grado 225
Are the grado 225's worth even considering purchasing before having a amp? I will be using these for home setup(from pc/ipod/other non uber sources)....was pretty set on 225's until I started to hear that some of the top end grado's dont sound good w/o a amp.- metal_monger
- Thread
- alessandro-ms2i grado-labs-sr225e koss-ksc35
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best headphones ever
What would you say are the best headphones ever made, price-no-object. I know its subjective, but if you could have any one pair of headphones to use most of the time, what would it be?- ywd
- Thread
- alessandro-ms-pro grado-rs1 headphones koss-ksc35 sennheiser-orpheus-he-90 sony-mdr-r10
- Replies: 36
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
What koss models use the same "speakers" as the PortaPros?
What Koss models use the same speaker drivers, or whatever it's called, as the PortaPros? Also, will all these models have identical sound considering they are the same speaker driver?- kurt_fire
- Thread
- koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Seeking advice for the £40 ($60) range please
Hi My SR60's broke - the driver gave up, and it wasn't the hair problem. A repair company has told me they can fit new SR60i drivers in them for £40 ($60 USD). My question - should I get the repair with the new SR60i drivers, or is there a headphone on the market that you think is...- KSC35Matt
- Thread
- grado-sr60i-headphones koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open grado-sr60-headphones koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best headphone for all-rounder, around $150
Hi head-fiers, I'm looking to buy an all-rounder headphone, please help me to find it! Budget: around $150 maybe higher a litte bit if it is worth Used to have: ATH-M50, KSC35 Device: laptop with onboard sound card (will upgrade DAC/amp soon), iphone 5 Music genres: Various Sound...- sonic2911
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones krk-kns8400-studio-headphones koss-ksc35
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best Street headphones with Detachable Cable?
Since Forever i always had problem with one side of the head or earphone stopping working because the soldering of the cable to the headphones get loose This happens mostly after 6-7 months of use, the longest they lasted with everyday use is 2 year (Sony) I'm 35 years old and since in...- bluedolphin
- Thread
- v-moda-crossfade-m-80 koss-ksc35 sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone
- Replies: 28
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Which Koss Headphones share the PortaPro driver?
?- salannelson
- Thread
- koss-ktx-pro1 koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open koss-ksc35 a5-pro-philips-headphones koss koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones koss-ur40-collapsible-over-ear-headphones
- Replies: 27
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Your first headphones?
Simply, which headphones were the first you ever used? Excluding things like iBuds and the on-ear foam cheapies that come with walkmans, of course. Mine were the KOSS K/6X Plus. Got them when I was 8, found them at a local garage sale for $5 and made my grandma buy them for me. Didn't...- takato14
- Thread
- koss-ksc35
- Replies: 28
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Koss KSC-35 IN STOCK!!!!
Don't walk... RUN!!! I have no idea how, but APureSound managed to get a stock of brand new Koss KSC35! These have been out of production everywhere for over a year... I am SOO getting a pair to replace my 75s. http://www.apuresound.com/- MrSlacker
- Thread
- koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 52
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Koss KSC75 vs. KSC35
Hello All, I'm still on the fence as to which of the above to buy. I've read a number of post and not reached a conclusion. I've also been informed that the KSC75's are being discontinued. Thanks Mike- JMWarren
- Thread
- koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 21
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Best headphone purchase, worst headphone purchase you have made
What do you consider to be your best and worst headphone purchases so far? WORST: Sennheiser HD-595 (50 ohm) Also my first "good" headphone purchase (early September of 2005). As a gamer and fan of all kinds of music genres, new to headphones and head-fi, I read the praise these headphones...- ferraro25
- Thread
- sennheiser-hd-595-headphones koss-ksc35 grado-sr225i-headphones
- Replies: 339
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
On a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being worst and 10 being best...
... Where would you place 5??? No, really... What headphones do you own, and where would you place those on a scale from 1 to 10?- Flasken
- Thread
- sennheiser-px-100-collapsible-headphones koss-ksc35 etymotic-research-er6-isolator-in-ear-earphones-black sony-nude-ex-mdr-ex-70sl sennheiser-hd-580 beyerdynamic-dt-250-headphones-ear-cup
- Replies: 279
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
How does the Fiio X3 sound with the KOSS KSC35 headphones?
Has anyone tried the KSC35 headphones with the Fiio X3?- Writers Quill
- Thread
- koss-ksc35
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
ksc35 vs mdr-g45
I have been using the Sony MDR-G45 for a year or two now. Last night I broke down and ordered the Koss KSC35 after reading 3 days of great reviews on these jewels. But how much better are they than the Sony's? For serious listening I pull out my Audio Technica ATH-AD700's... Strangely I order...- Praying Mantis
- Thread
- koss-ksc35
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Best Quality For Absolute Lowest Price
I dont need advice but for the new head-fiers needing some suggestions! I think the Koss PortaPros are the best for the lowest price :) i dont like them but they have such good value! No specific genres or type, just all out best value!- -xX-Mew-Xx-
- Thread
- grado-sr60i-headphones sol-republic-tracks superlux-hd-330 koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open shure-srh240a-professional-quality-headphones fostex-t50rp-closed-ear-stereo-headphones digitech-pro-monitor-headphones sennheiser-hd-439-headphones koss-ksc35 sennheiser-hd-419-headphones koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones sony-mdr-v6-monitor-series-headphones
- Replies: 32
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
Question regarding the Koss KSC/35 and the KSC75
I been reading a lot about the KSC series lately and was able to get a new KSC/35 off eBay and a KSC75 at Kmart localy. I am curious as the when was the release date for both, I mean I can see posts for the KSC/35's as far as 2002 and for the KSC75 as old as 2005. Does anyone knows...- cmarti
- Thread
- koss-ksc35
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Members' Lounge (General Discussion)
Need a cheap bassy earbud for work
Looking for a somewhat bass heavy earbud for work. Under 20 bucks What are my options?- Headd
- Thread
- akg-k311-ear-buds akg-k313-ear-buds earbuds koss-ksc35 koss-portapro-headphones-semi-open philips-she3570bk-10-black-in-ear-headphones philips-she3580-28-in-ear-headphones philips-she3590bk-10-in-ear-headphones-black
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Clip comparison with photos - KSC75 - KSC35 - Yuin G2A
In case anyone wondered how they compare and what they all look like next to each other, here's my take in a table and a bunch of photos. Koss KSC75 Koss KSC35 Yuin G2A £12 £30 £40 Price 5 2.5 2 Initial Comfort 4 3 5 Long term Comfort 3 1 4 Speed /...- gregoire
- Thread
- koss-ksc35 yuin-g2a koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones on-ear
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
UR40: The forgotten Koss 60 ohm headphone?
With all the (deserved) buzz about the KSC75's there has also been a lot of talk about the other Koss 60 ohm headphones, namely the: KSC35, Portapro, Sportapro, Portapro 2 and even a little chatter about the KTX Pro1. But in the myriad of threads about these little gems there is one headphone...- mektarus
- Thread
- grado-sr-80 headphones koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones koss-ur40-collapsible-over-ear-headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-590-headphones
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
A companion to sleep on the side with? Yes, I AM in the right forum! ;-)
Hi guys, Glad I found you here. I'm trying to use a sleep hypnosis recording to fall asleep better and need to find earbuds that would be super comfortable for a side sleeper like myself. Everything I've tried so far (under $50) was UNcomfortable to plain painful. Definitely...- sofsof007
- Thread
- ultimate-ears ultimate-ears-700-noise-isolating-earphones koss-ksc35 westone-um1-stage-monitors in-ear bose-ie2-audio-headphones koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 50
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Koss Porta Pro left channel stopped working, should I buy a new pair of porta pros or is there anything comparible in this category?
I have the all black porta pros which are around 2 years old and have the "cloth" style cable. Recently the left channel started cutting out, if I bend the wire right at the jack I can get it working again so for now I put a paper clamp on it lol. I'm just wondering if it would be...- mathesar
- Thread
- koss-ksc35 koss-portapro-headphones-with-case koss koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Disgraceful Koss costumer service
I tried to take advantage of the "Lifetime Warranty" on my Koss Portapro again as yet again the jack had gone wonky. I eventually got a hold of the distributor here in Ireland, TNS Distribution. I sent it off to them and don't hear anything for a few weeks. I eventually emailed them and they...- DJDestroid
- Thread
- cables headphones koss koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones koss-portapro-headphones-with-case over-ear
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
KSC-35: Pinching problem?
So I had previously owned a pair of the venerable KSC-75s which were awesome until they unfortunately broke. Fast forward 5 years and I needed a cheap good sounding, comfortable portable headphone to use at the gym and skating around. So I found a good deal on a pair of KSC35s which from what I...- smittysan89
- Thread
- headphones koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones over-ear
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
GREAT sounding light weight headphones, not IEM.
Are there any GREAT sounding light weight headphones out there? If so, please advise and your thoughts on which full headphones it compares to in sound. One that looks good would be a bonus. Like these.- DjAmTraX
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-dt-235-headphone-white headphones koss-ksc35 koss-ksc75-portable-stereophone-headphones koss-portapro-headphones-with-case over-ear
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
HD 202 or Portapro or any other?
Hi there, I'm a newcomer here in need of some help. Looking for a good headphone which is not too costly. I've never had a good headphones so looking to start somewhere. I tried the HD 202 at a store yesterday and I really liked the sound, not mindblowing but I think that's what I get for the...- Scube
- Thread
- akg-k-450-premium-foldable-headphone audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones headphones koss-ksc35 koss-portapro-headphones-with-case over-ear sennheiser-hd-202-headphones sennheiser-px-100-collapsible-headphones sennheiser-px200-collapsible-high-performance-closed-headphones-black ultrasone-hfi-450
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)