2015 Tokyo Fujiya Avic Spring Headphone Festival Report
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May 25, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #62 of 83
Curious, when is the next available (preferably substantial) headphone fest in Japan? I feel a bit tempted now that I have the funds, thouhh I would def need to ask around on peoples' processes on travel and such.

The next "small" (Potaken) Fujiya event is most likely July 11th. It won't be as big as this past event. Otherwise the next large Fujiya event is probably Oct 31st though that hasn't been announced yet so don't settle on that date yet.
May 25, 2015 at 8:49 PM Post #63 of 83
Most impressive item I demo`d at the show was ALO`s CDM.  It is pure industrial art, and made my 50ohm UM Mavericks sound distinctly, clearly better than my AK120ii can manage.  It also has 2.5 TRRS in and out, making it a (very expensive) no-brainer for anyone who`s invested in that balanced format.  It`s the one pricey thing I saw that I realized I NEED.  
The biggest disappointment was the Hifiman HE-1000.  Gorgeous build quality, but even on the smallest headband setting it slid down my head and hung off my ears.  It was bizzare: totally unwearable for me.  Of course, being a huge fan of my heavily modded HE-6, I immediately started examining it to see how it could be made to work, then realized the absurdity of that....  It`s the one pricey thing I saw that I realized I would not be buying . .
Curious, when is the next available (preferably substantial) headphone fest in Japan? I feel a bit tempted now that I have the funds, thouhh I would def need to ask around on peoples' processes on travel and such.

Parallel to these twice-yearly Fujiya-avic sponsored shows, E-earphone runs a series of `Pot-a-Fes` (portable audio festiveal) shows across the major cities of Japan.  The biggest will be the Osaka show this weekend:
I am hoping to go.  Unfortunately I missed getting a spot for Final Audio Designs `Build your own IEM` event, where a lucky 40 people can tune and assemble their own FI-BA-SS in a new custom housing with MMCX connectors . . .   All for a 1/4 the price of the production FI-BA-SS.  
May 25, 2015 at 9:15 PM Post #65 of 83
^was the he1000 a disappointment sonically?

Personally speaking, I wouldn't call it a disappointment but would say that it did fall a little short of hype. Don't get me wrong it's damn good but I've read that this will just put the nail in the Stax SR-009's coffin however at least to me, it's not really there yet.
May 25, 2015 at 9:56 PM Post #66 of 83
^was the he1000 a disappointment sonically?

I didn`t hear anything that would make me divorce my HE-6, but then evaluating open headphones at a noisy show is pointless, in my opinion.  The guy next to me was blasting MJ`s Thriller so loud from the HE-1000 on his head, it was overpowering what I was trying to hear through the one on mine! 
May 26, 2015 at 5:56 AM Post #67 of 83
Okay.. So now we have Stax and King Sound doing portable electrostats. It's getting interesting 

I agree.  Sign me up for knowing any updates on this, as I'm a 90% IEM guy......

May 26, 2015 at 11:22 AM Post #69 of 83

Southern Accoustics / Acoustune

Kiyofumi Inanaga of Southern Accoustics had an interesting measuring coupler on display, which he claims can measure from 10-80 kHz! He had a demonstration up and running with cheap OEM IEMs that measured reasonably flat, so for fun I hooked up the JHAudio Laylas to his rig. To handle all the background noise, it was averaging out a measurement (the blue line). He was quite impressed with the distortion, FR and bass tuning function of the Laylas. 


What compensation curve are they using for those measurements? The bottom ones look similar to that of Innerfidelity.
May 26, 2015 at 12:20 PM Post #70 of 83
Fantastic job gentleman you all have covered a great variety of interesting products - just one question guys did any of you hear any whispers regarding a new high end Sony headphone?
I was at Sony HQ in Sydney last December and heard a whisper that the MDR-R10 designer (sorry don't remember his name) was possibly working on a new high end Sony headphone I.e. Not the Z7.
May 26, 2015 at 6:39 PM Post #71 of 83
@miceblue  I have zero details about the set-up.
May 29, 2015 at 2:38 AM Post #73 of 83
  Most impressive item I demo`d at the show was ALO`s CDM.  It is pure industrial art, and made my 50ohm UM Mavericks sound distinctly, clearly better than my AK120ii can manage.  It also has 2.5 TRRS in and out, making it a (very expensive) no-brainer for anyone who`s invested in that balanced format.  It`s the one pricey thing I saw that I realized I NEED.  

That ALO CDM looks like a seriously nice piece of kit. I would really like one as well, even though it probably pretty closely mirrors (in function if not quality) my current setup of AK120II and the ALO RK-MKIII-B+.
Any word on price for the CDM? 
Never mind. $1500 I see. Same as the Ethers I'm sure would sound awesome off of it. 
May 29, 2015 at 9:46 AM Post #74 of 83
Fujiya Avic has 4 shops inside the building behind the plaza on the 3rd floor, respectively for audio, pro audio, pro video and photography. Like other shops, the amount of gear in such a small space is simply overwhelming. 

Hello, would you be so kind to tell me the brand name of the item above the hifiman amplifier? It has a really gorgeous appearance and I'd like to investigate it
Thanks a lot!
May 29, 2015 at 7:22 PM Post #75 of 83
Fujiya Avic has 4 shops inside the building behind the plaza on the 3rd floor, respectively for audio, pro audio, pro video and photography. Like other shops, the amount of gear in such a small space is simply overwhelming. 

Hello, would you be so kind to tell me the brand name of the item above the hifiman amplifier? It has a really gorgeous appearance and I'd like to investigate it
Thanks a lot!

AFAIK it is a Japan-only brand: http://www.audiodesign.co.jp/DCHP.htm
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