Ultrasone Signature DJ
Nov 16, 2012 at 10:37 PM Post #347 of 2,701
No unfortunately I have not heard the Ed9. I would love to. I owned the Ed8, and consider the SP better in most, but not all, ways. 
Nov 17, 2012 at 12:27 AM Post #349 of 2,701
Guys, things continue to change with burn in. I need to do a more in-depth comparison using EQ measurements to be able to give a more accurate representation of the bass boost over the SP. I need to let the SDJ burn some more.
Everything aside, the bass of the SDJ is miles ahead of the Pro 900. Everything about the sound signature is more refined. Does it have AS MUCH bass impact? I can't tell you definitively, since it's been over 4 months since I got rid of my second pair. But this is a fun pair of headphones, and the bass is more plentiful than the SP, and maintains an impressive control. 
More to come. 
Nov 17, 2012 at 1:03 AM Post #350 of 2,701
Man, you're making me feel like taking the SigPro & SigDJ out of it's bubblewrap to have a listen to.
Nov 17, 2012 at 1:07 AM Post #351 of 2,701
OK, I've spent some more time with the two of these headphones, the SigPro and SigDJ. I also brought in another set of ears that is good with picking out detail in music, and I totally trust.
To us, we agree the SP is just more refined and cleaner. Treble is smoother while still being super detailed. And the mids are more natural and organic. The bass is tighter on the SP. I actually think the SP has more sub-bass, but it may be that this is only the case because the sub-bass on the SP shines through more because the SDJ has more mid-bass which overshadows the sub-bass. When I am listening to SDJ, I very much miss the refinement of the SP. And when I am listening to the SP, I crave that touch more bass. Seeing as how I own the MG6Pro for monstrous bass, I don't see myself keeping the SDJ right now. They both do things very well, but for me, I miss the refinement and control of the SP over the more robust bass of the SDJ, I am surprised to say. We both agree the SP is a classier and more fun sound. There are just less faults in the sound. 
This evaluation is far from over. I am just letting you know how it goes as it goes. Hope it helps. 

Nicely written first impressions SoundFreaq,  well thought out.  Thanks for taking the time to post them

Nov 17, 2012 at 10:40 AM Post #352 of 2,701
Guys, things continue to change with burn in. I need to do a more in-depth comparison using EQ measurements to be able to give a more accurate representation of the bass boost over the SP. I need to let the SDJ burn some more.
Everything aside, the bass of the SDJ is miles ahead of the Pro 900. Everything about the sound signature is more refined. Does it have AS MUCH bass impact? I can't tell you definitively, since it's been over 4 months since I got rid of my second pair. But this is a fun pair of headphones, and the bass is more plentiful than the SP, and maintains an impressive control. 
More to come. 

Man, you're making me feel like taking the SigPro & SigDJ out of it's bubblewrap to have a listen to.

More, please.  I was hoping to be content with my M-100, but the Sig DJ continues to pique my curiosity.  If the highs are brighter and less detailed than ED8 or are even close to the Pro 900, that would be a dealbreaker for me.  I am also curious if the Sig DJ has more or less OVERALL bass impact compared to the M-100.  I do like hearing that the DJ has more bass than the PRO.
Nov 17, 2012 at 11:20 AM Post #353 of 2,701
Having owned both headphones, if memory serves correctly, the highs of the SDJ are nowhere near the highs of either the Pro 900 or Edition 8. I sold both cans because of those highs. The SDJ is not bright like that to me.
Nov 17, 2012 at 12:33 PM Post #354 of 2,701
Using a basic equalizer, and with my specific pair of headphones, this is how I have to EQ the Sig Pro to sound like the SigDJ. And once I do achieve essentially the same sonic signature, the SP sounds fuller and more alive. Essentially I can EQ my Sig Pro to become a better Sig DJ, in my opinion. 
Bands, in Hertz: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1K, 4K, 8K, 16K
The 64Hz band is about a +3.5, and 2Khz at -1.5. So if using the SP mids as a base line, the SDJ would have about a 5db boost with a peak at 64Hz. I initially thought about 7db, but noticed the SDJ becoming a tad more evened out as burn went along. Hope this helps. 
Disclaimer: I am no expert. This is to MY ears, with my sets of headphones, which could vary from yours given Ultrasone's QC reputation. This was done using extensive A/B testing using various electronic dance tracks.

Nov 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM Post #355 of 2,701
Using a basic equalizer, and with my specific pair of headphones, this is how I have to EQ the Sig Pro to sound like the SigDJ. And once I do achieve essentially the same sonic signature, the SP sounds fuller and more alive. Essentially I can EQ my Sig Pro to become a better Sig DJ, in my opinion. 
Bands, in Hertz: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1K, 4K, 8K, 16K
The 64Hz band is about a +3.5, and 2Khz at -1.5. So if using the SP mids as a base line, the SDJ would have about a 5db boost with a peak at 64Hz. I initially thought about 7db, but noticed the SDJ becoming a tad more evened out as burn went along. Hope this helps. 
Disclaimer: I am no expert. This is to MY ears, with my sets of headphones, which could vary from yours given Ultrasone's QC reputation. This was done using extensive A/B testing using various electronic dance tracks.

Thank you for being an early adopter of these and for the detailed info so far.  Oh, how I wish you had a M-100 to compare so I could have a second valued opinion to compare to AnakChan's.  Based on your graph, I am thinking these will be a bit too bright for me compared to the M-100 which I find ideal on the high end.  Can you compare how the bass scales when boosted compared to the Sig Pro?  I'm thinking with 50mm drivers and already boosted bass, they could be effective bass cannons.
Nov 17, 2012 at 12:54 PM Post #356 of 2,701
Without that rise in the high end, the SDJ would be entirely too dark. The bass emphasis over the SP is more substantial than the treble emphasis. And if I keep this EQ setting and listen with the SDJ with it, watch out brother. That's rich stuff right there. I will experiment more with it later on. 
Nov 17, 2012 at 1:30 PM Post #357 of 2,701
Without that rise in the high end, the SDJ would be entirely too dark. The bass emphasis over the SP is more substantial than the treble emphasis. And if I keep this EQ setting and listen with the SDJ with it, watch out brother. That's rich stuff right there. I will experiment more with it later on. 

HMMMMM, holiday gifts for the entire family or treat myself to Sig DJ...... what to do?????
Nov 17, 2012 at 2:06 PM Post #358 of 2,701
Tonight I'll see how far I can push them. Stay tuned! I am a pro at trying to squeeze that 250,000 Watt pro-tuned nightclub feeling out of basscans. 
Nov 17, 2012 at 7:43 PM Post #359 of 2,701
Yeah these things can take some serious power and deliver. I EQ'd up a solid 4.5db from 50-150 or so and then fed it my LF, nearly full tilt. It was run out of the low impedance output, but it surely was more than half of the total power of the amp, which is rated at 4 watts. At the low gain output, conservatively, I was pushing a full 2 watts of bass-gained, bass centric music through these guys. They felt like the were pushing off my head. I couldn't handle it for more than a few seconds. The Sig Pros definitely can't push raw power like that. Coupled with the refinement against the other bass cans I've heard, I'd say these are easily the most capable and refined bass can I've put on my head. And the thing is, they are not deal breakers for other genres like I thought the Pro 900 was. 
Nov 18, 2012 at 1:52 AM Post #360 of 2,701
Yeah these things can take some serious power and deliver. I EQ'd up a solid 4.5db from 50-150 or so and then fed it my LF, nearly full tilt. It was run out of the low impedance output, but it surely was more than half of the total power of the amp, which is rated at 4 watts. At the low gain output, conservatively, I was pushing a full 2 watts of bass-gained, bass centric music through these guys. They felt like the were pushing off my head. I couldn't handle it for more than a few seconds. The Sig Pros definitely can't push raw power like that. Coupled with the refinement against the other bass cans I've heard, I'd say these are easily the most capable and refined bass can I've put on my head. And the thing is, they are not deal breakers for other genres like I thought the Pro 900 was. 

Great feedback, thanks.  I will wait for RMC at $699.  Since I would be using portably and won't have $$$ left over for an expensive portable amp, I wonder how they will do with my E11, if the E12 is a worthy upgrade, or if I want off-the-charts bass courtesy of a ZO2.

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