Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Sep 8, 2014 at 11:44 PM Post #3,991 of 13,154
K, I took your guys advice and didn't get a wide headphone stand. Just picked up a woo stand instead. I'm not one to show off or display things, but audeze phones are like pieces of art. Definitely worth displaying it on the desk, instead of hiding it away... that way I can remind myself why I am poor...
Sep 9, 2014 at 11:04 AM Post #3,992 of 13,154
  K, I took your guys advice and didn't get a wide headphone stand. Just picked up a woo stand instead. I'm not one to show off or display things, but audeze phones are like pieces of art. Definitely worth displaying it on the desk, instead of hiding it away... that way I can remind myself why I am poor...

lol and +1 to your Audeze display philosophy.
and yea good choice on a stand that does not widen them, I tried stretching the band when I first got them, just a bit, but then after two days my natural wearing them loosened them up more than I wanted. so I say just keep em on your head and eventually they stretch out just right. and if they get too loose, then dont wear them for a week, because the spring steel headband has a good memory and reverts back a bit.
Sep 10, 2014 at 2:01 PM Post #3,993 of 13,154
Hey everyone. I just got my LCD 2 from Headroom, and I have a quick question before I listen to them. Is it normal for the headband to be sort of off center or pulling towards one cup? I've included a picture; sorry for the crap quality I only have my cellphone handy. 

That picture is with the foam inside the ear cups like how it ships (Happens with or without the foam in them). The cups are also both at the lowest level, but it seems to do this on every adjustment. 
I haven't listened to them yet (haven't even unpacked the cable yet
), but I plan on doing so in a few minutes. I was just wondering if this is normal, or is my headband defective? I guess I'll try them on and see if the headband being like that affects the seal I can get with the pads. Just sort of odd to see something like that on a headphone that costs this much / hand inspected. 
Sep 10, 2014 at 2:17 PM Post #3,994 of 13,154
Hey everyone. I just got my LCD 2 from Headroom, and I have a quick question before I listen to them. Is it normal for the headband to be sort of off center or pulling towards one cup? I've included a picture; sorry for the crap quality I only have my cellphone handy. 

That picture is with the foam inside the ear cups like how it ships (Happens with or without the foam in them). The cups are also both at the lowest level, but it seems to do this on every adjustment. 

I haven't listened to them yet (haven't even unpacked the cable yet :p ), but I plan on doing so in a few minutes. I was just wondering if this is normal, or is my headband defective? I guess I'll try them on and see if the headband being like that affects the seal I can get with the pads. Just sort of odd to see something like that on a headphone that costs this much / hand inspected. 
adjust the ear cup rings, dude. Those are just fine. Put them on your head and enjoy!
Sep 10, 2014 at 2:44 PM Post #3,995 of 13,154
Sep 10, 2014 at 2:54 PM Post #3,996 of 13,154
  Hey everyone. I just got my LCD 2 from Headroom, and I have a quick question before I listen to them. Is it normal for the headband to be sort of off center or pulling towards one cup? I've included a picture; sorry for the crap quality I only have my cellphone handy. 

That picture is with the foam inside the ear cups like how it ships (Happens with or without the foam in them). The cups are also both at the lowest level, but it seems to do this on every adjustment. 
I haven't listened to them yet (haven't even unpacked the cable yet
), but I plan on doing so in a few minutes. I was just wondering if this is normal, or is my headband defective? I guess I'll try them on and see if the headband being like that affects the seal I can get with the pads. Just sort of odd to see something like that on a headphone that costs this much / hand inspected. 

its all fine, mine do that too just to a lesser extent. it doesnt affect how they feel on your head at all. Its just an anomaly of the materials used and all the different tensions its all under.
Sep 10, 2014 at 3:01 PM Post #3,998 of 13,154
So I auditioned an HE-560 last weekend thinking it would be able to compete with the LCD 2s for my affection and it did nothing to impress me. It was brighter and more resolving yet at the same time had hollow and insubstantial mids, to the point where even a DT880 or HD600 has better midrange. It may have been a dud, or had no 'synergy' with the demo system but I've never heard my LCD2s sound terrible even on setups that don't give it enough juice.

And even taking into account the short time I had with the HE-560s, the LCD2s wowed me seconds into my first audition with it.

I won't cheat on my LCD2s anymore. Unless it's an LCD3, which I also demoed and seriously whipped the HE560 on the same setup.
Sep 10, 2014 at 4:42 PM Post #3,999 of 13,154
So I auditioned an HE-560 last weekend thinking it would be able to compete with the LCD 2s for my affection and it did nothing to impress me. It was brighter and more resolving yet at the same time had hollow and insubstantial mids, to the point where even a DT880 or HD600 has better midrange. It may have been a dud, or had no 'synergy' with the demo system but I've never heard my LCD2s sound terrible even on setups that don't give it enough juice.

And even taking into account the short time I had with the HE-560s, the LCD2s wowed me seconds into my first audition with it.

I won't cheat on my LCD2s anymore. Unless it's an LCD3, which I also demoed and seriously whipped the HE560 on the same setup.

Thanks exsomnis.
I've been going back and forth all week on which of these to get(I haven't listened to either so...). 
I'm in the market for my 1st pair of "high end" headphones and it was down to the HD-560 or LCD-2. I like a warmer sound and can not tolerate bright treble so the LCD-2 sounds like the clear winner.
I'm going to be pairing them with an A-GD NFB-28.
Sep 10, 2014 at 7:07 PM Post #4,001 of 13,154
Hey everyone. I just got my LCD 2 from Headroom, and I have a quick question before I listen to them. Is it normal for the headband to be sort of off center or pulling towards one cup? I've included a picture; sorry for the crap quality I only have my cellphone handy. 

That picture is with the foam inside the ear cups like how it ships (Happens with or without the foam in them). The cups are also both at the lowest level, but it seems to do this on every adjustment. 

I haven't listened to them yet (haven't even unpacked the cable yet :p ), but I plan on doing so in a few minutes. I was just wondering if this is normal, or is my headband defective? I guess I'll try them on and see if the headband being like that affects the seal I can get with the pads. Just sort of odd to see something like that on a headphone that costs this much / hand inspected. 

I don't want to be the negative one here, but it looks like the tab that attaches the yoke to the rods is bent up on the right side (picture left) compared to the other side - or the left side is bent down. I'm not sure if this causes any discomfort for you but you should know that this is not the standard angle. They should be somewhat even out of the box.

See below

Yes, I have a large-ish head

Edit: My XC's are the same as my LCD-2.
Sep 10, 2014 at 10:49 PM Post #4,004 of 13,154
  is anyone here using a schiit lyr with their lcd-2 fazors?
How is it? 

Not exactly Lyr, but I'm very happy with my Asgard 2 (if you also consider SS)... Tons of power for LCD-2F even on low gain.

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