sonic2911 replied to the thread Fostex T50RP 50th Anniversary Edition.I still have one sealed in box :))
sonic2911 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .I think RS2x with F pads
sonic2911 replied to the thread ZMF November 2024 // Schedule - Announcements and MEGATHREAD!.Just changed my direction, it's still at zmf
sonic2911 replied to the thread ZMF November 2024 // Schedule - Announcements and MEGATHREAD!.updated
sonic2911 replied to the thread ZMF November 2024 // Schedule - Announcements and MEGATHREAD!.Is there anyone interested in a rarity Atticus ?
sonic2911 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .I borrowed a RS2x from my friend, Idk why but I can't live with the stock pad on it, sound horrible. With F pads from my 225x...
sonic2911 posted a comment on classifieds listing Grado RS2x.Pm
sonic2911 posted a comment on classifieds listing Grado RS2x.Trade?
sonic2911 replied to the thread Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread.true, this oldie can drive anything nice and shine
sonic2911 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .and about the speed, still the same?
sonic2911 replied to the thread Grado Fan Club! .Lol, it's too far guys. So back to the question, if I liked 225x, would I love the Hemp?