Audeze LCD-2 Impressions Thread
Aug 29, 2014 at 3:39 AM Post #3,916 of 13,154
Also it would be good to consider the new Hifiman planars like the HE-560, and possibly the Sennheiser HD800

Ha, you've picked out two more phones that are currently creating wild eddies and currents in the Head-Fi waters. The HD800 is notorious for polarising opinion, of course, but I can't seem to get much consensus on the 560 either. Oh, when will the clouds ever clear and the light shine on just one headphone? 
(Enough metaphors already!
Aug 29, 2014 at 5:11 AM Post #3,917 of 13,154
pp312, if I recall correctly you found the tonality of the hd595 to your liking right? If'll have no issues with the t1....they're quite similar tonally. The weight is much lighter than the lcd2.
Aug 29, 2014 at 5:42 AM Post #3,918 of 13,154
Hi, SP. Your memory serves you faithfully; and I still have a pair of 595s in the drawer. However, time has moved on and my ears have deteriorated accordingly, so that I'm now currently using a DT880 Pro, albeit with a little treble attenuation. Such is the way of ears. That aside, I find it hard to believe from the reviews (and FR response below) that the T1 and 595 sound at all similar. My 595 has a noticeable treble rolloff, as per the graph, whereas many T1 reviews complain of sharp treble.

Aug 29, 2014 at 6:20 AM Post #3,919 of 13,154
I think you'll enjoy the t1s just fine pp. The he560s are the same in price if new kinda, should be lighter too.
Aug 29, 2014 at 12:53 PM Post #3,920 of 13,154
Yea the newer pads create a better seal, and that creates a better sound (more air in your case). Anyone with a new model can demonstrate this by simply breaking the seal slightly and you'll notice the sound get less air and more boomy. A planar driver needs this good seal because to take full advantage of it's large surface area, it needs to be able to move the air at maximum efficiency, when theres a break in the seal, it can't accomplish this. Think of it like moving a door back and forth to create air flow, except in a sealed chamber, and at very high speeds, which creates sound. the better that chamber is sealed, the more precise every movement of the diaphragm becomes in terms of sound quality.

It's not just better sound, to me the sound is now perfectly balanced, gripping the deepest bass, providing plenty of air, while keeping voices and instruments sounding all natural. 
( I suppose the Fazor editions are even better, but I have not heard them, so I can safely keep enjoying these :)
Aug 30, 2014 at 10:54 AM Post #3,923 of 13,154
Anybody got frequency response graphs for fazor and non-fazor?

InnerFidelity has measured multiple LCD-2s, from rev. 1 to fazor and everything in between. They have as many LCD-2 measurements as they do for all the Hifiman planars combined

  Hello guys. Is LCD-3 harder to drive than LCD-2??
Does it need more power?
Also, can you use LCD-2 outside without an external amp?

From the InnerFidelity measurements, the LCD-3 seems to be slightly harder to drive.
You can technically use any headphone (except electrostatics) without an external amp. The question is whether they'll get loud enough for you. I know my Clip+ actually just barely gets loud enough for me, at about -3 dB from max volume. So if I were to take my LCD-2 anywhere I'd bring my O2 amp. However, I have a rev. 2 without fazor, and the ones with fazor look more efficient. I might not need one then.
If you're looking to power a planar with an iPod or phone, or something else without high voltage output, you might want to think about the LCD-X. It's got the lowest impedance and voltage requirement of the LCDs, and is better suited for these sources. Of course, it weighs 600g.
Aug 30, 2014 at 12:16 PM Post #3,924 of 13,154
Without an amp your audeze will sound lifeless
Aug 30, 2014 at 2:09 PM Post #3,926 of 13,154
  I see.. I'm looking into LCD-X right now.
How does LCD-X sound compare to LCD-3 and 2???
Is it worth getting LCD-2 or 3 after getting an LCD-X?

Here's a post I made in another thread::
"For me, the 2 was actually my favorite... warm, dry, smoooooth... and bass that can't be believed. These have my favorite bass... it's just so natural! Maybe the low price tricked me, too
Next favorite on my list was the X's... much quicker due to the thinner driver and optimized magnet structure - one can immediately tell they'll handle quick transients and busy music with total ease. They have a brilliant, analytical, neutral sound that has won many new fans to the Audeze club. What's best, is that they still manage to keep a smokey, crisp treble... perfectly in line with the house sound, despite being the most forward can. I'd love a pair one day!
The 3 was my third favorite... very close to the 2's, but quicker in the bass, and much wetter. This wetness seems to be psychological or FR induced, as this type of wetness is not the kind many closed cans exhibit due to internal resonances in lower frequencies. These have a thin driver as well (not sure if it's the same as the X/XC driver, I always forget), so they can handle a little more speed compared to the 2's. They ranked behind for me, because they were too wet and refined and smooth... I like a little dirt perhaps. The objective performance is undeniable... they're clearly Audeze's #1 with good reason. These can offered the #1 vocal experience I've ever heard though... by leagues.
Last was the XC, an interesting can. The upper mids seem a bit wonky to me, like there's a dip right where a female vocalist should really shine. The bass is deep and wet... but not quick like the 3's. The treble was the least interesting, though I couldn't place why... not enough sparkle or smoke or air, I suppose. These cans seems to have a very 'you love them or you hate them' kind of response. These were the only ones where I think I'd prefer another brand's can (K812 probably)."
Aug 30, 2014 at 2:20 PM Post #3,927 of 13,154
InnerFidelity has measured multiple LCD-2s, from rev. 1 to fazor and everything in between. They have as many LCD-2 measurements as they do for all the Hifiman planars combined :p

From the InnerFidelity measurements, the LCD-3 seems to be slightly harder to drive.

You can technically use any headphone (except electrostatics) without an external amp. The question is whether they'll get loud enough for you. I know my Clip+ actually just barely gets loud enough for me, at about -3 dB from max volume. So if I were to take my LCD-2 anywhere I'd bring my O2 amp. However, I have a rev. 2 without fazor, and the ones with fazor look more efficient. I might not need one then.

If you're looking to power a planar with an iPod or phone, or something else without high voltage output, you might want to think about the LCD-X. It's got the lowest impedance and voltage requirement of the LCDs, and is better suited for these sources. Of course, it weighs 600g.

Yeah I was just looking at those. I must've auditioned a non fazor because the fazor treble seems right up my ally.
Aug 30, 2014 at 2:34 PM Post #3,928 of 13,154
Yeah I was just looking at those. I must've auditioned a non fazor because the fazor treble seems right up my ally.

I noticed no difference in treble b/w the two besides staging in my auditions.
Aug 30, 2014 at 3:36 PM Post #3,930 of 13,154
Hmmmm. I want to upgrade from the he-400 but nothing beats the bass but the lcd-2. But the treble on the lcd-2 is slightly boring to me. Needs more sparkle.

The old non-Fazor 2's I tried had pently of  sparkle and extension compared my Fazor pair, perhaps even more was perceived but I think that was due to the Benchmark DAC1 Plus I was trying the old ones out of. In my setup with the F model, the treble seems perhaps reduced due to it being spread out in the image IMHO. Subjective taste, and amp pairing I feel. Also, that audition was a while ago, and I came in thinking that the 2's would be DARK, so of course anything north of that could've seemed BRIGHT. Assume I'm yelling when I use ALL CAPS
. The right pairing of gear and 2 should be able to get you exactly the treble you need, I feel. I think the Mjolnir might infamously help with that IIRC.

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