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  1. thestumper

    ETY E6i VS E2cs/gs

    Completely different. ETY's are "OK" in the bass department, not great, but you'll get detail in the highs and mids that you never knew existed. If you truly want more bass and are willing to sacrifice a little of the ETY detail, the Westone UM1's aren't a bad compromise for around the same...
  2. thestumper

    Help a head-fier cope with poor recording blues

    I don't know what kind of music youtypically listen to, but anyone who listens to a lot of jazz suffers through this on a regular basis. Some of the really good old stuff, even in remastered form, is the pits in terms of sound quality, but the music is brilliant and timeless. You can't get blood...
  3. thestumper

    UM1 first impressions, or Curse You Head-FI!

    Quote: Originally Posted by JeffS I just want a laid back, analytical, detailed, crisp, warm, fun sound. Is that so much to ask from an IEM? Is it really???? -Jeff Actually, in my opinion, yes. You usually get some combination of those things, but typically not all in one. It...
  4. thestumper

    A Sordid Headphone Tale

    Quote: Originally Posted by Scotty757 Basically, he stole MAYBE $10 worth of cd player, leaving $500 worth of IEM dangling from my ears. Needless to say, it was a good night. In Texas, he's damn lucky he wasn't out-gunned I had a car stolen years back. There wasn't much...
  5. thestumper

    what are the best in-ear earphones on ther world?

    The ones you really enjoy. Seriously. Thats all that matters.
  6. thestumper

    Need new ear-buds for 5G iPod to replace EX-51's ($15 for Rubber no-way bye-bye Sony)

    Reports are that the 6i lacks a little in the bass department, but has more detail than just about anything in the price range. They should be a serious consideration if you can find them at your price point. Very nice by most accounts. I have no idea what Westone UM1's would cost in your...
  7. thestumper

    X5 + IEM = Sad Wallet (Suggestions plz)

    Quote: Originally Posted by -Paolo- I'm seriously considering the E4, but the UM1's seem attractive, but have been getting negative reviews as of late. The UM1's are very good IEM's. You need to experiment with the tips and seal to get the best out of them, but they are very...
  8. thestumper

    IEMs or not - please help

    ...are concerned, they can be widened. It requires a bone drill, a delicate, patient surgeon, anywhere from 6-8 hours on an operating table, and craploads of pain when you wake up. Ask me how I know The upside is that I can hear extremely well now; my ears don't clog up, and my canal on the...
  9. thestumper

    Disappointed with UM1

    The UM1's aren't bad; they do lack some detail/clarity but provide a very mellow listening experience. With a good seal, they provide great bass, excellent dynamics, and they are very comfortable. They are worth a listen, and if you don't like them, thats cool. I had them for a while, and the...
  10. thestumper

    Just got 5 PRO

    Quote: Originally Posted by rincewind Kool So what if i dug deep and got say a Total Airhead and one of the better IEMs? *starts looking down the back of the sofa* What "factor" better then.. Its hard to assign a factor because everyone's listening preferences are so different...
  11. thestumper

    SuperFi 5 Pro's and Classical Music...

    Absolutely fabulous! I listen to Jazz most of the time but today I decided to break out some of my classical collection. VERY nice!!! Just wanted to throw that out there for anyone who is considering IEM's and is a big classical music geek. I continue to be impressed by these 5 Pro's.
  12. thestumper

    My new baby. The NAD 514.

    I have a NAD 512 that I still count as one of my favorite audio components. Its at my parents house at the moment, but they rarely use it. Will bring it back home someday. It was my first "real" quality cd player. Love it. I still think the 512 and 514 were two of NAD's best CD players of...
  13. thestumper

    Just got 5 PRO

    ...over the Sony's, compared to say the Super.Fi 3? I know their in a difference bracket, but if I won't be amping them, are the "better" IEM's really *that* much better? Cos for the price of the Pro 5's, I could get a Bithead/similar and the Super.Fi 3/similar... Which way would be better...
  14. thestumper

    Shure E2c Sound Isolating Earphones?

    Don't overlook the Westone UM1's. I had e2c's and they're good, but the Westones are a little more well-rounded. Great bass, but no overpowering. Very comfortable. Great customer service, just like Shure.
  15. thestumper

    Wanting to get into canal phones

    Quote: Originally Posted by brschmid I am not looking for a Bass monster I want something balanced that will still have bass if i choose to listen to rap or dance type music, will the UM1 work for that? btw: i see you are from one of my favorite areas in the country, hoping to move...
  16. thestumper Earphones with Ipod = Distortion

    Couple of questions: -What volume levels are you listening at ? - Are you using EQ The volume thing is self explanatory; depending on the headphones, cranking it up to 11 could cause distortion. that doesn't sound like what you are describing. The iPods hve crappy EQ. If you have the...
  17. thestumper

    UE SuperFi 5 Pro vs. Westone UM1

    Thats yet another thing I neglected to mention; with the UM1's, I felt the need to EQ them to get the sound I wanted. With the SuperFi's, I don't use any EQ. They are very easy to drive and much more pleasing to use at low volume levels.
  18. thestumper 5 pro seal difficulties

    Due to strange ear issues from the pst, I have to use different size tips for each ear. Large for right, and medium for left. They do seal very well though.
  19. thestumper

    Variance in Sound quility from same brand Super.Fi 5 Pro??

    Quote: Originally Posted by AdamP LOL. What kind of a noob question is that? LMAO You'd have to be a mongoloid not to realize that. And you'd have to be a dick to say something like that... To the issue at hand, my Superfi 5 Pro's landed two days ago from Earphone...
  20. thestumper

    Super-fi 5Pros arrived today...

    I'm rocking to some Ahmad Jamal (Jazz Piano) right now. Exceptionally well recorded material, and its never sounded better! Happily, some of my older, lower quality stuff (ie: most of my Coltrane, dammit...) sounds much better. Its still not great, but its good enough. Then again, Coltrane is...
  21. thestumper

    UE SuperFi 5 Pro vs. Westone UM1

    Quote: Originally Posted by boss Excellent analysis. Did you get your SF5P's from earphonesolutions? I'm still waiting for mine to ship (ordered 02/28). Anyway, I don't doubt that they'll trump my current best cans, the HD497, in terms of sound quality. Since these will be my first IEMs...
  22. thestumper

    UE SuperFi 5 Pro vs. Westone UM1

    Quote: Originally Posted by tuan209 Nice is the comfort level of the Super fi 5 compared to the UM1? Crap, I should have added that! They're both pretty good. The UM1 comfort stems largely from the Comply tips that I've been using. With flange-type tips, I...
  23. thestumper

    Ipod Hifi Initial sound impression

    Quote: Originally Posted by 9kRPM No matter how this thing sounds it'll probably still sell well..... along with the amazing new $99 leather cases. This one might be the exception. The stuff already in the Apple Stores represents better value. Unless Apple boots out those other...
  24. thestumper

    UE SuperFi 5 Pro vs. Westone UM1

    OK, so we all know that this isn't exactly a fair comparison for any number of reasons, but for people with a tight budget, it might be usefull... Background: About 2 weeks ago I picked up a set of Westone UM1's to replace my Shure E2C's. Mostly due to comfort reasons, but I was also looking...
  25. thestumper

    sf5p embarrassment

    Try pulling down on the lobe with your "off" hand while pulling them out witht the other. Made the process a bit easier for me...