Aug 17, 2011 at 10:35 PM Post #1,651 of 2,225
hmm he sent me my block of that quilt right quick. I must have got to him before a million people started contacting him, and also i only asked for a chunk of wood and turned it myself. Whatever the case such is dealing with sort of "strangers". If you want quality and respect for time constraint talk to the Smeggy!
ps, im almost done with the thundies, just waiting on my cable im gonna use to get here and the tung oil im using to set up. I'm excited to compare this pair to the last pair i made cuz this pair has a thin (1/4 vs 1/2)  baffle and subtle cup dimension differences. These cups are pretty square as you can tell which plays a roll in the total density leaving a different feel to the headphone. We'll see! its hard with work and all to knock out a pair of thundies in a few days!   Count on my word when i tell you you'll see pictures of the finished quiltpants by the weekend :)  sound thoughts to follow
Aug 18, 2011 at 5:30 PM Post #1,653 of 2,225
While it is not one of the amps that get a lot of buzz on Head-Fi, I highly recommend the Leckerton UHA-6 DAC/Amp. Superbly made (in the US), sounds great, and reasonably priced. it is my sole DAC/Amp and I use it dozens of hours a week with my TPs, at work and at on travel.
I just bought a pair for portable use too (waiting to get them), and the only portable amp i have atm. Do you think it can power the TP's decently? And which portable amp would you say is the best, ignoring price and so on, for these cans?

Aug 18, 2011 at 5:50 PM Post #1,654 of 2,225
doubt that ...
there is still much to discuss/share concerning science/art of the 'pants ...
talk about teejaay & his misdeeds is only a bump in the road for this thread.
i will echo mrspeakers' words on this issue; teejaay = caveat emptor ... out $125 since end april and nothing but words & the occasional pix.
*coughs* This forum does not need another bilavideo.. Next thing you know they will close this thread :frowning2:

Aug 19, 2011 at 2:20 PM Post #1,655 of 2,225
Just a thought, has anyone found a carrying case of sorts that fits these? Im thinking maybe something made for the high end denons (If that even exists) might fit?
Wouldn't want to just stuff these into a bag - might just end up in a case of a 600$ "Whoopsie!"...
Aug 19, 2011 at 3:47 PM Post #1,657 of 2,225
Hmm...Yea, its just pretty humongous for everyday school-use :p
Aug 22, 2011 at 12:06 AM Post #1,659 of 2,225
well my word is trash... got caught up moving out of the apartment this weekend so couldnt sneak anytime out to finish them. soon!
Aug 22, 2011 at 1:42 PM Post #1,660 of 2,225
I regularly fly with my Thunderpants. I worked with a custom bag maker to come up with something suitable.
Fully customizable to your needs and yes that is my bag with my Thunderpants in the photo :)
Highly recommend the vendor, his stuff is first rate.
Also some of the "standard dimensions" listed are high, we went through a second revision to get it fitting just right.
At any rate you specify just how large you want it to be.
Just a thought, has anyone found a carrying case of sorts that fits these? Im thinking maybe something made for the high end denons (If that even exists) might fit?
Wouldn't want to just stuff these into a bag - might just end up in a case of a 600$ "Whoopsie!"...

Aug 22, 2011 at 2:19 PM Post #1,661 of 2,225
Cool if you dont already have a backpack..

Do you know any thunderpants slim fit box?
Guess im gonna have to DIY one :) like i did for my Kindle DX hehe

wonder if they would fit in this

what would be nice is just a hardshell over the thunderpants cups + cable holder or something. To drop in directly inside a backpack without being afraid they they will be crushed by something else
Aug 22, 2011 at 3:41 PM Post #1,663 of 2,225
Yes, though don't expect exaggerated "boom boom" bass like with Dr Dres. That is not what Thunderpants are about.
Was just listening to some April Wine and AC/DC this morning, first rate bass impact and extension as always.
so I need to ask a little question (or a big one?) about these before I even think of getting thunderpants
are the thunderpants any good for Metal/rock music?

Aug 22, 2011 at 4:21 PM Post #1,665 of 2,225

Yes, though don't expect exaggerated "boom boom" bass like with Dr Dres. That is not what Thunderpants are about.
Was just listening to some April Wine and AC/DC this morning, first rate bass impact and extension as always.


I really like the bass on my senn's hd25 tho I wouldn't care for something with less impact as long as it is noticeable
i don't favor a boom boom bass sound anyhow, not for rock, metal or any other musical genre

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