VSONIC GR07 Impressions Thread
Sep 1, 2011 at 8:44 PM Post #961 of 7,982

For what it's worth, I'm getting great isolation with Jays foam. And they don't attenuate the treble like many other third party tips.
Sep 1, 2011 at 11:41 PM Post #962 of 7,982
Just got them. Actually got them like 40minutes ago, but had to finish my assignment first! (Due in 3hrs)
Omg coming from TF10, these are at least very very comfortable...
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #963 of 7,982
Omg I'm getting scared, hope I don't get scammed off the ms2i's I just bought on head-fi :frowning2:. And I thank you i2ehan for selling me on gr07's, I'll be picking them up for sure now :)

I can't even begin to say how upset people like that make me. To try and cheat someone of their hard-earned money is just sick, and people with such intentions are straight-up scum. Karma is as real as burn-in (bad example haha 
), and it's only a matter of time until he finds himself in a similar situation. Jerk!

Audio-Technica Stay updated on Audio-Technica at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:27 AM Post #964 of 7,982
People are normally ok on the FS/T forums.//
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:30 AM Post #965 of 7,982
angrybacongod I believe you got the large jays silicone and found them larer than the large hybrids or at least stiffer or something to that effect. Given your experience should I go medium Jays over large (I wear large but usually only with really soft tips). Also are the foam worth grabbing in your experience? I'm thinking since the shipping will be the price of one pair I might as well get the foams and the silicone but wouldn't mind more comments.
Sep 2, 2011 at 12:44 AM Post #966 of 7,982
People are normally ok on the FS/T forums.//

Agreed. But I can't say that I myself am not free from doubts either, since that same seller already had 17 ratings, all positive, until s/he pulled a 360 and decided to take advantage of others. It surprises me more that, as of yet, said user remains to be banned.
@dleblanc343: you're very welcome my friend. 

Sep 2, 2011 at 1:40 AM Post #967 of 7,982
angrybacongod I believe you got the large jays silicone and found them larer than the large hybrids or at least stiffer or something to that effect. Given your experience should I go medium Jays over large (I wear large but usually only with really soft tips). Also are the foam worth grabbing in your experience? I'm thinking since the shipping will be the price of one pair I might as well get the foams and the silicone but wouldn't mind more comments.

Sorry, I only got the foams, NOT the silicone.

The foams only come in one size - big! I like them very much for two reasons. First, they don't attenuate the highs, and second, even the large Complys are borderline too small for my ears, while the Jays fit perfectly.

Sorry I can't help with the Jays silicone. :frowning2:
Sep 2, 2011 at 2:28 PM Post #968 of 7,982
Hm...so, I'm considering getting the Ts-200 or the T-130...I don't remember, has anyone tried the Ts-200 on the GR07 before?  I wanted to try out the spherical ones, but I guess I'd just go for the T-130 if people have reported that they don't fit.
Sep 2, 2011 at 2:53 PM Post #969 of 7,982
I cannot comment on which foam tip works but I can again suggest the Phonak silicone tips. 
Large opening consistent with the nozzle, for me, luckily enough is the only tip that really works and provides, well why the 07`s to me is raved about by many.
Do I hear what you hear? Who knows, just works for me and "them".
Sep 2, 2011 at 3:06 PM Post #970 of 7,982
From memory as I do not have the sony hybrids any longer the jays large is slightly larger than the sonys.  I don't think that I would say that they are stiffer though.  I may have to order a pair of phonak silicone tips to try them any particular tip for the phonak sinth?
angrybacongod I believe you got the large jays silicone and found them larer than the large hybrids or at least stiffer or something to that effect. Given your experience should I go medium Jays over large (I wear large but usually only with really soft tips). Also are the foam worth grabbing in your experience? I'm thinking since the shipping will be the price of one pair I might as well get the foams and the silicone but wouldn't mind more comments.

Sep 2, 2011 at 3:19 PM Post #971 of 7,982
I said above do you hear what I hear? Maybe.
My tips for any iem is pretty much the large, unfortunately my ears stick out a bit as well.
Left ear is a gem, even a medium works but the right one, a pain in the butt. Again large is really the only size that is quick and easy.
If you buy the Phonak tips in a large version, I will buy them from you if they do not suit you.
Not a bad deal hey? Paypal gift etc..
I will be selling the Phonaks this weekend in a bit of a clear out along with Klipsch X10, Westone 2 and weirdly the MTPC, never thought I would but the 07`s...
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:39 PM Post #972 of 7,982
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:42 PM Post #973 of 7,982
Sep 2, 2011 at 6:50 PM Post #974 of 7,982
Yeah id like to but ebay states that I have to go through my local law enforcement, which in this case is mail fraud GOing to contact the post office and see if they can help

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