UE SuperFi 5 Pro vs. Westone UM1
Mar 3, 2006 at 3:46 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 9


New Head-Fier
Jan 31, 2006
OK, so we all know that this isn't exactly a fair comparison for any number of reasons, but for people with a tight budget, it might be usefull...

Background: About 2 weeks ago I picked up a set of Westone UM1's to replace my Shure E2C's. Mostly due to comfort reasons, but I was also looking for something a little nicer. Mission accomplished; the UM1's were considerably better than the Shure's (I won't do into detail: search for my mini-review if your curious). Two days after I ordered the Shure's, the SuperFi Pro's came down to $150 with a rebate. I couldn't resist the temptation based on what I read here, so I broke down and ordered a pair. After one day of SuperFi 5 Pro (SF5P) experimentation, here are the preliminary results:

Note: I won't keep anyone in suspense: I'm keeping the SF5P's. If thats all you needed to know, move along

Bass: Wow. Just... wow. Powerful and tight. About all I could expect from an IEM. I can't imagine anyone needing the EB model - they'd ratlle my brain out
Very "musical" base too. Not just a drone or thump; you can get all the nuances of acoustic bass and kick drums (I listen to a LOT of jazz). They have as much or more than the UM1's, and its cleaner. UM1's are slightly muddy by comparison - the frequency response is there, but the detail is lacking.

Highs: Excellent. Slightly rolled off at the extremes, but this jives with what I read here and I prefer this. They extend much further than the UM1. Cleaner with considerably more detail, but not so much as to make things shrill or overly analytic. Again, very musical, and easy to listen to. Since this was my biggest issue with the UM1's, suffice it to say that I was very pleasantly surprised.

Mids: VERY nice. I had thought that the UM1's had pretty good mids, and they do... its just that the SF5P's are better. Extremely musical, but detailed enough to uncover the subtlties in my music. "Open" and "unveiled' are words I'd use to describe them. In contrast, the UM1's are just slightly more "compressed" - they're still good, but they just can't match the overall quality of the SuperFi's.

Overall Balance: If anything, they might be slightly bass-heavy for some. For me they are perfect, but you WILL get the low end drive you've been looking for with these, make no mistake about it. For a non-custom IEM, I don't think it gets much better.

Soundstage: I never associated soundstage with IEM's before now. These things actually have a nice, wide soundstage. Instrument placement is very good-things actually exist in 3D space. I forgot how much I missed this from my hi-fi geek days

Isolation: Very good for both, but with the Comply tips, the UM1's take the prize. You can REALLY shut out the world with those suckers. The SuperFi's are fine - and probably a little safer, but if you truly need to tune it ALL out, the UM1's (and I surmise the UM2's) are your ticket.

Subjective: The SuperFi's really draw me in - much more so than the UM1's. By comparison, the UM1's seem to be simply "serving a purpose" or "getting the job done". They do this very well, but the Superfi's really involve me. The balance and musicality are simply a cut above. If your just using your IEM's for basic listening (exercising, travel, etc...) and you don't really want to get sucked into the music, the UM1's make a lot of sense. If you really want a listening EXPERIENCE, then the SuperFi's become the logical choice.

Build Quality: I give the UM1's a definite edge here. The cord design is way better, and they just seem more solid. It will be interesting to see how the SF5P's hold up to the road over time. I'm not saying they're cheap; its just that they don't have that quality feel that the Westone's have.

Value: At $150 for the SF5P's, its a draw - maybe and edge to the SFP's. at $200, the UM1 has the edge.

Random Thoughts: So... we've learned... nothing. I fully expected a dual driver, $200 (normal street price) IEM to deliver a better listining experience than a $100 single driver model. The big suprise is how good the UM1's really are at their price point. For $150, the SuperFi's are a bargain, and a keeper. At $200, I don't know that they're twice as good. Maybe they are, but you'd be splitting hairs to find a better IEM in the $100 range.

Disclaimer: I don't really know what I'm talking about. Its like art - I know what I like (or in this case, hear). I'm sure there's better IEM sound out there for more money. I'm also sure that depending on your priorities, you may very well prefer another similarly priced or cheaper IEM for your tastes. That said, the UM1's and the SuperFi 5 Pro's are definitely worth a listen.
Mar 3, 2006 at 4:35 AM Post #3 of 9

Originally Posted by tuan209
Nice review.....how is the comfort level of the Super fi 5 compared to the UM1?

Crap, I should have added that!

They're both pretty good. The UM1 comfort stems largely from the Comply tips that I've been using. With flange-type tips, I would put them on equal footing. The soft SuperFi tips are pretty nice; I was worried initially but I think they'll work out fine.

Cosmetically, the SuperFi's stick out of your ears more, but not to the extent that I'd be embarassed to be seen in them.

Note: I've had them in for well over an hour at this point with no discomfort yet.
Mar 3, 2006 at 4:37 AM Post #4 of 9
Excellent analysis. Did you get your SF5P's from earphonesolutions? I'm still waiting for mine to ship (ordered 02/28). Anyway, I don't doubt that they'll trump my current best cans, the HD497, in terms of sound quality. Since these will be my first IEMs, I'm mainly worried about fit, comfort, and durability (a category in which you gave a caution). Did you have trouble adapting to your first pair of IEMs?
Mar 3, 2006 at 3:26 PM Post #5 of 9

Originally Posted by boss
Excellent analysis. Did you get your SF5P's from earphonesolutions? I'm still waiting for mine to ship (ordered 02/28). Anyway, I don't doubt that they'll trump my current best cans, the HD497, in terms of sound quality. Since these will be my first IEMs, I'm mainly worried about fit, comfort, and durability (a category in which you gave a caution). Did you have trouble adapting to your first pair of IEMs?

Yes, I got them from Earphone Solutions. You should have them soon; mine were the black ones. I think what happened is that they were expecting a shipment early, which they got, but so many orders came in that they coudln't fill them all with the first lot so they pushed the date out. I jumped in early and must have been lucky with the first batch.

My first pair of IEM's were Shure E2C's about three years ago. I loved the sound but hated them in my ears for the first month or so. I took me a while to figure out a good seal. Over time, my ears adapted and they didn't bother me much, but the Shure's were never really comfortable. The SuperFi's are proving to be much more comfortable.

The SuperFi's are well made; I don't want to give any wrong impressions. The Westones are just like ingots, and their cable rocks - thats all. The only real issue I see becomming a problem witht the SuperFi's are the cables, and UE has supposedly improved these. Replaceable cables are a huge plus as far as I'm concerned. Also, UE is reported to have superb customer service. I hope I never need them, but its good to know they are there for you if something goes wrong.

For fit, they come with an assortment of tips. A couple of foamies, flanges, and other tips are included in the packaging. I'm confident you'll find what you need in the assortment.

The only thing I'm not sold on yet is the memory wire that covers the cable near your ears. You bend it, and it stays in that position. The theory is that once you got it bent to your liking, it will stay that way and facilitate easy insertion. I'm getting used to it, but it was odd at first. I suspect I'll come to appreciate it in time. Its not uncomfortable, just something to adapt to.
Mar 4, 2006 at 9:38 PM Post #6 of 9
i was deciding between these two models and ended up with the superfis. they put my beloved 497s to shame! my only complaint is the realtive lack of isolation compared to the ER6s i've tried.i guess the form factor could be bothersome at times too.
Mar 5, 2006 at 12:49 PM Post #7 of 9
Nice review! Right on the money! I also took advantage of the Earphone Solutions $150 price and received mine on 2/28. They fit and sealed my ears right out of the box and sound awesome! My purposes for these are to use with my 60Gb iPod Video. With my other headphones (Sennheiser PX100's, HD 650's w/ZuMobius cables, Apple Ear buds) I use a HeadRoom Total AirHead amp for volume increase on certain types of music and some particular songs with low amplitude. So far it doesn't seem necessary with the super.fi 5Pro™ (more efficient for portables). Any setting above 70% is very loud! The bass seems extremely balanced, glad I didn't get the super.fi 5EB™ which claim to be bass extended, although have never listened to them, just saying the Pro’s have plenty of bass.
Mar 5, 2006 at 2:49 PM Post #8 of 9
Thats yet another thing I neglected to mention; with the UM1's, I felt the need to EQ them to get the sound I wanted. With the SuperFi's, I don't use any EQ. They are very easy to drive and much more pleasing to use at low volume levels.
Mar 5, 2006 at 5:51 PM Post #9 of 9

Originally Posted by thestumper
Thats yet another thing I neglected to mention; with the UM1's, I felt the need to EQ them to get the sound I wanted. With the SuperFi's, I don't use any EQ. They are very easy to drive and much more pleasing to use at low volume levels.

I'm so glad we have similar experience, seeing as i too both have them.

In addition:

in the MICROPHONICS category through obsevation:

The UM1 outmatches the SF5Ps; meaning, almost no microphonics is heard in the um1s braided cord---very cool and is an epitome of a good innovation......But in sf5ps, i guess you really have to just pay attention to the musical experience instead of the slight microphonics its low-friction cord is emitting.

I hope this helps...

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