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  • Users: jaqueh
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  1. jaqueh

    Opinion on JBL Duet III

    Does anyone at head-fi own these and can recommend me if I should get them or not? I am looking for clear, precise bass, good treble extension, and a nice midrange. Soundstage and detail/separation are not quite as important in such a low costing speaker.    I've tried searching for anyone's...
  2. jaqueh

    Really disappointed with the gigaworks T20

    I was looking for speakers recently and found a bunch of forums including head-fi that said that the Creative Gigaworks T20 are some of the best speakers for the price and size ever made. I decided to get them because I needed 2.0 speakers because I was tired of really bassy speakers that most...
  3. jaqueh

    extreme treble roll off on A151

    Is anyone experiencing treble roll off at 8khz? Like right at the cusp of being able to notice crispiness aka "t" or "s" sounds. Also, all the  harmonics from the music i normally listen to is completely absent when i listen to these. Now i know that BAs aren't very capable of producing a broad...
  4. jaqueh

    A post dedicated to the wonderful company known as Meelectronics--and hopefully this will become a thread

       So, all throughout this entire month my fourth pair of CC51s left speaker started to short and both the left and right speaker housings were once again falling apart, but I was almost embarrassed to ask meelectronics to send me yet another CC51 because i just knew that in a couple of weeks i...
  5. jaqueh

    can anyone what i need to hook SSB1000 2.0 speakers to my computer

    Do i need an RCA-->headphone jack adapter? and does it come with a power unit or do i need to supply my own, if i need my own do u guys have any recs.?   These are really great for the price right?  ...
  6. jaqueh

    how does audio work on a computer?

    Vague title, but does the soundcard get its information directly from the hard drive or does the hard drive first cache some on the RAM or something and then the soundcard accesses it with better speed. Basically what i am asking is how can buying a new soundcard improve a computer's audio...
  7. jaqueh

    DreamTheater's new album, "A Dramatic Turn of Events"

    Literally in my opinion, DreamTheater hasn't made a good album since "Images and Words", sure they've had some very good songs on some of their recent albums, but as a whole most of their albums become dated really quickly and end up sounding like a mess of ideas. So, i'm asking if you guys...
  8. jaqueh

    potential question many new tf10 owners might be asking:

    So i have heard many things about these headphone's fit problems, and personally I have never had a single issue ever with fit in my whole lifetime with iems, and i have owned many. So what are some foams or olives that you'd recommend in place of the stocks? However, my main concern is these...
  9. jaqueh

    build quality issues with the cc51's?

    Has anyone else had any build quality issues with their meelectronic cc51's? A week after I got mine the mic and remote stopped working and that third wire connecting all of that to the headphone jack probably shorted. And the final nail, today I woke up and tried to put the left earpiece into...
  10. jaqueh

    Who likes a challenge?

    If you do then please help me find some new under $100 IEMs for metal.   So just today my pl30's, which I loved since they sounded like a poor man's silver bullets, had its wires caught in my bike wheel and snapped off the wire connecting to the speakers. On top of that, just two months ago...
  11. jaqueh

    re0 v ue700

    weird comparison i know, one being dynamic and the being DBA.   But which one is more similar to the sound signature that i seem to enjoy for metal: Cold sounding and very fast, good separation of instruments, decent soundstage (not too important), bass needs to be present, decent timbre...
  12. jaqueh

    Silver bullet impressions and questions:

    I finally got my fischer audio silver bullets, it took about 2.5 weeks to get here, a week and a half late for my birthday but that was to be expected i guess when you're dealing with the russian post. After I tore open GDaudiobase's spare packaging, I found the box to be decent, but what really...
  13. jaqueh

    thoughts on the srh440 with 840 pads

    I complained to shure a couple days ago about how i could fear the drivers digging themselves into my earlobes and they decided to send me 840 pads. The first thing i noticed is how much more mesh was on the 840 pads then the 440s. Well, I replaced them, and i found that the treble was...
  14. jaqueh

    midrange IEM, sub $100, good for metal [choosing among Ety ep-6, addiem, UE 5, creative in ear2, SWXSCAPE]

    The three things that I look for in a pair of headphones are detail, instrument seperation, and bass quality. Since I listen to metal, I would rather have the headphones produce the bass sounds    I currently own the ne-6, and find their bass to be too boomy and there is no instrument...
  15. jaqueh

    To all addiem owners: are these worth ~$70? bonus if you like metal!

    I really think that I have a preference for fast headphones, considering that I mainly listen to metal, prog, and rock. My SRH440, I believe drove that point home for me. Well my birthday is coming up, and I've completely gotten tired of the NE6, they are really muddy and not suitable for metal...
  16. jaqueh

    are klipsch's s4 the best deal in the sub, but almost $50 headphone market?

    I recently lost my cx500s (again); in fact, this is the fourth pair of earphones that i have lost in under 6 months. I got the nuforce ne6 as a replacement, but I am just not too thrilled by them. I find the detail and instrument seperation to be completely lacking as i do mainly listen to...
  17. jaqueh

    Ne6/7m same driver as sennheiser cx series/creative ep series?

    I recently purchased the nuforce ne-6 as a replacement for my senn cx500 that i had also recently purchased but lost because of carelessness. They seem to reproduce sounds alarmingly similarly and even have the eerily similar driver opening appearance and sizes. The only thing that I notice is...
  18. jaqueh

    RE0 v RE2

    Does anyone own the two headphones and can explain what the almost $50 difference in price means what kind of sacrifices i would hear if i got the re2 instead of the re0. I currently own cx500's, which have great drum reproduction, but is lacking in all other aspects, especially in detail and...
  19. jaqueh

    [Review] Klipsch S2 (new! added Klipsch S4 impressions)

    In my quest for the perfect sub $40 in-ear earphone, sadly I have fallen short again with these Klipcshes.    I bought these earphones off of amazon a while back for just $25, based almost entirely on its looks and the brand name since i couldn't find many quality reviews for them. Some...
  20. jaqueh

    mee-M6 painfully harsh sibilance?

    I mainly listen to metal and other various forms of prog related genres, which include distorted guitars and drums. For this, the meelectronics M6 that i bought just is not satisfactory. First off, their impedance is too great for a cheap IEM that i would just like to use at the gym or while...
  21. jaqueh

    sennheiser cx300II, mee. M9 M6, jbud 2 or jbud 3, or nuforce

    I lost my earphones again, and I would really like to buy more expensive headphones but knowing my track record means that i can't afford anything above $30. These are the headphones that i need to choose among because of that price restrction. Have any fo you guys heard anything about these...
  22. jaqueh

    cx300's mud? did i get a fake?

    don't know if i got fakes or not. but are they supposed to sound like an earwax buildup? i had the cx500s, which may or may not have been fake, and they sound leagues above the cx300s; mind you this is the first generation cx300.
  23. jaqueh

    to all the owners of the srh440,

    do i need to get an amp to get that "extra" kick of bass out of these cans. they sound great and all, but they really are missing boominess that i think may be caused by me just plugging them in directly to my laptop.
  24. jaqueh

    Need new iems for under $30

    Well, i'm an idiot. Over the course of just half a year, i managed to lose 3 different pairs of earphones. One was the beloved MDREX75, which were just fantastic, but the cable stopped working anyways. Then i got the senn 500cx, which i am now worried to buy because of fakes, besides i thought...
  25. jaqueh

    need help buying new headphones--deciding between Sony XB700 and Shure 440!

    Which headphone do you prefer more. Some information about myself: i listen to really all genres of music. Classical, jazz, metal, prog, rock, blues, some rap...anything; so i narrowed the search down to the Sonys and Shures as they are both comfortable and fairly even across the board, at least...