The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:11 PM Post #76,066 of 90,562
You'd think so but common sense is not always common in this hobby 😅
I won't pick this hobby if I have a common sense :joy:
I think many excellent points have been said, but here's my Top 5 based on my experience:

Whether on Youtube or Google or anywhere else, a lot of these TOP 10 lists that pops up easily are usually not the best place to start looking into the gear that you want. Yes, they may appear informative, but most of these lists are done by "reviewers" that spend most his/her time listening to TWS. Try to do more research, dig deeper, hopefully you will stumble onto a forum like Head-fi and get a better understanding of what you should be looking into and where you should go. (Especially in the Watercooler thread :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

This is something that i truly can't understand, since I started my IEM journey from Jaben where I was taught to TRUST MY EARS. Many IEMs these days show FR graphs as an important tool for us to 'understand' how an IEM might sound like. Yes it's an important thing to be mindful of, but I trust the old way of demoing gears as much as I can and come to a conclusion whether it's for me or not, learn by listening not reading. Audio is Aural, meant to be heard and eventually felt, not read. Oh gosh, how many times have I encountered fools who came to an audio store and refuses to listen to a gear because the "fR gRapH dOeSn'T lOoK gOoD" man, I stopped myself from throwing a punch..

Just because a brand is popular, doesn't mean that you're guaranteed a good product. Oh boy, where do i start... The first time I fell into this rabbit hole was when stupid innocent younger me was enamoured by 'Beats by Dre' advertising and how it looked cool and every artist wore one.. THANK GOD I accidentally got lost in the Adelphi Building back in 2011, got into a small headphone store called Jaben Network in Singapore, went inside and stupidly, proudly asked "Hey man, do you guys sell 'Beats By Dre' Headphones?" :sweat: the staff was nice enough not to laugh and proceeded to tell me "No we don't have that here, if you want that headphone you can try the Funan Mall next door, but by any chance do you mind trying better headphones than it?" "Whaa... there are better headphones than Beats? :astonished:" "Give this a try *handed me a Beyer Dynamic DT 880 Pro*" and the rest is history. I thank Jaben for saving my dear life and ears that day, and to that staff who kindly humbled me, thanks man....

Take your time exploring audio gears whether they are transducers, sources, cables, tips, pads, and what have you. Keep an open mind approach despite of what people say and savour different flavours of sound. Find your taste, your needs, your desires in this endless journey, go for it if you have the means, if you don't, then don't push yourself. Appreciate your gear and find a great synergy for it. Everyone has their own pace, their own rhythm in this audio journey.

Audio is an exclusively subjective hobby. So please don't take things seriously. Everyone has their own taste, their own music, their own needs, their own unique ear shape, and also their own financial stability. People may call things trash, hey, even your gear might be trash for them. But remember, trust your ears they are your best judge and because it's YOU who listens to YOUR music and YOU who enjoy YOUR gears mate, not other people, so never take things to the heart, it's not that serious. If you ever encounter such comments, just try to understand why they think so, but thats all, keep loving what you love. Remember, NOTHING should ever stop you from enjoying your music the way you like it, the way you hear it.

Bonus: Please refrain from listening at a high volume for an extended period of time. If you wanna stay in this utopia for a long time, your aural well-being always comes first.

About point number 3, I can't remember I have any interest on that brand or maybe I have but forget it I dunno :joy:
I'm quite a sceptic people and always ask around about things I rarely hear and understand (like those magic stickers we talk about last night :joy:). You have to explain something to me very carefully and in a correct way because I tend to be critical. I don't really believe that everything that is popular are always good. Give me a reason to believe that a product is good not because so many people consume or use it :wink:

Here is some of my favorite music that came out this year, in no particular order. Electronic, pop, & metal mainly.

Here is to another incredible year of listening.
Is that a vinyl album cover? Looks cool bro 🤩
Almost all parts are in, starting the new year with……

Building a 2 way speaker system 😄

Goal is to learn more about woodworking, electronics and audio theory.
(And ofc something nice sounding)

Last year I went to High/end Munich, where some mind blown systems where presented.
It inspired me to venture into creation. Especially the Fleedwood Deville.

Next year for me will be about creating and learning

For someone called Simpeler, your life is not so simple 😂
j/k I hope you enjoy your speaker building and please share with us when you are done 😁
My wedding photographer are building his own 2-ch setup too and while it looks crude but it sounds good 👍👌
Sonic quality comes first, visual can follow later 😉

I used laughing crying because us watch people are insane.
I love me some good watch too, but for me right now my ears are top priority. My dream watch are from ALS. Love their design but they are quite big for my skinny arms 🥲
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:23 PM Post #76,067 of 90,562
My interest level in anything like this right now is firmly in the negative. This thread and community has grown and thrived beyond my wildest hopes to come to the point that it is right now. I feel like there's a delicate balance of a number of factors at play and I'd hate to do anything to destabilize it. There is a tremendous confluence of people, activity, attention and above all trust here and I well understand the mindset that sees this as a golden opportunity ripe for expansion and growth. However at present I can't conceive of a way to capitalize on this that doesn't at the same time jeopardize the very factors that make it what it is and and that presently contribute to it being both sustainable and thriving. Furthermore, I do appreciate that this thread is something that doesn't really call attention to itself in a way the Youtube/social media generation is totally familar with and that it's sort of this thing that people have to hear via word of mouth or seek out and engage with in the old fashioned analogue kind of way. So for the time being I guess my attitude is if it ain't broke, don't mess with it :)

This is a lot of work. What I would do is ask someone with a current YT Channel to see if they want to take up the mantle like Sajid
There’s plenty of Watercooler regulars and semi-regulars that are written and/or YT reviewers, I think the WC love is spreading via those channels already anyway.
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:38 PM Post #76,068 of 90,562
I won't pick this hobby if I have a common sense :joy:

About point number 3, I can't remember I have any interest on that brand or maybe I have but forget it I dunno :joy:
I'm quite a sceptic people and always ask around about things I rarely hear and understand (like those magic stickers we talk about last night :joy:). You have to explain something to me very carefully and in a correct way because I tend to be critical. I don't really believe that everything that is popular are always good. Give me a reason to believe that a product is good not because so many people consume or use it :wink:

Is that a vinyl album cover? Looks cool bro 🤩

For someone called Simpeler, your life is not so simple 😂
j/k I hope you enjoy your speaker building and please share with us when you are done 😁
My wedding photographer are building his own 2-ch setup too and while it looks crude but it sounds good 👍👌
Sonic quality comes first, visual can follow later 😉

I love me some good watch too, but for me right now my ears are top priority. My dream watch are from ALS. Love their design but they are quite big for my skinny arms 🥲P_20231231_090959_1.jpg
ALS is truly marvelous! there's saxonia in 37mm or even in 35mm if you prefer smaller size watches. I also loved GS (and tuna) and gathered a few pieces over the years. just when KS was revived, my enthusiasm on watch was over so i never get a KS. now always on my galaxy watch :relaxed:
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:47 PM Post #76,069 of 90,562
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:55 PM Post #76,070 of 90,562
My audio highlight of 2023: FitEar MH334SR.


More than just another pair of customs (my sixth to be exact); the sheer amount of connections and memories captured by this awful photo taken with my phone by my night lamp at 6 am or god knows when, means the world to me.

I'd been interested in FitEar since I started lusting for CIEMs back when I was still in high school. For those unaware, FitEar dominates the Japanese professional market, probably safe to assume 99% of it. Most of the artists that I regularly listen to are rocking a pair of FitEar. Now, I don't fully buy into the whole "as intended by the artist" thing but it's a nice feeling, knowing that I'm listening with the same monitors that the artists use while performing. These are by no means the highest fidelity IEMs, and you could get "better" IEMs for the price, but despite the crazy market of options we have today, there's no denying that there's something magical about this 7+ year old, all BA IEM model. For a very long time, it seemed like an impossible dream, as it's not an exaggeration when it comes to how hard it can be to get one unless you're a Japanese resident.

Grateful to Kiats for solo carrying the international FitEar enthusiast discussions and always answering my questions, Jaben SG for hooking me up with the opportunity to purchase them in the first place, to the Watercooler troupe who accompanied me as I got the impressions done by Uncle Wilson, to Eric and Eletech for reterminating my cable (seriously the stock cable sucks for personal use), and despite having never met him, really grateful to Suyama at FitEar for connecting me with my music like no one else has ever done.

Music has the ability to send you to another place in time, but hearing this IEM will always take me back to that week of CanJam Singapore 2023.
It looks gorgeous @Sifo ! Yeah… the FitEar customs are a great example that implementation is key to how an IEM sounds. So happy for you! 🤗
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:57 PM Post #76,071 of 90,562
This is great! I’ve been working on my list the past few weeks. Ive posted my top albums end of every year I’ve been on this thread, so this will make my third time. I’m doing it a bit different this year hence why it’s Taking so long. Hopefully ya’ll will find some nuggets. I love your list and enjoy many of them! So much good music came out this year! And I have to check out a few on your list that are foreign to me. Thanks so much for sharing!
i look forward to your list! Thank you for the kind words, it's my first year here and y'all rule.
Is that a vinyl album cover? Looks cool bro 🤩
It's just a chart maker! i have some of these on vinyl though, not as many as i would like since space is sort of an issue for me at the moment. will pull from too
Dec 30, 2023 at 9:59 PM Post #76,072 of 90,562

Here’s a weekend survey question I don’t think we’ve done before: What did you sleep on/resist for far too long only for it to become an indispensable part of your life? As a twist give both audio and non audio examples if you want.
Great question.

Audio: taking another chance on an IEM after several years of very mediocre listening with my first, the HiFiMan RE2000 Gold. I was ready to pitch the idea forever but instead blind bought an EE Evo, saw the light, and the rest was history.

Non-Audio: taking a chance on a second career, after decades of a mediocre professional life. The Great Recession starting at the end of 2008 was my phone call from the universe and man am I glad I answered it. My second chapter has been brilliantly satisfying and I believe I am making a positive impact in people’s lives.
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:01 PM Post #76,073 of 90,562
i look forward to your list! Thank you for the kind words, it's my first year here and y'all rule.

It's just a chart maker! i have some of these on vinyl though, not as many as i would like since space is sort of an issue for me at the moment. will pull from too
This is the best place on the internet! 😍

And woah! Thanks for sharing that link. So cool!
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:14 PM Post #76,074 of 90,562
Here’s a weekend survey question I don’t think we’ve done before: What did you sleep on/resist for far too long only for it to become an indispensable part of your life? As a twist give both audio and non audio examples if you want.
Quitting my job to start my first business in 2004. I kept wanting to do it, but never did for fear of not being able to pay my mortgage and support my family. I got my chance when I got unexpectedly laid off from my job. If that didn't happen, I probably never would have done it. Nothing beats the feeling of starting a business, turning it profitable and knowing that you never have to rely on a paycheck ever again. It's the most liberating experience of my life.
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:20 PM Post #76,075 of 90,562
Quitting my job to start my first business in 2004. I kept wanting to do it, but never did for fear of not being able to pay my mortgage and support my family. I got my chance when I got unexpectedly laid off from my job. If that didn't happen, I probably never would have done it. Nothing beats the feeling of starting a business, turning it profitable and knowing that you never have to rely on a paycheck ever again. It's the most liberating experience of my life.
That’s a goal I’m hoping to achieve before I’m 35, might be a little late but have to start somewhere 🤷‍♂️
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:22 PM Post #76,076 of 90,562
That’s a goal I’m hoping to achieve before I’m 35, might be a little late but have to start somewhere 🤷‍♂️
It’s never too late! 🙌🏼
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:26 PM Post #76,077 of 90,562
That’s a goal I’m hoping to achieve before I’m 35, might be a little late but have to start somewhere 🤷‍♂️
It should be a requirement for graduating high school. I think it is easier to make $1M than to get admitted into Harvard. You just need to know what to do and have someone good to learn from. Certainly, not everyone can do it. You need a combination of grit, hard work, good judgment and luck. But, a lot more people can do it than even try mostly due to fear of failure.
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:34 PM Post #76,078 of 90,562
It should be a requirement for graduating high school. I think it is easier to make $1M than to get admitted into Harvard. You just need to know what to do and have someone good to learn from. Certainly, not everyone can do it. You need a combination of grit, hard work, good judgment and luck. But, a lot more people can do it than even try mostly due to fear of failure.
Making 1M is very hard. SAVING 1M is very very very hard. Day dreaming about 1M is semi easy. Imagining what gear to buy with 1M is very easy.
Last edited:
Dec 30, 2023 at 10:59 PM Post #76,079 of 90,562
Interestingly for me, I’ve been pondering this question and instead of me looking back, it has inspired me to look forward and take action on an illness that I was diagnosed with in mid 2020. It’s an autoimmune disease that is mostly irritating at best, and quite uncomfortable at worst at the moment, but has the potential for more serious consequences ultimately if left untreated… the fact that the symptoms are not the worst, and often intermittent, it’s easy to forget the issue even exists, and in the busyness of life, it stupidly gets kicked to touch. It requires significant dietary changes and probably at least annual treatment (which again I’ve chosen to ignore) but I can’t continue to wear blinkers - time to take action.

It’s strange as I look after myself well physically, and while I used to meditate on a regular basis, that also fell off a cliff when I was ill ahead of the diagnosis in 2020 - I firmly believe in the benefits of meditation, both from direct experience for probably 15 years now and the regular accounts I read in various books… yet this fell away I think due to the COVID era and being hit with the illness at around the same time. I gave up smoking about 16 years ago when my kids were very young, a switch flicked in my head to note I now have little people I’m responsible for helping to become bigger people, and ultimately smoking (30 a day) was a selfish act - what had been so difficult to do before with many attempts, became so much easier when framed that way… plus I used to spend the money every week on CDs and vinyl - a nice treat at the end of every week :) I have that same obvious switch flicking now, and already today took a small step to address the problem - ‘Kaizen’.

Aside from that, I should have bought Perpetua sooner 😜
You sir, have my highest respect on that way of thinking alone. Too bad that I can't say the same thing to my bro in laws and his wife. Both of them are unresponsible adult and parents that neglect their child by making excuse that they have a different way to raise their child but the truth is they're not ready to be a parents 😏
Heck, nobody is ready to be one. But when a child is come into your life, you have to make yourself ready for it and no compromise. I myself don't have one and already married for 4 years because both me and my wife are too busy helping at her mom's shop and hardly have a quality time for ourselves. The shop open everyday one week full and the only time we closed are on Hari Raya holiday and only for 2 or 3 days. Shop operational time is from 8.30 AM to 5 PM then we have a brief rest and work again from 7 PM to 9 PM and we do it almost everyday 😮‍💨
Oh and to add more insult to the injury, my wife suffer unbalanced hormone syndrome called PCOS and has a mild hirsutism 🥲
Thankfully I'm quite hardy even though I have a small stature, so I keep telling my wife and myself to hang on and be patient because I believe everything will be okay in the end 😁
Wish you have a healthy and happy life on 2024 and years to come.

Happy Early New Years for all my fellow Coolers here 🎉🥳
WUATB and good health on 2024. Cheers 😁
Dec 30, 2023 at 11:05 PM Post #76,080 of 90,562
I was looking through some old photos and came across these two from 2020 that I thought you might appreciate


Likewise, brought back some memories from 2018...


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