Westone ES5
May 29, 2011 at 7:35 AM Post #2,386 of 5,554
Hello Mopshond,

From Jaben Audio, I've tried both the ES5 and JH16 Pro demos.
Now mind you the owner of Jaben Audio Hk clearly stated that at most a demo will only represent 30-40% of the actual SQ of a proper custom, due to improper sealing and such.
In all respect to the JH 16Pro, which definitely has wonderful bass and it sounds similar to a portable surround sound system and definitely has wonderful bass, if your a big fan of the low end frequencies. However for my personal preferences I don't exactly like that sense of enveloping bass, for the JH16 Pro the bass is extremely strong, its comparable to a full sized headphone, its definitely spectacular but simply not for my tastes :)
However if you're someone that loves bass, especially enveloping bass then I would definitely recommend the Jh16 Pro, but if your someone that doesn't want a heavy bass IEM then JH 16 is definitely not the right choice for you.

What do you think about the ES5s sound? I've only tried the demo and I love it. Even tho it was a demo it outclasses my Um3x in nearly every way.

I own the ES5 because I was very satisfied with the sound signature of the UM3x and buying the ES5 was more convenient since I live in Europe. However, I am still quite curious whether the JH16 would have been a better choice or not. That's why I would like to ask you why you didn't like them?


May 29, 2011 at 8:56 AM Post #2,387 of 5,554

Dear ArrigoShred,
Thank you for your clear description of the JH16 Pro. To be honest I find the overall sound quality of the ES5 very good, the bass is very subtle, tight, fast and yet detailed. Due the emphasis on the midrange, the voices are still impressing me. The higher tones offer a great detail which makes it almost possible to see them actually hitting a snair drum or playing a harp. Compared to the UM3x, the ES5 tend to offer more layers of music, you can make a better distinction between every instrument. To me, everything sounds like it should sound, it is completely balanced and thus in a perfect harmony. Besides that, I found the ES5 very easy going in-ears in the sence that you can listen to them for a longer period of time which can be difficult for some headphones which have too much bass. To make a sound decision I should of course hear the JH16 pro myself, however since the ES5 in my opinion offers the right amount of bass I don't think the JH16 pro would fit me.
Hello Mopshond,

From Jaben Audio, I've tried both the ES5 and JH16 Pro demos.
Now mind you the owner of Jaben Audio Hk clearly stated that at most a demo will only represent 30-40% of the actual SQ of a proper custom, due to improper sealing and such.
In all respect to the JH 16Pro, which definitely has wonderful bass and it sounds similar to a portable surround sound system and definitely has wonderful bass, if your a big fan of the low end frequencies. However for my personal preferences I don't exactly like that sense of enveloping bass, for the JH16 Pro the bass is extremely strong, its comparable to a full sized headphone, its definitely spectacular but simply not for my tastes :)
However if you're someone that loves bass, especially enveloping bass then I would definitely recommend the Jh16 Pro, but if your someone that doesn't want a heavy bass IEM then JH 16 is definitely not the right choice for you.

What do you think about the ES5s sound? I've only tried the demo and I love it. Even tho it was a demo it outclasses my Um3x in nearly every way.



May 29, 2011 at 10:08 AM Post #2,388 of 5,554
Thanks for the description of the Es5 tone Mopshond.

Have you ever tried Sony XB700 Headphones? JH 16 offers that same texture of bass, only louder and more powerful so I guess if your satisfied with ES5 Bass then the JH16 would definitely be an overkill for you, considering that a Demo was already that powerful, the actual custom would be mind blowing :/

Dear ArrigoShred,
Thank you for your clear description of the JH16 Pro. To be honest I find the overall sound quality of the ES5 very good, the bass is very subtle, tight, fast and yet detailed. Due the emphasis on the midrange, the voices are still impressing me. The higher tones offer a great detail which makes it almost possible to see them actually hitting a snair drum or playing a harp. Compared to the UM3x, the ES5 tend to offer more layers of music, you can make a better distinction between every instrument. To me, everything sounds like it should sound, it is completely balanced and thus in a perfect harmony. Besides that, I found the ES5 very easy going in-ears in the sence that you can listen to them for a longer period of time which can be difficult for some headphones which have too much bass. To make a sound decision I should of course hear the JH16 pro myself, however since the ES5 in my opinion offers the right amount of bass I don't think the JH16 pro would fit me.


May 29, 2011 at 3:08 PM Post #2,389 of 5,554

From Jaben Audio, I've tried both the ES5 and JH16 Pro demos.
Now mind you the owner of Jaben Audio Hk clearly stated that at most a demo will only represent 30-40% of the actual SQ of a proper custom

I would double that to at least 80%.  Comparing ES5 and IERM demo to custom.  Could be I'm just well versed on universal tips and fit.  30% is just silly.  I would have stayed w/ my universals if that were true.
May 29, 2011 at 3:21 PM Post #2,390 of 5,554
I agree, as long as you're able to get a decent fit with a demo you're going to get a pretty good idea of what the full custom will sound like. Heck, I've seen reports of the JH16 full customs being used with foam tips to improve seal and SQ.
May 29, 2011 at 6:43 PM Post #2,391 of 5,554
Quick question guys!

Been a month since I ordered my ES5s :/
Still haven't arrived yet D:
Should be anytime now tho :)

Anyways I wanted to ask typically how long is the burn in period of a ES5? 

May 29, 2011 at 7:02 PM Post #2,392 of 5,554
Does anyone have any pictures of monitors done in smoke with a image that doesn't cover the whole shell? Something that has some clear in the image so that the shell shows through? I'm trying to determine if going with a red/blue emblem on smoke shells would turn out OK or if it would clash/look bad. Thanks
Reason I ask.. is here is the artwork I'm really digging right now and I'm pretty sure I'll go with this:

Also, does anyone know if Westone will do a full smoke monitor (tip and all) like Variphone does? I'd strongly prefer that!
May 29, 2011 at 7:34 PM Post #2,393 of 5,554
I'm not sure. 
I asked for a full ice blue monitor through thinking group.
I'll let you know when they arrive!
Just hold out for 1 more week or so!!
Does anyone have any pictures of monitors done in smoke with a image that doesn't cover the whole shell? Something that has some clear in the image so that the shell shows through? I'm trying to determine if going with a red/blue emblem on smoke shells would turn out OK or if it would clash/look bad. Thanks
Reason I ask.. is here is the artwork I'm really digging right now and I'm pretty sure I'll go with this:

Also, does anyone know if Westone will do a full smoke monitor (tip and all) like Variphone does? I'd strongly prefer that!

May 29, 2011 at 8:24 PM Post #2,396 of 5,554
So fast?
I'm pretty damn envious...
I ordered mine on the 1st of May, called ThinkingGroup a bit earlier today and they told me my IEMS are still in the States... Its been 4 weeks already.. and its still in the states :/
Pretty bummed about that...
Can't hold out.... they're gonna start producing mine tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get them before the end of next week (by the 11th). 

May 29, 2011 at 11:17 PM Post #2,398 of 5,554
Chill out dude. When I ordered my UE18 Pro when it was announced last year, I had to wait for two months between placing of my order and receiving the IEM.

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