W5000 Owners' Amp Registry
Jul 8, 2007 at 3:50 PM Post #122 of 185

a-LeXx, I actually heard the G&W T2.6f once, at our "special audio shop," but they don't carry it anymore. Not with the W5000, though, only with the AD2000. I thought it was overly warm, and seemed a bit thick, slow and sluggish. I realize some people prefer might prefer a kind of warm "tube" sound that can be very pleasing.

To me, details, soundstage, imaging, notes separation and air are high priorities which the AT-HA5000 delivers better than other amps I've tried with the W5000.

I currently have a G&W AT-F100, an amp that was supposedly designed specifically for AT low-impedance headphones. I think it's a great value compared to the AT-HA5000, but it just isn't as refined.
Jul 8, 2007 at 3:55 PM Post #123 of 185

Originally Posted by a-LeXx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I actually use an Aqvox and Denon's higher-end SACD as sources, no plans to upgrade them. That's the reason for my purchase of Phonic T8300, which I integrated between Aqvox and HA5000 to add some tube coloration.

Quality of the sources are not in question.


Originally Posted by a-LeXx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sounds great to my ears, I doubt there is much improvement possible in SQ at all over this set-up (for W5000). And I do prefer it over any other Amp I tried with W5000

Not much improvement possible?

I'll match my W5000+HA5000 system against yours, anyday.
Jul 8, 2007 at 8:13 PM Post #124 of 185

the G&W you've listened to sounds like some very different piece of gear judging your impressions. Actually, most people's complain about T-2.6f is, that in it's original configuration with EH6922 tubes it sounds nothing like a tube gear, but as a pure SS amp, and it's exactly what I feel about my unit.

The only time I've seen my T-2.6f as sluggish, thick, whatever, was with Jan Philips tubes. I can't stand them in the G&W, sound plain bad. Maybe they had those tubes (very popular indeed) installed in that demo unit.

Other than that - G&W is a very neutral amp, sounds as good as the tubes you use in it, nothing more, nothing less...


Originally Posted by Elephas /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'll match my W5000+HA5000 system against yours, anyday.

I guess I'll prefer mine tuned to my taste and you'll prefer yours
But I'm much more intrigued by your R10 setup
A bit OT here, but how is it doing, especially in comparision to W5000?
Jul 9, 2007 at 5:52 AM Post #125 of 185
It's great that the T-2.6f is working for you. My AT-F100 isn't getting any listening time at all; maybe I should've tried the 2.6f or another tube amp instead.

You can post in this thread regarding the R10.

I'll just say here that I think it would be perfect for you. Warm, smooth, ultra-refined, larger soundstage and better details than the W5000...all the strengths of the W5000, AD2000, L3000, HD650, K701 and none of their weaknesses...
Jul 9, 2007 at 2:31 PM Post #126 of 185
As it was with others, so it is with me. Thanks to this thread, my wallet is about US$1,700 lighter. I ordered the HA5000 and W5000 from pricejapan.com on June 30th, and had them both in my possession by July 6th. I've liked what I've heard so far. I'll have to give them some more time alone together, while eavesdropping on their conversations from time to time. I'm also curious to find out what the HA5000 and W1000 have to say to each other.
Jan 14, 2008 at 11:13 PM Post #128 of 185
Sorry I am no longer in the w5000 team. It has gone to another head-fier. But I have joined team L3000...

Jan 15, 2008 at 2:22 AM Post #131 of 185
I have a Benchmark DAC1 USB coming and I will probably be getting my w5000 love via the computer as source/(lossless files)-USB-DAC1 USB-W5000.

I've tried them on everything in my signature and so far they are best with the microstack via computer usb-usb/spdif conv - optical in in microdac.--

Keep in mind, I'm relatively new and I started waaayy to fast and I'll be evaluating for many more months before I come to any conclusions.

face it-I'm still undecided on this one and will read on....these are fussy though...but I love them...comfort/detail...the heed canamp is up there too...I have many combinations to still try but I'm going to guess that my first line in this post will be my best.
Jan 15, 2008 at 5:29 PM Post #133 of 185
I feel outclassed amongst you guys ^^ I only run mine with a Corda Move (in high gain / high voltage) sourced from computer via a digital cable. I love my W5000s, but I seriously gotta do the F5005 mod!
Jan 15, 2008 at 6:58 PM Post #134 of 185

Originally Posted by GTanaka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I feel outclassed amongst you guys ^^ I only run mine with a Corda Move (in high gain / high voltage) sourced from computer via a digital cable. I love my W5000s, but I seriously gotta do the F5005 mod!

We're envious of your ability to easily upgrade for not much money.

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