they are bassy headphones, like to the point they vibrate on your face, a lot. it is still tight, and has some detail, for sure, but it bleeds into the mids a bit, and is kinda unnatural in quantity (think male vocals/bass instruments sounding like they have more bass tone than they should). also that very slight dip at 600hz is enough to make the mid-range feel pretty recessed, jump between them and the lcd 2 and its like the d5000 seemingly doesnt have one. also that slight spike in the treble at 6-9khz can cause some sibilance on some music, but overall they dont have very much treble, or that much detail so its not too bad.
The lcd 2 a clear step up from the d5000, its not even an argument, it is very noticeably better. there is a distance lack of details, air, mids, and soundstage from the d5000, that most 1000 dollar and up headphones all have. you'll hear the different within the first few seconds of comparing. But the d5000 is very good as a slightly bass heavy, very comfy, and pretty revealing all rounder for all genres, just dont expect it to have the kind of resolution or linearity that the graph makes it out to have. Its why I upgraded after 2 years with them, you could just tell its missing something. but for those wanting to stay mid-fi, and not want to use powerful expensive amps/dacs, and like a good bit of bass, without messing up the rest of the sound too much, I can't think of any better headphone at its price than the d5000 (i got it for 400 on ebay).
The hd800 is also a step up from the lcd 2 but not nearly as great as the lcd 2 from d5000. there is definitely more of a side grade going on, but there is noticeably way more details, larger soundstage, better imaging (by a good margin), and more air, and harder bass punch (but not as much depth/fullness). plus it is tuned slightly bright in tone, but that doesnt make it thin or anything, it is a very full sound, just sometimes a bit too fast, and brings out sibilance more easily (but if you like them enough, there is that anaxilus mod, and changing cables, and amps, etc). I will say they have a kind of addictive sound to them, like they make you want to hear what music/movies you are familiar with will sound like through them, they hold your attention VERY well. but it can be a bit too intense for my one headphone solution for multiple years (which is what I'm going for). It's not a headphone that I would buy honestly after using it so far, but it is a headphone that I would love to just have handy sometimes and know what something sounds like through them (if I was rich, I would do this lol). For those looking for the one headphone to rule them all, for their preferences, this isnt it.
Thats why once I return these, I will order the he-560 to try for a couple weeks, see how they compare to the hd800, lcd 2, and d5000. I can update on this thread when that happens, if you're interested in knowing the comparisons between these headphones?
Sep 4, 2014 at 8:53 PM Post #3,972 of 13,154
  I really want to spend time with the HD800, because I actually had AD900X before, that were quite heavy on treble if I remember right, and it actually didn't bug me much (But for some reason sometimes I got fatigue from my HE-500, which I actually found somewhat bright on the o2 + odac)
I only got to spend ~1minute with HD800 at "Echo HiFi" in Portland, Oregon before I had to leave (we had other stuff to do that day) so I didn't get much of a feel for them.
I love my LCD-2 but I really want to try other things + other amps to.
Unfortunately the only way I'd be able to try them out would be to sell my LCD-2's + use my money for watercooling my PC + money from my LCD-2's to buy the HD800.

you need more time with them. depending on the amp/dac feeding them, and your brain getting used to the sound, they can definitely change subjectivly. the first 4 hours using them, was impressive but too bright and lots of sibilance. after that I started getting used to the tone, and they felt much more full and balanced in sound, but bright in tone. Now I have a better sense of them. I finally managed to save up a grand or so to use like a deposit, and just buy these on amazon, try them for a couple weeks, and then return them for my money back. you can do that a few times with anything sold on amazon, so I figure why not take advantage of it and try out some high end headphones that normally you dont get multiple weeks to use, and on your own setup.
Sep 4, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #3,973 of 13,154
That is not nice. Shame on you.
Sep 4, 2014 at 9:55 PM Post #3,974 of 13,154
Thanks saxelrod92 for those impressions. As it happens I was interested in all of it as I've been looking (casually) at all the phones mentioned, including the D5000 (Ebay). However, I think I'll put the D5000 aside now. The LCD-2 I used to own in Rev 1 form but found it a bit dull and heavy--don't think I could come at that one again. The HD800 can be had now in Oz for around $1000, which I guess makes it a bargain after the original $2,500 asking price here. I wish the reviews of it were a little kinder; even those who like it agree that it needs expensive coddling not to sound cold and unfriendly. Think I'll pass on that too. That leaves the T1 and HE560. Since I already own a DT880 Pro and love its neutrality, the T1 would seem an obvious choice, but it's rather expensive and too many people, even some of those who love it, say it's more of a refinement of the DT880 than a huge upgrade (+ still has the treble peak). Hmm, a lot of money for a refinement. The 560 is certainly an interesting proposition, though I'm keeping an eye on its apparent brightness.
Sidebar: Your comparison of subjective impressions of the D5000 with the graph is particularly interesting. On the face of it it would seem to suggest that the graph is misleading, but maybe not. Though the bass/lower mid rise is modest, it's very, very broad, so you'd expect it to have a huge impact on the sound. As for the treble squiggles, it's likely that at least one occurs in a particularly sensitive area, say that 3khz one. I don't want to suggest that one graph can identify all of a headphone's problems, especially in the treble, but I've personally found graphs rather useful, and it's rare to my ears that a graph is completely out of line with subjective impressions.
Sep 4, 2014 at 10:22 PM Post #3,975 of 13,154
If I do decide to get HD800, where can I get them for cheap?
Does amazon still want $1500 for them? 
Edit: If I was to sell my LCD-2 with fazor in mint condition, how much do you think I could get?
I may sell them and try HD800, if all else fails I can re-sell and buy back the LCD-2's.

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