THE ZMF ATRIUM!!! and other cool LTD ZMF Stuff
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Mar 18, 2022 at 5:04 AM Post #47 of 1,373
Atrium + Tubes = <3

Mar 18, 2022 at 5:09 AM Post #48 of 1,373
So basically, VO seems to be darker and warmer with better resolution?
I'd say those statements are true, but I wouldn't want say those aspects of the differences are the most pronounced nor most important, or that they're somehow similar aside from that. They're as different from the Verite as the Verite is from the Auteur. The VO having better resolution is actually a strength of the Atrium, where it excels with poor recordings and likely would not as well were it as detailed. I think it also gives it that more analog sound where it just sounds right. They should both be thought of as very resolving headphones, despite the relatively minor better resolution of the VO.
Mar 18, 2022 at 5:34 AM Post #49 of 1,373
I'd say those statements are true, but I wouldn't want say those aspects of the differences are the most pronounced nor most important, or that they're somehow similar aside from that. They're as different from the Verite as the Verite is from the Auteur. The VO having better resolution is actually a strength of the Atrium, where it excels with poor recordings and likely would not as well were it as detailed. I think it also gives it that more analog sound where it just sounds right. They should both be thought of as very resolving headphones, despite the relatively minor better resolution of the VO.
Understood, can't wait to read more about differences than. So Verite may be a better match for tube amps as Atrium may be too analog? In any case I think Verite are one the softer side already, at least in comparison to other headphones.
Mar 18, 2022 at 5:43 AM Post #50 of 1,373
So basically, VO seems to be darker and warmer with better resolution?

I wont call VO darker and warmer: the Atrium is not a new Aeteur
I'm doing A/B tests since monday and the most relevant differences arent on the timbre.

@warrenpchi got it right: "If I had to un-pack and distill Atrium’s sound signature into a single word, that word would be analog."

Analog, neutral and headstage would be my main keywords point for the new lovely baby.
And yes... as the VO they love tubes

Mar 18, 2022 at 5:59 AM Post #51 of 1,373
Since I really enjoy the VC over the VO and had planned to listen to a loaner Eikon because of the subbass emphasis, my questions would be:

@zach915m Will there be an Atrium closed variant in the future ?

Will future Eikon limited runs be available as stock wood or limited woods ?
Mar 18, 2022 at 6:24 AM Post #52 of 1,373
the headphones are stunning. look forward to reading more about them.
Mar 18, 2022 at 6:40 AM Post #53 of 1,373
We need (I need) more info on pad rolling to know which ones to get at launch. Universe Lamb perf, suede perf, hybrid perf, Auteur lamb perf, suede perf, hybrid perf, BE2 lamb perf, suede perf and hybrid perf. Also anybody with a review unit, throw some eikon perf pads as well on them and see what happens.
Mar 18, 2022 at 7:54 AM Post #54 of 1,373
Wow. Gorgeous. Looking forward to more about these. As an owner of both a VO and VC, the descriptions are intriguing, albeit hard to pin. Had been curious in the past about the Auteur, but these really have my attention.
Mar 18, 2022 at 9:42 AM Post #58 of 1,373
Mar 18, 2022 at 9:53 AM Post #60 of 1,373
I’ll say that these play amazing with the Mogwai SE
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