  1. TuBBe

    Denon AH-D2000 earcup size/comfort vs Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro and AKG K 701.

    Hello fellas!   Ive been looking for nice pair of closed headphones for while now. Its not unusual for me to sit 10h straight without taking them off my head, so my headphones have to be pretty comfortable. And offcourse, i have big ears.   First, i tried AKG K 701, and it was horrible...
  2. blinkstar

    Denon D2000 vs. Beyer DT770 Pro 80 ohm Unamped ... Who wins?

    These were my top two choices for new headphones. I ended up getting the Denons, and while there are a lot of things I like about them, comfort-wise they just aren't a good fit. I have a very big head and the clamping force of the Denons combined with the shape of the ear cups just doesn't work...
  3. maxsayer

    Good deals on dt770 pro 80?

    I've been looking and I see a lot of new for 175-200 bucks. I want to know if I can do better, since my go to, Amazon doesn't sell them.
  4. AlienBoy

    Where to buy Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro, 32 ohms version?

    I looked into many places including Amazon, eBay, Best Buy, Newegg, Circuit City, Fry's and even Guitar Center and Sam Ash, but with no luck finding Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro, 32 ohms version...   Can anyone give me some ideas where to look into? I'm also considering the more common 80 ohms...
  5. nikobro

    Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250 or pro 80? Which are the best headphones for metal, dubstep, and some rap?

    So my birthday was a week ago and I was thinking about getting some new cans. I listen to mostly metal (industrial, heavy, screamo), dubstep, and some rap. Being my taste is pretty diverse, I could barely find anything good. I was thinking about the DT 770 pro's with the use of the Fiio...
  6. cactus_farmer

    Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80ohms: How is the treble?

    I've read some posts saying that the headphone is dark altogether with a recessed midrange and recessed treble, and others saying that it is 'V' shaped in frequency response with forward bass and forward treble...?   Can anyone clear it up for me?   For example, compared to the highs of...
  7. evgeny3d

    AKG K541 vs. Grado SR80i or Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO 250 ohms

    Hello.   I'm new in headphones hobby and try to get some good phones please help to choose right one. I like dubstep and doom black metal, also some classic music. Most of my music is flac format on PC,and have NuForce uDac - 2 Headphone Amplifier, But also have AV Recievr Denon...
  8. Godot

    Don't know what to do; need help (AKG K 272 HD & Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO, 250 Ohm)

    So, I've recently bought VSonic VC02 IEMs on account of what I read about them and other IEMs here, and while I'm satisfied with them I'm now thinking that I might upgrade my old Sennheiser HD201 to something better as well (seems like you've successfully infected me too). I'm looking for...
  9. drift97

    your opinions of Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro 250Ohms

    i'm thinking of getting the DT 770's in december. i wanted to know what you guys think of it. I mostly listen to rock and house music. if i do buy it i was planning on pairing it with a fiiO e7 DAC/amp. which would connect to my PC/ipod. just want a feel for what you guys think. 
  10. juked

    My Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80 dont like high volume?

    Well hello there.   I just bought the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80. They play really well on low-mid- mid/high, but when I hear some good tunes, and what to crank up the volume, the DT770 really sounds like some 10$ cans playing on high volume on an amplifier. And the bass is also good on...
  11. protocol

    Portable amp for 250 Ohm Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro

    Relatively new to the whole audio side of things so any help & advice will be greatly appreciated.    Recently treat myself to a pair of 250 Ohm Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro's for personal use (gaming, listening to music etc). I was intending to use them with a sound card I bought for my computer...
  12. Smiller4128

    Can I use a DSS2 and a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 80 Ohm(s) for PS3/Xbox 360 Surround Sound Gaming?

    Just wondering if I'd be able to get a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770's (80 Ohm) and hook them up to a Turtle Beach DSS2 for Surround Sound gaming on my Xbox 360 and Surround Sound Movie watching for Blu Ray's on my PS3?
  13. bonoscot

    Beyerdynamic Custom White DT 770 PRO 80 DJ / Studio Headphones DT770pro VS akg k701

    Guys i have narrowed these two down in my list,unfortnualtly havent had a chance to listen to either of them..   I am using on PC with soundcard,and for samsung s3.   They will be used for gaming mostly on PC..followed by Movies  then Rock/ambient/Indie Music.   Anyone know of these...
  14. Callmeclunky

    Buzzing noise in Beyerdynamic DT770Pro fix?

    I own a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770Pro's, and I think they're awesome. But lately, I've noticed an annoying buzzing sound coming from the right ear cup during low frequencies. I tested it from different sources and on different phones, and the problem appears to be coming from the Beyer's.  ...
  15. juked

    X-Fi elite pro vs dac/new sound card and DT770pro

    hello there.   here is my problem i've been trying to google and read without succecs.   i im going to buy beyerdynamics 770DT pro 80ohm headphones. And im going use them on my computer. For now i have sony mdr-v700 hooked up to X-Fi elite pro.   if i understand correctly, the...
  16. akash neagi

    Need Help!!!! Sony MDR-1RBT or Audio Technica M50 or Sennheiser Momentum or V-Moda M-100

    Long time window shopper, this time I want to buy something for myself. I can extend my budget to Aussie $400 for the MDR-1RBT but not any higher than that. I am going to use a headphone amp I was thinking of getting a Fiio E17. I will mostly use my Galaxy Note II to listen to songs on the...
  17. xledruidx

    help with amp easy

    hey people of head-fi im buying either the dt770 80ohm   dt990 250ohm pro   what different amp woud i need to use on them? too get good sound quality. (only buying one of the above mentioned headphones) i like the fiio if this is any help
  18. tseliottt

    To anyone having issues with the Audio Technica wing system.

        It's that easy. I would have assumed people would be able to figure out something so obvious, but I always read complaints about the wing system. I'm sure you could make it prettier if you wanted to.   After this "mod" they are one of the most comfortable headphones I've ever worn...
  19. PR3570N

    Over-ear headphones with no sound leaking

    Hey guys!   I'm trying to find some portable (or at least semi-portable) headphones. But I have a situation that's kinda tricky for me to find some good cans.   I find in-ear and on-ear headphones extremely uncomfortable, so I need a pair of over-ear headphones. But I need to be able to...
  20. darthdader

    V-MODA M100 good for gaming?

    I am thinking about buying V-MODA M100's.  Is it possible to make them compatible with xbox 360 with an astro mixamp or something of that sort.  Also is the Boom Pro Mic for m100s compatible for xbox or just pc.
  21. Jakoul

    Need A Recommendation ~$160 Sennheiser Not A Option

    I currently have a pair of cheap Sony MDR-V150s which feel and sound great for only $20 but I have moved in with my friend. Our desktops are right next to each other and they have a tendency to yell in to their microphones which in turn hurt my ears. Said friend is offering to buy me a new pair...
  22. jam3s121

    $150-$250 help finding good all rounders,

    I know theres a thread but I felt like what I was going to be posting was very long and I keep getting the same reponses that I don't feel are what I'm looking for.    I currently own AD700s, with a titanium HD sound card. Main listening will be at home on my pc, but I am not opposted to...
  23. mg2550arch

    Beyerdynamic DT770PRO LE vs AKG K550

    I think both are very good headphones each one with its advantages. At first I found the DT770LE a little more fun. After listening to both several weeks, the impression fades a bit. Then I start to enjoy more the k550, due to its technical superiority. The Beyer works best for a more casual...
  24. Nimitz87

    DT770 pro(80ohm) vs Ultrasone 750 PRO vs Ultrasone HFI 780's + astro mixamp

    OK I plan on using these mainly for listening to music on my PC and gaming on my xbox 360, I also have already purchased a 2013 Astro mix-amp for gaming and live streaming while using any of these headphones.   from what I have read it seems the 750 pros's have a tighter/cleaner bass than...
  25. drmrwt

    Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 ohms complimenting AMP or AMP/DAC under 175$, HELP!

    Heya,   As the title says need an amp complementing my DT770's 250ohm sound. I was thinking of getting an odac and then pairing it to the amp you guys suggest.   your help would be much appreciated   Regards.