The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 29, 2024 at 2:14 PM Post #84,916 of 90,842
I didn't find Anni (23) to have enough bass for me when I first got it until I tried a size down on the tips that were supplied with it and then things started to change dramatically for me . I found it had enough bass for me for all the recordings that I tried with it . I also think that if it had any more bass (quantity) , that it would lose it,s appeal for me . I originally bought it for use as a specialist iem but now since I have it , I found that I could use it as an allrounder for most of my library . I really can't see myself ever parting with this one . I thank God for all the really different flavors of tunings that I can choose from because the Anni among some others have really made me very happy in this hobby .
Mar 29, 2024 at 2:20 PM Post #84,918 of 90,842
Any experience here with Shanling M30? Just finding a shop demonstration model with 50% off.



Sounds great but apparently the software/user experience leaves a lot to be desired.
Mar 29, 2024 at 2:30 PM Post #84,919 of 90,842
Sounds great but apparently the software/user experience leaves a lot to be desired.
You know I'm a simple guy: If it has either tubes, Nutubes, or a ladder DAC, a 4.4 mm output, can sort albums, starts, has gapless play, and I can set the volume before starting the feast, then I'm happy. I literally have no need for any other feature.

Mar 29, 2024 at 2:31 PM Post #84,920 of 90,842
Maybe I'll give it another go. I've considered heating them up with a blow dryer to see if that makes them more malleable but I don't want to over stretch or permanently deform the tip.

I have a fairly reliable method for getting other tips on. I "hook" a section of the tip bore onto one side of the nozzle and then stretch and pull the tip over to get it to mount. Works well with W1s and AET07s. No luck using that method with the Omni, though.
It’s best to hook a small corner of the SpinFit tip on the nozzle and then slowly rotate the tip into position. I tried stretching the Omni barrel and it tore, forcing me to order another set. You can only stretch the tip to approximately 6.7-7mm before it tears.
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Mar 29, 2024 at 2:32 PM Post #84,921 of 90,842
NiceHCK Himalaya

Tried to ignore this because I’m at a point where I’m mostly happy with what I have. But I’m on a DD bender and caved. And I’m glad I did.


Stock everything, open listen.

It gets timbre mostly right (key requirement for me) and being a single DD, it is entirely coherent (another requirement). A nice balance of natural tonality and technicalities, resolving and well extended on both ends.

Not an extraordinarily wide or large stage but I hear clear layering and imaging, decent depth and an unusual amount of height - maybe that’s why they thought to call it Himalaya.

Bass is deep and full-throated. Treble is well extended and natural, not etched, and percussion detail is almost trippy. If I were to go looking for trouble, there’s a bit of upper mid glare that prevents mezzo-sopranos from being utterly safe. Could do with a bit more body to some alto voices. But I daresay all this comes down to preference. The highest piano notes get a tad hairy but let’s see what happens with burn in and cable rolling.

The driver is faster and more nimble than the likes of Quattro and Trifecta, and capable of more bass than Project M (and presumably more treble as well - Himalaya treble is very well extended and doesn’t need the help of any BA).

And then the driver feels like it has good weight and physicality with bass and percussion hits. However, I might go looking for more dynamic contrast - the louds don’t get quite loud enough or the softs soft enough for my tastes.

But really I like this a lot. On the burner it goes.
Mar 29, 2024 at 3:35 PM Post #84,923 of 90,842
Mar 29, 2024 at 3:46 PM Post #84,924 of 90,842
I didn’t mean to imply a majority, just that there are a good number of people who still find the bass lacking, which there are. And the most consistent comment I’ve heard about the new model is about the quality of the bass. Time will tell.
I’m one of them. I owned the A23 last summer and wasn’t in love with it. 2 things it had working against it (for me): 1) I am a bass player and audio engineer and my mixes start up the middle with bass guitar/bass synth and kick drum. 2) I found it to be VERY source dependent. Even with my studio desktop gear. The only time I got on with A23 was when I had it sourced off my console and Violectric headphone amp, and in that scenario, everything below 250Hz was lifted like I was standing in front of a Funktion One nightclub sound system. Titan and Duality are on my radar…
Mar 29, 2024 at 3:51 PM Post #84,925 of 90,842
Sounds great but apparently the software/user experience leaves a lot to be desired.
Most people base their Shanling experience on Android players and in this field we delegate most of the work to the titans that are UAPP, Hibi Player, Neutron, etc
Between all hardwares and protocols requirements and specifics implementation it require a lot of product mgnt, qa and talents.

Now imagine a brand that goes implementing the player, plus the hardware firmware while not respecting protocols like upnp and giving on new hardware to put
the very small team on interns they have to the luxury brand that is Onix instead of basic maintenance... we have product bugs ridden, inverting L and R channel
or displaying the wrong album picture while playing a song and no firmwares update for half a year.

This is barely acceptable, just giving up product when they reach the market and headfi customers serve as beta testers.
Have a read at headfi forum about EM5, EM7, EH3, amazon, headfonia, app store, android store, etc and the state of shanling software.

It's a very hard job but at least others brands acknowledge the non working features or scale down, shanling is gaslighting customers.

Since this a not a desktop player it need much less features and maybe eddict gonna covers the basics but don't do the beta testers and wait
for the review or test it before putting money on the table. No everyone can challenge Lotoo OS when leaving the android world.
Mar 29, 2024 at 4:02 PM Post #84,926 of 90,842
The best iems are the ones in your ears!
That's so true, however, in our hobby it is common that the grass is always greener on the other side, we are always more interested in IEMs that we do not own or heard.

I’m one of them. I owned the A23 last summer and wasn’t in love with it. 2 things it had working against it (for me): 1) I am a bass player and audio engineer and my mixes start up the middle with bass guitar/bass synth and kick drum. 2) I found it to be VERY source dependent. Even with my studio desktop gear. The only time I got on with A23 was when I had it sourced off my console and Violectric headphone amp, and in that scenario, everything below 250Hz was lifted like I was standing in front of a Funktion One nightclub sound system. Titan and Duality are on my radar…
Like I mentioned before, the seal of Anni 23 is very crucial. Sometimes when I was listening with Anni 23 to some hip hop music with heavy sub-bass in bed, I felt the earthquake and I had to get up and check the news to make sure it was not an earthquake. Okay, I am joking, but you get my point.
Mar 29, 2024 at 4:04 PM Post #84,927 of 90,842
I think it's plainly obvious that people here just have very different opinions of what acceptable bass is, and no matter how hard people try, it's like putting a square peg into a round hole for folks that like bass of a certain quantity/quality with the Anni 23. And that's ok.
Mar 29, 2024 at 4:07 PM Post #84,928 of 90,842
The Lavricables Grand (Silver cable) reached me today. Very nicely made cable and comes with a simple large size black pouch. The 4.4mm connector (carbon finish & Gold plug) and the 2pin connectors on the iem end are top notch. I also opted for the burn-in service where the cable is burned in by Lavricables for a fee. 100 hours or 150 hours options available and I took the 150 hours.

So when the cable arrived, it straight went onto my 64Audio A18t paired with Sony WM1AM2. Sounds balanced across the frequency range. Tastefully boosted bass with rumble. Vocals are clear with high resolution and the treble extends beautifully without any fatigue. Very nice pairing with A18t. I'll pair it with Nostalgia Audio Camelot over the weekend and see how that pairing goes.

The link to the cable for your kind reference:
Mar 29, 2024 at 4:07 PM Post #84,929 of 90,842
I really enjoyed some of the earlier Dunu when I started moving up the chain in the IEM world years back. The Dunu 2001 was like an early IEM certified a kind of high res in Japan. I absolutely loved the 3001. I remember there was one poster here who at the time was posting about listening to a number of TOTL IEM and much higher priced IEM's. He'd list his favorites out of them all, and a few times always gave an honorary mention to the Dunu 3001, saying they had a sound sig that just resonated with him still, long after he'd moved on from them.
Same here ... bought the 3001 just after they came out in 2017 and still remember how they've been some sort of everybody's darling back then but boy how time flies and everything moves so quickly in the IEMverse. I dug them out from storage just a couple days ago and while they still sound just how I remember them (not bad at all) those $500 I paid for them back then buys you something completely else these days, two or three tiers up, lol.

wanted a really nice IEM around the 1K-1.5K range tops. Something that leaned more organic and fun overall, but with relatively good technicalities across all frequencies, with the foundation being a strong well-controlled bass.
Looking forward to burning some cash on a TOTL single DD but I'm in no hurry ... good things come to those who can wait etc ...
Mar 29, 2024 at 4:29 PM Post #84,930 of 90,842
Perhaps due to limited edition, a bit hard to find Aura lovers. After heard practically almost everything in TOTL area, I still found Aura is one of the best out there. Very good in technicalities, airy and spacious, with meaty sounding and "natural" sweet vocal that what VE Phonix famous for (without being too dark and too much midbass like Phonix)
+1 Imo Aura perfected the Phoenix series Making it the most satisfying and engaging Iem I have tried till date .. that balance of technicality and musicality is top-notch

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