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  • Users: Squeek
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  1. Squeek

    Suggestions for liquidating CD collection?

    I've got a problem, if you could call it a problem.  First world problems, I know.   I have hundreds of compact discs sitting in boxes in my basement.  None of them have received any play in years.  All of my music is transported electronically, and the discs were ripped to hard drives years...
  2. Squeek

    Which Portable Amp from These Three?

    The JDS c421   I would choose the OPA2227 configuration $185   The Neco Soundlab V3   I would kick up the money for the...
  3. Squeek

    Favour from an American Head Fier?

    I'm looking for an American headfier who would be so kind as to accept a package from and forward it on to me up here in Canada.    I, of course, would be willing to return the favour (not that sweet of a deal, I know) and provide some kind of reimbursement for the time and...
  4. Squeek

    Fashion Model Runway Slip

    This actually had me in tears I was laughing so hard...
  5. Squeek

    E3 2007

    ...look amazing) -still trying to wrangle the young and old to live with some trivia games and a friendlier remote -No Halo 3 delay -CoD 4 looks *freaking outstanding* -- 360 only multiplayer beta -PGR 4 has bikes and dynamic weather, looks really good -next Splinter Cell exclusive to 360...
  6. Squeek

    I suffer from a touch of "germaphobia"

    ...and cooking utensils, and if you ever eat my cooking, you can be sure that I prepared it with the utmost care. I know it is not a healthy *mild* obsession. I know that my immune system needs exposure to germs to practice on. I know that outside of the operating room there is no such thing...
  7. Squeek

    Squeezebox 3 help please! *and the abyssmal CS of Squeezebox*

    So I've had a Squeezebox for a year or so. I love it. It has changed the way I listen to music. A week ago, my computer went haywire. It all of a sudden hated my iPod and the Squeezebox, so I DBAN'd and did a fresh install. It was time. I had backed up all of my music, and transferred it back...
  8. Squeek

    Amazing Music Recommendations...From A to Z

    I figured I'd try a new take on the music recommendation thread. Recommend one album in alphabetical order with a quick blurb about the artist or album. For example, I will post an album by an artist that starts with the letter 'A' and the next poster should make a recommendation from an...
  9. Squeek

    The Verve are reuniting

    See below... Quote: According to a post on the group's newly launched Web site (, Richard Ashcroft, Nick McCabe, Simon Jones and Pete Salisbury were in a London studio last week laying down tracks for the album, which will be completed in the fall. The Verve...
  10. Squeek

    Garmin NUVI line QC issues of late? Anyone?...Anyone?...Bueller?

    I posted this at GPSpassion a few days ago. Apparently a lot of folks seem to be having trouble acquiring satellites with their NUVI line GPS within the last month or so... I bought my first NUVI 350 about a year and a half ago. The thing was amazing! I could have buried it in a pit in my...
  11. Squeek

    Chocolate Factory!!!

    My GF and I took a day trip today to the Hershey Chocolate factory in Smith Falls Ontario. Most excellent! Is there anyone that would not get giddy about going to a chocolate factory? I dare you to find someone that would hate it. As soon as we stepped out of the car the delicious smell of...
  12. Squeek

    A BIG Headfi Welcome to...Superchunk!

    My cousin Andrew has recently become a board member under the name Superchunk. A long time lurker, he has finally bitten the bullet, gotten a pair of MS1's and signed up. There is a photo of him with me in the post a photo thread, which he is very upset about, but I can't find it for the life of...
  13. Squeek

    Recipe-Fi *Share your favourite recipes!*

    I was replying to the Steak-Fi thread when I thought about how much I love to cook and eat. I am always willing to try a new recipe, and I love to get recommendations. I can't be alone in my love of gastronomy! Perhaps everyone could post a recipe, or a few recipes that they love? Hell, we could...
  14. Squeek

    Cool Youtube vid

    I don't know if this is old or not, but it is pretty awesome...he claims to not play drums nor piano, if that is true he has a great musical sensibility.
  15. Squeek

    Dr Marten's using dead rock icons in print ads

    I don't know if anyone has seen these yet...they were leaked by an employee at the ad agency that created them and were set to run in print in the UK. Due to an explosion of disgust, they won't be ran, and Airware has terminated the contract with Saatchi & Saatchi. The ads feature Kurt Cobain...
  16. Squeek

    The Fountain OST

    I rented this movie a few nights ago. I meant to see it in the theatres as I am a fan of Aronofsky's other work. Great movie, I was not disappointed. Also, great soundtrack! I expected as much after Requiem for a Dream and again, I was not disappointed. If you haven't heard it yet, give it a...
  17. Squeek

    What to do? Serious help needed! (work related)

    I hate my job. I have for a long time. Some may know what I do, but for those that don't, I am a bill collector for a major credit card company. I deal solely with delinquent accounts and attempt to make the customers pay what they owe. It is a scummy job, I realise this, but I long ago came...
  18. Squeek

    Craig Ferguson *MUST WATCH!*

    These clips exemplify what is missing in television. A big, whopping dose of honesty. I've seen his show a few times, but not nearly as much as I should apparently, because I have been missing out on something special. When he talks about watching tv with his father there is a pure moment of...
  19. Squeek

    Xbox Live Arcade

    I know there are a few Xbox threads on the go, but none dedicated to the Arcade aspect of XBL. There are two super sweet games coming to the service... Ikaruga - One of the best 2d shooters ever made. The semi-sequel to Radiant Silvergun. It showed up on the DC and on the Gamecube, but...
  20. Squeek

    Anyone in Waterloo?

    I need a favour from someone in involves picking up an item and shipping it to me in Ottawa. I would be very grateful for any offers of assistance! Cheers
  21. Squeek

    I saw Xavier Rudd last night in Ottawa

    What a great show! It was a very small venue, at the Bronson Centre in Ottawa (it used to be a catholic high school). If I were to guess, I'd say around 500 people. The energy there was amazing. About half way through "Let Me Be" about 75 people made their way to the front of the stage to...
  22. Squeek

    WSIB Commercials

    **Not for the faint of heart** WSIB is the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. They have released a series of explicit, hard hitting ads showcasing dangers in the workplace. These are disturbing. The first time I saw this ad I nearly fell off the couch! I doubt many have seen them as...
  23. Squeek

    John Butler Trio - Sunrise Over Sea

    Amazing. I don't know who recommended me this album, but it was someone here, and thanks! It is extraordinary.
  24. Squeek

    Amadou and Mariam - Dimanche a Bamako

    The blind couple from Mali...I came across these two a few months ago and the album has been in heavy rotation ever since. It never fails to get my foot tapping! See the Wiki article This is a terrific album. I did a search and did not find...
  25. Squeek

    Have you ever seen a blues shred like this? My jaw is on the floor.